676 research outputs found

    Simulation And Analysis Of Indian Air Traffic

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    Air Traffic Density In India And The World At Large Is Growing Fast . The Airspace And Air Traffic Management Therefore Need Augmentation Of System Capability Without Compromising Safety . This Report Addresses The Judicious Use Of Simulation Facilities To Predict Present And Futuristic Problems. It Is Intended To Help Service Providers Plan And Come Out With Strategies For Air Traffic Management. "State Of The Art Simulation Facilities Are Also Useful In Training A Team Of Reliable, Safe And Efficient Air Traffic Controllers . The Report Presents Results Of Simulation Of Three International Airports : One Existing In Bangalore, The One Planned At Devanahalli And The One In Cochin . The Problems Addressed Are Those Of Delay Encountered At The Three Airports, Controller Workload And Noise Contours Around The Bangalore Aerodrome

    Modelling,simulation, and analysis of HAL Bangalore13; international airport

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    Air traffic density in India and the world at large is growing fast and posing challenging13; problems. The problems encountered can be parameterized as flight delay, workload of air traffic13; controllers and noise levels in and around aerodromes. Prediction and quantification of these13; parameters aid in developing strategies for efficient air traffic management. In this study, the13; method used for quantifying is by simulation and analysis of the selected aerodrome and air13; space. This paper presents the results of simulation of HAL Bangalore International Airport,13; which is used by civil as well as military aircraft. With the test flying of unscheduled military13; aircraft and the increase in the civil air traffic, this airport is hitting the limit of acceptable delay.13; The workload on air traffic controllers is pushed to high during peak times. The noise contour13; prediction, especially for the test flying military aircraft is sounding a wake up call to the13; communities living in the vicinity of the Airport.13

    Persistent organic pollutant transport and fate: Assessment by molecular tracers

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    Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as the organochlorine pesticide hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) may undergo atmospheric transport and accumulate in regions remote from the source. It is important to develop techniques to help apportion source and identify transport or transformation processes to which HCHs and other mobile POPs may be subjected. Molecular tracers such as compound specific stable isotope and enantiomer ratios (ERs) may prove valuable in studying POP fate and transport. The objective of this study was to further develop the use of these two novel geochemical tools to evaluate the sources, transport and environmental fate of POPs, in the context of studying the fate and transport of HCH, a globally distributed POP. In the first part of my study, I evaluated the potential for using stable isotope ratios to track POP source and transport, using HCH in laboratory simulations of global distillation. I compared the relative fractionation of carbon versus deuterium isotopes during air-water gas exchange along a strong temperature gradient. The hypothesis, that perdeuterated, but not necessarily carbon-labeled compounds would show measurable and significant fractionation during air-water transfer, was validated within the confines of the experimental system. The results suggest that it may be possible to use a dual tracer approach on a larger scale, in which carbon isotopes could be used to track POP source, while fractionation of deuterium may be used to track POP transport distance. In the second part of the study, I evaluated the potential for use of ERs to evaluate HCH biodegradation. The rationale was that most enzymatic processes are stereoselective, enantiomers of pesticides may microbially degrade at significantly different rates, leading to increased environmental persistence of the non-degradable isomer. to bridge the gap between microbial and chemical information on enantioselective processes, I measured microbial activity, abundance, concentrations and enantiomer ratios of HCH in air and surface waters of the York River estuary. HCH concentrations and ERs were related with microbial activity but there were seasonal variations in enantioselectivity suggesting that seasonal as well as spatial differences in microbial communities may affect HCH ERs. The relationship between microbial parameters and enantioselective degradation appears to be complex and warrants further study before ERs can be used as effective tracers of chiral POP transport

    Andrews University partners with the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians

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    Satellite Image Denoising Using Discrete Cosine Transform

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    The process of adding and removing the noises to an image is said to be as Image denoising. The process can be used in many image applications. This paper presents a method of satellite image denoising scheme using a wavelet transform called as Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). The noise that is added in this scheme is the salt and pepper noise. By using hard thresholding method in the noise image the co-ordinates of the image can be changed and the original image can be retrieved by removing the noise. This can be done by Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT). The performance measures of the proposed system can be done by measuring the PRNR values of the denoised image

    Modelling, Simulation, and Analysis of HAL BangaloreInternational Airport

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    Air traffic density in India and the world at large is growing fast and posing challengingproblems. The problems encountered can be parameterized as flight delay, workload of air trafficcontrollers and noise levels in and around aerodromes. Prediction and quantification of theseparameters aid in developing strategies for efficient air traffic management. In this study, themethod used for quantifying is by simulation and analysis of the selected aerodrome and airspace. This paper presents the results of simulation of HAL Bangalore International Airport,which is used by civil as well as military aircraft. With the test flying of unscheduled militaryaircraft and the increase in the civil air traffic, this airport is hitting the limit of acceptable delay.The workload on air traffic controllers is pushed to high during peak times. The noise contourprediction, especially for the test flying military aircraft is sounding a wake up call to thecommunities living in the vicinity of the Airport

    A New Sensor Based Communication for Environmental Monitoring

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    This paper presents the development of a new sensor based communication for environmental monitoring at far off locations. In this proposed system the parameters of sensors are sent to any device having internet by using wireless LAN based on IEEE 802.11b/g standards. The parameters are also sent to mobile phones using GSM. This system includes embedded systems, sensor networks, coordination and management processes and services to capture physical data and to act on the physical environment, all integrated under a intelligent decision system. The system eliminates large amount of solutions, provides the data where network coverage exists

    Hybrid Cryptography and Steganography-Based Security System for IoT Networks

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    Despite the fact that many IoT devices are publicly accessible to everyone on the network, understanding the security risks and threats posed by cyber attacks is critical; as a result, it should be safeguarded. Plain text is constructed into encrypted text, before being delivered by using cryptography, and is then reconstructed back to plain text after receiving a response from the recipient. The steganography technique can be used to hide sensitive information incorporated in a text, audio, or video file. One approach is to hide data in bits that correspond to successive rows of pixels with the same color in an image file.  As a consequence, the image file retains the original's appearance while also containing "noise" patterns made out of common, unencrypted data. To do this, the encrypted data is subtly applied to the redundant data. In this work, it is suggested that IoT network data be encrypted using cryptography, and that an encrypted message be concealed inside an image file using steganography. Additionally, it is suggested to enhance the number of bits that may be stored within a single picture pixel.  The payload that may be sent through an image is significantly increased by incorporating Convolutional Neural Networks into the classic steganography technique. In this work, we propose, design, and train Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to enhance the amount of data that can be securely encrypted and decrypted to show the original message

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Harga dan Promosi terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan melalui Kepuasan Pelanggan PT. Matahari Silverindo Jaya Semarang

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    Matahari Silverindo Jaya is a company who have to proceed glass and mirror. This company was build in 2001 in Candi Industrial Area Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. To improve their profit, this company make a new product, such as tempered glass and porselein. After that, Matahari Silverindo Jaya make their product with machine.The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of service quality, price and promotion on loyalty through cotumer satisfaction at Matahari Silverindo Jaya Company Semarang. The type of this research is Explanatory Research with data used in this study is primary data obtained using questionnaire and library research. Analysis of data using simple linear regression and multiple regression test with SPSS 16.0. While hypothesis testing using the t test, f test, correlation coefficient, and the coefficient of determination.Based on the analysis it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between service quality to satisfaction, positive and significant influence between price to satisfaction, positive and significant influence between promotion to satisfaction, posiitive and significant influence between service quality, price and promotion to satisfaction between service quality to loyalty, positive and significat influence between price to loyalty, positive and significant influence between promotion to loyalty, there is positive and significant influence between quality of the service, price and promotion to loyalty, there is positive and significant influence between service quality to loyalty.Sugestion for the company is to meke their product on time and with the good quality of the basic ingredients. Besides that, the company must improve their delivery and promotion, in order for their product information can be accept by the consumer