1,409 research outputs found

    Toxicity of cassava manipueira (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and erva-de-rato (Palicourea marcgravii St. Hill) to adults of Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy (Homoptera: Aphididae)

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    The utilization of plant extracts might be an alternative for the control of crop pests. Between the plants with insecticide potential, stands-out: Erva-de-rato (Palicourea marcgravii) and the Cassava, a byproduct of the manipueira (Manihot esculenta),common plants in the amazon region. That work had as main objective , to investigate the insecticide potential of Manihot esculenta (manipueira of cassava) and Palicourea marcgravii (erva-de-rato) on Toxoptera citricida (brown citrus aphid), in experimental conditions. The freeze dryed Manipueira and and Erva-de-rato extracts, were sprayed on citrus plants infected by brown citros aphid. In laboratory, extracts of these two plants were obtained in five concentrations (10mg/ml, 20mg/ml, 30mg/ml, 40mg/ml and 50mg/ml). All the analyzed concentrations (10 to 50mg/ml) caused mortality on T. citricida of above 50%, and the higher concentration of 50mg/ml caused the mortality of all the insects (n = 100%) in application processes contact. The potential of these extracts, as demonstrated in the tests, confirms that they can be an insecticide alternative, for the control of the brown citrus aphid.A utilização de extratos de plantas pode ser uma alternativa para o controle de pragas. Dentre as plantas com atividade inseticida, destacam-se a erva-de-rato (Palicourea marcgravii) e o subproduto (manipueira) da produção de farinha de mandioca (Manihot esculenta), plantas comuns na região Amazônica. Esse trabalho teve, como principal objetivo, investigar o potencial inseticida da manipueira e do extrato de erva-de-rato sobre Toxoptera citricida (pulgão-preto do citros). Os extratos liofilizados de manipueira e de erva-de-rato foram pulverizados sobre plantas de citros contendo pulgões em cinco concentrações (10mg/ml, 20mg/ml, 30mg/ml, 40mg/ml e 50mg/ml). Todas as concentrações analisadas causaram mortalidade dos pulgões superior a 50%, sendo que a maior concentração causou a mortalidade de todos os insetos. O potencial destes extratos demonstrado no experimento coloca os mesmos como uma alternativa ao uso de inseticidas sintéticos no controle do pulgão-preto dos citros

    Fabrication and electrical integration of robust carbon nanotube micropillars by self-directed elastocapillary densification

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    Vertically-aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) "forest" microstructures fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using patterned catalyst films typically have a low CNT density per unit area. As a result, CNT forests have poor bulk properties and are too fragile for integration with microfabrication processing. We introduce a new self-directed capillary densification method where a liquid is controllably condensed onto and evaporated from CNT forests. Compared to prior approaches, where the substrate with CNTs is immersed in a liquid, our condensation approach gives significantly more uniform structures and enables precise control of the CNT packing density and pillar cross-sectional shape. We present a set of design rules and parametric studies of CNT micropillar densification by this method, and show that self-directed capillary densification enhances the Young's modulus and electrical conductivity of CNT micropillars by more than three orders of magnitude. Owing to the outstanding properties of CNTs, this scalable process will be useful for the integration of CNTs as functional material in microfabricated devices for mechanical, electrical, thermal, and biomedical applications

    Robust Amazon precipitation projections in climate models that capture realistic land–atmosphere interactions

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    Land–atmosphere interactions have an important influence on Amazon precipitation (P), but evaluation of these processes in climate models has so far been limited. We analysed relationships between Amazon P and evapotranspiration (ET) in the 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project models to evaluate controls on surface moisture fluxes and assess the credibility of regional P projections. We found that only 13 out of 38 models captured an energy limitation on Amazon ET, in agreement with observations, while 20 models instead showed Amazon ET is limited by water availability. Models that misrepresented controls on ET over the historical period projected both large increases and decreases in Amazon P by 2100, likely amplified by unrealistic land–atmosphere interactions. In contrast, large future changes in annual and seasonal-scale Amazon P were suppressed in models that simulated realistic controls on ET, due to modulating land–atmosphere interactions. By discounting projections from models that simulated unrealistic ET controls, our analysis halved uncertainty in basin-wide future P change. The ensemble mean of plausible models showed a robust drying signal over the eastern Amazon and in the dry season, and P increases in the west. Finally, we showed that factors controlling Amazon ET evolve over time in realistic models, reducing climate stability and leaving the region vulnerable to further change

    Community-acquired Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in an alcoholic patient with an infected pancreatic pseudocyst; a case report and review of literature

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    We report a case of a 49-year-old male with a history of chronic alcoholism and evidence of a pancreatic pseudocyst on CT scanning. He presented with a 3-days history of fever, loss of appetite and upper abdominal pain. Blood cultures grew Klebsiella pneumoniae and he improved clinically with a seven-day course of intravenous co-amoxiclav and metronidazole. Two weeks later he was readmitted to hospital with impaired consciousness and septic shock, and died three days later in intensive care. Post mortem examination revealed bacterial meningitis and an infected pancreatic pseudocyst. Klebsiella pneumoniae was isolated from the pancreas and meninges

    Comparative growth and biomass allocation of two varieties of cat's claw creeper, Dolichandra unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae) in Australia

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    Introduced as an ornamental vine, cat's claw creeper Dolichandra unguis-cati (syn. Macfadyena unguis-cati) has invaded coastal and subcoastal areas of subtropical eastern Australia. Two varieties have been indentified, one of which ('short-pod') is found throughout south-eastern Australia, while the other ('long-pod') appears to be restricted to several sites in south-eastern Queensland. We compared the growth and biomass allocation patterns of the two varieties in the field over a 22-month period to determine if a higher growth rate and/or more efficient allocation of biomass may contribute to this disparity in distribution. The long-pod variety produced greater aboveground and total biomass than the short-pod variety in both riparian and non-riparian zones. Belowground the two varieties produced a similar number of tubers and overall biomass, though the long-pod variety allocated a smaller portion of its carbon belowground. High growth rates and greater biomass allocation aboveground are characteristic of invasive species, allowing them to outcompete and crowd out existing vegetation. There was no significant site by variety interaction, an indication of consistency in variety performance across riparian and non-riparian sites. Results from our study suggest that differences in growth and biomass allocations are unlikely to have contributed to the disparity in distribution of the two varieties. Despite currently occupying a relatively small range, the long-pod variety may be a more adept invader than the short-pod variety, and could become more prevalent in the future. © 2012 CSIRO

    Imaging of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

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    This pictorial review is based on our experience of the follow-up of 120 patients at our multidisciplinary center for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). Rendu-Osler-Weber disease or HHT is a multiorgan autosomal dominant disorder with high penetrance, characterized by epistaxis, mucocutaneous telangiectasis, and visceral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). The research on gene mutations is fundamental and family screening by clinical examination, chest X-ray, research of pulmonary shunting, and abdominal color Doppler sonography is absolutely necessary. The angioarchitecture of pulmonary AVMs can be studied by unenhanced multidetector computed tomography; however, all other explorations of liver, digestive bowels, or brain require administration of contrast media. Magnetic resonance angiography is helpful for central nervous system screening, in particular for the spinal cord, but also for pulmonary, hepatic, and pelvic AVMs. Knowledge of the multiorgan involvement of HHT, mechanism of complications, and radiologic findings is fundamental for the correct management of these patients

    Regulation of mammary gland branching morphogenesis by the extracellular matrix and its remodeling enzymes.

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    A considerable body of research indicates that mammary gland branching morphogenesis is dependent, in part, on the extracellular matrix (ECM), ECM-receptors, such as integrins and other ECM receptors, and ECM-degrading enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). There is some evidence that these ECM cues affect one or more of the following processes: cell survival, polarity, proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, and migration. Both three-dimensional culture models and genetic manipulations of the mouse mammary gland have been used to study the signaling pathways that affect these processes. However, the precise mechanisms of ECM-directed mammary morphogenesis are not well understood. Mammary morphogenesis involves epithelial 'invasion' of adipose tissue, a process akin to invasion by breast cancer cells, although the former is a highly regulated developmental process. How these morphogenic pathways are integrated in the normal gland and how they become dysregulated and subverted in the progression of breast cancer also remain largely unanswered questions