1,713 research outputs found

    Failure environment analysis tool applications

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    Understanding risks and avoiding failure are daily concerns for the women and men of NASA. Although NASA's mission propels us to push the limits of technology, and though the risks are considerable, the NASA community has instilled within, the determination to preserve the integrity of the systems upon which our mission and, our employees lives and well-being depend. One of the ways this is being done is by expanding and improving the tools used to perform risk assessment. The Failure Environment Analysis Tool (FEAT) was developed to help engineers and analysts more thoroughly and reliably conduct risk assessment and failure analysis. FEAT accomplishes this by providing answers to questions regarding what might have caused a particular failure; or, conversely, what effect the occurrence of a failure might have on an entire system. Additionally, FEAT can determine what common causes could have resulted in other combinations of failures. FEAT will even help determine the vulnerability of a system to failures, in light of reduced capability. FEAT also is useful in training personnel who must develop an understanding of particular systems. FEAT facilitates training on system behavior, by providing an automated environment in which to conduct 'what-if' evaluation. These types of analyses make FEAT a valuable tool for engineers and operations personnel in the design, analysis, and operation of NASA space systems

    Sa-8 operational trajectory

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    Trajectory optimization for Saturn I /SA-8/ LAUNCH vehicle to place S- IV stage and payload in elliptical orbi

    Using Experiments, 3D Scanning, and Computational Fluid Dynamics to Analyze Variance in Minor Loss Coefficients

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    As water moves through pipes, it loses energy. The energy losses are due to friction and the minor losses associated with various pipe fittings, which change the direction of flow. Pipe bends, or elbows, are a common pipe fitting and a significant source of energy loss in piping systems. This research was performed to better understand the variability of energy loss due to different pipe elbow designs and to investigate methods to replicate these losses using numerical simulations. Eight pipe elbows, all 3-inch, 90-degree, schedule 40 PVC elbows that vary by radius of curvature and/or end connection type, were tested to determine the energy loss caused by each. The energy losses between the elbows with the same radius of curvature varied by up to 51% at a given flow rate. Reversing the flow direction through the elbows changed the energy loss by up to 14% for a given elbow. A numerical model was created to simulate flow through two of the eight elbows. To determine the importance of modeling small geometric details, two geometries were produced for each elbow: an ideal geometry and the actual geometry. The ideal geometry was created using measured dimensions but included no geometric abnormalities. A 3D scanner captured the actual geometry, which included finer details of each elbow. The simulations using the more accurate geometry did not consistently produce a more accurate energy loss compared to the ideal geometry simulations. This suggests the smaller details of the elbows captured using 3D scanning may not be significant when modelling energy losses in pipe fittings

    C-NNAP - A parallel processing architecture for binary neural networks

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    This paper describes the CNNAP machine, a MIMD implementation of an array of ADAM binary neural networks, primarily designed for image processing. CNNAP comprises an array of VME cards each containing a DSP, SCSI controller, and a new design of the SAT peripheral processor. The SAT processor is a dedicated hardware implemention that performs binary neural network computations. The SAT processor yields a potential speed-up of between 108 times to 182 times that of the current DSP with its dedicated coprocessor. CNNAP in association with the SAT provides a fast, parallel environment for performing binary neural network operations

    Measuring Health Care Costs of Individuals with Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in the U.S.: A Comparison of Survey and Claims Data

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    As the core nationally representative health expenditure survey in the United States, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is increasingly being used by statistical agencies to track expenditures by disease. However, while MEPS provides a wealth of data, its small sample size precludes examination of spending on all but the most prevalent health conditions. To overcome this issue, statistical agencies have turned to other public data sources, such as Medicare and Medicaid claims data, when available. No comparable publicly available data exist for those with employer-sponsored insurance. While large proprietary claims databases may be an option, the relative accuracy of their spending estimates is not known. This study compared MEPS and MarketScan estimates of annual per person health care spending on individuals with employer-sponsored insurance coverage. Both total spending and the distribution of annual per person spending differed across the two data sources, with MEPS estimates 10 percent lower on average than estimates from MarketScan. These differences appeared to be a function of both underrepresentation of high expenditure cases and underestimation across the remaining distribution of spending.

    On the unconstrained expansion of a spherical plasma cloud turning collisionless : case of a cloud generated by a nanometer dust grain impact on an uncharged target in space

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    Nano and micro meter sized dust particles travelling through the heliosphere at several hundreds of km/s have been repeatedly detected by interplanetary spacecraft. When such fast moving dust particles hit a solid target in space, an expanding plasma cloud is formed through the vaporisation and ionisation of the dust particles itself and part of the target material at and near the impact point. Immediately after the impact the small and dense cloud is dominated by collisions and the expansion can be described by fluid equations. However, once the cloud has reached micro-m dimensions, the plasma may turn collisionless and a kinetic description is required to describe the subsequent expansion. In this paper we explore the late and possibly collisionless spherically symmetric unconstrained expansion of a single ionized ion-electron plasma using N-body simulations. Given the strong uncertainties concerning the early hydrodynamic expansion, we assume that at the time of the transition to the collisionless regime the cloud density and temperature are spatially uniform. We do also neglect the role of the ambient plasma. This is a reasonable assumption as long as the cloud density is substantially higher than the ambient plasma density. In the case of clouds generated by fast interplanetary dust grains hitting a solid target some 10^7 electrons and ions are liberated and the in vacuum approximation is acceptable up to meter order cloud dimensions. ..
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