17 research outputs found

    Location, orbit and energy of a meteoroid impacting the moon during the Lunar Eclipse of January 21, 2019

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    During lunar eclipse of January 21, 2019 a meteoroid impacted the Moon producing a visible light flash. The impact was witnessed by casual observers offering an opportunity to study the phenomenon from multiple geographical locations. We use images and videos collected by observers in 7 countries to estimate the location, impact parameters (speed and incoming direction) and energy of the meteoroid. Using parallax, we achieve determining the impact location at lat. −29.43−0.21+0.30-29.43^{+0.30}_{-0.21}, lon. −67.89−0.09+0.07-67.89^{+0.07}_{-0.09} and geocentric distance as 356553 km. After devising and applying a photo-metric procedure for measuring flash standard magnitudes in multiple RGB images having different exposure times, we found that the flash, had an average G-magnitude ⟨G⟩=6.7±0.3\langle G\rangle = 6.7\pm0.3. We use gravitational ray tracing (GRT) to estimate the orbital properties and likely radiant of the impactor. We find that the meteoroid impacted the moon with a speed of 14−6+714^{+7}_{-6} km/s (70% C.L.) and at a shallow angle, θ<38.2\theta < 38.2 degrees. Assuming a normal error for our estimated flash brightness, educated priors for the luminous efficiency and object density, and using the GRT-computed probability distributions of impact speed and incoming directions, we calculate posterior probability distributions for the kinetic energy (median KmedK_{\rm med} = 0.8 kton), body mass (MmedM_{\rm med} = 27 kg) and diameter (dmedd_{\rm med} = 29 cm), and crater size (DmedD_{\rm med} = 9 m). If our assumptions are correct, the crater left by the impact could be detectable by prospecting lunar probes. These results arose from a timely collaboration between professional and amateur astronomers which highlight the potential importance of citizen science in astronomy.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Data and scripts available in https://github.com/seap-udea/MoonFlashes. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Circumbinary habitability niches

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    ABSTRACT: Binaries could provide the best niches for life in the Galaxy. Although counterintuitive, this assertion follows directly from stellar tidal interaction theory and the evolution of lower mass stars. There is strong evidence that chromospheric activity of rapidly rotating young stars may be high enough to cause mass loss from atmospheres of potentially habitable planets. The removal of atmospheric water is most critical. Tidal breaking in binaries could help reduce magnetic dynamo action and thereby chromospheric activity in favour of life. We call this the Binary Habitability Mechanism (BHM) that we suggest allows for water retention at levels comparable to or better than the Earth. We discuss novel advantages that life may exploit, in these cases, and suggest that life may even thrive on some circumbinary planets. We find that while many binaries do not benefit from BHM, high-quality niches do exist for various combinations of stars between 0.55 and 1.0 solar masses. For a given pair of stellar masses, BHM operates only for certain combinations of period and eccentricity. Binaries having a solar-type primary seem to be quite well-suited niches having wide and distant habitable zones with plentiful water and sufficient light for photosynthetic life. We speculate that, as a direct result of BHM, conditions may be suitable for life on several planets and possibly even moons of giant planets orbiting some binaries. Lower mass combinations, while more restrictive in parameter space, provide niches lasting many billions of years and are rich suppliers of photosynthetic photons

    Posibles disposiciones solsticiales y lunares del Complejo de Petroglifos Precolombinos de Támesis, Colombia

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    Se analizan las posibles relaciones astronómicas y espaciales del complejo prehispánico de petroglifos de Támesis, Colombia. Con base en cartografía satelital y datos tomados en terreno, se muestran evidencias de la posible alineación de 93 piedras con petroglifos precolombinos, que, debido a su posición geográfica, parecen orientarse hacia el solsticio de junio, así como hacia la detención lunar mayor con respecto a unas formaciones montañosas conocidas como los Farallones de La Pintada. Las observaciones sugieren la posible existencia de un calendario de horizonte con un fuerte énfasis lunar. Este trabajo busca contribuir al estudio de la Astronomía en la Cultura de los grupos precolombinos del occidente de Colombia.Possible astronomical and spatial relationships of the prehispanic complex of petroglyphs in Támesis, Colombia are analyzed. Based on satellite cartography and data taken in the field, evidences of the possible alignment of 93 stones with pre-Columbian petroglyphs are shown, which due to their geographical position, seem to be oriented towards the June solstice, as well as towards the Moon in its northernmost position and some mountainous formations known as the Farallones de la Pintada. Our observations suggest the possible existence of a horizon calendar with strong lunar emphasis. This work seeks to contribute to the study of Astronomy in Culture of pre-Columbian groups in western Colombia.Sociedad Interamericana de Astronomía en la CulturaFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    The influence of thermal evolution in the magnetic protection of terrestrial planets

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    Magnetic protection of potentially habitable planets plays a central role in determining their actual habitability and/or the chances of detecting atmospheric biosignatures. Here we develop a thermal evolution model of potentially habitable Earth-like planets and super-Earths (SEs). Using up-to-date dynamo-scaling laws, we predict the properties of core dynamo magnetic fields and study the influence of thermal evolution on their properties. The level of magnetic protection of tidally locked and unlocked planets is estimated by combining simplified models of the planetary magnetosphere and a phenomenological description of the stellar wind. Thermal evolution introduces a strong dependence of magnetic protection on planetary mass and rotation rate. Tidally locked terrestrial planets with an Earth-like composition would have early dayside magnetopause distances between 1.5 and 4.0 Rp , larger than previously estimated. Unlocked planets with periods of rotation ~1 day are protected by magnetospheres extending between 3 and 8 Rp . Our results are robust in comparison with variations in planetary bulk composition and uncertainties in other critical model parameters. For illustration purposes, the thermal evolution and magnetic protection of the potentially habitable SEs GL 581d, GJ 667Cc, and HD 40307g were also studied. Assuming an Earth-like composition, we found that the dynamos of these planets are already extinct or close to being shut down. While GL 581d is the best protected, the protection of HD 40307g cannot be reliably estimated. GJ 667Cc, even under optimistic conditions, seems to be severely exposed to the stellar wind, and, under the conditions of our model, has probably suffered massive atmospheric losses

    XUE. Molecular inventory in the inner region of an extremely irradiated Protoplanetary Disk

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    We present the first results of the eXtreme UV Environments (XUE) James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) program, that focuses on the characterization of planet forming disks in massive star forming regions. These regions are likely representative of the environment in which most planetary systems formed. Understanding the impact of environment on planet formation is critical in order to gain insights into the diversity of the observed exoplanet populations. XUE targets 15 disks in three areas of NGC 6357, which hosts numerous massive OB stars, among which some of the most massive stars in our Galaxy. Thanks to JWST we can, for the first time, study the effect of external irradiation on the inner (<10< 10 au), terrestrial-planet forming regions of proto-planetary disks. In this study, we report on the detection of abundant water, CO, CO2_2, HCN and C2_2H2_2 in the inner few au of XUE 1, a highly irradiated disk in NGC 6357. In addition, small, partially crystalline silicate dust is present at the disk surface. The derived column densities, the oxygen-dominated gas-phase chemistry, and the presence of silicate dust are surprisingly similar to those found in inner disks located in nearby, relatively isolated low-mass star-forming regions. Our findings imply that the inner regions of highly irradiated disks can retain similar physical and chemical conditions as disks in low-mass star-forming regions, thus broadening the range of environments with similar conditions for inner disk rocky planet formation to the most extreme star-forming regions in our Galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. 20 pages, 7 figure

    Impact on the Quality of Erections after Completing a Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment Cycle on a Group of 710 Patients

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    Objective. The aim of this study is to evaluate the response to low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy in a group of patients with organic vascular erectile dysfunction. Materials and Methods. This is an observational retrospective study. The researchers reviewed 710 patients with a clinical diagnosis of organic vascular erectile dysfunction (ED) of more than 3-month duration from male sexual health clinics of the Boston Medical Group from 12 cities in Spain and 4 in Mexico. Patients received 5 outpatient shock wave therapy sessions. They were evaluated with the erection hardness score (EHS) before the first session (n = 710), at the end of the last session (n = 710), and one month after the last session (n = 412). Results. In the first examination, the EHS improved in 43.1% (306/710) of subjects compared to the baseline measurement and ability to penetrate increased from 26.8% to 44% (p<0.0001). In the second examination, the ability to penetrate was 37.9%, lower than in the first (p=0.042) but higher than the baseline (p=0.0001). Conclusions. The results suggest that the shock wave therapy with or without concomitant treatments improved the quality of erections in patients with erectile dysfunction treated in specialised male sexual health clinics. This trial is registered with NCT03237143

    Horizons et perspectives de la culture en Colombie (1990-2015)

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    Dans ce numéro de Artelogie consacré à la Colombie, nous avons voulu proposer un champ de réflexions sur le thème de la culture en Colombie aujourd’hui, dans une perspective disciplinaire ouverte sur la transversalité. Ainsi, les articles proposés dans ce numéro spécial essaient de penser, un quart de siècle après la création de la constitution de 1991, les processus de la redécouverte et l’appropriation de la diversité ethnique et culturelle dans ce pays. Comment s’installe le processus de patrimonialisation des manifestations folkloriques locales et régionales ? Quelles sont les dynamiques institutionnelles qui simplifient les processus de promotion de la diversité culturelle ? En este número de Artelogie consagrado a Colombia, hemos querido proponer al lector un campo de reflexiones en torno al tema de la cultura en Colombia hoy, ello desde una perspectiva abierta al cruce disciplinario. Así, los artículos propuestos en este número especial buscan pensar -un cuarto de siglo después de la constitución de 1991- ¿cómo se encuentra el proceso de re-descubrimiento y apropiación de la diversidad étnico-cultural en este país?, ¿cómo ha tenido lugar (si ha tenido lugar) el proceso de patrimonialización de las manifestaciones folclóricas locales y regionales?, ¿cuáles son las dinámicas institucionales que dinamizan los procesos de promoción de la diversidad cultural