1,204 research outputs found

    The Boomerang Effect: How Nurses' Regulation of Patients' Affect Associates With Their Own Emotional Exhaustion and Affective Experiences

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    Recent research has shown that the intentional regulation of others’ affect has effects not only on the target (e.g., a patient) of the regulation, but also on the agent (e.g., a nurse). In particular, the use of intentional interpersonal affect regulation strategies has been found to predict employees’ emotional exhaustion (EEx). Use of affect-worsening strategies is associated with an increase in EEx, whereas the effect of using affect-improving strategies is less clear. Another relevant consequence of interpersonal affect regulation is its effect on affective experiences, which is one of the main determinants of job attitudes. This study tests the relationships between the interpersonal affect regulation strategies that nurses use to regulate their patients’ affect and the nurses’ EEx and affective experiences. A longitudinal 2-wave field study was conducted in sample of nurses. Participants completed a questionnaire on 2 different occasions, 2 months apart (Time 1 [T1], Time 2 [T2]). Of the 141 participants at T1, 103 also completed the survey at T2. Longitudinal hierarchical regression analyses showed that using affect-worsening strategies was a significant predictor of nurse’s EEx, whereas using affect-improving strategies did not significantly predict their EEx. For affective experiences, use of affect-worsening strategies was related to nurses experiencing low-activation negative affect (e.g., feeling depressed); whereas affect-improving strategies was related to them experiencing low-activation positive affect (e.g., feeling calm). Results support the view that intentional regulation of patients’ affect needs to be considered not only in relation to the patients’ perception of service quality but also from the perspective of nurses’ well-being

    Design and validity of a badminton observation tool (BOT)

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    La metodología observacional permite analizar deportes en contexto y dinámicas habituales. El objetivo principal fue la construcción y validación de una herramienta observacional ad hoc para analizar el bádminton individual, que incluye la trayectoria de los desplazamientos como variable no analizada anteriormente. Constituida por 13 criterios y 47 categorías mutuamente excluyentes, fueron analizadas 287 acciones del Campeonato de Mundo de Bádminton 2015. Para la validación se utilizó el coeficiente Kappa de Cohen y la teoría de la generalizabilidad. Se han obtenido resultados, tanto para la herramienta como para cada uno de los criterios de forma individual, superiores a 0,98 estando por encima de 0,81 que propone la literatura como “casi perfecto”. El análisis de la generalizabilidad se realizó mediante un modelo de dos facetas (Categoría/Observador = C/O) y reveló que la fiabilidad era excelente (1,00). La herramienta diseñada es válida y fiable para el análisis de las conductas del bádminton individualObservational methodology allows analysing sports’ specific behaviour context. The main purpose of this manuscript was to develop and validate an ad hoc observational tool for badminton singles games, which includes lunges trajectories as a non-analysed variable till this study. For that reason, the observational tool consists of 13 criteria and 47 categories mutually exclusive. 287actions of the 2015 Badminton World Championship were analysed. With the aim to assess the tool’s validity Cohen’s Kappa and generalizability theory were used. The outcomes for complete observational tool and for each criterion exceed 0.98, being above 0.81 proposed by literature as “almost perfect”. Generalizability analysis was done by two sides model (Category/Observer = C/O) and showed an excellent reliability (1.00). It could be said that it is a reliable tool designed for recording and analyzing the behaviour of badminton singles playersEste trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la Generalitat Valenciana y su programa de becas ACIF 2016/121 para la contratación de personal investigador en formación y al apoyo del proyecto de la Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir: Estudios en el deporte de élite desde los Mixed Methods: técnicas de estudio de análisis comparativos [UCV2017/230/002

    La fijación externa monolateral en el tratamiento de las fracturas femorales del niño: experiencia preliminar en 20 casos

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    Veinte niños con fracturas femorales diafisarias simples fueron tratados mediante fijación externa con el aparato de Wagner. Once eran niños y 9 niñas, con una edad media de 8 años (3-15). Doce fracturas eran mediodiafisarias, 6 en el tercio proximal y 2 en el tercio distal. La hospitalización media fue de 9 días (5-20). La duración media de fijación externa fue de 61 días. Cinco casos precisaron de algún tratamiento adicional. En 3 pacientes se detectó una infección en el trayecto de los clavos y 1 de ellos necesitó retirada prematura del aparato. La movilidad articular de la rodilla se restableció de modo completo y constante excepto en 1 caso. En los casos seguidos más de 18 meses se observó un hipercrecimiento medio del fémur fracturado de 0,8 cm (0,5- 1,5). No hubo desaxaciones ni malrotaciones. Las ventajas de la fijación externa en el tratamiento de las fracturas femorales del niño incluyen Un mejor control de los fragmentos fracturarlos, una menor hospitalización y un cuidado más fácil y confortable de los pacientes. La infección del trayecto de los clavos parece ser la complicación más seria. En esta serie se detectó una curva de aprendizaje.Twenty children with simple femoral-shaft fractures were treated by monolateral external fixation with the Wagner device. There were 11 boys and 9 girls with a mean age of 8 years (3-15). Twelve fractures were located at the midshaft, 6 at the proximal third, and 2 other at the distal third of the femur. The mean hospital stay was 9 days (5-20). Mean external fixation time was 61 years. In 5 cases, additional methods of treatment were required. Pin tract infection occurred in 3 cases (one needed premature removal of the device). Except for one case, full range of knee motion was usually achieved after treatment. In patients followed for more than 18 months, a mean femoral overgrowth of 0.8 cm (0.5-1.5) was detected. Neither angular deformities nor malrotations were observed. In our experience, the main advantages of external fixation for femoral-shaft fractures in children include less hospitalization time and an easier and more confortable nursing. External fixation allows a better control of the bone fragments, providing an adequate stability. Pin tract infection seems to be the most important drawback. A learning curve was observed in this series

    Large Experimental Segmental Bone Defects Treated By Bone Transportation With Monolateral External Distractors

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    Monolateral frames were applied to five dogs and ten lambs for treatment of large segmental bone defects (LSBD) surgically induced in one of their femoral diaphyses. Reconstruction was attempted by bone transport, as developed by Ilizarov. Monolateral frames were used to minimize the draw-backs of Ilizarov's circular device. Radiographic, computed tomographic, and histologic studies were performed. The skin and soft tissues were not a major obstacle for the longitudinal migration of the screws during bone transport. Four months after the operations, healing and remodeling of the bone defect was always satisfactory. Histologically, the repair of the lengthened segment followed an intramembranous ossification pattern in its central areas and in the periphery as well. At the end of the experiment, the new induced bone had a virtually normal diaphyseal bone appearance. Bone transport for the treatment of experimental LSBD can be completed in monolateral frames

    The District Energy-Efficient Retrofitting of Torrelago (Laguna de Duero – Spain)

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    The urban growth is estimated to reach up the 66 % by 2050 and consequently the need of resources within the cities will increase significantly. This, combined with the 40 % of energy consumption and 36 % of CO2 emissions of the building sector, makes necessary to accelerate the transition towards more sustainable cities. The CITyFiED project contributes to this transition, aiming to develop an innovative and holistic methodological approach for energy-efficient district renovation and deliver three large scale demonstration cases in the cities of Lund (Sweden), Laguna de Duero (Spain) and Soma (Turkey). CITyFiED methodology consists of several phases that ease the decision-making tasks towards the district renovation, considering the energy efficiency as the main pillar and local authorities as clients. For the case of Torrelago district (Spain) the intervention consists of a set of energy conservative measures including the facąde retrofitting of 143.025 m2 of living space in 31 twelve-storey buildings; the renovation of the district heating network with a new biomass thermal plant; the integration of renewable energy sources, including a micro-cogeneration system, and the installation of individual smart meters. After the renovation action, one-year monitoring campaign is ongoing. The CITyFiED monitoring platform will collect information from the energy systems and deliver environmental, technical, economic and social key performance indicators by March 2019. At the end of the project the achievement of the predefined goals will be verified: Up to 36 % of energy saving and 3,429 tons-CO2/yr emissions saving covering the 59,4 % of the energy consumption with renewable sources.The research and results presented in this paper evolve from activities related to the CITyFiED project, which has received funding from the European Commission under the Grant Agreement no. 609129. This article is the result of cooperative research work of many experts from various countries and we would like to gratefully acknowledge the rest of the CITyFiED partners

    Bone lengthening by physial distraction. An experimental study.

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    Experimental physial distraction was carried out in the distal part of the femur in 45 two-month old lambs in order to study the basic mechanisms of lengthening as well as the viability of the growth cartilage after using this method. The animals were divided into three groups (A, B and C), and each group into three subgroups (1, 2 and 3) according to the rate of distraction used (2 mm/day, 1 mm/day, 0.5 mm/day) and the time of sacrifice. The results obtained show that the basic lengthening mechanisms consists, firstly, in the production of a fracture between the metaphysis and the epiphysis and, secondly, that the lower the distraction speed employed, the greater is the short-term and long-term viability of the growth cartilage. Optimum viability was observed at a distraction rate of 0.5 mm/day. On this basis we conclude that in clinical practice physical distraction could be indicated for children at an early stage of skeletal growth and repeated later provided that the rate of distraction is kept within reasonable limits

    Aloinjerto de matriz ósea descalcificada versus injerto autólogo en la reparación de defectos óseos segmentarios masivos. : Estudio experimental

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    Se compara la capacidad regenerativa del aloinjerto de matriz ósea descalcificada con el tradicional injerto óseo autólogo en el tratamiento de defectos osteoperiósticos de 4-5 cm, de longitud provocados experimentalment e a nivel diafisario en fémur ovino. Para este experimento, se emplearon 18 corderos de raza churra esquelé- ticament e maduros. En 8 animales, la reconstrucción del defecto diafisario se intentó mediant e el aport e aloinjerto fragmentado de matriz óse a descalcificada. En otros 6 animales, el defecto se rellenó con injerto corticoesponjoso autólogo, también fragmentado. La estabilización ósea se realizó por medio de un fijador externo. Tras efectuar estudio s radiológicos e histológicos, los resultados fueron comparado s con un grupo control de 4 animales con el mismo defecto óseo femoral, en los que no se efectuó ningún tipo de reconstrucción ósea. El injerto autólogo se mostró más eficaz que el aloinjerto de matriz ósea descalcificada para la reparación de defectos óseos segmentarios masivos. Sólo en 1 de los animale s tratados con aloinjertos de matriz ósea se observó una actividad osteogénica que condujo a la reparación y consolidación del defecto. Por el contrario, no se observó ningún fracaso en la incorporación y consolidación de los injertos autólogos en los animales que completaron los 4 mese s de estudio.The regenerative capacity of decalcified allogenic matrix was compared with that of autologous bone graft for treatment of osteoperiosteal defects, 4-5 cm in length, experimentally induced in the sheep femoral diaphysis. Eighteen skeletally matur e shee p wer e use d in this investigation. In 8 animals, the reconstructio n of the diaphyseal defect wa s performed using small fragments of decalcified allogeni c bone matrix. In othe r 6 animals, the defect wa s refilled with corticoespongious autologous bone graft in chips. Bone stabilization was achieved by means of an external fixator. After radiologic and histologic assessments, the results wer e compared with a control group including 4 animals with the same diaphyseal defect but without any attempt of reconstruction. Autologous bone graft was found to be more efficient than decalcified allogenic bone matrix for treatment of large segmental bone defects. An osteogeni c activity leading to the complete repair and consolidation of the defect wa s only detected in 1 of the animals treated with allogenic bone matrix. On the contrary, no failures in the incorporation and consolidation of grafts wer e observed in thos e animals treated with autologous bone chips

    Necesidad de Tratamiento en un Paciente con Obesidad Tipo II

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    La Ley general de salud pública prevé la colaboración de las farmacias en los programas sobre la materia, dentro del capítulo sobre coordinación de la promoción de la salud y la prevención de enfermedades y lesiones en el sistema nacional de salud. De forma más específica, en el ámbito de la seguridad alimentaria, la ley del mismo nombre involucra claramente a las farmacias en la tarea de prevención de la obesidad, al afirmar que las autoridades sanitarias facilitarán las condiciones y los recursos necesarios, incluida la formación, para que todo el personal sanitario de atención primaria y las farmacias ofrezcan a los pacientes una información sencilla sobre hábitos alimentarios y de actividad física. Además, facilitarán los recursos necesarios para la detección precoz del sobrepeso, la obesidad y los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, y desarrollarán los programas necesarios para lograr su prevención

    Interacciones farmacológicas en pacientes que acuden a una farmacia comunitaria con receta electrónica

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    Introducción: El estudio de interacciones farmacológicas en la farmacia comunitaria no está integrado en el día a día del profesional farmacéutico. Una de las principales barreras para lograrlo ha sido la falta de un historial farmacoterapéutico único. Se sabe que este tipo de problema relacionado con los medicamentos tiene un elevado impacto sobre la salud de los pacientes, asociado a la efectividad o seguridad de éstos, así como un gran coste económico para el sistema sanitario. Objetivos: Calcular la prevalencia de interacciones farmacológicas en usuarios de receta electrónica; clasificar las interacciones según su gravedad, según su evidencia y por su recomendación en la intervención; buscar factores asociados a la aparición de interacciones farmacológicas. Material y métodos: Se incluyó a todos los pacientes con dos o más medicamentos distintos prescritos con receta electrónica. Se evaluaron las interacciones de la receta electrónica utilizando la base de datos Bot PLUS y Medinteract. Resultados: Entre los 285 pacientes incluidos, 38 presentan una o más interacciones de carácter grave, cuya prevalencia fue del 13,3% (intervalo de confianza del 95%: 13,3-19,8). El 87,8% de las interacciones graves estaban documentadas. La interacción grave más frecuente fue la asociación de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos y ácido acetilsalicílico. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de interacciones farmacológicas graves es elevada. El uso de la receta electrónica agiliza y facilita su identificación