356 research outputs found

    Bayesian hierarchical modelling of growth curve derivatives via sequences of quotient differences

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    Growth curve studies are typically conducted to evaluate differences between group or treatment-specific curves. Most analyses focus solely on the growth curves, but it has been argued that the derivative of growth curves can highlight differences between groups that may be masked when considering the raw curves only. Motivated by the desire to estimate derivative curves hierarchically, we introduce a new sequence of quotient differences (empirical derivatives) which, among other things, are well behaved near the boundaries compared with other sequences in the literature. Using the sequence of quotient differences, we develop a Bayesian method to estimate curve derivatives in a multilevel setting (a common scenario in growth studies) and show ow the method can be used to estimate individual and group derivative curves and to make comparisons. We apply the new methodology to data collected from a study conducted to explore the effect that radiation-based therapies have on growth in female children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

    Discovery of X-rays from the supernova remnant G0.9+0.1

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    During the BeppoSAXBeppoSAX survey of the Galactic Center region, we have discovered X-ray emission from the central region of the supernova remnant G0.9+0.1. The high interstellar absorption (N_H about 3 times 10^{23} cm^-2) is consistent with a distance of order of 10 kpc and, correspondingly, an X-ray luminosity of about 10^{35} erg s^{-1}. Although we cannot completely rule out a thermal origin of the X-ray emission, its small angular extent (radius of about 2'), the good fit with a power law, the presence of a flat spectrum radio core, and the estimated SNR age of a few thousand years, favour the interpretation in terms of synchrotron emission powered by a young, energetic pulsar.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Uses espcrc2.sty (included). To appear in The Active X-ray Sky: Results from BeppoSAX and Rossi-XTE, Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, L. Scarsi, H. Bradt, P. Giommi and F. Fiore (eds.), Elsevier Science B.

    On classification of intrinsic localized modes for the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger Equation

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    We consider localized modes (discrete breathers) of the discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation idψndt=ψn+1+ψn12ψn+σψn2ψni\frac{d\psi_n}{dt}=\psi_{n+1}+\psi_{n-1}-2\psi_n+\sigma|\psi_n|^2\psi_n, σ=±1\sigma=\pm1, nZn\in \mathbb{Z}. We study the diversity of the steady-state solutions of the form ψn(t)=eiωtvn\psi_n(t)=e^{i\omega t}v_n and the intervals of the frequency, ω\omega, of their existence. The base for the analysis is provided by the anticontinuous limit (ω\omega negative and large enough) where all the solutions can be coded by the sequences of three symbols "-", "0" and "+". Using dynamical systems approach we show that this coding is valid for ω<ω3.4533\omega<\omega^*\approx -3.4533 and the point ω\omega^* is a point of accumulation of saddle-node bifurcations. Also we study other bifurcations of intrinsic localized modes which take place for ω>ω\omega>\omega^* and give the complete table of them for the solutions with codes consisting of less than four symbols.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures. To appear in Physica

    On the vacuum fluctuations, Pioneer Anomaly and Modified Newtonian Dynamics

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    We argue that the so-called "Pioneer Anomaly" is related to the quantum vacuum fluctuations. Our approach is based on the hypothesis of the gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter, what allows considering, the virtual particle-antiparticle pairs in the physical vacuum, as gravitational dipoles. Our simplified calculations indicate that the anomalous deceleration of the Pioneer spacecrafts could be a consequence of the vacuum polarization in the gravitational field of the Sun. At the large distances, the vacuum polarization by baryonic matter could mimic dark matter what opens possibility that dark matter do not exist, as advocated by the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)

    Thermodynamics and evaporation of the noncommutative black hole

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    We investigate the thermodynamics of the noncommutative black hole whose static picture is similar to that of the nonsingular black hole known as the de Sitter-Schwarzschild black hole. It turns out that the final remnant of extremal black hole is a thermodynamically stable object. We describe the evaporation process of this black hole by using the noncommutativity-corrected Vaidya metric. It is found that there exists a close relationship between thermodynamic approach and evaporation process.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, added references, to appear in JHE

    Precision Measurement of PArity Violation in Polarized Cold Neutron Capture on the Proton: the NPDGamma Experiment

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    The NPDGamma experiment at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is dedicated to measure with high precision the parity violating asymmetry in the γ\gamma emission after capture of spin polarized cold neutrons in para-hydrogen. The measurement will determine unambiguously the weak pion-nucleon-nucleon (πNN\pi NN) coupling constant {\it fπ1^1_{\pi}}Comment: Proceedings of the PANIC'05 Conference, Santa Fe, NM, USA, October 24-28, 2005, 3 pages, 2 figure

    A measurement of parity-violating gamma-ray asymmetries in polarized cold neutron capture on 35Cl, 113Cd, and 139La

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    An apparatus for measuring parity-violating asymmetries in gamma-ray emission following polarized cold neutron capture was constructed as a 1/10th scale test of the design for the forthcoming n+p->d+gamma experiment at LANSCE. The elements of the polarized neutron beam, including a polarized 3He neutron spin filter and a radio frequency neutron spin rotator, are described. Using CsI(Tl) detectors and photodiode current mode readout, measurements were made of asymmetries in gamma-ray emission following neutron capture on 35Cl, 113Cd, and 139La targets. Upper limits on the parity-allowed asymmetry sn(kγ×kn)s_n \cdot (k_{\gamma} \times k_n) were set at the level of 7 x 10^-6 for all three targets. Parity-violating asymmetries snkγs_n \cdot k_{\gamma} were observed in 35Cl, A_gamma = (-29.1 +- 6.7) x 10^-6, and 139La, A_gamma = (-15.5 +- 7.1) x 10^-6, values consistent with previous measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Quantum vacuum and dark matter

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    Recently, the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum was proposed as alternative to the dark matter paradigm. In the present paper we consider four benchmark measurements: the universality of the central surface density of galaxy dark matter haloes, the cored dark matter haloes in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the non-existence of dark disks in spiral galaxies and distribution of dark matter after collision of clusters of galaxies (the Bullet cluster is a famous example). Only some of these phenomena (but not all of them) can (in principle) be explained by the dark matter and the theories of modified gravity. However, we argue that the framework of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum allows the understanding of the totality of these phenomena.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Nab: Measurement Principles, Apparatus and Uncertainties

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    The Nab collaboration will perform a precise measurement of 'a', the electron-neutrino correlation parameter, and 'b', the Fierz interference term in neutron beta decay, in the Fundamental Neutron Physics Beamline at the SNS, using a novel electric/magnetic field spectrometer and detector design. The experiment is aiming at the 10^{-3} accuracy level in (Delta a)/a, and will provide an independent measurement of lambda = G_A/G_V, the ratio of axial-vector to vector coupling constants of the nucleon. Nab also plans to perform the first ever measurement of 'b' in neutron decay, which will provide an independent limit on the tensor weak coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, talk presented at the International Workshop on Particle Physics with Slow Neutrons, Grenoble, 29-31 May 2008; to appear in Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Physics Research

    Logarithmic Corrections to Rotating Extremal Black Hole Entropy in Four and Five Dimensions

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    We compute logarithmic corrections to the entropy of rotating extremal black holes using quantum entropy function i.e. Euclidean quantum gravity approach. Our analysis includes five dimensional supersymmetric BMPV black holes in type IIB string theory on T^5 and K3 x S^1 as well as in the five dimensional CHL models, and also non-supersymmetric extremal Kerr black hole and slowly rotating extremal Kerr-Newmann black holes in four dimensions. For BMPV black holes our results are in perfect agreement with the microscopic results derived from string theory. In particular we reproduce correctly the dependence of the logarithmic corrections on the number of U(1) gauge fields in the theory, and on the angular momentum carried by the black hole in different scaling limits. We also explain the shortcomings of the Cardy limit in explaining the logarithmic corrections in the limit in which the (super)gravity description of these black holes becomes a valid approximation. For non-supersymmetric extremal black holes, e.g. for the extremal Kerr black hole in four dimensions, our result provides a stringent testing ground for any microscopic explanation of the black hole entropy, e.g. Kerr/CFT correspondence.Comment: LaTeX file, 50 pages; v2: added extensive discussion on the relation between boundary condition and choice of ensemble, modified analysis for slowly rotating black holes, all results remain unchanged, typos corrected; v3: minor additions and correction