17 research outputs found

    Alternative supplementary biochemic food for growing up the fresh water lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus)

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    Priyono E, Astirin OP, Setyono P. 2009. Alternative supplementary biochemic food for growing up the fresh water lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus). Nusantara Bioscience 1: 123-130. This research denotes to know the influence of biochemic composition to the rapid grow of fresh water lobster on the stadium of post larva (PL) of 60 within three months. This research used the complete random planning dealing with 4 treatments and each treatment would get 3 times cycle. The treatments cover, group K tested animal was treted with 100% mill food containing 30% of protein. Group A is given with food and biochemic food containing 13,34% of protein. Group B is the treated with mill food which is mixed with biochemic food containing 10,7% of protein. While group C was tested by treating them with mill food and biochemic food containing 13,58%. After all the above mentioned would be set up within 3:1 comparation. The variable of this research were the length of the abdomen, cephalothorax, total length, and the wet weight. The data analysis is using ANOVA system on 95% power test completed by of SPSS version 13. The result of the research shows that mentioned treatments give us the same influence toward the growth of fresh water lobster. The composition of biochemic food with the containing protein around 10,7%,13.34% and 13,38% has given the same effect to the lobster growth on post larva 60 level. There is strong correlation between abdomen and cephalothorax and between the total length and the lobsters weight. Key words: Cherax quadricarinatus, suplementary food, water qualit

    Alternatif penambahan suplemen hayati untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan udang lobster air tawar (cherax quadricarinatus)

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    The Fresh water lobster (cherax quadricarinatus) is a kind of shrimp that economically has gained high price. The exported plantation shrimp has now become increasing annually, thus, the supports from the other reseaches are to be much expected on is sustainable growth. One of the most essential problems which needs to solve is the expensive price of its food which is a last, implicating the high cost of its production. This research denotes to know the influence of biochemic composition to the rapid grow of fresh water lobster on the stadium of post larva (PL) of 60 within three months. This research used the complete random planning dealing with 4 treatments and each treatment would get 3 times cycle. The treatments cover, group K tested animal is treted with 100% mill food containing 30% of protein. Group A is given with food and biochemic food containing 13,34% of protein. Group B is the treated with mill food which is mixed with biochemic food containing 10,7 % of protein. While group C is tested by treating them with mill food and biochemic food containing 13,58%. After all the above mentioned would be set up within 3:1 comparation. The variable of this research is the length of the abdomen, cephalothorax, total length, and the wet weight. The data analysis is using ANOVA system on 95% power test completed by 13 version of PSS software. The result of the research shows that mentioned treatments give us the same influence toward the growth of fresh water lobster. The composition of biochemic food with the containing protein around 10,7%,13.34% and 13,38% has given the same effect to the lobster growth on post larva 60 level. There is strong correlation between cephalothorax and abdomen and between the total length and the lobsters weight. Key word: Cherax quadricarinatus, Suplementary Food, Water Quality


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    PersoalanseputarsalatJumatselalumenjaditrending topicapabiladikaitkandenganulamatarajumah KH.Ahmad Rifa’idariduluhinggasekarang.Salah satuhal yang menarikadalahsampaisekarangJam’iyahRifa’iyah (sebutanuntukpengikutajaran KH.Ahmad Rifa’i) masihberpegangteguhpadaajaran KH.Ahmad Rifa’i yang hiduppadaparuhpertamapertengahanabad 19.Corakberfikirinduktif, dalamartiberangkatdarifenomena-fenomena di lapangan yang majemukkemudiandicarireferensinya di dalam al-Qur’an, al-Hadits, danpendapatulamasehinggapendapat KH.Ahmad Rifa’ikurangbertahan lama hinggasekarang. PenelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuisahnyasalatJumatdalamkitabTaisirmenurut KH. Ahmad Rifa’i. Sedangkansignifikansidaripenelitianiniadalahsebagaibahanmasukkandanuntukmenambahkhasanahkeilmuankhususnya di bidangfiqhbagikehidupanmasyarakatpadaumumnya.menurut KH. Ahmad Rifa’i agar pelaksanaansalatJumatsah, harusmemenuhisyarat-syarattertentu.Menurutnya, syarat-syarat yang harusdipenuhipadapelaksanaansalatJumattersebutsepertisyaratwajibmendirikansalatJumat, syaratsahsalatJumat, baiksyarat-syarat yang bersifatumummaupun yang bersifatkhusus, danmenjagadarihal-hal yang dapatmembatalkansalatJumat. Semuaketentuantersebuttertuangdalamkarya-karyanya yang ditulisdalambahasaJawa Arab PegonkhususnyakitabTaisir. PendapatKH. Ahmad Rifa’idenganulama-ulama lain yang masihdalammadzhabSyafi’iyahsebenarnyatidakadaperbedaanmendasar.Namun, karenacorakberfikir yang induktifmenimbulkankesanapa yang dijadikanrujukandalammenentukansebuahhukumdinilaiberseberangandarimainstream yang telah lama sudahmapan di kalanganmasyarakat. Salah satunyaadalahbahwasalatJumat yang didirikandenganempatbilanganJumattetapsahdengancatatanmemenuhisyarat-syaratmenjadibilanganJumat.Di antarasyarat-syarattersebutadalah Islam, berusiabaligh, berakal, laki-laki, merdeka, muqimmustautin, dantidakummi.KH.Ahmad Rifa’idalamkaryanyamenyebutkanbahwaempatbilanganJumattersebutdiambildaripendapat imam Syafi’iketika di Baghdad, Irakdenganqaulqadimnya.Sedangkanketika di Mesirdenganqauljadidnya, imamSyafi’imenyatakanbahwasalatJumathanyasahdengandihadiri minimal empatpuluh orang yang menjadibilanganJumat


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    The online music service indicating, legal music, web sites is an innovative product, and it may causethe enormous change of procurement behavior of the music works. Like a lot of Asian countries, the onlinemusic market of Indonesia at present has just sprouted. The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation offactors influencing online music purchase intention of Indonesian early adopter of online music, which can helpthe online music practitioners to develop better market strategies.The value of this paper is to establish a theoretical model incorporating the value-intention frameworkinto technology acceptance model to investigate the purchase behavior of early adopter of online music inIndonesia. The results of this study help online music practitioners to create a success business model


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    Pesta demokrasi, baik dalam pemilihan umum dan pemilihan umum kepala daerah harus mengacu transparansi dan akuntabilitas sehingga hasil yang didapat memberikan kepercayaan bagi semua pihak. Salah satu problem utama dari pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi adalah membangun sistem jaringan yang memungkinkan pelaksanaan pemilihan itu sendiri berjalan transparan. Terkait hal ini, perkembangan tekonologi digital dan internet sangat memungkinkan terjadinya pelaksanaan pemilihan tersebut secara transparan dan akuntabilitasnya terjamin. Evoting adalah salah satu konsep riil yang relevan dilakukan bagi pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi di Indonesia. Hal ini juga harus didukung pendataan elektronik melalui format KTP digital yang mereduksi terjadinya pemilih ganda. Kondisi geografis Indonesia juga sangat berkepentingan untuk penerapan e-voting agar penghitungan suara dapat dilakukan real time online. Kajian pustaka tentang e-voting menunjukan tentang urgensi sistem transparansi dan akuntabilitas untuk mendukung legalitas hasil


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    Pesta demokrasi, baik dalam pemilihan umum dan pemilihan umum kepala daerah harus mengacu transparansi dan akuntabilitas sehingga hasil yang didapat memberikan kepercayaan bagi semua pihak. Salah satu problem utama dari pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi adalah membangun sistem jaringan yang memungkinkan pelaksanaan pemilihan itu sendiri berjalan transparan. Terkait hal ini, perkembangan tekonologi digital dan internet sangat memungkinkan terjadinya pelaksanaan pemilihan tersebut secara transparan dan akuntabilitasnya terjamin. Evoting adalah salah satu konsep riil yang relevan dilakukan bagi pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi di Indonesia. Hal ini juga harus didukung pendataan elektronik melalui format KTP digital yang mereduksi terjadinya pemilih ganda. Kondisi geografis Indonesia juga sangat berkepentingan untuk penerapan e-voting agar penghitungan suara dapat dilakukan real time online. Kajian pustaka tentang e-voting menunjukan tentang urgensi sistem transparansi dan akuntabilitas untuk mendukung legalitas hasil


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    SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Li4Ti5O12 WITH SOL GEL METHOD AS A LITHIUM ION-BATTERY ANODE MATERIAL. Synthesis of anode Li4Ti5O12 material has been carried out using the sol gel method. The synthesis is carried out with variations in sintering temperatures at 500 oC, 600 oC, 700 oC dan 800 oC. Characterization carried out includes testing thermal analysis to determine the optimum temperature for sintering, XRD (X-ray Diffraction) to find out the phase formation of Li4Ti5O12, Scanning electron microscope (SEM) to analyse the morphology formed, testing Cyclic voltammetry, charge-discharge and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is carried out to find out the elec- trochemical performance. From the results of characterization of thermal and XRD analyses, the optimum temperature for synthesis is 800oC with small impurity content. The results of SEM characterization show that the morphology of the sample is not homogeneous, and the particles are agglomerated. The resulting electrochemical performance increases along with the increase in temperature for sintering, including voltammogram graphs, diffusion coefficient values, electrical conductivity and charge-discharge capacity. Of all the samples, the LTO sintered at 800oC shows good electrochemical performance with a sharp and good voltammogram graph, diffusion coefficient value of lithium ion is 1.58 Ă— 10-9 cm2s-1, electrical conductivity of 0.6282 S/cm and the discharge capacity given is 78,07 mAh/g


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    Pesta demokrasi, baik dalam pemilihan umum dan pemilihan umum kepala daerah harus mengacu transparansi dan akuntabilitas sehingga hasil yang didapat memberikan kepercayaan bagi semua pihak. Salah satu problem utama dari pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi adalah membangun sistem jaringan yang memungkinkan pelaksanaan pemilihan itu sendiri berjalan transparan. Terkait hal ini, perkembangan tekonologi digital dan internet sangat memungkinkan terjadinya pelaksanaan pemilihan tersebut secara transparan dan akuntabilitasnya terjamin. Evoting adalah salah satu konsep riil yang relevan dilakukan bagi pelaksanaan pesta demokrasi di Indonesia. Hal ini juga harus didukung pendataan elektronik melalui format KTP digital yang mereduksi terjadinya pemilih ganda. Kondisi geografis Indonesia juga sangat berkepentingan untuk penerapan e-voting agar penghitungan suara dapat dilakukan real time online. Kajian pustaka tentang e-voting menunjukan tentang urgensi sistem transparansi dan akuntabilitas untuk mendukung legalitas hasil

    Metagenomics-Based Cloning of Amilase-Encoding Genes from the Uncultured Symbiotic Bacteria of a Marine Sponge Theonella swinhoei from Kapoposang Island, South Sulawesi

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    Marine sponges have recently been recognized as the source ofenzymes, including members of hydrolases. Hydrolytic enzymes are extracellularly produced by sponge-associated bacteria to mediate the metabolism of complex organic matters, thereby assisting the sponge hosts in nutrition and metabolic processes. Among hydrolytic enzymes, amilaseshas attracted increasing attention due to their potential industrial applications. This research work was aimed atutilizing functional metagenomicsapproach for the discovery of amilases derived from the uncultured symbiotic bacteriaof the Indonesian marine sponge Theonella swinhoei. Weinitially constructed a small-insert metagenomiclibrary in Escherichia coliby cloning of metagenome in the size range of5-20 kb prepared from the sponge’s microbiome. Further functional screening of the resulting metagenomic library led to the isolation of two recombinant E. coli clones potentially harboring amilase genes, as indicated by the presence of clearing zones surroinding the selective medium containing 1% amilum