165 research outputs found

    Counterfactual Building and Evaluation via eXplainable Support Vector Data Description

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    Increasingly in recent times, the mere prediction of a machine learning algorithm is considered insufficient to gain complete control over the event being predicted. A machine learning algorithm should be considered reliable in the way it allows to extract more knowledge and information than just having a prediction at hand. In this perspective, the counterfactual theory plays a central role. By definition, a counterfactual is the smallest variation of the input such that it changes the predicted behaviour. The paper addresses counterfactuals through Support Vector Data Description (SVDD), empowered by explainability and metric for assessing the counterfactual quality. After showing the specific case in which an analytical solution may be found (under Euclidean distance and linear kernel), an optimisation problem is posed for any type of distances and kernels. The vehicle platooning application is the use case considered to demonstrate how the outlined methodology may offer support to safety-critical applications as well as how explanation may shed new light into the control of the system at hand

    XNAT-PIC: Extending XNAT to Preclinical Imaging Centers

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    Molecular imaging generates large volumes of heterogeneous biomedical imagery with an impelling need of guidelines for handling image data. Although several successful solutions have been implemented for human epidemiologic studies, few and limited approaches have been proposed for animal population studies. Preclinical imaging research deals with a variety of machinery yielding tons of raw data but the current practices to store and distribute image data are inadequate. Therefore, standard tools for the analysis of large image datasets need to be established. In this paper, we present an extension of XNAT for Preclinical Imaging Centers (XNAT-PIC). XNAT is a worldwide used, open-source platform for securely hosting, sharing, and processing of clinical imaging studies. Despite its success, neither tools for importing large, multimodal preclinical image datasets nor pipelines for processing whole imaging studies are yet available in XNAT. In order to overcome these limitations, we have developed several tools to expand the XNAT core functionalities for supporting preclinical imaging facilities. Our aim is to streamline the management and exchange of image data within the preclinical imaging community, thereby enhancing the reproducibility of the results of image processing and promoting open science practices

    Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms and Explainability Techniques to Detect Hearing Loss From a Speech-in-Noise Screening Test

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of multivariate machine learning (ML) models applied to a speech-in-noise hearing screening test and investigate the contribution of the measured features toward hearing loss detection using explainability techniques. Method: Seven different ML techniques, including transparent (i.e., decision tree and logistic regression) and opaque (e.g., random forest) models, were trained and evaluated on a data set including 215 tested ears (99 with hearing loss of mild degree or higher and 116 with no hearing loss). Post hoc explainability techniques were applied to highlight the role of each feature in predicting hearing loss. Results: Random forest (accuracy = .85, sensitivity = .86, specificity = .85, precision = .84) performed, on average, better than decision tree (accuracy = .82, sensitivity = .84, specificity = .80, precision = .79). Support vector machine, logistic regression, and gradient boosting had similar performance as random forest. According to post hoc explainability analysis on models generated using random forest, the features with the highest relevance in predicting hearing loss were age, number and percentage of correct responses, and average reaction time, whereas the total test time had the lowest relevance. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that a multivariate approach can help detect hearing loss with satisfactory performance. Further research on a bigger sample and using more complex ML algorithms and explainability techniques is needed to fully investigate the role of input features (including additional features such as risk factors and individual responses to low-/high-frequency stimuli) in predicting hearing loss.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Nutritional management of the infant with chronic kidney disease stages 2-5 and on dialysis

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    The nutritional management of children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is of prime importance in meeting the challenge of maintaining normal growth and development in this population. The objective of this review is to integrate the Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce clinical practice recommendations for children with CKD stages 2-5 and on dialysis, as they relate to the infant from full term birth up to 1 year of age, for healthcare professionals, including dietitians, physicians, and nurses. It addresses nutritional assessment, energy and protein requirements, delivery of the nutritional prescription, and necessary dietary modifications in the case of abnormal serum levels of calcium, phosphate, and potassium. We focus on the particular nutritional needs of infants with CKD for whom dietary recommendations for energy and protein, based on body weight, are higher compared with children over 1 year of age in order to support both linear and brain growth, which are normally maximal in the first 6 months of life. Attention to nutrition during infancy is important given that growth is predominantly nutrition dependent in the infantile phase and the growth of infants is acutely impaired by disruption to their nutritional intake, particularly during the first 6 months. Inadequate nutritional intake can result in the failure to achieve full adult height potential and an increased risk for abnormal neurodevelopment. We strongly suggest that physicians work closely with pediatric renal dietitians to ensure that the infant with CKD receives the best possible nutritional management to optimize their growth and development.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of nutritional status in children with kidney diseases-clinical practice recommendations from the Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce

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    In children with kidney diseases, an assessment of the child’s growth and nutritional status is important to guide the dietary prescription. No single metric can comprehensively describe the nutrition status; therefore, a series of indices and tools are required for evaluation. The Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce (PRNT) is an international team of pediatric renal dietitians and pediatric nephrologists who develop clinical practice recommendations (CPRs) for the nutritional management of children with kidney diseases. Herein, we present CPRs for nutritional assessment, including measurement of anthropometric and biochemical parameters and evaluation of dietary intake. The statements have been graded using the American Academy of Pediatrics grading matrix. Statements with a low grade or those that are opinion-based must be carefully considered and adapted to individual patient needs based on the clinical judgment of the treating physician and dietitian. Audit and research recommendations are provided. The CPRs will be periodically audited and updated by the PRNT

    Assessment of nutritional status in children with kidney diseases-clinical practice recommendations from the Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce

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    In children with kidney diseases, an assessment of the child's growth and nutritional status is important to guide the dietary prescription. No single metric can comprehensively describe the nutrition status; therefore, a series of indices and tools are required for evaluation. The Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce (PRNT) is an international team of pediatric renal dietitians and pediatric nephrologists who develop clinical practice recommendations (CPRs) for the nutritional management of children with kidney diseases. Herein, we present CPRs for nutritional assessment, including measurement of anthropometric and biochemical parameters and evaluation of dietary intake. The statements have been graded using the American Academy of Pediatrics grading matrix. Statements with a low grade or those that are opinion-based must be carefully considered and adapted to individual patient needs based on the clinical judgment of the treating physician and dietitian. Audit and research recommendations are provided. The CPRs will be periodically audited and updated by the PRNT.Peer reviewe

    Assessment and management of obesity and metabolic syndrome in children with CKD stages 2-5 on dialysis and after kidney transplantation-clinical practice recommendations from the Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce

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    Obesity and metabolic syndrome (O&MS) due to the worldwide obesity epidemic affects children at all stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) including dialysis and after kidney transplantation. The presence of O&MS in the pediatric CKD population may augment the already increased cardiovascular risk and contribute to the loss of kidney function. The Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce (PRNT) is an international team of pediatric renal dietitians and pediatric nephrologists who develop clinical practice recommendations (CPRs) for the nutritional management of children with kidney diseases. We present CPRs for the assessment and management of O&MS in children with CKD stages 2-5, on dialysis and after kidney transplantation. We address the risk factors and diagnostic criteria for O&MS and discuss their management focusing on non-pharmacological treatment management, including diet, physical activity, and behavior modification in the context of age and CKD stage. The statements have been graded using the American Academy of Pediatrics grading matrix. Statements with a low grade or those that are opinion-based must be carefully considered and adapted to individual patient needs based on the clinical judgment of the treating physician and dietitian. Research recommendations are provided. The CPRs will be periodically audited and updated by the PRNT.Peer reviewe

    Management of children with congenital nephrotic syndrome: challenging treatment paradigms

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    Background: Management of children with congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS) is challenging. Bilateral nephrectomies followed by dialysis and transplantation are practiced in most centres, but conservative treatment may also be effective. / Methods: We conducted a 6-year review across members of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology Dialysis Working Group to compare management strategies and their outcomes in children with CNS. / Results: Eighty children (50% male) across 17 tertiary nephrology units in Europe were included (mutations in NPHS1, n = 55; NPHS2, n = 1; WT1, n = 9; others, n = 15). Excluding patients with mutations in WT1, antiproteinuric treatment was given in 42 (59%) with an increase in S-albumin in 70% by median 6 (interquartile range: 3–8) g/L (P < 0.001). Following unilateral nephrectomy, S-albumin increased by 4 (1–8) g/L (P = 0.03) with a reduction in albumin infusion dose by 5 (2–9) g/kg/week (P = 0.02). Median age at bilateral nephrectomies (n = 29) was 9 (7–16) months. Outcomes were compared between two groups of NPHS1 patients: those who underwent bilateral nephrectomies (n = 25) versus those on conservative management (n = 17). The number of septic or thrombotic episodes and growth were comparable between the groups. The response to antiproteinuric treatment, as well as renal and patient survival, was independent of NPHS1 mutation type. At final follow-up (median age 34 months) 20 (80%) children in the nephrectomy group were transplanted and 1 died. In the conservative group, 9 (53%) remained without dialysis, 4 (24%; P < 0.001) were transplanted and 2 died. / Conclusion: An individualized, stepwise approach with prolonged conservative management may be a reasonable alternative to early bilateral nephrectomies and dialysis in children with CNS and NPHS1 mutations. Further prospective studies are needed to define indications for unilateral nephrectomy

    Tandem plasmaferesi-emodialisi in bambini e giovani adulti

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    In pazienti che necessitino sia di plasmaferesi (PLF) che di emodialisi (ED), l'applicazione simultanea delle due metodiche, nota come tandem PLF-ED (TPE) può costituire una soluzione vantaggiosa. Tuttavia esiste scarsa esperienza circa il suo utilizzo, in particolare in età pediatrica. Abbiamo esaminato in modo retrospettivo le sedute di TPE eseguite negli ultimi 5 anni nel nostro Centro. I trattamenti di TPE sono stati 67 in 7 pazienti, di età mediana 16.2 anni (5–34) e peso mediano di 37 kg (17.0– 59.0). Le indicazioni per TPH erano: sindrome emolitica uremica atipica da deficit di fattore H, fattore I o da mutazioni non definite, nella maggior parte delle sedute (64/67 sedute), vasculite, glomerulosclerosi focale (prima del trapianto) e iperimmunizzazione in pazienti in lista per trapianto di rene. In 66/67 trattamenti la procedura è stata completata con successo, raggiungendo i volumi di sostituzione e ultrafiltrazione desiderati. La durata della PLF è stata inferiore a quella di ED, e non ha quindi comportato un prolungamento della seduta dialitica. Un unico trattamento è stato interrotto a causa di un episodio ipotensivo, in una paziente nota per ipotensioni ricorrenti. In conclusione la TPE è una procedura sicura e ben tollerata, anche in bambini e adolescenti stabili dal punto di vista emodinamico
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