67 research outputs found

    Comprimidos de liberación inmediata de Valsartán y Efavirenz: El papel de la concentración de superdisgregantes

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    The objective of this study was to formulate directly compressible fast disintegrating tablets of poorly water solubledrugs with different extent of drug solubilities, like valsartan and efavirenz, as model drugs. Effect of varying concentrationsof different superdisintegrants such as crospovidone, croscarmellose sodium, and sodium starch glycolate ondisintegration time and in vitro drug dissolution was studied. The disintegration time of the best immediate release tabletformulation among those tested was observed to be 21.5±1.26 sec and 20.16±0.85 sec for valsartan and efavirenz tabletscontaining 20% of Crospovidone, respectively. Drug release (from both valsartan and Efavirenz tablets) was faster fromformulations containing crospovidone compared to the other formulation. The effect was more apparent in Efavirenz,which has lesser aqueous solubility than valsartan. It was observed that 20% crospovidone was required to achieve80% drug release from efavirenz tablets. Differential scanning calorimetric studies did not indicate any drug-excipientincompatibility. In conclusion, directly compressible fast disintegrating tablets of valsartan and efavirenz with shorterdisintegration times and high dissolution rate were obtained and crospovidone seemed to be a better disintegrant forboth valsartan and efavirenz, based on disintegration time and T80% values obtained.El objetivo de este estudio fue formular comprimidos de rápida disgregación, obtenidos mediante compresión directa,de fármacos con baja solubilidad en agua y diferentes grados de solubilidad, tomando como modelo Valsartány Efavirenz. Se estudió el efecto de diversas concentraciones de diferentes superdisgregantes como crospovidona,croscarmelosa sódica y glicolato sódico de almidón sobre el tiempo de disgregación y la disolución del fármaco invitro. Se observó que el tiempo de disgregación del comprimido con mejor liberación inmediata, de entre todaslas formulaciones probadas, fue de 21,5 ± 1,26 s y 20,16 ± 0,85 s para los comprimidos de Valsartán y Efavirenz,respectivamente que contenían, en ambos casos, un 20% de crospovidona. La liberación del fármaco (tanto en loscomprimidos de Valsartán como Efavirenz) fue más rápida en el caso de las formulaciones con crospovidona encomparación con la otra formulación. El efecto fue más evidente en el caso de Efavirenz, cuya solubilidad en aguaes menor que la de Valsartán. Se observó que era necesario un 20% de crospovidona para obtener una liberacióndel fármaco del 80% en comprimidos de Efavirenz. Los estudios por calorimetría diferencial de barrido no indicaronninguna incompatibilidad fármaco-excipiente. En conclusión, se obtuvieron por compresión directa comprimidosde rápida disgregación de Valsartán y Efavirenz con tiempos de disgregación más cortos y una alta velocidad dedisolución. Además, la crospovidona resultó ser un mejor disgregante tanto para Valsartán como para Efavirenz,de acuerdo con el tiempo de disgregación y los valores T80% obtenidos

    Regulation of proteasome assembly and activity in health and disease

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    Microsatellite markers: what they mean and why they are so useful

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    Support and Assessment for Fall Emergency Referrals (SAFER 1): Cluster Randomised Trial of Computerised Clinical Decision Support for Paramedics

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    Objective: To evaluate effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of Computerised Clinical Decision Support (CCDS) for paramedics attending older people who fall. Design: Cluster trial randomised by paramedic; modelling. Setting: 13 ambulance stations in two UK emergency ambulance services. Participants: 42 of 409 eligible paramedics, who attended 779 older patients for a reported fall. Interventions: Intervention paramedics received CCDS on Tablet computers to guide patient care. Control paramedics provided care as usual. One service had already installed electronic data capture. Main Outcome Measures: Effectiveness: patients referred to falls service, patient reported quality of life and satisfaction, processes of care. Safety: Further emergency contacts or death within one month. Cost-Effectiveness Costs and quality of life. We used findings from published Community Falls Prevention Trial to model cost-effectiveness. Results: 17 intervention paramedics used CCDS for 54 (12.4%) of 436 participants. They referred 42 (9.6%) to falls services, compared with 17 (5.0%) of 343 participants seen by 19 control paramedics [Odds ratio (OR) 2.04, 95% CI 1.12 to 3.72]. No adverse events were related to the intervention. Non-significant differences between groups included: subsequent emergency contacts (34.6% versus 29.1%; OR 1.27, 95% CI 0.93 to 1.72); quality of life (mean SF12 differences: MCS −0.74, 95% CI −2.83 to +1.28; PCS −0.13, 95% CI −1.65 to +1.39) and non-conveyance (42.0% versus 36.7%; OR 1.13, 95% CI 0.84 to 1.52). However ambulance job cycle time was 8.9 minutes longer for intervention patients (95% CI 2.3 to 15.3). Average net cost of implementing CCDS was £208 per patient with existing electronic data capture, and £308 without. Modelling estimated cost per quality-adjusted life-year at £15,000 with existing electronic data capture; and £22,200 without. Conclusions: Intervention paramedics referred twice as many participants to falls services with no difference in safety. CCDS is potentially cost-effective, especially with existing electronic data capture

    Genomic-Assisted Enhancement in Stress Tolerance for Productivity Improvement in Sorghum

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    Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], the fifth most important cereal crop in the world after wheat, rice, maize, and barley, is a multipurpose crop widely grown for food, feed, fodder, forage, and fuel, vital to the food security of many of the world’s poorest people living in fragile agroecological zones. Globally, sorghum is grown on ~42 million hectares area in ~100 countries of Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. Sorghum grain is used mostly as food (~55%), in the form of flat breads and porridges in Asia and Africa, and as feed (~33%) in the Americas. Stover of sorghum is an increasingly important source of dry season fodder for livestock, especially in South Asia. In India, area under sorghum cultivation has been drastically come down to less than one third in the last six decades but with a limited reduction in total production suggesting the high-yield potential of this crop. Sorghum productivity is far lower compared to its genetic potential owing to a limited exploitation of genetic and genomic resources developed in the recent past. Sorghum production is challenged by various abiotic and biotic stresses leading to a significant reduction in yield. Advances in modern genetics and genomics resources and tools could potentially help to further strengthen sorghum production by accelerating the rate of genetic gains and expediting the breeding cycle to develop cultivars with enhanced yield stability under stress. This chapter reviews the advances made in generating the genetic and genomics resources in sorghum and their interventions in improving the yield stability under abiotic and biotic stresses to improve the productivity of this climate-smart cereal

    Acute-on-chronic liver failure: consensus recommendations of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) 2014

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