209 research outputs found

    A36 The TP53 mutations in the Russian patients with de novo DLBCL

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    BackgroundTP53 dysfunction is implicated in lymphomagenesis and disease progression. Information about the frequency and spectrum of TP53 mutations in the Russian pathients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in the current version of the IARC TP53 Mutation Database R17 is not represented. The goal of this work was to study the frequency, spectrum and functional significance of TP53 mutations in Russian patients with DLBCL.Material and methodsAt the present time the pilot group of 14 patients were included in the study. Diagnosis was assessed according to the criteria of the WHO classification system. Genomic DNA was isolated from formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue blocks. Direct sequence analysis of gene TP53 was performed according to the IARC protocol, 2010 update.ResultsIn two patients were identified single nucleotide substitutions that are not described in the current version of the PubMed database. All of mutations occurred in the DNA-binding domain of p53. The nonsense mutation Arg196Ter was detected in one patient. Previously it was shown that formation of this premature stop codon might activate the nonsense-mediated RNA decay pathway. The second patient had two missense mutations – Leu130Phe and Arg156Cys. The first of them leads to p53 inactivation according to the analysis of the functional importance of amino acid substitutions using service PolyPhen-2.ConclusionWe detected TP53 mutation in 14% cases. The mutational rate in our study is in good agreement with other studies where the frequency of the TP53 mutations in patients with DLBCL ranged mostly from 13% to 23%


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    This article off ers an analysis of innovation activities in three Latin American countries. Such components as the role of science, business communities, and public policies in the transition to a knowledge-based economy are analyzed. Based on the Gibbons Model, innovative models that are being implemented inBrazil,Chile, andMexicoare compared. The data obtained may be used as a practical tool in developing countries

    Lingvocultural Types in the British Language Picture of the World

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    One of the mainstreams in linguistics at the end of the XXth - beginning of the XXIst century is a linguocultural modeling of linguistic consciousness and communicative behaviour, i.e. the creation of a certain linguocultural archetype. By itself, the term "linguocultural archetype" is an interdisciplinary concept of cultural linguistics, linguistic conceptology and linguistic personology. The authors of the paper consider a linguocultural archetype, on the one hand, as a set of indicators, which make it possible to find a recognizable image of some individual, and on the other hand, reveal the features typical for a social or ethnic group, which is a binding basis for the archetype. The linguocultural archetypes presented in the paper are considered as typified individuals from a certain ethno-social group; they are recognisable by their characteristic features of verbal and non-verbal behaviour and value orientation in the society. The paper deals with conceptual, figurative, value and associative features of British linguocultural archetypes such as "English policeman", and "knocker up".The important indicators of linguocultural archetypes in cognitive consciousness of people are recurrence, associativity and textuality. The recognisability of the linguocultural archetypes "English policeman" and "knocker up" is stipulated by the mentioning of these professions in films, works of writers and artists, as well as in mass media materials


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    The establishment of cooperation between the science, the state and business communities fosters the development and implementation of joint projects in various economic activity areas. The Triple Helix theory comprises the main participants forming research and technology clusters. In its turn, the development of clusters leads to the increase in economic activity of various regions of the countries where the Triple Helix is applied. Thus, the Triple Helix theory includes a whole system of players from various activity areas, with a relationship network established between them contributing to the formation of the efficient national economy. Формирование творческого сотрудничества между наукой, государством и бизнесом способствует развитию и функционированию совместных проектов в различных социально-экономических сферах. Теория «Тройной спирали» вбирает в себя научное обоснование участия всех главных сторон в формировании и функционировании научно-технологических кластеров. В свою очередь, создание кластеров ведет к увеличению экономической активности различных регионов страны, где реализуются научные принципы «Тройной спирали», так как теория «Тройной спирали» – это приведение в эффективную систему роли всех участников реализации различных инвестиционных проектов с приведением их взаимоотношений в экономически рациональное русло, обусловливающее формирование эффективной национальной экономики государства.

    Ants of the central part of the Kungurskaya forest-steppe in Permskii Krai of Russia

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    The Kungurskaya forest-steppe, the natural botanical phenomenon in Permskaya Oblast of the Urals region of Russia is the northernmost area of stipa-steppes located in subtaiga zone with spruce-fir forests. The ant fauna of the Central part of the Kungurskaya forest-steppe is studied within nine localities near Kungur town. 29 species from 8 genera and 2 subfamilies are revealed, of which three species, Formica glauca Ruzsky, 1895, Lasius umbratus Nylander, 1946 and Polyergus rufescens Latreille, 1798, are registered for this territory for the first time. At present, 32 ant species are known for the Kungurskaya forest-steppe, with the species richness revealed as highest in Spasskaya mountain (23 species), and as minor in Ust-Kishert village (9 species), Belaya mountain (9 species) and in pine forest near Kungur town (7 species). Local faunas similarity analysis presented three separate groups of ants inhabiting following typical biotopes: - disturbed territories typical by man-impact tolerant species Lasius niger (Linnaeus, 1758) and Myrmica ruginodis Nylander, 1846 predominance; - birch forests with grass meadows located on plains with ant species of Formica rufa Linnaeus, 1761 group and species of the subgenus Formica (Coptoformica) Mueller, 1923, as well as F. fusca Linnaeus, 1758, Lasius niger (L.), L. longiceps Seifert, 1988 and Myrmica schencki Viereck, 1903; - steppe associations in areas with pronounced relief and predominance of Formica pratensis Retzius, 1783, F. rufibarbis Fabricius, 1793, F. cunicularia Latreille, 1798, Tetramorium caespitum (Linnaeus, 1758), Myrmica schencki Viereck, 1903 and M. rugulosa Nylander, 1849. Ant fauna of the Central part of the Kungurskaya forest-steppe was formed under the influence of meso-relief that determined micro-habitats characters. © 2023 The Author(s)

    Cultural Conflict inFrance in«The National Front» Party Discourse

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    «The National Front» is a salient example of a party with the large part of discourse devoted to cultural conflict. In the beginning we consider the background against which the party discourse developed until today. Further we provide some theoretical ground for applying discourse studies in politics. In the third part we analyze texts provided by «The National Front» concerning how the cultural conflict is represented in them. We conclude that the cultural conflict in this case originates from the globalization processes where the migration becomes a big issue. For France it’s also connected with European integration which erase the borders and deprives sovereignty from states which is dangerous for preserving one’s national culture.«Национальный фронт» является ярким примером партии, значительная часть дискурса которой посвящена проблеме культурного конфликта. В статье мы рассматриваем в контексте каких более масштабных процессов новейшей истории развивался дискурс «Национального фронта». Также в работе приведены некоторые теоретические сведения, обосновывающие изучение дискурса в политических науках. В третьей части мы проводим анализ содержания материалов «Национального фронта» на предмет того, как в них представлен современный культурный конфликт в данном государстве. Мы приходим к выводу, что суть культурного конфликта в дискурсе данной партии заключается в том, что культурный суверенитет государства в эпоху глобализации подвергается угрозе в результате масштабной миграции. В случае Франции это также помещается в контекст европейской интеграции, которая «лишает» государства некоторой доли суверенитета, стирает границы, что является опасным для сохранения национальной культуры


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    This article off ers an analysis of innovation activities in three Latin American countries. Such components as the role of science, business communities, and public policies in the transition to a knowledge-based economy are analyzed. Based on the Gibbons Model, innovative models that are being implemented inBrazil,Chile, andMexicoare compared. The data obtained may be used as a practical tool in developing countries.Данная статья посвящена анализу инновационной активности ряда стран Латинской Америки. Проанализированы такие составляющие, как роль науки, бизнес-сообществ, а также государственная политика, направленная на переход к экономике, основанной на научных знаниях. На основании «the Gibbon’s Model» проведено сравнение инновационных моделей, которые реализуются в Бразилии, Чили и Мексике. Полученные данные можно использовать как практический инструментарий формирования инновационной политики в развивающихся странах. В заключение представлена оценка инновационной активности стран Латинской Америки

    Impact of International Sporting Events on the Economy: Foreign Experience

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    The contribution of sporting mega-events to the growth of the host economy remains an open question in the academic and expert communities. Their preparation requires enormous investments in the construction and modernization of infrastructure, as well as trade development and tourism expansion. Theoretically, this may seem to be fertile ground for economic growth and high investment performance. However, in practice, major sporting events, as a rule, induce budget overruns and huge debt of the host country; investment strategies are rarely successful; and financial expectations from such events are overestimated. This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of foreign and Russian experience in the implementation of sports mega-events. This research helps to systematize the effects of such events for the socioeconomic development of the country

    Gradients of Taxonomic Diversity among Local Floras in the Russian Arctic

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    Latitudinal and longitudinal changes in taxonomic variables were analyzed in 319 local floras in the Russian Arctic. Within the studied segment of latitudinal gradient, most changes can be described in terms of linear regression with negative coefficients (a number of species, genera and families), or positive coefficients (a proportion of the leading families and genera). However, the mean number of species in a family or genus almost does not change with increasing latitude, although it slightly increases as one moves eastward. The proportion of monocots does not correlate with latitude, but slightly decreases as one moves eastward. Proportions of various families change asynchronously. Although correlation with longitude was less pronounced, mean species richness was specific to many subprovinces, even within a certain subzone. These differences reflect both the diversity of landscapes and the history of flora formation. Keywords: the Arctic, local floras, latitudinal and longitudinal gradient, floristic subprovince