607 research outputs found

    Studio retrospettivo delle complicanze oculari, iatrogene ed infiammatorie, in una coorte di pazienti affetti da uveite

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    • Obiettivo: lo scopo di questo studio consiste nella valutazione dell’attività dei primi tre anni di lavoro dell’ambulatorio uveiti di Pisa, mediante un’analisi retrospettiva dei pazienti che vi hanno fatto accesso. In particolare, l’attenzione si è focalizzata sui reliquati oculari dell’infiammazione e sugli eventi iatrogeni avversi nella coorte di pazienti affetti da uveite. Essendo nella maggior parte dei casi individui aventi una patologia sistemica di base (in particolare di pertinenza reumatologica), facendo largo utilizzo di steroidi e conoscendo gli effetti collaterali di questi sull’occhio, lo studio ha cercato di mettere in mostra la correlazione esistente fra quantità di corticosteroide assunto e complicanze oculari. • Metodo: dopo l’analisi di tutti i pazienti che avevano fatto accesso all’ambulatorio uveiti, sono stati inclusi nello studio solamente quelli con almeno una visita di controllo (cioè con un minimo periodo di follow-up). I dati, reperiti dalle cartelle cliniche di questi pazienti, sono stati catalogati all’interno di due tabelle: una relativa alla prima visita, l’altra all’intero periodo di follow-up. Dall’analisi dei dati di queste, è stato valutato l’andamento nel tempo degli effetti infiammatori e iatrogeni oculari (considerando fra i primi le sinechie anteriori e posteriori, l’edema maculare cistoide, la necessità di iridotomia; fra i secondi l’ipertono, il glaucoma e la cataratta). Successivamente, dalle due tabelle ne sono state estrapolate altre due, andando a suddividere l’intera coorte di pazienti reclutati nello studio nel sottogruppo di quelli che avevano fatto terapia steroidea e non. È stato, allora, possibile il confronto, sempre relativo agli effetti flogistici e iatrogeni, fra due gruppi di soggetti aventi infiammazioni oculari, ma trattati in maniera diversa (anche in funzione dell’aggressività della patologia di base). • Risultati: la coorte di pazienti che ha fatto accesso nell’arco di tre anni all’ambulatorio uveiti è molto eterogenea in età, patologia di base e andamento dell’infiammazione oculare. Considerando i dati relativi alla prima visita e all’intero follow-up, l’andamento nel tempo degli effetti infiammatori e iatrogeni oculari mostra un incremento, ma non significativo. L’unico dato emerso è quello relativo all’aumento statisticamente significativo del numero di recidive nei pazienti che non usano terapia steroidea rispetto al totale dei soggetti considerati nello studio. Dal confronto dei due sottogruppi di pazienti in terapia steroidea sistemica e in assenza di questa, invece, possiamo avere dei dati più importanti. Per quanto riguarda i reliquati infiammatori, non ci sono differenze significative fra i due gruppi, dipendendo più dalla patologia di base, dalla gravità della flogosi e dal numero di eventi acuti. Per quanto concerne gli effetti iatrogeni, invece, possiamo affermare che la terapia steroidea sistemica induce con probabilità maggiore del 95% eventi avversi oculari: l’ipertono e il glaucoma (e la chirurgia per la sua terapia) risultano statisticamente aumentati nei soggetti in terapia. Discorso diverso deve essere intrapreso per l’incidenza della cataratta: essendo una degenerazione quasi fisiologica del cristallino che aumenta con l’età, per non avere dei dati falsamente positivi, è stato necessario suddividere ulteriormente i pazienti in minori e maggiori di 60 anni, escludendo questi ultimi dal confronto. È emerso che gli steroidi aumentano di una probabilità maggiore del 95% la possibilità di avere una cataratta precoce. Guardando l’andamento degli effetti iatrogeni in funzione della dose di steroidi assunta, inoltre, è stato possibile notare come queste due variabili si muovessero quasi parallelamente fra loro. • Conclusioni: possiamo affermare che, nel corso del follow-up, la maggior parte delle uveiti progredisce nonostante la terapia, lasciando esiti flogistici sull’occhio che peggiorano la capacità visiva dei pazienti. Gli effetti iatrogeni avversi sono legati all’assunzione di steroidi per via sistemica ed aumentano in maniera quasi proporzionale a questa. Perciò, oggi la tendenza punta ad un trattamento alternativo con i cosiddetti farmaci “risparmiatori di steroidi”, anche se i cortisonici rappresentano ancora il cardine per il trattamento delle flogosi oculari. Trovare una terapia stabile e definitiva per le uveiti, allora, non è possibile, essendo patologie con andamento variabile, imprevedibile e diverso fra un paziente e l’altro. L’analisi ed il confronto dell’attività degli ambulatori che gestiscono queste patologie, allora, potrebbe rivestire un ruolo importante nel tentativo di stabilire i migliori percorsi terapeutici per i pazienti affetti da uveite

    Un percorso di trasformazione nel nuovo assetto detentivo/riabilitativo post OPG: esposizione di un caso

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    L’articolo illustra il lavoro psicologico-clinico effettuato all’interno della “Articolazione per la Tutela della Salute Mentale in Carcere”, nuovo contesto di cura ed assistenza nato alla luce dei radicali cambiamenti attivati dal processo di superamento degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari (OPG) e che accoglie soggetti autori di reato affetti da patologia psichiatrica, garantendone un’osservazione costante ed interventi riabilitativi ad alta intensità terapeutica. Il caso presentato, attraverso la narrazione del percorso detentivo/riabilitativo di un soggetto, iniziato con la reclusione in regime ordinario, proseguito con l’assegnazione all’OPG e con il successivo approdo presso l’Articolazione SMC (Salute Mentale in Carcere), ed esitato nel trasferimento in un contesto comunitario, mira ad essere esemplificativo della valenza trasformativa di un approccio rivolto al paziente che, nella gestione della patologia psichiatrica, superi i limiti di un assetto prevalentemente custodialistico, spesso predominante nei pregressi contesti ad essa dedicati, e dia priorità alle finalità terapeutico-riabilitative

    Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in equine sarcoid

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    Background: Sarcoids are the mostcommon skin tumors in horses, ch aracterized by rare regression, invasiveness and high recurrence following surgical intervention and Delta Papillomaviruses are widely recognized as the causative agents of the disease. In order to gain new insights into equine sarco id development, we have evaluated, in 25 equine sarcoids, by immunohistochemistry and western blotting analysis, the expression levels of VEGF, Ki67 and bcl-2. Moreover, we have measured microvessel density an d specific vessel parameters. Results: All sarcoid samples showed a strong and finely granular cytoplasmatic staining for VEGF in the majority (90%) of keratinocytes, sarcoid fibroblasts and endothelial cells. Numerous small blood vessels, immunostained with Von Willebrand factor, often appeared irregular in shape and without a distinct lumen, with mean values of microvessel area and perimeter lower than normal. Moreover, in all sarcoid samples, Ki67 immunoreactivity was moderately positive in 5 – 10% of dermal sarcoid fibroblasts, while Bcl2 immunoreactivity was detected in 52% of the sarcoid samples, with a weak staining in 20 – 50% of dermal sarcoid fibroblasts. Biochemical analysis was consistent with immunohistochemical results. Conclusions: This study has provided evidence that in equine sarcoid: VEGF was strongly expressed; the increased number of vessels was not associated with their complete maturation, probably leading to a hypoxic condition, which could increase VEGF synthesis; the levels of sarcoid fibroblasts proliferation were very low. Concluding, VEGF may have a role in equine sarcoid development, not only through the increase of angiogenesis, but also through the control of sarcoid fibroblast activity

    Heart rate variability analysis in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome: a case report

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    The authors present a case of 36 year old male patient with idiopathic postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) diagnosed during head-up tilt testing. Power spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) during the tilt test revealed that the ratio of low and high frequency powers (LF/HF) increased with the onset of orthostatic intolerance. This analysis confirmed in our patient a strong activation in sympathetic tone

    Perhexiline maleate enhances antitumor efficacy of cisplatin in neuroblastoma by inducing over-expression of NDM29 ncRNA

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    High Risk Neuroblastoma (HR-NB) is a pediatric cancer characterized by high malignancy and remarkable cell heterogeneity within the tumour nodules. In a recent study, we demonstrated that in vitro and in vivo over-expression of the non-coding RNA NDM29 (neuroblastoma differentiation marker 29) induces NB cell differentiation, dramatically reducing their malignancy. Among gene expression changes, differentiated phenotype induced by NDM29 is characterized by decrease of the expression of ABC transporters responsible for anticancer drug resistance. Thus, the pharmacological induction of NDM29, in principle, might represent a possible novel strategy to increase cytotoxic drug responses. In this work, we identify a small molecule able to induce the expression of NDM29 in NB cells, conferring to malignant cells increased susceptibility to cisplatin cytotoxic effects. We demonstrate that the pharmacological induction of NDM29 expression in vivo enhances the antitumoral effects of chemotherapy specifically on tumour initiating/cancer stem cells sub-population, usually refractory to therapies and responsible for tumour relapse. In summary, we suggest a novel therapeutical approach possibly useful to treat very aggressive NB cases with poor prognosis. This novel pharmacological strategy aims to promote differentiation of "stem-like" cells to render them more susceptible to the killing action of cytotoxic anticancer drugs

    Vascular endothelial growth factor-C stimulates the migration and proliferation of Kaposi's sarcoma cells.

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    Recent evidence suggesting vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C), which is a regulator of lymphatic and vascular endothelial development, raised the question whether this molecule could be involved in Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), a strongly angiogenic and inflammatory tumor often associated with infection by human immunodeficiency virus-1. This disease is characterized by the presence of a core constituted of three main populations of "spindle" cells, having the features of lymphatic/vascular endothelial cells, macrophagic/dendritic cells, and of a mixed macrophage-endothelial phenotype. In this study we evaluated the biological response of KS cells to VEGF-C, using an immortal cell line derived from a KS lesion (KS IMM), which retains most features of the parental tumor and can induce KS-like sarcomas when injected subcutaneously in nude mice. We show that VEGFR-3, the specific receptor for VEGF-C, is expressed by KS IMM cells grown in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, VEGF-C induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of VEGFR-2, a receptor also for VEGF-A, as well as that of VEGFR-3. The activation of these two receptors in KS IMM cells is followed by a dose-responsive mitogenic and motogenic response. The stimulation of KS IMM cells with a mutant VEGF-C unable to bind and activate VEFGR-2 resulted in no proliferative response and in a weak motogenic stimulation, suggesting that VEGFR-2 is essential in transducing a proliferative signal and cooperates with VEGFR-3 in inducing cell migration. Our data add new insights on the pathogenesis of KS, suggesting that the involvement of endothelial growth factors may not only determine KS-associated angiogenesis, but also play a critical role in controlling KS cell growth and/or migration and invasion

    Risorsa cultura: modelli internazionali di management dei beni culturali

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    Indice: Beni culturali e sviluppo del territorio Il ruolo della cultura nella provincia di Napoli Stoa' per il management dei beni culturali RSO ed i beni culturali Le best practice L'idea progettuale. Considerazioni preliminari. Lo study tour come strumento di formazione Partecipanti al progetto Esperti che hanno partecipato al progetto I progetti: La valorizzazione culturale del waterfront dell'area di Napoli est. Dal vetro al cristallo. Dal decentramento al coordinamento: le biblioteche comunali di Napoli. Pianificazione e controllo dell'offerta culturale. La rete delle realta' culturali... in Comune. Ecomuseo del monte Somma: l'altra faccia del Vesuvio. Siti e miti delle sirene. Santi in provincia. Rete di qualita' integrata dei servizi culturali dei comuni a nord di Napoli. Beni culturali e vantaggio competitivo territorial

    Boosting antitumor responses of T lymphocytes infiltrating human prostate cancers

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    Immunotherapy may provide valid alternative therapy for patients with hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer. However, if the tumor environment exerts a suppressive action on antigen-specific tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), immunotherapy will achieve little, if any, success. In this study, we analyzed the modulation of TIL responses by the tumor environment using collagen gel matrix–supported organ cultures of human prostate carcinomas. Our results indicate that human prostatic adenocarcinomas are infiltrated by terminally differentiated cytotoxic T lymphocytes that are, however, in an unresponsive status. We demonstrate the presence of high levels of nitrotyrosines in prostatic TIL, suggesting a local production of peroxynitrites. By inhibiting the activity of arginase and nitric oxide synthase, key enzymes of L-arginine metabolism that are highly expressed in malignant but not in normal prostates, reduced tyrosine nitration and restoration of TIL responsiveness to tumor were achieved. The metabolic control exerted by the tumor on TIL function was confirmed in a transgenic mouse prostate model, which exhibits similarities with human prostate cancer. These results identify a novel and dominant mechanism by which cancers induce immunosuppression in situ and suggest novel strategies for tumor immunotherapy

    Fast emitting nanocomposites for high-resolution ToF-PET imaging based on multicomponent scintillators

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    Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography is a medical imaging technique, based on the detection of two back-to-back {\gamma}-photons generated from radiotracers injected in the body. Its limit is the ability of employed scintillation detectors to discriminate in time the arrival of {\gamma}-pairs, i.e. the coincidence time resolution (CTR). A CTR < 50 ps that would enable fast imaging with ultralow radiotracer dose. Monolithic materials do not have simultaneously the required high light output and fast emission characteristics, thus the concept of scintillating heterostructure is proposed, where the device is made of a dense scintillator coupled to a fast-emitting light material. Here we present a composite polymeric scintillator, whose density has been increased upon addition of hafnium oxide nanoparticles. This enhanced by +300% its scintillation yield, surpassing commercial plastic scintillators. The nanocomposite is coupled to bismuth germanate oxide (BGO) realizing a multilayer scintillator. We observed the energy sharing between its components, which activate the nanocomposite fast emission enabling a net CTR improvement of 25% with respect to monolithic BGO. These results demonstrate that a controlled loading with dense nanomaterials is an excellent strategy to enhance the performance of polymeric scintillators for their use in advanced radiation detection and imaging technologies

    Unearthed opium. Development of a UHPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of Papaver somniferum alkaloids in Daunian vessels

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    Introduction: The analysis of organic residue in ancient vessels to investigate early-age civilization habits is an important archeological application that needs advanced analytical methods. However, these procedures should meet inherent requisites such as low sampling invasiveness and high sensitivity for trace analysis. This study deals with the development of advanced analytical methods for the detection of opium alkaloids in ceramic vessels and its first application to the study of Daunian pots dating back to the VIII-IV sec BC.Methods: All the stages of the analytical procedure, from sampling to analysis, were carefully optimized. Concerning sampling, the traditional scraping approach was compared with a swabbing strategy which permitted minimizing sample encroachment. Extraction was based on pressurized liquid extraction or ultrasound-assisted liquid extraction, followed by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction, which allowed concentration enrichment. On the other hand, a UHPLC-MS/MS method was specifically developed and validated to obtain reliable data. Some Daunian pots, belonging to the Ceci-Macrini private archeological collection, were selected for sample withdrawal as their iconography could suggest opium usage.Results: Several of the analyzed samples resulted positive to thebaine and less frequently to morphine and codeine; furthermore, 70% of the analyzed items tested positive for at least one opium alkaloid. Positive findings were common to all the samples collected in the pots, suggesting that scraping and swabbing provided comparable results and validating this unusual sampling strategy. All samples were additionally analyzed by UHPLC-HRMS to further improve the confidence level of the identified compounds. The obtained results shed new light on the hypothesis of opium usage by the ancient Daunian civilization. Furthermore, this study provided suitable analytical tools for further investigations on the same topic, with a good level of confidence in the quality of the results