31 research outputs found

    Ground-Based Measurements of the 2014–2015 Holuhraun Volcanic Cloud (Iceland)

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    The 2014–2015 Bárðarbunga fissure eruption at Holuhraun in central Iceland was distinguished by the high emission of gases, in total 9.6 Mt SO2, with almost no tephra. This work collates all ground-based measurements of this extraordinary eruption cloud made under particularly challenging conditions: remote location, optically dense cloud with high SO2 column amounts, low UV intensity, frequent clouds and precipitation, an extensive and hot lava field, developing ramparts, and high-latitude winter conditions. Semi-continuous measurements of SO2 flux with three scanning DOAS instruments were augmented by car traverses along the ring-road and along the lava. The ratios of other gases/SO2 were measured by OP-FTIR, MultiGAS, and filter packs. Ratios SO2/HCl = 30–110 and SO2/HF = 30–130 show a halogen-poor eruption cloud. Scientists on-site reported extremely minor tephra production during the eruption. OPC and filter packs showed low particle concentrations similar to non-eruption cloud conditions. Three weather radars detected a droplet-rich eruption cloud. Top of eruption cloud heights of 0.3–5.5 km agl were measured with ground- and aircraft-based visual observations, web camera and NicAIR II infrared images, triangulation of scanning DOAS instruments, and the location of SO2 peaks measured by DOAS traverses. Cloud height and emission rate measurements were critical for initializing gas dispersal simulations for hazard forecasting

    T. cruzi OligoC-TesT: A Simplified and Standardized Polymerase Chain Reaction Format for Diagnosis of Chagas Disease

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    Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and represents a major public health problem in Latin America. Furthermore, growing human population movements extend the disease distribution to regions outside the South American continent. Accurate diagnosis is crucial in patient care and in preventing transmission through blood transfusion, organ transplantation, or vertical transmission from mother to child. Routine diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection generally is based on detection of the host's antibodies against the parasite. However, antibody detection tests are liable to specificity problems and are of limited use in assessing treatment outcome and congenital infections. The introduction of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify specific DNA sequences opened promising diagnostic perspectives. Despite its reported high sensitivity and specificity, broad use of the PCR technique in diagnosis of Chagas disease is hampered by its complexity and the lack of any standardization. We here present the development and evaluation of the T. cruzi OligoC-TesT, a simple and standardized dipstick format for detection of PCR amplified T. cruzi DNA. The new tool is an important step towards simplified and standardized molecular diagnosis of Chagas disease

    Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa

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    Objetivo: investigar a existência do sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir da estimulação gustativa. Métodos: estudo experimental, analítico, duplo-cego. Participaram 90 recém-nascidos prematuros, de uma maternidade pública de Sergipe. O teste foi filmado, constituindo-se por três momentos de cinco minutos. O primeiro e último momento sem realizar estímulo, o segundo momento com estimulação gustativa, sendo que os recém-nascidos foram divididos em dois grupos (água ou sacarose). Foram estudados os comportamentos específicos sucção de mão direita e esquerda, protrusão de língua e movimentos de sucção nos estados comportamentais sono profundo, sono leve, sonolento, agitado/irritado e choro. Para caracterizar a população foram utilizadas média, desvio-padrão e prevalências. Foi utilizado o teste não paramétrico Mann-Whitney para comparação de médias. O teste de Spearman verificou correlação entre estados comportamentais e comportamentos específicos em cada momento do teste. O valor de p foi significante quando menor que 0,05. Resultados: independente do estímulo administrado, a correlação aumentou em todos os comportamentos específicos. Comparando os grupos separadamente, após a estimulação, observou-se aumento de correlação em sucção de mão direita e protrusão de língua para ambos os grupos. O mesmo aconteceu em sucção, com exceção do estado agitado/irritado. Após a estimulação, houve maior correlação para o comportamento de sucção de mão esquerda no grupo sacarose quando comparado ao grupo água. Os resultados evidenciam que estímulos gustativos podem contribuir na prontidão para alimentação nesta população. Conclusões: evidenciou-se nos recém-nascidos prematuros aumento de correlação para os comportamentos específicos relacionados ao sistema de alimentação, após estimulação oral, o que vislumbra a possibilidade da estimulação gustativa ser utilizada para ativação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Purpose: to investigate the existence of the alimentation system in premature newborns in response to gustatory stimulation. Methods: experimental, analytical, double-blind study. 90 premature newborns of a public maternity in Sergipe took part in the test which was filmed and divided into three parts of five minutes. In the first and last, there was no stimulus; in the second, the gustatory stimulation was applied and the newborn children were divided into two groups (water or sucrose). We studied the specific behaviors suction right and left hands, tongue protrusion and suction movements in behavioral states deep sleep, light sleep, drowsy, restless / irritable and crying. In the statistical analysis of the population, average, standard deviation and prevalence studies were performed. We used the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test to compare averages. The Spearman test observed correlation between behavioral states at each time of the test. The p value was significant when less than 0.05. Results: independent of the given stimulus, the correlation increased in all specific behaviors. Comparing the groups separately, after stimulation, we observed an increase in correlation in right hand suction and tongue protrusion for both. The same happened in suction, except for the agitated/irritated state. After stimulation, there was a higher correlation to the behavior of left hand suction in the sucrose group when compared to water. The results show that gustatory stimuli may contribute to the readiness to feed this population. Conclusions: it was found in premature newborns an increased in correlation for the specific behaviors related to the alimentation system after oral stimulation, which envisions the possibility of gustatory stimulation be used for activating a alimentation system in premature newborns

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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