12 research outputs found

    Species identification of small pelagic fish schools by means of hydroacoustics in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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      Reliable biomass estimates by means of hydroacoustics largely depend on the correct identification of acoustic targets. Data collected during five summer acoustic surveys (2004-2008) in the North Aegean Sea (Greece) were analyzed to explore effective discrimination of small pelagic fish schools according to the species they belong. Discriminant Function Analyses (DFA) using bathymetric, energetic and morphometric school descriptors as explanatory variables were applied per research cruise as well as to pooled data from all surveys. Results revealed that the schools can be successfully classified into the five species considered (anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, sardine Sardina pilchardus, round sardinella Sardinella aurita, blue whiting Micromessistius poutassou, and Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus). The percentage of correct classifications in terms of number of schools was higher in the analyses of the annual cruises (75.6%-95.36%) than in the analysis of pooled data (≈72%). This is because of (i) the lower number of species, as well as (ii) the reduced intraspecific variability, occurring in each separate cruise. Significant differences were detected among school descriptors for the different species, revealing discrete aspects of schooling behaviour for each species. The benefit of the specific approach is that the classification functions of the DFAs can be used to classify a larger set of schools, which has not been possible to assign to specific species. Overall the approach constitutes an objective, more automated and less time consuming procedure for the analysis of acoustic data and can contribute to the improvement of biomass estimates in the area

    Catch of pelagic hauls in Mediterranean acoustic surveys: Is it the same between day and night?

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    Fish sampling is a critical aspect of acoustic surveys, because it is directly related to the “transformation” of echo into species biomass and subsequently affects the accuracy of acoustic estimates. In the present study, we investigated the differences between day and night sampling in a) the catch composition through certain diversity indices and b) the length frequency distribution of anchovy and sardine using catch data of pelagic hauls collected from four different regions of the European Mediterranean waters. In addition, the possible bias in trawl efficiency due to sampling time and the possible error introduced in acoustic estimates were investigated. No statistically significant differences were found between day and night in any of the parameters examined. The results showed that a more flexible strategy can be adopted to reduce the duration and the cost of acoustic sampling for small pelagic species. The advantages and disadvantages of the two sampling strategies are discussedPublicado

    Density dependence in the spatial behaviour of anchovy and sardine across Mediterranean systems

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    A spatial indicator—the spreading area index—is used to describe anchovy and sardine spatial distribution in relation to biomass variation and to look for ecosystem differences within the Mediterranean basin. Specifically, the variation in the spreading area index in relation to biomass was examined for different areas of the Mediterranean Sea (i.e. Aegean Sea, western Adriatic Sea, Strait of Sicily, Gulf of Lion, and Spanish Mediterranean waters). In order to capture the spatial variability of the population at different levels of fish density, acoustic survey data for the years of highest, lowest, and intermediate abundance were used. In a subsequent step standardized values of spreading area and biomass were estimated to allow comparisons. Results showed pronounced area differences. A significant relationship was revealed in the case of anchovy for areas with extended continental shelf (i.e. Aegean Sea, Adriatic Sea, and Gulf of Lion), indicating an increase in biomass with an increase in the spreading area. No relationship was found for areas dominated by narrow continental shelf and strong currents (i.e. Spanish Mediterranean waters and the Strait of Sicily). With regard to sardine, an increase in biomass was followed by an increase in the spreading area when estimates from the Aegean Sea, the Adriatic Sea, and the Strait of Sicily were considered together. The relationship was even more Abstracts–Theme Session B 9 pronounced when analysis was limited to the Aegean Sea and the Strait of Sicily. No relationship was found for the Spanish Mediterranean waters and the Gulf of Lion. This clearly implies that spatial indicators should be integrated into ecosystem management, taking into account that they can be area‐ or ecosystem‐dependent

    Habitat Suitability Modeling to Identify the Potential Nursery Grounds of the Atlantic Mackerel and Its Relation to Oceanographic Conditions in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Our knowledge for the distribution of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the Mediterranean Sea is limited and fragmented. In the current work habitat suitability modeling was applied to summer acoustic surveys data of Atlantic mackerel juveniles derived from the north part of the Mediterranean (i.e., acoustic data from the Gulf of Lions, pelagic trawls held during acoustic surveys in Spanish Mediterranean waters, south Adriatic Sea, Strait of Sicily, and North Aegean Sea) using generalized additive models (GAMs) along with satellite environmental and bathymetry data. Bathymetry along with sea surface temperature and circulation patterns, expressed through sea level anomaly and the zonal component of the absolute geostrophic velocity, were the environmental variables best to describe nursery grounds. The selected model was used to produce maps presenting the potential nursery grounds of Atlantic mackerel throughout the Mediterranean Sea as a measure of habitat adequacy. However, the assessed potential nursery grounds were generally marked as “occasional,” implying that although there are areas presenting high probability to encounter Atlantic mackerel, this picture can largely vary from year to year stressing the high susceptibility of the species to environmental conditions. In a further step and toward a spatial management perspective, we have estimated and visualized the overlap between Atlantic mackerel and anchovy/ sardine juvenile grounds throughout the basin. Results showed that although the degree of overlapping was generally low, not exceeding 15% in general, this varied at a regional level going up to 30%. The potential of the output of this work for management purposes like the implementation of spatially-explicit management tools is discussedVersión del edito