998 research outputs found

    Bebida contendo abacaxi (Ananas comosus) e beterraba (Beta vulgaris) para crianças: tratar termicamente ou não?

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    Edição dos Resumos do VI Congresso Latinoamericano e XII Congresso Brasileiro de Higienistas de Alimentos, II Encontro Nacional de Vigilância das Zoonoses, IV Encontro do Sistema Brasileiro de Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal, Gramado, abr. 2013

    Composição química e atividade antimicrobiana de óleo essencial de Callistemon lanceolatus (Sm.) sweet.

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    C. lanceolatus é um arbusto da família Mirtaceae conhecido por ?escova-de-garrafa? devido à forma de suas inflorescências. Nativo da Austrália, também é conhecido como C. citrinus e suas folhas apresentam agradável aroma. É usado como planta ornamental e suas folhas apesentam efeito hepatoprotetor, hipoglicêmico e hipolipidêmico. Este trabalho objetivou determinar a composição química e a atividade antimicrobiana do óleo essencial das folhas de C. lanceolatus. A planta está localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (22o50?40,57744?S, 43o18?55,8642?O) e uma exsicata foi depositada no herbário da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (RBR 35922). As folhas foram coletadas em maio de 2013. O óleo essencial foi extraído por hidrodestilação por 45 min., seco com Na2SO4 e armazenado a ? 18 oC até o momento das análises. A composição foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas, em modelo GC-2010Plus/GCMS-QP2010 da Shimadzu (Japão). Dados da corrida: gás de arraste: He. Fase estacionária: 5% difenil 95% polisiloxano. Temperatura do injetor: 280 oC. Programação: 60 oC - 260 oC a 2 oC.min.-1 Mantido a 260 oC.15 min.-1 Voltagem de ionização: 70 eV. Fragmentos: 40 a 350 m/z. Temperaturas da fonte de íons e da interface: 300 oC. Volume de injeção: 0,1 ?L, split 1:100. Identificação: comparação com dados da biblioteca NIST 11 com correlação positiva ? 90% e presença nas 3 repetições. Determinação da atividade antimicrobiana realizada pela técnica de difusão em ágar e os microrganismos estudados foram Lysteria monocytogenes (ATCC 13076), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 14458), Bacillus cereus (ATCC 33019), Salmonella enteritidis (ATCC 13076), Salmonella brasil e Escherichia coli (ATCC 10799), da coleção de culturas do laboratório de microbiologia de alimentos da Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos. Culturas mantidas em ágar triptona soja (TSA), exceto L. monocytogenes, mantida em ágar extrato de levedura triptona de soja (TSA-YE). A extração apresentou um rendimento de 0,7%. Foram identificadas e quantificadas 22 substâncias, perfazendo um total de 90,31% da composição do óleo. As 4 substâncias majoritárias representaram 62,4% do óleo. Foram elas: 1,8-cineol (39,05% ± 2,687), ?-terpineol (13,36% ± 1,718), ?-pineno (5,52% ± 0,205) e L-E-pinocarveol (4,53% ± 0,707). O óleo não mostrou atividade antimicrobiana sobre os microrganismos estudados

    Understanding the core density profile in TCV H-mode plasmas

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    Results from a database analysis of H-mode electron density profiles on the Tokamak \`a Configuration Variable (TCV) in stationary conditions show that the logarithmic electron density gradient increases with collisionality. By contrast, usual observations of H-modes showed that the electron density profiles tend to flatten with increasing collisionality. In this work it is reinforced that the role of collisionality alone, depending on the parameter regime, can be rather weak and in these, dominantly electron heated TCV cases, the electron density gradient is tailored by the underlying turbulence regime, which is mostly determined by the ratio of the electron to ion temperature and that of their gradients. Additionally, mostly in ohmic plasmas, the Ware-pinch can significantly contribute to the density peaking. Qualitative agreement between the predicted density peaking by quasi-linear gyrokinetic simulations and the experimental results is found. Quantitative comparison would necessitate ion temperature measurements, which are lacking in the considered experimental dataset. However, the simulation results show that it is the combination of several effects that influences the density peaking in TCV H-mode plasmas.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Dynamic Fluctuation Phenomena in Double Membrane Films

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    Dynamics of double membrane films is investigated in the long-wavelength limit including the overdamped squeezing mode. We demonstrate that thermal fluctuations essentially modify the character of the mode due to its nonlinear coupling to the transversal shear hydrodynamic mode. The corresponding Green function acquires as a function of the frequency a cut along the imaginary semi-axis. Fluctuations lead to increasing the attenuation of the squeezing mode it becomes larger than the `bare' value.Comment: 7 pages, Revte

    HerMES: the rest-frame UV emission and a lensing model for the z= 6.34 luminous dusty starburst galaxy HFLS3

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    We discuss the rest-frame ultraviolet emission from the starbursting galaxy HFLS3 at a redshift of 6.34. The galaxy was discovered in Herschel/SPIRE data due to its red color in the submillimeter wavelengths from 250 to 500 μm. Keck/NIRC2 K s -band adaptive optics imaging data showed two potential near-IR counterparts near HFLS3. Previously, the northern galaxy was taken to be in the foreground at z = 2.1, while the southern galaxy was assumed to be HFLS3's near-IR counterpart. The recently acquired Hubble/WFC3 and Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) imaging data show conclusively that both optically bright galaxies are in the foreground at z < 6. A new lensing model based on the Hubble imaging data and the millimeter-wave continuum emission yields a magnification factor of 2.2 ± 0.3, with a 95% confidence upper limit on the magnification of 3.5. When corrected for lensing, the instantaneous star formation rate is 1320 M ☉ yr–1, with the 95% confidence lower limit around 830 M ☉ yr–1. The dust and stellar masses of HFLS3 from the same spectral energy distribution (SED) models are at the level of 3 × 108 M ☉ and ~5 × 1010 M ☉, respectively, with large systematic uncertainties on assumptions related to the SED model. With Hubble/WFC3 images, we also find diffuse near-IR emission about 0.5 arcsec (~3 kpc) to the southwest of HFLS3 that remains undetected in the ACS imaging data. The emission has a photometric redshift consistent with either z ~ 6 or a dusty galaxy template at z ~ 2

    Social movements, the European crisis, and EU political opportunities

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    Social movements in the wake of the financial crisis have shifted from the counter-summits and world social forums of the global justice movement to the camps of the anti-austerity mobilizations, and from a clear focus on building ‘another Europe’ to more domestically embedded issues. Among other reasons, this turn away from the EU can be linked to contracting political opportunities for social justice movements at the European level. This article addresses the closure of opportunities at the EU level for the work of social movement groups campaigning on specific EU policies. We reflect on the complexity of the EU’s political opportunity structure prior to the financial crisis, before examining changes to the EU’s architecture effected through responses to the crises and outlining arguments on how EU level opportunities around socio-economic issues in particular have shrunk as a result. We then show how the perception of other political opportunities at the EU level is affected by the austerity response by drawing on campaigns that sought to exploit new opportunities included in the Lisbon Treaty and designed to increase citizens’ input. Opportunities introduced by changes made in the Lisbon Treaty are perceived through the prism of contracted opportunities flowing from power shifts caused by the response to the financial crisis