558 research outputs found

    Nonlinear vortex light beams supported and stabilized by dissipation

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    We describe nonlinear Bessel vortex beams as localized and stationary solutions with embedded vorticity to the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with a dissipative term that accounts for the multi-photon absorption processes taking place at high enough powers in common optical media. In these beams, power and orbital angular momentum are permanently transferred to matter in the inner, nonlinear rings, at the same time that they are refueled by spiral inward currents of energy and angular momentum coming from the outer linear rings, acting as an intrinsic reservoir. Unlike vortex solitons and dissipative vortex solitons, the existence of these vortex beams does not critically depend on the precise form of the dispersive nonlinearities, as Kerr self-focusing or self-defocusing, and do not require a balancing gain. They have been shown to play a prominent role in "tubular" filamentation experiments with powerful, vortex-carrying Bessel beams, where they act as attractors in the beam propagation dynamics. Nonlinear Bessel vortex beams provide indeed a new solution to the problem of the stable propagation of ring-shaped vortex light beams in homogeneous self-focusing Kerr media. A stability analysis demonstrates that there exist nonlinear Bessel vortex beams with single or multiple vorticity that are stable against azimuthal breakup and collapse, and that the mechanism that renders these vortexes stable is dissipation. The stability properties of nonlinear Bessel vortex beams explain the experimental observations in the tubular filamentation experiments.Comment: Chapter of boo

    Light-filament dynamics and the spatiotemporal instability of the Townes profile

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    The origin of the spatiotemporal filament dynamics of ultrashort pulses in nonlinear media, including axial-conical emission coupling, temporal splitting, and X waves, is explained by the spatiotemporal instability of spatially localized nonlinear modes. Our experiments support this interpretation

    Design of financial incentive interventions to improve lifestyle behaviors and health outcomes: A systematic review [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

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    Background: Financial incentives may improve the initiation and engagement of behaviour change that reduce the negative outcomes associated with non-communicable diseases. There is still a paucity in guidelines or recommendations that help define key aspects of incentive-oriented interventions, including the type of incentive (e.g. cash rewards, vouchers), the frequency and magnitude of the incentive, and its mode of delivery. We aimed to systematically review the literature on financial incentives that promote healthy lifestyle behaviours or improve health profiles, and focused on the methodological approach to define the incentive intervention and its delivery. The protocol was registered at PROSPERO on 26 July 2018 (CRD42018102556). Methods: We sought studies in which a financial incentive was delivered to improve a health-related lifestyle behaviour (e.g., physical activity) or a health profile (e.g., HbA1c in people with diabetes). The search (which took place on March 3rd 2018) was conducted using OVID (MEDLINE and Embase), CINAHL and Scopus. Results: The search yielded 7,575 results and 37 were included for synthesis. Of the total, 83.8% (31/37) of the studies were conducted in the US, and 40.5% (15/37) were randomised controlled trials. Only one study reported the background and rationale followed to develop the incentive and conducted a focus group to understand what sort of incentives would be acceptable for their study population. There was a degree of consistency across the studies in terms of the direction, form, certainty, and recipient of the financial incentives used, but the magnitude and immediacy of the incentives were heterogeneous. Conclusions: The available literature on financial incentives to improve health-related lifestyles rarely reports on the rationale or background that defines the incentive approach, the magnitude of the incentive and other relevant details of the intervention, and the reporting of this information is essential to foster its use as potential effective interventions

    Single-Atom Gating of Quantum State Superpositions

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    The ultimate miniaturization of electronic devices will likely require local and coherent control of single electronic wavefunctions. Wavefunctions exist within both physical real space and an abstract state space with a simple geometric interpretation: this state space--or Hilbert space--is spanned by mutually orthogonal state vectors corresponding to the quantized degrees of freedom of the real-space system. Measurement of superpositions is akin to accessing the direction of a vector in Hilbert space, determining an angle of rotation equivalent to quantum phase. Here we show that an individual atom inside a designed quantum corral can control this angle, producing arbitrary coherent superpositions of spatial quantum states. Using scanning tunnelling microscopy and nanostructures assembled atom-by-atom we demonstrate how single spins and quantum mirages can be harnessed to image the superposition of two electronic states. We also present a straightforward method to determine the atom path enacting phase rotations between any desired state vectors. A single atom thus becomes a real space handle for an abstract Hilbert space, providing a simple technique for coherent quantum state manipulation at the spatial limit of condensed matter.Comment: Published online 6 April 2008 in Nature Physics; 17 page manuscript (including 4 figures) + 3 page supplement (including 2 figures); supplementary movies available at http://mota.stanford.ed

    Índice de resistencia renal como predictor de lesión renal aguda en paciente post operado de cirugía cardiovascular

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    Patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery have a higher risk of developing acute kidney injury (AKI) due to hemodynamic changes.  Ultrasound is a diagnostic tool for AKI, using pulsed Doppler and renal resistance index (IRR).  The normal range, not yet standardized (0.6 - 0.8), is altered by hemodynamic changes; the increase could predict AKI early. Objective. Evaluate the IRR as a predictor of AKI in post-operative cardiovascular surgery patients.  Methodology.  Quantitative, non-experimental, cohort and prospective study.  Non-probabilistic sample of 52 patients over 18 years of age who underwent cardiovascular surgery.  The IRR was calculated at admission, 24 and 48 hours; AKI was staged with parameters according to AKIN.  Results.  Most of the patients were men (61.5%), with SAH (59.6%), without CKD (65.4%), in stage 1 CKD (65.4%), without using renal replacement therapy (100%) and 40% with a diagnosis aortic valve admission surgery.  The cut-off point in the ROC curve for IRR was 0.6 (sensitivity=89.4, specificity=64.2).  Significant, positive, and strong correlation between IRR on admission with AKI at 24 hours (rs =.562, p=.000) and IRR at 24 hours with AKIN at 24 hours (rs =.566, p=.000).Los pacientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica cardiovascular tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar lesión renal agua (LRA) por alteraciones hemodinámicas. El ultrasonido es una herramienta para diagnóstico de LRA mediante Doppler pulsado  e índice de resistencia renal (IRR). La cifra normal, aún no estandarizada (0.6 - 0.8), se altera ante cambios hemodinámicos; las variaciones podrían predecir LRA de forma temprana. Objetivo. Evaluar el IRR como factor predictor de LRA en pacientes post operados de cirugía cardiovascular.  Metodología. Estudio cuantitativo, no experimental, de cohorte y prospectivo. Muestra no probabilística de 52 pacientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica cardiovascular mayores de 18 años. Se calculó el IRR al ingreso, 24 y 48 horas; se estadificó la LRA con parámetros según AKIN. Resultados. Mayoría de los pacientes fueron hombres (61.5%), con HAS (59.6%), sin ERC (65.4%), en estadio 1 de ERC (65.4%), sin utilizar terapia de sustitución renal (100%) y 40% con diagnóstico quirúrgico de ingreso de válvula aórtica. El punto de corte en curva ROC para IRR fue de 0.6 (sensibilidad=89.4, especificidad=64.2). Correlación significativa, positiva y fuerte entre IRR al ingreso con LRA a las 24 hrs (rs=.562, p=.000) y de IRR a las 24 horas con AKIN a las 24 horas (rs=.566, p=.000)

    A Reaction-Diffusion Model of ROS-Induced ROS Release in a Mitochondrial Network

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    Loss of mitochondrial function is a fundamental determinant of cell injury and death. In heart cells under metabolic stress, we have previously described how the abrupt collapse or oscillation of the mitochondrial energy state is synchronized across the mitochondrial network by local interactions dependent upon reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here, we develop a mathematical model of ROS-induced ROS release (RIRR) based on reaction-diffusion (RD-RIRR) in one- and two-dimensional mitochondrial networks. The nodes of the RD-RIRR network are comprised of models of individual mitochondria that include a mechanism of ROS-dependent oscillation based on the interplay between ROS production, transport, and scavenging; and incorporating the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and Ca2+ handling. Local mitochondrial interaction is mediated by superoxide (O2.−) diffusion and the O2.−-dependent activation of an inner membrane anion channel (IMAC). In a 2D network composed of 500 mitochondria, model simulations reveal ΔΨm depolarization waves similar to those observed when isolated guinea pig cardiomyocytes are subjected to a localized laser-flash or antioxidant depletion. The sensitivity of the propagation rate of the depolarization wave to O2.− diffusion, production, and scavenging in the reaction-diffusion model is similar to that observed experimentally. In addition, we present novel experimental evidence, obtained in permeabilized cardiomyocytes, confirming that ΔΨm depolarization is mediated specifically by O2.−. The present work demonstrates that the observed emergent macroscopic properties of the mitochondrial network can be reproduced in a reaction-diffusion model of RIRR. Moreover, the findings have uncovered a novel aspect of the synchronization mechanism, which is that clusters of mitochondria that are oscillating can entrain mitochondria that would otherwise display stable dynamics. The work identifies the fundamental mechanisms leading from the failure of individual organelles to the whole cell, thus it has important implications for understanding cell death during the progression of heart disease

    Engineered 2D Ising interactions on a trapped-ion quantum simulator with hundreds of spins

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    The presence of long-range quantum spin correlations underlies a variety of physical phenomena in condensed matter systems, potentially including high-temperature superconductivity. However, many properties of exotic strongly correlated spin systems (e.g., spin liquids) have proved difficult to study, in part because calculations involving N-body entanglement become intractable for as few as N~30 particles. Feynman divined that a quantum simulator - a special-purpose "analog" processor built using quantum particles (qubits) - would be inherently adept at such problems. In the context of quantum magnetism, a number of experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. However, simulations of quantum magnetism allowing controlled, tunable interactions between spins localized on 2D and 3D lattices of more than a few 10's of qubits have yet to be demonstrated, owing in part to the technical challenge of realizing large-scale qubit arrays. Here we demonstrate a variable-range Ising-type spin-spin interaction J_ij on a naturally occurring 2D triangular crystal lattice of hundreds of spin-1/2 particles (9Be+ ions stored in a Penning trap), a computationally relevant scale more than an order of magnitude larger than existing experiments. We show that a spin-dependent optical dipole force can produce an antiferromagnetic interaction J_ij ~ 1/d_ij^a, where a is tunable over 0<a<3; d_ij is the distance between spin pairs. These power-laws correspond physically to infinite-range (a=0), Coulomb-like (a=1), monopole-dipole (a=2) and dipole-dipole (a=3) couplings. Experimentally, we demonstrate excellent agreement with theory for 0.05<a<1.4. This demonstration coupled with the high spin-count, excellent quantum control and low technical complexity of the Penning trap brings within reach simulation of interesting and otherwise computationally intractable problems in quantum magnetism.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; article plus Supplementary Material

    An Open-System Quantum Simulator with Trapped Ions

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    The control of quantum systems is of fundamental scientific interest and promises powerful applications and technologies. Impressive progress has been achieved in isolating the systems from the environment and coherently controlling their dynamics, as demonstrated by the creation and manipulation of entanglement in various physical systems. However, for open quantum systems, engineering the dynamics of many particles by a controlled coupling to an environment remains largely unexplored. Here we report the first realization of a toolbox for simulating an open quantum system with up to five qubits. Using a quantum computing architecture with trapped ions, we combine multi-qubit gates with optical pumping to implement coherent operations and dissipative processes. We illustrate this engineering by the dissipative preparation of entangled states, the simulation of coherent many-body spin interactions and the quantum non-demolition measurement of multi-qubit observables. By adding controlled dissipation to coherent operations, this work offers novel prospects for open-system quantum simulation and computation.Comment: Pre-review submission to Nature. For an updated and final version see publication. Manuscript + Supplementary Informatio

    Digital Quantum Simulation with Rydberg Atoms

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    We discuss in detail the implementation of an open-system quantum simulator with Rydberg states of neutral atoms held in an optical lattice. Our scheme allows one to realize both coherent as well as dissipative dynamics of complex spin models involving many-body interactions and constraints. The central building block of the simulation scheme is constituted by a mesoscopic Rydberg gate that permits the entanglement of several atoms in an efficient, robust and quick protocol. In addition, optical pumping on ancillary atoms provides the dissipative ingredient for engineering the coupling between the system and a tailored environment. As an illustration, we discuss how the simulator enables the simulation of coherent evolution of quantum spin models such as the two-dimensional Heisenberg model and Kitaev's toric code, which involves four-body spin interactions. We moreover show that in principle also the simulation of lattice fermions can be achieved. As an example for controlled dissipative dynamics, we discuss ground state cooling of frustration-free spin Hamiltonians.Comment: submitted to special issue "Quantum Information with Neutral Particles" of "Quantum Information Processing