174 research outputs found

    Technical Note: An implementation of the dry removal processes DRY DEPosition and SEDImentation in the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)

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    International audienceWe present the submodels DRYDEP and SEDI for the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy). Dry deposition of gases and aerosols is calculated within DRYDEP, whereas SEDI deals with aerosol particle sedimentation. Dry deposition velocities depend on the near-surface turbulence and the physical and chemical properties of the surface cover (e.g. the roughness length, soil pH or leaf stomatal exchange). The dry deposition algorithm used in DRYDEP is based on the big leaf approach and is described in detail within this Technical Note. The sedimentation submodel SEDI contains two sedimentation schemes: a simple upwind zeroth order scheme and a first order approach

    Technical Note: The MESSy-submodel AIRSEA calculating the air-sea exchange of chemical species

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    The new submodel AIRSEA for the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) is presented. It calculates the exchange of chemical species between the ocean and the atmosphere with a focus on organic compounds. The submodel can be easily extended to a large number of tracers, including highly soluble ones. It is demonstrated that the application of explicitly calculated air-sea exchanges with AIRSEA can induce substantial changes in the simulated tracer distributions in the troposphere in comparison to a model setup in which this process is neglected. For example, the simulations of acetone, constrained with measured oceanic concentrations, shows relative changes in the atmospheric surface layer mixing ratios over the Atlantic Ocean of up to 300%

    Simulating organic species with the global atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1: a comparison of model results with observations

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    The atmospheric-chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1 is evaluated with observations of different organic ozone precursors. This study continues a prior analysis which focused primarily on the representation of atmospheric dynamics and ozone. We use the results of the same reference simulation and apply a statistical analysis using data from numerous field campaigns. The results serve as a basis for future improvements of the model system. ECHAM5/MESSy1 generally reproduces the spatial distribution and the seasonal cycle of carbon monoxide (CO) very well. However, for the background in the Northern Hemisphere we obtain a negative bias (mainly due to an underestimation of emissions from fossil fuel combustion), and in the high latitude Southern Hemisphere a yet unexplained positive bias. The model results agree well with observations of alkanes, whereas severe problems in the simulation of alkenes and isoprene are present. For oxygenated compounds the results are ambiguous: The model results are in good agreement with observations of formaldehyde, but systematic biases are present for methanol and acetone. The discrepancies between the model results and the observations are explained (partly) by means of sensitivity studies

    Estimulación eléctrica en la reparación ósea de defectos creados en cráneos de conejos

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    Electrical stimulation has been used in different conditions for tissue regeneration. The aim of this study was to analyze the tissue response of defects created in rabbit skulls to electrical stimulation. Two groups were formed, each with 9 New Zealand rabbits; two 5 mm defects were made, one in each parietal, with one being randomly filled with autogenous bone extracted as particles and the other maintained only with blood clotting. The rabbits were euthanized at 8 weeks and 15 weeks to then study the samples collected histologically. In the 8-week analysis bone formation was observed in the defects in the test and control filled with bone graft, whereas the defects with clotting presented a very early stage of bone formation with abundant connective tissue. At 15 weeks an advanced stage of bone regeneration was identified in the defects with bone graft, whereas no significant differences were found in the electrically stimulated defects. In conclusion, electrical stimulus does not alter the sequence of bone formation; new studies could help establish patterns and influences of the stimulus on bone regeneration.Electrical stimulation has been used in different conditions for tissue regeneration. The aim of this study was to analyze the tissue response of defects created in rabbit skulls to electrical stimulation. Two groups were formed, each with 9 New Zealand r33311461150sem informaçãosem informaçãoLa estimulación eléctrica ha sido empleada en diferentes condiciones para la regeneración de tejidos. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la respuesta tisular de defectos creados en cráneo de conejos a la estimulación eléctrica. Se formaron 2 g

    Aristotle's Illusion in Parkinson's Disease: Evidence for Normal Interdigit Tactile Perception.

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    Sensory alterations, a common feature of such movement disorders as Parkinson's disease (PD) and dystonia, could emerge as epiphenomena of basal ganglia dysfunction. Recently, we found a selective reduction of tactile perception (Aristotle's illusion, the illusory doubling sensation of one object when touched with crossed fingers) in the affected hand of patients with focal hand dystonia. This suggests that reduced tactile illusion might be a specific feature of this type of dystonia and could be due to abnormal somatosensory cortical activation. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether Aristotle's illusion is reduced in the affected hand of patients with PD. We tested 15 PD patients, in whom motor symptoms were mainly localised to one side of the body, and 15 healthy controls. Three pairs of fingers were tested in crossed (evoking the illusion) or parallel position (not evoking the illusion). A sphere was placed in the contact point between the two fingers and the blindfolded participants had to say whether they felt one or two stimuli. Stimuli were applied on the affected and less or unaffected side of the PD patients. We found no difference in illusory perception between the PD patients and the controls, nor between the more affected and less/unaffected side, suggesting that Aristotle's illusion is preserved in PD. The retained tactile illusion in PD and its reduction in focal hand dystonia suggest that the basal ganglia, which are dysfunctional in both PD and dystonia, may not be causally involved in this function. Instead, the level of activation between digits in the somatosensory cortex may be more directly involved. Finally, the similar percentage of illusion in the more affected and less or unaffected body sides indicates that the illusory perception is not influenced by the presence or amount of motor symptoms

    Impact of the South Asian monsoon outflow on atmospheric hydroperoxides in the upper troposphere

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    During the OMO (Oxidation Mechanism Observation) mission, trace gas measurements were performed on board the HALO (High Altitude Long Range) research aircraft in summer 2015 in order to investigate the outflow of the South Asian summer monsoon and its influence on the composition of the Asian monsoon anticyclone (AMA) in the upper troposphere over the eastern Mediterranean and the Arabian Peninsula. This study focuses on in situ observations of hydrogen peroxide (H2_{2}O2_{2}obs^{obs}) and organic hydroperoxides (ROOHobs^{obs}) as well as their precursors and loss processes. Observations are compared to photostationary-state (PSS) calculations of H2_{2}O2_{2}PSS^{PSS} and extended by a separation of ROOHobs^{obs} into methyl hydroperoxide (MHPPSS^{PSS}) and inferred unidentified hydroperoxide (UHPPSS^{PSS}) mixing ratios using PSS calculations. Measurements are also contrasted to simulations with the general circulation ECHAM–MESSy for Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model. We observed enhanced mixing ratios of H2_{2}O2_{2}obs^{obs} (45 %), MHPPSS^{PSS} (9 %), and UHPPSS (136 %) in the AMA relative to the northern hemispheric background. Highest concentrations for H2_{2}O2_{2}obs^{obs} and MHPPSS^{PSS} of 211 and 152 ppbV_{V}, respectively, were found in the tropics outside the AMA, while for UHPPSS^{PSS}, with 208 pptV_{V}, highest concentrations were found within the AMA. In general, the observed concentrations are higher than steady-state calculations and EMAC simulations by a factor of 3 and 2, respectively. Especially in the AMA, EMAC underestimates the H2_{2}O2_{2}EMAC^{EMAC} (medians: 71 pptV_{V} vs. 164 pptV_{V}) and ROOHEMAC (medians: 25 pptV_{V} vs. 278 pptV_{V}) mixing ratios. Longitudinal gradients indicate a pool of hydroperoxides towards the center of the AMA, most likely associated with upwind convection over India. This indicates main contributions of atmospheric transport to the local budgets of hydroperoxides along the flight track, explaining strong deviations from steady-state calculations which only account for local photochemistry. Underestimation of H2_{2}O2_{2}EMAC^{EMAC} by approximately a factor of 2 in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and the AMA and overestimation in the Southern Hemisphere (SH; factor 1.3) are most likely due to uncertainties in the scavenging efficiencies for individual hydroperoxides in deep convective transport to the upper troposphere, corroborated by a sensitivity study. It seems that the observed excess UHPPSS is excess MHP transported to the west from an upper tropospheric source related to convection in the summer monsoon over Southeast Asia

    The atmospheric chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1: consistent simulation of ozone from the surface to the mesosphere

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    International audienceThe new Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) describes atmospheric chemistry and meteorological processes in a modular framework, following strict coding standards. It has been coupled to the ECHAM5 general circulation model, which has been slightly modified for this purpose. A 90-layer model version up to 0.01 hPa was used at T42 resolution (~2.8 latitude and longitude) to simulate the lower and middle atmosphere. The model meteorology has been tested to check the influence of the changes to ECHAM5 and the radiation interactions with the new representation of atmospheric composition. A Newtonian relaxation technique was applied in the tropospheric part of the domain to weakly nudge the model towards the analysed meteorology during the period 1998?2005. It is shown that the tropospheric wave forcing of the stratosphere in the model suffices to reproduce the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and major stratospheric warming events leading e.g. to the vortex split over Antarctica in 2002. Characteristic features such as dehydration and denitrification caused by the sedimentation of polar stratospheric cloud particles and ozone depletion during winter and spring are simulated accurately, although ozone loss in the lower polar stratosphere is slightly underestimated. The model realistically simulates stratosphere-troposphere exchange processes as indicated by comparisons with satellite and in situ measurements. The evaluation of tropospheric chemistry presented here focuses on the distributions of ozone, hydroxyl radicals, carbon monoxide and reactive nitrogen compounds. In spite of minor shortcomings, mostly related to the relatively coarse T42 resolution and the neglect of interannual changes in biomass burning emissions, the main characteristics of the trace gas distributions are generally reproduced well. The MESSy submodels and the ECHAM5/MESSy1 model output are available through the internet on request

    Conversando sobre Património Industrial e outras Histórias: palavras, espaços e imagens

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    O conjunto de entrevistas apresentadas neste livro procura dar uma nova visão acerca do património industrial. Com uma abordagem aos estudos e às trajectórias de diversos estudiosos do Brasil e de Portugal, aos percursos de formação de cada autor (a), às suas várias temporalidades e vinculações institucionais distintas, a obra valoriza as narrativas orais de quem viveu o processo de construção e consolidação dessa área de pesquisa nos dois países. O objectivo é contribuir para o debate complexo e contínuo sobre o património e possibilita uma ampliação do nosso entendimento dos modos como esta área se firmou e se vem afirmando em diversos espaços, dentro e fora das universidades

    Global tropospheric effects of aromatic chemistry with the SAPRC-11 mechanism implemented in GEOS-Chem version 9-02

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    The Goddard Earth Observing System with chemistry (GEOS-Chem) model has been updated with the State-wide Air Pollution Research Center version 11 (SAPRC-11) aromatics chemical mechanism, with the purpose of evaluating global and regional effects of the most abundant aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylenes) on the chemical species important for tropospheric oxidation capacity. The model evaluation based on surface and aircraft observations indicates good agreement for aromatics and ozone. A comparison between scenarios in GEOS-Chem with simplified aromatic chemistry (as in the standard setup, with no ozone formation from related peroxy radicals or recycling of NOx) and with the SAPRC-11 scheme reveals relatively slight changes in ozone, the hydroxyl radical, and nitrogen oxides on a global mean basis (1&thinsp;%–4&thinsp;%), although remarkable regional differences (5&thinsp;%–20&thinsp;%) exist near the source regions. NOx decreases over the source regions and increases in the remote troposphere, due mainly to more efficient transport of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), which is increased with the SAPRC aromatic chemistry. Model ozone mixing ratios with the updated aromatic chemistry increase by up to 5&thinsp;ppb (more than 10&thinsp;%), especially in industrially polluted regions. The ozone change is partly due to the direct influence of aromatic oxidation products on ozone production rates, and in part to the altered spatial distribution of NOx that enhances the tropospheric ozone production efficiency. Improved representation of aromatics is important to simulate the tropospheric oxidation.</p