581 research outputs found

    Grassroots Participation and Feminist Gender Identities: A Case Study of Women from the Popular Sector in Metropolitan Lima, Peru

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    As women become active in grassroots organizations, they assume gender consciousness that generally leads them to adopt or experience “feminist gender identities,” which is illustrated with ethnographic material collected in Lima, Peru. I also provide a summary of the latest historical development in Peru as a framework to locate the activism of poor women as a new phenomenon arising with the “globalization crises” or the Lost Decade for Latin America. While I frame the study of women’s participation as part of social movement theory, I challenge and re-interpret traditional approaches to the study of women’s involvement and activities

    Migraciones y cambios : trayectorias, identidades y transformaciones de inmigrantes brasileños en Portugal

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    Este trabajo aborda la temática de la migración y sus efectos transformadores en las esferas individual, social e identitaria, según es sufrida por los/las inmigrantes, mostrando como modelan los procesos de adaptación e integración en el país de destino. Estos cambios y transformaciones son ejemplificados recurriendo a narrativas de inmigrantes brasileños residentes en Portugal. Diferenciamos los cambios que experimentan en tres grandes categorías: a) los que ocurren a nivel personal, en las formas de socializar y de sentir, b) los que se relacionan con el tipo de empleo y experiencia laboral, y c) los que suceden en las identidades. Dentro de los cambios identitarios se destacan la identidad nacional, que adquiere gran relevancia, así como la identidad de género que en Portugal deriva en estigmatización

    Brazilian migration to Portugal. Social networks and ethnic solidarity

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    This paper describes the flux of Brazilian newcomers to Portugal. It focuses on the type of interactions and social networks they make use of, in both the country of origin and destiny, in order to find housing and work and build support. It also looks at gender differences in the use of networks, and explores the issue of ethnic solidarity in social relations among Brazilians migrants. This work is based on more than 40 in-depth interviews and ethnographic fieldwork carried out in Lisbon and Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil).O artigo descreve a nova vaga de imigrantes brasileiros em Portugal. Centra-se no tipo de interacções e redes sociais utilizadas pelos brasileiros tanto no país de origem como no destino, para encontrar moradia e emprego e na construção dum sistema de apoio. Considera também as diferenças de género na utilização das redes e explora a solidariedade étnica nas relações entre brasileiros migrantes. O trabalho baseia-se em mais de 40 entrevistas em profundidade e no trabalho etnográfico desenvolvido em Lisboa e no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, no Brasil

    Integration of brazilian immigrants in portuguese society: problems and possibilities

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    Paper delivered at the 9th International Metropolis Conference "Co-operative Migration Management", September 27 - October 1, 2004. Geneva, SwitzerlandThis paper touches upon different aspects related to the integration of Brazilians into Portuguese society, including work discrimination, access to services, access to housing, etc. Do Brazilians feel integrated? How important is legalization as a condition for integration? What are the main problems Brazilians have faced upon arrival to Portugal? In addition this presentation considers the image and stereotypes of Brazilian immigrants which vary depending on their gender, class and race, as well as their consequences

    Yeast diversity in artisanal cheeses: biotechnological applications

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    The impact of yeasts on food production, quality and safety is closely linked with their ecology and biological activities. Recently, as a consequence of the relationship between diet and health, yeasts are becoming relevant as new probiotics or for the production of bioactive compounds. In dairy products, yeasts play a key role in proteolysis, lipolysis and lactose fermentation during cheese ripening, promoting the development of sensory properties, particularly aroma. This thesis focuses on the yeast diversity in artisanal cheeses produced in the Natural Park Serra d¿Espadà (Castelló) from ewes¿ and goats¿ raw milk. Different molecular techniques have been employed in order to characterize yeast isolates. Moreover, the succession of species along the cheese ripening process was studied. The intraspecific variability of the most abundant identified species Debaryomyces hansenii and Kluyveromyces lactis was also assessed. Additionally, the potential of Kluyveromyces marxianus and K. lactis ß-galactosidases to synthetize prebiotic oligosaccharides from lactose and lactulose was tested. Finally, Kluyveromyces and Debaryomyces isolates were investigated for the production of cheese aromatic compounds.Padilla López, B. (2014). Yeast diversity in artisanal cheeses: biotechnological applications [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/36065TESI

    Real and symbolic dimensions of the "refugee crisis" in Europe: a critical analysis from Portugal

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    Este trabajo aborda algunas de las dimensiones reales ysimbólicas interactuantes en la llamada ?crisis de refugiados en Europa?,declarada en 2015 y que se desarrolla hasta la actualidad. Por medio deuna estrategia metodológica que combina de forma articulada, técnicasde investigación cualitativas con el uso de fuentes secundarias, sepropone un análisis crítico del fenómeno con el foco puesto en Portugal,con el objetivo de mapear cuáles son las percepciones sociales sobre elmismo.Fil: Padilla, Beatriz. Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; PortugalFil: Goldberg, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Portugal. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Transnational scientific mobility. Perspectives from the North and the South

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    The relevance of international mobility of scientists has been increasing immensely in the last decades. World changes resulting from the advancement of globalization such as the improvement of new technologies, the reduction on travel costs, the consolidation of international economic blocks and the growing importance of knowledge for economy growth have contributed to the internationalization of science and academia worldwide. In this new scenario, international scientific mobility refers to the movement of individuals bringing about questions regarding the production, circulation and transfer of knowledge, information and technology

    International student mobility in Southern-Latin Europe: beyond the EU logics, towards a new space

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    This paper discusses international student mobility (ISM) in Southern-Latin Europe, specifically Italy, Portugal, and Spain, analysing the inflow of international students as reflected in the UNESCO, OECD and European Commission databases. Only recently Italy, Portugal and Spain, as latecomers, have become more actively involved in ISM dynamics. This trend has been a response to EU pressures to internationalization, instrumented through the consolidation of the Bologna process and the need to build a common space of higher education. The analysis shows that at the intra-European level Italy, Portugal and Spain share similar ISM patterns; however, in the global context other logics shape ISM dynamics. This study confirms the great potential that Italy, Portugal and Spain, or the Southern-Latin European space, have to attract international students both from the EU and from other world regions

    La inmigración brasileña en Portugal y España: ¿sistema migratorio ibérico? (Brazilian immigration in Portugal and Spain: Iberian immigration system?)

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    Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer un análisis comparativo de la migración brasileña en España y Portugal a través de su contextualización en la emigración brasileña internacional reciente, la descripción de las características básicas y de los principales perfiles de esta población y del estudio de las motivaciones de la emigración y de la elección del país de destino. El estudio se basa fundamentalmente en las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por las autoras en el contexto portugués, español y brasileño desde una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa. Los resultados de la investigación señalan la presencia de similitudes y divergencias en los dos contextos de recepción de la migración brasileña. Sin embargo, el predominio de los paralelismos nos lleva a sugerir la existencia de una migración brasileña ibérica.Abstract: The aim of this article is to carry out a comparative analysis of Brazilian migration to Spain and Portugal, by providing a contextualization within the recent Brazilian international emigration flows, and a description of its basic features and main profiles of the population; and by offering explanations about the motivations for migration and about the selection of the country of destination. The study is mainly based on qualitative research carried out by the authors in the Portuguese, Spanish and Brazilian contexts. Results highlight similarities and differences in both contexts of reception of Brazilian immigration, however the prevalence of parallelisms suggests the existence of an Iberian Brazilian migration system

    Ciudadanía transnacional: latinoamericanos en Portugal

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    Este artículo reflexiona sobre el ejercicio de la ciudadanía como consecuencia de la migración internacional, aplicado al caso de los latinoamericanos residentes en Portugal. Para ello adoptamos el concepto de ciudadanía transnacional por su maleabilidad, ya que permite considerar la perspectiva conjunta de los países de origen y de destino, así como también la influencia de las relaciones binacionales e internacionales. Nos preguntamos cómo se ejerce la ciudadanía transnacional en los espacios iberoamericano, europeo comunitario y, concretamente, portugués, y si la crisis económica que afecta a Europa y, en particular, a Portugal ha tenido alguna influencia en la forma de ejercer la ciudadanía transnacional. Para ello se analizan los casos particulares de los argentinos, brasileños y uruguayos en este país