106 research outputs found

    O acaparamento de terras en África: un ensaio de caracterización dos axentes instigadores

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Xeografía e Ordenación do Territorio. Curso 2021-2022Desde 2007, o acaparamento de terras aumentou drasticamente en todo o mundo. Este traballo céntrase en África, a rexión máis afectada por este proceso. A confluencia de varias crises en relación co prezo dos combustibles e dos alimentos fixo saltar as alarmas a nivel internacional, especialmente entre os países e as grandes empresas do norte global, por facerse con terras en países empobrecidos do sur con grande cantidade de recursos e baixas rendas. O obxecto deste traballo é caracterizar os países e axentes instigadores no acaparamento de terras en África, tanto de orixe como de destino dos investimentos, así como as causas e consecuencias, positivas e negativas, producidas por este fenómeno. Para isto faise unha relación entre diversas variables a partir da base de datos de contratos sobre a terra de Land Matrix e de outros organismos como a FAO ou o Banco Mundial. A conclusión do traballo é que o acaparamento de terras implica unha forte ameaza para o desenvolvemento dos países empobrecidos de África. As súas consecuencias son especialmente notorias para os colectivos máis pobres e vulnerables.Desde 2007, el acaparamiento de tierras ha aumentado drásticamente en todo el mundo. Este trabajo se centra en África, la región más afectada por este proceso. La confluencia de varias crisis en relación al precio de los combustibles y alimentos ha encendido las alarmas a nivel internacional, especialmente entre países y grandes empresas del norte global, por apropiarse de tierras en países empobrecidos del sur con grandes cantidades de recursos y bajas rentas. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar los países y agentes implicados en el acaparamiento de tierras en África, tanto de origen como de destino de las inversiones, así como las causas y consecuencias, positivas y negativas, que produce este fenómeno. Para ello se hace una relación entre diversas variables de la base de datos de contratos de tierras de Land Matrix y otras agencias como la FAO o el Banco Mundial. La conclusión del trabajo es que el acaparamiento de tierras representa una fuerte amenaza para el desarrollo de los países empobrecidos de África. Sus consecuencias son especialmente notorias para los grupos más pobres y vulnerables.Since 2007, land grabbing was a phenomenon that increased drastically throughout the world. This project focuses on Africa, the most affected region by this process. The confluence of several crisis in relation to the price of fuel and food pushed especially the countries and large companies of the global north to acquire land in impoverished countries of the south with large amounts of resources and low incomes, especially the countries and big companies of the global north. The purpose of this project is to characterize the countries and agents involved in land grabbing in Africa, both the origin and destination of the investments, as well as the causes and consequences, positive and negative, produced by this phenomenon. In order to achieve this, a relationship is made between various variables from the Land Matrix database of land contracts and from other organizations such as the FAO or the World Bank. The conclusion of the project is that land grabbing entails a serious threat to the development of impoverished countries in Africa. Its consequences are especially notorious for the poorest and most vulnerable groups

    Eficacia da punción seca na abordaxe da dor cervical: unha revisión bibliográfica

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    [Resumen] Introducción: El dolor cervical es cada vez más frecuente y se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública, siendo además una causa de ausentismo laboral que genera grandes costes socioeconómicos. Se ha observado que mediante la aplicación de punción seca se pueden obtener resultados beneficiosos en los cuadros de dolor cervical ocasionados por puntos gatillo miofasciales que, en estado activo, generan sintomatología espontánea y dolor referido. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de la punción seca en el abordaje del dolor cervical. Material y método: Se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos The Cochrane Library, PubMed, SCOPUS, PEDro y Cinahl, incluyendo ensayos clínicos publicados en los últimos 5 años que aborden la eficacia de la punción seca en el abordaje del dolor cervical. El dolor cervical será la variable de estudio que se analizará en esta revisión. Resultados: Se analizan 13 ensayos clínicos que recogen cambios significativos en la disminución del dolor en al menos una de las medidas de valoración empleadas. En 11 se valora el efecto de la punción a medio-largo plazo (al menos 1 semana tras la intervención), obteniendo resultados satisfactorios en 10. Conclusiones: La punción seca es una técnica eficaz en el abordaje del dolor cervical.[Abstract] Background: Neck pain is increasingly frequent and has turned into a problem of public health, being in addition a reason of labor absenteeism that generates big socioeconomic costs. Through the application of dry needling beneficial results can be obtained in the cervical pain generated by myofascial trigger points which, in active status, generate spontaneous symptomatology and referred pain. Objetive: To determine the efficacy of dry needling in nonspecific neck pain. Methods: A review of the literature is carried out in the databases The Cochrane Library, PubMed, SCOPUS, PEDro and Cinahl, including clinical trials published in the last 5 years that tackles the efficiency of the dry needling in the management of the neck pain. Neck pain will be the variable of study analyzed in this review. Outcomes: 13 clinical trials were analyzed and all showed significant improvements in pain reduction in at least one of the pain measurements used. In 11, the effect of dry needling was assessed to check the medium-long term efficacy (at least 1 week after intervention), obtaining satisfactory results in 10. Conclusions: Dry needling is an effective treatment for nonspecific neck pain.[Resumo] Introdución: A dor cervical é cada vez máis frecuente e convertiuse nun problema da saúde pública sendo, ademáis, unha causa de absentismo laboral que xera grandes costes socioeconómicos. Observouse que mediante a aplicación de punción seca pódense obter resultados beneficiosos nos cadros de dor cervical ocasionados por puntos gatillo miofasciales que, en estado activo, xeran sintomatoloxía espontánea e dor referida. Obxectivo: Determinar a eficacia da punción seca na abordaxe da dor cervical inespecífica. Material e método: Lévase a cabo unha revisión bibliográfica nas bases de datos datos The Cochrane Library, PubMed, SCOPUS, PEDro e Cinahl, incluidon ensaios clínicos publicados nos últimos 5 anos que aborden a eficacia da punción seca na abordaxe da dor cervical. A dor cervical será a variable de estudio que se analizará nesta revisión. Resultados: Analízanse 13 ensaios clínicos que recollen cambios significativos na disminución da dor en al menos unha das medidas de valoración empregadas. En 11 valórase o efecto da punción a medio-longo prazo (al menos 1 semana tras a intervención), obtendo resultados satisfactorios en 10. Conclusións: A punción seca é unha técnica eficaz na abordaxe da dor cervical inespecífica.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2017/201

    Molecular Identification from AFM Images Using the IUPAC Nomenclature and Attribute Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Spectroscopic methods like nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, and UV/visible spectroscopies applied to molecular ensembles have so far been the workhorse for molecular identification. Here, we propose a radically different chemical characterization approach, based on the ability of noncontact atomic force microscopy with metal tips functionalized with a CO molecule at the tip apex (referred as HRAFM) to resolve the internal structure of individual molecules. Our work demonstrates that a stack of constant-height HR-AFM images carries enough chemical information for a complete identification (structure and composition) of quasiplanar organic molecules, and that this information can be retrieved using machine learning techniques that are able to disentangle the contribution of chemical composition, bond topology, and internal torsion of the molecule to the HR-AFM contrast. In particular, we exploit multimodal recurrent neural networks (M-RNN) that combine convolutional neural networks for image analysis and recurrent neural networks to deal with language processing, to formulate the molecular identification as an imaging captioning problem. The algorithm is trained using a data set which contains almost 700,000 molecules and 165 million theoretical AFM images to produce as final output the IUPAC name of the imaged molecule. Our extensive test with theoretical images and a few experimental ones shows the potential of deep learning algorithms in the automatic identification of molecular compounds by AFM. This achievement supports the development of on-surface synthesis and overcomes some limitations of spectroscopic methods in traditional solution-based synthesisWe would like to acknowledge support from the Comunidad de Madrid Industrial Doctorate programme 2017 under reference number IND2017/IND7793 and from Quasar Science Resources S.L. P.P. and R.P. acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through project PID2020-115864RB-I00 and the “María de Maeztu” Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (CEX2018-000805-M). C.R.-M. acknowledges financial support by the Ramón y Cajal program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ref. RYC2021-031176-I). Computer time provided by the Red Española de Supercomputación (RES) at the Finisterrae II Supercomputer is also acknowledge

    Floquet scalar dynamics in global AdS

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    We study periodically driven scalar fields and the resulting geometries with global AdS asymptotics. These solutions describe the strongly coupled dynamics of dual finite-size quantum systems under a periodic driving which we interpret as Floquet condensates. They span a continuous two-parameter space that extends the linearized solutions on AdS. We map the regions of stability in the solution space. In a significant portion of the unstable subspace, two very different endpoints are reached depending upon the sign of the perturbation. Collapse into a black hole occurs for one sign. For the opposite sign instead one attains a regular solution with periodic modulation. We also construct quenches where the driving frequency and amplitude are continuously varied. Quasistatic quenches can interpolate between pure AdS and sourced solutions with time periodic vev. By suitably choosing the quasistatic path one can obtain boson stars dual to Floquet condensates at zero driving field. We characterize the adiabaticity of the quenching processes. Besides, we speculate on the possible connections of this framework with time crystals.This work of was supported by grants FPA2014-52218-P from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, by Xunta de Galicia ED431C 2017/07, by FEDER and by Grant Mar a de Maeztu Unit of Excellence MDM-2016-0692. A.S. is happy to acknowledge support from the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR), and wants to express his gratitude to the ICTS community, and especially to the String Theory Group, for their warm welcome. D.M. thanks the FRont Of pro-Galician Scientists (FROGS) for unconditional support. A.B. thanks the support of the Spanish program \Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formaci on de doctores 2015" associated to FPA2014-52218-P. This research has benefited from the use computational resources/services provided by the Galician Supercomputing Centre (CESGA).S

    Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Nasal Glioma

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    A34-year-old primigravida with no significant medical history underwent a routine ultrasound at 21 weeks’ gestation. Fetal sonography revealed the presence of a solid mass, 14 mm 19 mm in size, arising from the region of the glabella (Figure 1B). No other abnormalities were detected. Fetal MRI was performed at 21 weeks (Figure 2A) to clearly define the lesion and rule out calvarial defects. The patient chose to continue with the pregnancy. A male fetus was uneventfully delivered at 39 weeks. The presence of a solid friable mass located in the left internal canthus was noticed (Figure 2B). The mass was resected with no complications at 2 weeks of age (Figure 2C), and pathological study confirmed the presence of neuroglial heterotopic tissue (nasal glioma). Although benign in nature, gliomas are cosmetically unfavorable, and early surgical intervention is the treatment of choice to minimize nasal distortion.1,2 Differential diagnosis includes encephalocele, teratoma, dermoid cyst, dacryocystocele, retinoblastoma, and hemangioma.2,3 Prenatal suspected diagnosis and assessment is of paramount relevanceS

    Leveraging geographically distributed data for influenza and SARS-CoV-2 non-parametric forecasting

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    The evolution of some epidemics, such as influenza, demonstrates common patterns both in different regions and from year to year. On the contrary, epidemics such as the novel COVID-19 show quite heterogeneous dynamics and are extremely susceptible to the measures taken to mitigate their spread. In this paper, we propose empirical dynamic modeling to predict the evolution of influenza in Spain’s regions. It is a non-parametric method that looks into the past for coincidences with the present to make the forecasts. Here, we extend the method to predict the evolution of other epidemics at any other starting territory and we also test this procedure with Spanish COVID-19 data. We finally build influenza and COVID-19 networks to check possible coincidences in the geographical distribution of both diseases. With this, we grasp the uniqueness of the geographical dynamics of COVID-19This research was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, within the Project COV20/00617 in the scope of the “Fondo COVID” of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain, and by the crowdfunding program “Sumo Valor” of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Area and Nieto have been partially supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of Spain under Grant PID2020-113275GB-I00, cofinanced by the European Community fund FEDER. Mira is part of iMATUS, supported by Xunta de GaliciaS

    Machine learning‐assisted high‐throughput SERS classification of cell secretomes

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    During the response to different stress conditions, damaged cells react in multiple ways, including the release of a diverse cocktail of metabolites. Moreover, secretomes from dying cells can contribute to the effectiveness of anticancer therapies and can be exploited as predictive biomarkers. The nature of the stress and the resulting intracellular responses are key determinants of the secretome composition, but monitoring such processes remains technically arduous. Hence, there is growing interest in developing tools for noninvasive secretome screening. In this regard, it has been previously shown that the relative concentrations of relevant metabolites can be traced by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), thereby allowing label-free biofluid interrogation. However, conventional SERS approaches are insufficient to tackle the requirements imposed by high-throughput modalities, namely fast data acquisition and automatized analysis. Therefore, machine learning methods were implemented to identify cell secretome variations while extracting standard features for cell death classification. To this end, ad hoc microfluidic chips were devised, to readily conduct SERS measurements through a prototype relying on capillary pumps made of filter paper, which eventually would function as the SERS substrates. The developed strategy may pave the way toward a faster implementation of SERS into cell secretome classification, which can be extended even to laboratories lacking highly specialized facilities.Universidade de Vigo/CISUGAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-108787RB-I0

    Development of Coastal Marine Services for Tackling Coastal Risks in the Atlantic Area: the value of regional cooperation

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    The MyCOAST project (http://mycoast-project.org/) is an INTERREG Atlantic Area project designed to demonstrate that marine services for tackling coastal risks can be jointly developed. The main innovation and originality of the project stems from the implementation of transferable tools able to improve the risk management systems operated in the Atlantic Area. A successful outcome was achieved by identifying mature existing tools and selecting those that could be further developed by partners during the project duration. Demonstration of the tools in pilot actions showed that they are effective in supporting end users and relocatable among different regions in the Atlantic Area.Le projet MyCOAST (http://mycoast-project.org/) est un projet INTERREG de l'Espace Atlantique destiné à démontrer que les services maritimes pour faire face aux risques côtiers peuvent être développés conjointement. La principale innovation et originalité du projet réside dans la mise en œuvre d'outils transférables capables d'améliorer les systèmes de gestion des risques exploités dans l'Espace Atlantique. L'identification d'outils matures existants et la sélection de ceux qui pourraient être développés par les partenaires pendant la durée du projet ont permis d'atteindre un résultat positif. La démonstration des outils dans des actions pilotes a montré qu'ils sont efficaces pour soutenir les utilisateurs finaux et qu'ils peuvent être transférés dans différentes régions de l'Espace Atlantique.En prens