535 research outputs found

    Concrete fibrations

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    As far as we know no notion of concreteness for fibrations exists. We introduce such a notion and discuss some basic results about it

    Arctic Marine Protection

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    ... For the purposes of this discussion, the Arctic marine environment consists of the Arctic Ocean and the seas, major bays, and straits that surround it. These are the Bering, Chukchi, East Siberian, Laptev, Kara, White, Barents, Greenland, Labrador, Beaufort, northern Okhotsk and Norwegian Seas; Baffin, Hudson, and James Bays; and Davis Strait. ... The main historical threat to the Arctic marine environment was exploitation of its wildlife. Today, there are additional pressures, including oil, gas, and mineral exploration and development, pollution, tourism, and climate change. ... The eastern Russian Arctic and parts of Alaska and northern Eurasia have become warmer, while Greenland has shown a cooling trend. Pack ice is melting earlier ..., the ice cover is thinning, salinity has decreased in some areas, and shifts in ocean currents and circulation patterns have affected the mix of Atlantic and Pacific water .... The halocline appears to be shrinking, and areas of high nutrient content are showing declines. ... To date, the most common way to protect the marine environment has been to regulate human activity or to set aside areas for special measures. ... As a group, Arctic countries report that they have ample and adequate national legislation to deal with marine protection. ... One of the most common and effective methods to manage the environment has been to establish protected areas. Most countries employ a management classification system, modelled after that developed by the World Conservation Union, allowing varying degrees of human activity according to the specific objectives for the area. ... There are a number of initiatives to establish a network of protected areas in the Arctic. One is the Arctic Council's Circumpolar Protected Area Network (CPAN) of terrestrial and marine sites. This network is intended to link current national systems and to incorporate sub-networks of Wetlands of International Importance established under the Ramsar Convention (1971) and other internationally designated sites. The IUCN and its World Commission on Protected Areas have established an Arctic Task Force and developed a Pan-Arctic Action Plan. One important task will be to implement the IUCN's Global Representative System of Marine Protected Areas in the Arctic. All Arctic countries are legally empowered to set aside marine areas for conservation purposes .... However, progress in establishing marine protected areas is poor and only a few exist. A major impediment is the longstanding resistance of northern communities that depend on marine resources for their livelihood and have come to consider the term "protected area" to mean "closed to human use," isolated from the surrounding society, and separated from the mainstream of socioeconomic activity. ... Over the past decade or so, with the development of the integrated ecosystem approach to conservation, specialists have come to realize that setting aside huge tracts of land or sea in which most human use is prohibited was probably overly strict, too costly, and often politically and socially counterproductive. Many managers of protected areas have concluded that this approach was based on the problematic assumption that human activity and nature conservation are intrinsically incompatible. These attitudes are also changing. ... Protected areas are an important part of an overall marine protection strategy, but their effectiveness will be compromised unless they are integrated into broader, sustainable use plans for Arctic development. ..

    Individual protection mask with improved filtering properties: 3D printed solution guided by design materials selection

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has mobilized most countries to investigate multiple virus mitigation interventions, the face protection masks are among the main ones. Filtration and breathability are important factors in the applied materials choice. Design plays a fundamental innovative role in developing new products and materials that meet this emergency demand. 3D printing allows adjustments from an industrial production to answer an increasingly specific demand. This process allows the printing of a poly (lactic acid) (PLA) filter mesh with Tourmaline (TM) for a mask made in a triple layer with cotton fabric. One of the properties of TM is the negative ions emission, which allows capturing particles dispersed in the air. PLA is a bio-based and biodegradable polymer, with the corn as it’s most effective source. It makes it a good choice for the project, aiming to be aligned to environmental issues. In addition, the cotton application and the modeling directed to the  domestic sewing use make the project accessible to the population, adaptied to digital and personal manufacturing and aligned to the Maker Movement

    The Handbook of Self-Loathing

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    Writings and artwork on body image and dieting (including fat phobia ).https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/feminist_zines/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Signos Étnicos na Moda no século XXI: manifestações culturais pré-colombianas na criação de produtos atemporais

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    A cultura se manifesta por meio dos saberes, crenças, lendas, costumes e modos de viver de um povo, os quais podem ser deslocados e reinterpretados num produto de moda que se espera ser observado por um interpretante carregado de bagagem ou acervo cultural. A inovação formal é reativada na moda a cada instante com formas mais aberrantes e mais arbitrárias, no plano estético, com o único fim de fornecer um material sempre novo de signos distintos. Ao retratar aspectos culturais na moda seja no vestuário ou nos acessórios, o seu caráter de efemeridade se reduz, uma vez que objetos ou produtos mais atemporais são propostos. Este artigo busca uma revisão acerca da relevância das manifestações culturais e das etnias na moda, além de fazer uma abordagem do processo criativo de uma coleção de acessórios com referências nas culturas pré-colombianas dos povos Incas, Maias e Astecas. 

    A necessidade de se discutir gênero na formação dos professores de Educação Física

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    ResumoA educação do século XXI enfrenta muitos desafios; um deles é discutir e debater as questões de gênero no âmbito escolar, assunto que ainda divide opiniões em todo o território brasileiro. Segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs, 1998), é necessário enfrentar os padrões de conduta autoritária, legitimados ao longo dos anos na cultura brasileira, a fim de promover igualdade de direitos a todos os alunos e alunas no ambiente escolar. Diante do contexto apresentado, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo contribuir com a ampliação dos conceitos de gênero na formação inicial ou continuada do(a) professor(a) de Educação Física no âmbito escolar. Está pautada em levantamentos bibliográficos, principalmente nos escritos de Bourdieu, que reflete sobre o papel da escola na reprodução do capital simbólico e considera que as ações pedagógicas não são neutras. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica, destacando os principais autores que dialogam sobre gênero, além de análises das leis que orientam o tratamento do tema no interior das escolas, a fim de compreender as discussões sobre gênero.  Por fim, entende-se que quando existe formação continuada do (a) professor(a) de Educação Física, este profissional pode atuar de maneira efetiva no combate aos conflitos entre alunos e alunas, cumprindo a sua função social, ou seja, contribuindo para a formação de uma sociedade mais tolerante, igualitária e democrática.Palavras-chave: Escola. Gênero. Professor. Educação Física.Abstract21st century education faces many challenges; one of them is to discuss and debate gender issues at school, a subject that still divides opinions across the Brazilian territory. According to the National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs, 1998), it is necessary to face the standards of authoritarian conduct, legitimized over the years in the Brazilian culture, in order to promote equal rights for all male and female students in the school environment. Given the presented context, this research aimed to contribute to the expansion of gender concepts in the initial or continuing education of Physical Education teachers in the school scope. It is based on bibliographical surveys, mainly in the writings of Bourdieu, who reflects on the role of the school in the reproduction of symbolic capital and considers that the pedagogical actions are not neutral. To this end, a bibliographic review was carried out, highlighting the main authors who dialogue about gender, in addition to analyzes of the laws that guide the treatment of the topic within schools, in order to understand the discussions on gender. Finally, it is understood that when there is continuing education of the Physical Education teacher, this professional can act effectively in fighting conflicts between male and female students, fulfilling their social function, which is, contributing to the formation of a more tolerant, egalitarian and democratic society.Keywords: School. Gender. Teacher. Physical Education.ResumenLa educación del siglo XXI enfrenta muchos desafíos; uno de ellos es discutir y debatir sobre las cuestiones de género en el ámbito escolar, materia que todavía divide opiniones en todo el territorio brasileño. De acuerdo con los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales (PCNs, 1998), es necesario enfrentar los patrones de conducta autoritaria, legitimados a lo largo de los años en la cultura brasileña, a fin de promover igualdad de derechos a todos los alumnos y alumnas en el ambiente escolar. En el contexto descrito, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo contribuir con la ampliación de los conceptos de género en la formación inicial o continua del (de la) maestro(a) de Educación Física en el ámbito escolar. Se apoya en exploraciones bibliográficas, principalmente en los escritos de Bourdieu, quien reflexiona sobre el papel de la escuela en la reproducción del capital simbólico y considera que las acciones pedagógicas no son neutrales. Para ello, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, con destaque en autores que dialogan sobre género, además del análisis de las leyes que orientan el tratamiento del tema en el interior de las escuelas, a fin de comprender las discusiones sobre género. Para concluir, se entiende que cuando existe la formación continua del(de la) maestro(a) de Educación Física, ese profesional puede actuar de forma efectiva en el combate de los conflictos entre alumnos y alumnas, es decir, puede contribuir para la formación de una sociedad más tolerante, igualitaria y democrática.Palabras-clave: Escuela. Género. Profesor. Educación Física

    Dosimetry of large electron beam fields and treatment protocol for mycosis fungoides using the total skin irradiation technique

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    Introducción: La terapia total de piel con haz de electrones (TSEBT) es una técnica usada en el tratamiento de enfermedades superficiales de piel tales como linfomas cutáneos. Aunque su efectividad ha sido demostrada a través de varios estudios clínicos en estadios avanzados de la micosis fungoide, no es una técnica disponible en muchos centros de cáncer en México debido a que se requieren campos grandes de electrones para cubrir un cuerpo entero. Objetivo: Para obtener campos grandes de electrones para TSEBT, las distancias convencionales de tratamiento no son suficientes. Esto trae la necesidad de una caracterización y calibración especial del haz de electrones a distancias de 500 cm o más y la necesidad de crear un protocolo de tratamiento para TSEBT en nuestro país. Materiales y métodos: Para la puesta en marcha de esta técnica fue seleccionado el acelerador lineal ELEKTA SYNERGY, con una energía de 6 MeV a una distancia fuente-superficie (SSD) de 500 cm, en modo de alta tasa de dosis (1,000 UM = 100 Gy), usando un cono aplicador de 40 × 40 cm2 y el ángulo de gantry de 90◦, obteniendo un campo grande de electrones de 200 × 100 cm2 (área útil). La calibración de rutina fue realizada a una profundidad de referencia (Zref) de 1.4 cm a una SSD de 100 cm y un cono aplicador de 40 × 40 cm2 usando una cámara de ionización de placas plano-paralelas y un electrómetro (Scandotronix Wellhofer modelo PPC05 FOCUS) y un maniquí de agua. El mismo procedimiento fue realizado para determinar la tasa de dosis absoluta en condiciones de tratamiento (500 cm). Para la caracterización del haz de electrones en términos de porcentaje de dosis a profundidad (PDD) y perfiles de dosis, se utilizó Película Radiocrómica Gafchromic EBT2 (PRC), después de ser calibrada para electrones en un maniquí de agua sólida (Scandotronix Wellhofer) a un Zref = 1.4 cm de profundidad a una Distancia Fuente Isocentro SAD de 100 cm y de 500 cm, para obtener la ecuación de la dosis en respuesta de la densidad óptica. La PDD fue obtenida a 0, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 y 9 cm de profundidad en el maniquí. La distribución espacial de dosis fue obtenida colocando muestras de PRC de 3 × 3 cm2 sobre la pantalla de acrílico que será situada enfrente del paciente (para así obtener la dosis absorbida máxima en piel). Por último, fue propuesto un protocolo de tratamiento. Resultados: La profundidad de dosis máxima (Zref) para electrones fue de 1.4 ± 0.05 cm, de acuerdo con la distribución de dosis espacial relativa y el porcentaje de dosis en profundidad para una SSD de 500 ± 0.5 cm, sobre un área de 200 × 100 cm2. Se graficaron los perfiles del haz tanto horizontal como vertical, mostrando una simetría horizontal de ±0.35%, aplanado horizontal de ±3.62%, simetría vertical de ±2.1% y aplanado vertical de ±14.2%. Conclusiones: Los resultados de los perfiles horizontal y vertical permiten evaluar la simetría y aplanado del haz de electrones. El PDD fue analizado hasta 9 ± 0.05 cm, estableciendo la profundidad de penetración de los electrones, asegurando un tratamiento superficial a la piel.Introduction: Total Skin Electron Beam Therapy (TSEBT) is a technique used in the treatment of superficial skin diseases, such as cutaneous lymphomas. Although it has demonstrated its effectiveness through several clinical studies of the advanced stages of mycosis fungoides, it is not available in most cancer centers in Mexico, because it requires large electron fields in order to cover the entire body. Objective: In order to obtain large electron fields for TSEBT, conventional treatment distances are not sufficient. This has led to the need for an electron beam with special features and calibration at a distance of 500 cm or more, as well as the need to create a treatment protocol to develop the TSEBT programs in Mexico. Materials and methods: The ELEKTA SYNERGY Linear Accelerator was selected with a 6 MeV energy at a Source Skin Distance (SSD) of 500 cm, in high dose rate mode (1,000 MU=100 Gy), using a cone of 40×40 cm2 and the gantry angled to 90◦, obtaining a large electron field of 200×100 cm2 useful area. Routine calibration was performed at a Zref=1.40 cm and an SSD of 100 cm with a 40×40 cm2 cone using a plane-parallel ionization chamber and electrometer (Scandotronix Wellhofer model PPC05 FOCUS) and a water phantom. The same procedure for the absolute dose rate determination was also performed in treatment conditions (500 cm). For the beam characterization in terms of Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) and beam profiles, Radiochromic Gafchromic® EBT2 film (RCF) was used, after being calibrated for electrons in a solid water phantom (Scanditronix Wellhöfer) at a 1.4 cm depth and Source Axis Distance (SAD) of 100 cm and 500 cm, in order to acquire the equation relating the dose response with optical density. PDD was obtained at 0, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 cm depths in the phantom. Spatial dose distribution was obtained by placing 3×3 cm2 samples of RCF on an acrylic screen situated in front of the patient (for the purpose of obtaining maximum absorbed dose on the skin). Lastly, a treatment protocol was proposed. Results: An effective maximum dose depth (Zref) for electrons of 1.4±0.05 cm was obtained according to the relative spatial dose distribution and the percentage depth dose for a SSD of 500±0.5 cm, over an area of 200×100 cm2. Horizontal and vertical beam profiles were plotted, showing a horizontal symmetry of ±0.35%, horizontal flatness of ±3.62%, vertical symmetry of ±2.1%, and vertical flatness of ±14.2%. Conclusions: The resulting horizontal and vertical profiles enabled the electron beam symmetry and flatness to be assessed. PDD was analyzed up to a 9±0.05 cm, establishing the electron depth penetration to ensure treatment of the skin surface