988 research outputs found

    Polish Migration Policy in the Context of the Migration Crisis

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    The migration crisis of 2015 has left its mark on many EU countries. Some, such as Greece or Spain, were countries on the front line. Others, namely Germany, Great Britain, and Sweden became destination countries for many newcomers. Some, like the countries of the Visegrad Group, opposed the actions and decisions of the EU made in the face of the crisis. European solidarity has become a big question mark and we can observe a serious upsetting of the whole integration project which is, of course, up for discussion. This state of affairs consisted of the attitudes towards the crises of such countries as Poland or Hungary, where anti-mmigration and populist parties came to power, creating a vision of flexible solidarity on the European political scene. The purpose of this article is to analyse the Polish migration policy, show the direction of the changes in its construction along with the change of government and the societal reaction to strangers, as a direct result of actions taken by the ruling parties. It is mportant to understand the political, economic and social context of the changes occurring in the social consciousness and to attempt to formulate a forecast for the future

    Neverbalna komunikacija u razredu

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    When it comes to communication, language allows people to communicate with great precision as it represents an important tool of communication. However, it is not always the most important one and it is often said that how people act is more important than what they say. If our nonverbal communication is not aligned with the words we have spoken, our message will be misinterpreted. Majority of messages we exchange with people around us have a nonverbal component to them. We are often unaware of both our as well as of other people’s nonverbal communication since it consists of numerous channels or subcodes, such as proxemics, haptics, physical appearance, kinesics, vocalics, and many other. When children reach school age, a whole new world of communication opens to them and they also learn how to express themselves. Therefore, teachers must be able to approach children on their level of communication, and one way to do it is via nonverbal communication. Every skillful teacher must be aware of his/her nonverbal communication. Despite the fact that it is not easily controlled, nonverbal behaviour plays an important role in teaching process. Bearing in mind the power of this type of communication, the aim of this thesis is to give an overview of the forms of possible teachers’ nonverbal communication behaviours and the effects they have on students’ success, especially in light of the fact that teachers play an important role in raising children, not just educating them

    Integration Policy of Immigrants With Particular Emphasis on Ukrainian Children in Poland

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    Migrations have accompanied humankind for hundreds of years. The journeys made to “pursue bread” as the Polish put it, have been ingrained in historical and social processes taking place on both regional and global scales. Decisions to relocate are frequently underpinned by economic reasons, but political, religious, social or climatic reasons can also be factors. These deci sions are taken by adults, but their scope and effects also extend to children. The challenges that these children face come in the form of problems with adaptation, education, and the priority of values, oftentimes – loneliness, a lack of close relations, and a reduced sense of security during their stay in foreign environments. The refugee situation is a specific case and a chal lenge for children. The aim of this article is to highlight the problem of the integration/assimilation of Ukrainian children in Poland who have arrived here as a result of their parents’ informed migration decisions, as well as those who have ended up here as a consequence of the war that Russia has been waging against Ukraine since 24th February 2022

    Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Projectile Impact Angle on Armour Plate Protection Capability

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    This research manuscript describes the process of degradation of an Armox 600 armour plate during the impact of a 5.56×45 mm SS109 projectile. The creation process of the numerical FEM model of the projectile is presented. The projectile impact angle is set between 15° and 90°, and this phenomenon is investigated via numerical and experimental approaches. The experiment is conducted under the same conditions as the numerical approach to validate the FEM model. The experiments are conducted using a high-speed camera. This research manuscript presents the influence of the projectile impact angle on the degradation of the armour plate and its protection capability for different angles. The results demonstrate the dependence of the transferred energy on the armour plate, speed of the particles after impact, and trace dimensions on the armour plate for different impact angles


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    The article deals with war, as experienced by human beings. The authors agree that war is materially and psychosocially costly. They present experts’ opinions who professionally examined emotions and attention issues as well as dealt with the problems related to the psychological aspects of war. The main conclusion is that it is impossible to take part in a real war without experiencing strong emotions and incurring high psychological costs associated with participation in war operations. Death, injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, illness and disability are examples of the most dramatic physical consequences, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety are some of the effects of emotional disorders. War also contributes to disrupting the normal course of family and social life, causing suffering to people, which is very characteristic of the course of hostilities. This paper shows how people, who experienced war, respond to traumas and it presents different views on possible reactions. It also lists the consequences of psychological nature caused by hybrid warfare

    Controversies about the value of the third cosmic velocity

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    The purpose of writing this article was to derivate the formula for the third  cosmic  velocity using  only  the  laws  of  conservation  in  the  heliocentric  reference  system.  It  turns  out  that  it  can  be done  by  using  elementary  mathematics,  thanks  to  which  the reasoning  and  calculations  are  affordable  for  one  interested  in  this  subject.  By  the  way,  we  wanted  to  discuss  the  errors  that  appear  even  in  well-known  textbooks  and  professional  articles,  whose  commitment  leads  to  incorrect  results.  The  magnitudes  of  the  third  cosmic  velocity  obtained  by  us  are:  v3average  =  16.68  km/s,  v3perihelion  =  16.57  km/s  and  v3aphelion  =  16.79  km/s.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Stronger involvement of the private security sector in the security of Poland

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    Polska wzorem innych państw włączyła prywatny sektor ochronny do systemu bezpieczeństwa pod koniec XX wieku. Prawie od początku prywatne firmy zajmujące się ochroną osób i mienia rozwijały się w szybkim tempie. Początek istotnego udziału sektora niepaństwowego w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa w Polsce po II wojnie światowej dała Ustawa o Straży Przemysłowej z 31 stycznia 1961, która ograniczała działalność do obiektów państwowych, ale już kilka lat później Ustawa o ochronie osób i mienia z 22 sierpnia 1997 r.-pierwsze specjalne, odrębne uregulowanie prawne na poziomie ustawy w zakresie ochrony mienia i osób w Polsce -dokonała rewolucji w udziale prywatnego sektora w bezpieczeństwie. Wraz z upływem lat rosła w Polsce liczba firm ochroniarskich, rozszerzał się też zakres ich działań ochronnych a także rosło znaczenie ochrony osób i mienia w państwie. Prywatyzacja zadań dotyczących ochrony wynikała głównie z faktu, iż organy i instytucje państwa nie były w stanie same zabezpieczyć wszystkich zadań dotyczących bezpieczeństwa. Wraz z rozwojem firm ochroniarskich pojawiały się wyzwania dot. zakresu zadań oraz uprawnień pracowników ochrony. Wzrastał też udział technologii w działalności ochronnej. Jednym z istotnych wyzwań stawały się regulacje prawne, stanowiące podstawę do działalności prywatnych firm ochroniarskich i dające określone uprawnienia ich pracownikom. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prześledzenie tych rozwiązań prawnych oraz zaproponowanie nowych uregulowań, które pozwoliłyby na szersze wykorzystanie firm ochroniarskich w Polsce oraz zapewnienie, by już działające firmy i sami pracownicy ochrony mogli bardziej efektywnie działać na rzecz bezpieczeństwa Polski.At the end of the 20th century Poland, following the example of other countries, included the private security sector in the security system. Almost from the very beginning, private companies dealing with personal and property protection developed at a rapid pace. Obtaining the substantial involvement of non-state sector in security after World War II was triggered by the Act on the protection of persons and property of August 22, 1997 -the first special, separate legal regulation at the level of the act on the protection of property and persons in Poland. It has introduced revolutionary changes into the private sector participation in state security. As the years passed, the number of security companies grew, and the scope of their protective measures in Poland also expanded. The importance of protecting people and property in the state grew. The privatization of security-related tasks resulted mainly from the fact that state authorities and institutions were not able to secure all security-related tasks on their own. Along with the development of security companies, there were challenges regarding the scope of tasks and rights of security staff. The share of technology in protective activities has also increased. One of the major challenges was the legal regulations constituting the basis for the activities of private security companies and giving specific rights to their employees. The purpose of this article is to trace these legal solutions and propose new regulations that would allow wider use of security companies in Poland and to ensure that already operating companies and security guards themselves could act more effectively for the security of Poland

    Robust and Efficient Planning using Adaptive Entropy Tree Search

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    In this paper, we present the Adaptive EntropyTree Search (ANTS) algorithm. ANTS builds on recent successes of maximum entropy planning while mitigating its arguably major drawback - sensitivity to the temperature setting. We endow ANTS with a mechanism, which adapts the temperature to match a given range of action selection entropy in the nodes of the planning tree. With this mechanism, the ANTS planner enjoys remarkable hyper-parameter robustness, achieves high scores on the Atari benchmark, and is a capable component of a planning-learning loop akin to AlphaZero. We believe that all these features make ANTS a compelling choice for a general planner for complex tasks

    Bulk nanobubbles from acoustically cavitated aqueous organic solvent mixtures

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    We investigate the existence and stability of bulk nanobubbles in various aqueous organic solvent mixtures. Bulk nanobubble suspensions generated via acoustic cavitation are characterized in terms of their bubble size distribution, bubble number density, and zeta potential. We show that bulk nanobubbles exist in pure water but do not exist in pure organic solvents, and they disappear at some organic solvent–water ratio. We monitor the nanobubble suspensions over a period of a few months and propose interpretations for the differences behind their long-term stability in pure water versus their long-term stability in aqueous organic solvent solutions. Bulk nanobubbles in pure water are stabilized by their substantial surface charge arising from the adsorption of hydroxyl ions produced by self-ionization of water. Pure organic solvents do not autoionize, and therefore, nanobubbles cannot exist in concentrated aqueous organic solvent solutions. Because of preferential adsorption of organic solvent molecules at the nanobubble interfaces, the surface charge of the nanobubbles decreases with the solvent content, but the strong hydrogen bonding near their interfaces ensures their stability. The mean bubble size increases monotonically with the solvent content, whereas the surface tension of the mixture is sharply reduced. This is in agreement with literature results on macro- and microbubbles in aqueous organic solutions, but it stands in stark contrast to the behavior of macro- and microbubbles in aqueous surfactant solutions

    Transformation and ecotoxicological effects of iodinated X-ray contrast media

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    Iodinated X-ray contrast media (ICM) such as diatrizoate, iohexol, iomeprol, iopamidol, and iopromide are commonly used in medical imaging for radiological visualization of a variety of anatomic structures. Because of their highly persistent nature and poor removal by conventional wastewater treatment, ICM can often remain unchanged after entering the environment or they are transformed into many different by-products in complex physical, chemical, and biological processes. Large amounts of ICM and their by-products are found in natural waters, groundwater, drinking water (up to 100 lg/L), and even in soil, where they can be a potential threat to the inhabitants of these environments. Because knowledge about the fate of ICM in various environments is dispersed and it concerns specific areas, the main purpose of this review is to summarize the available information about their occurrence, chemical and biological transformation/degradation, and toxicity to living organisms. The topics discussed particularly focus on mechanisms of ICM degradation/transformation in water using advanced oxidation processes and the biotransformation/biodegradation of ICM by microorganisms under different conditions, as well as the toxicity of ICM and their transformation byproducts to humans and other organisms. Although environmental risk is not expected from the parent compounds of ICM, their continuous input to the water and the formation of toxic by-products may constitute a long-term potential risk for living organisms. Therefore, monitoring the transport and fate of ICM in various environments seems necessary