282 research outputs found

    Análisis, diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo de sistema SaaS para las plantas de packing de manzanas

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    148 p.Chile es el quinto país exportador de manzanas del mundo, y a nivel nacional las regiones del Maule y O’Higgins concentran el 87% de la superficie plantada con manzanos. Las manzanas exportadas necesariamente pasan por las plantas de packing, en las cuales los frutos son seleccionados y embalados, para posteriormente ser trasladados a los puertos de embarque. Más detalladamente, el proceso ejecutado dentro de las plantas de packing se divide en vaciado, selección y embalado. Es a lo largo de este proceso que la empresa de servicios agroindustriales Just in Time a identificado diversos cuellos de botella. Dicha empresa se dedica a prestar servicios a distintas plantas de packing de la región del Maule, ejecutando procesos de selección y embalajes completos. Como empresa Just in Time se ha propuesto crear un sistema informático que permita mejorar la toma de decisiones de las plantas de packing de manzanas, para de esta forma mejorar la planificación y por ende la producción de las mismas. Por otra parte, es sabido que las empresas del rubro en general son reacias a adquirir sistemas tecnológicos para mejorar sus procesos productivos, dado a que gran parte de los empresarios consideran esta inversión en función de los costos actuales en lugar de las ganancias futuras. Tomando en cuenta el nuevo modelo de distribución de software SaaS, el cual disminuye sustancialmente los costos de adquisición de sistemas por parte de las empresas, es que Just in Time a tomado la decisión de desarrollar un prototipo de sistema en base a este modelo de distribución. En esencia, este documento contiene todo el proceso de construcción del prototipo del sistema mencionado anteriormente, incluyendo la revisión de las arquitecturas de sistemas SaaS, la arquitectura Rest, patrones y principios de diseño, junto con la metodología utilizada y el paso a paso de las funcionalidades implementadas

    Quantitative, Spectrally-Resolved Intraoperative Fluorescence Imaging

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    Intraoperative visual fluorescence imaging (vFI) has emerged as a promising aid to surgical guidance, but does not fully exploit the potential of the fluorescent agents that are currently available. Here, we introduce a quantitative fluorescence imaging (qFI) approach that converts spectrally-resolved data into images of absolute fluorophore concentration pixel-by-pixel across the surgical field of view (FOV). The resulting estimates are linear, accurate, and precise relative to true values, and spectral decomposition of multiple fluorophores is also achieved. Experiments with protoporphyrin IX in a glioma rodent model demonstrate in vivo quantitative and spectrally-resolved fluorescence imaging of infiltrating tumor margins for the first time. Moreover, we present images from human surgery which detect residual tumor not evident with state-of-the-art vFI. The wide-field qFI technique has broad implications for intraoperative surgical guidance because it provides near real-time quantitative assessment of multiple fluorescent biomarkers across the operative field

    Macroscopic Optical Imaging Technique for Wide-Field Estimation of Fluorescence Depth in Optically Turbid Media for Application in Brain Tumor Surgical Guidance

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    A diffuse imaging method is presented that enables wide-field estimation of the depth of fluorescent molecular markers in turbid media by quantifying the deformation of the detected fluorescence spectra due to the wavelength-dependent light attenuation by overlying tissue. This is achieved by measuring the ratio of the fluorescence at two wavelengths in combination with normalization techniques based on diffuse reflectance measurements to evaluate tissue attenuation variations for different depths. It is demonstrated that fluorescence topography can be achieved up to a 5 mm depth using a near-infrared dye with millimeter depth accuracy in turbid media having optical properties representative of normal brain tissue. Wide-field depth estimates are made using optical technology integrated onto a commercial surgical microscope, making this approach feasible for real-world applications

    Magnetocaloric properties of rapidly solidified Dy3Co alloy ribbons

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    "The magnetic and magnetocaloric (MC) properties of melt-spun ribbons of the Dy3Co intermetallic compound were investigated. Samples were fabricated in an Ar environment using a homemade melt spinner system at a linear speed of the rotating copper wheel of 40 ms(-1). X-ray diffraction analysis shows that ribbons crystallize into a single-phase with the Fe3C-type orthorhombic crystal structure. The M(T) curve measured at 5mT reveals the occurrence of a transition at 32K from a first to a second antiferromagnetic (AFM) state and an AFM-to-paramagnetic transition at T-N = 43 K. Furthermore, a metamagnetic transition is observed below T-N, but the magnetization change Delta M is well below the one reported for bulk alloys. Below 12 K, large inverse MC effect and hysteresis losses are observed. This behavior is related to the metamagnetic transition. For a magnetic field change of 5 T (2 T) applied along the ribbon length, the produced ribbons show a peak value of the magnetic entropy change Delta S-M(peak) of -6.5 (-2.1) Jkg(-1) K-1 occurring close to TN with a full-width at half-maximum delta T-FWHM of 53 (37) K, and refrigerant capacity RC = 364 (83) Jkg(-1) (estimated from the product vertical bar Delta S-M(peak)vertical bar x delta T-FWHM).

    Hydrographic features and dynamics of blue whiting, mackerel and horse mackerel in the bay of biscay, 1994-1996. A multidisciplinary study on sefos

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    Hydrographic and climatic conditions have been found to be one of the most important factors that can influence the distnbution and behaviour of adults, juveniles and early stages of fish. This relationship, which has been pointed out by several authors, is also the main objective ofthe SEFOS project, which studies the relationship between the distnbutions and migrations of commercially important fish species and the oceanography of the European shelf edge. Within this framework, the Bay of Biscay presents special oceanographic and climatic conditions that could intluence the aggregations of food and larvae in retention areas throughout this zone, which is one of the most important nursery areas for several fish species and seasonal migrations of blue whiting, horse mackerel and mackerel This paper presents the results of a multidisciplinary study of the relationship between the oceanographic conditions ofthe Bay ofBiscay and the distribution ofboth early stages - eggs and larvae - and adult fish ofhorse mackerel, mackerel and blue whiting for the period 1994-1996

    Connectivity, population structure, and conservation of Ecuadorian green sea turtles

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    Studies of highly migratory species that increase our understanding of the dynamics of genetic diversity, migratory routes, and genetic connectivity are essential for informing conservation actions. Genetic data for green turtles Chelonia mydas from Ecuador have only been available from Galápagos Islands (GPS) rookeries, but not from foraging aggregations. Furthermore, green turtles from habitats associated with mainland Ecuador (Machalilla National Park; MNP) have not been sampled. To assess the genetic relationships between nesting and foraging aggregations from these 2 regions and other regional populations, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was sequenced from 133 turtles. Conventional FST (haplotype frequency) and ΦST (sequence-based) values were low and non-significant between Ecuadorian rookeries, suggesting high connectivity between these sites located ca. 1000 km apart. Mixed stock analysis (MSA) indicated a dominant (>94%) GPS-MNP contribution to both foraging grounds, with small and nearly negligible contributions from other rookeries in the region (e.g. Costa Rica and Mexico). While orphan haplotypes were not included in the MSA because their rookery of origin is not known, their close genetic relationships to Western and Central Pacific mtDNA clades suggests that a relatively large percentage of turtles at the combined foraging sites (>10%) have been involved in transoceanic migration events. The genetic links between GPS and MNP C. mydas nesting populations revealed by our study highlight the need to incorporate the nesting populations from coastal Ecuador in more comprehensive future conservation planning.Ministerio del Ambiente/[005-DRM-MA]//EcuadorMinisterio del Ambiente/[011-DRM-MA]//EcuadorParque Nacional Galápagos/[PC-20-14]//EcuadorUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Biología Celular y Molecular (CIBCM

    Pedagogía Ignaciana 5. Reflexiones para un modelo educativo universitario ignaciano

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    Obra que reúne las ponencias presentadas en el Seminario Internacional sobre el Modelo Ignaciano Universitario, realizado en el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, del 16 al 18 de febrero de 1998. Allí se abordaron cuestiones sobre la tradición educativa de los jesuitas, los elementos esenciales de un modelo universitario de inspiración ignaciana y su praxis.ITESO, A.C

    P2X7 receptor is essential for cross-dressing of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells

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    T cell activation requires the processing and presentation of antigenic peptides in the context of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC complex). Cross-dressing is a non-conventional antigen presentation mechanism, involving the transfer of preformed peptide/MHC complexes from whole cells, such as apoptotic cells (ACs) to the cell membrane of professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic cells (DCs). This is an essential mechanism for the induction of immune response against viral antigens, tumors, and graft rejection, which until now has not been clarified. Here we show for first time that the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is crucial to induce cross-dressing between ACs and Bone-Marrow DCs (BMDCs). In controlled ex vivo assays, we found that the P2X7R in both ACs and BMDCs is required to induce membrane and fully functional peptide/MHC complex transfer to BMDCs. These findings show that acquisition of ACs-derived preformed antigen/MHC-I complexes by BMDCs requires P2X7R expression.Fil: Barrera Avalos, Carlos. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Briceño, Pedro. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Valdés, Daniel. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Imarai, Mónica. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Leiva Salcedo, Elías. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Rojo, Leonel E.. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Milla, Luis A.. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Huidobro Toro, Juan Pablo. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Robles Planells, Claudia. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: Escobar, Alejandro. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Di Virgilio, Francesco. Università di Ferrara; ItaliaFil: Moron, Victor Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Sauma, Daniela. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Acuña Castillo, Claudio. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; Chil

    First joint observations of space weather events over Mexico

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    Abstract. The Mexican Space Weather Service (SCiESMEX in Spanish) and National Space Weather Laboratory (LANCE in Spanish) were organized in 2014 and in 2016, respectively, to provide space weather monitoring and alerts, as well as scientific research in Mexico. In this work, we presenttheresultsofthefirstjointobservationsoftwoevents (22 June and 29 September 2015) with our local network of instruments and their related products. This network includes the MEXART radio telescope (solar flare and radio burst), the Compact Astronomical Low-frequency, Low-cost Instrument for Spectroscopy in Transportable Observatories (CALLISTO)attheMEXARTstation(solarradioburst),the Mexico City Cosmic Ray Observatory (cosmic ray fluxes), GPS receiver networks (ionospheric disturbances), and the Teoloyucan Geomagnetic Observatory (geomagnetic field). The observations show that we detected significant space weather effects over the Mexican territory: geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances (22 June 2015), variations in cosmicrayfluxes,andalsoradiocommunications’interferences (29September2015).Theeffectsoftheseperturbationswere registered,forthefirsttime,usingspaceweatherproductsby SCiESMEX:totalelectroncontent(TEC)maps,regionalgeomagneticindexKmex,radiospectrographsoflowfrequency, and cosmic ray fluxes. These results prove the importance of monitoring space weather phenomena in the region and the need to strengthening the instrumentation network