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    Abstract Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) abundances in top soil and along the soil profiles from areas affected by different anthropogenic inputs were investigated.. The study area is located within the Ravenna Municipality, a complex territorial system highly affected by industrial (a large petrolchemical complex) agricultural activities. Three zones with distinct environmental features were identified: the San Vitale Pinewood affected by atmospheric deposition pollutans from the industrial complex (PW1, PW4, PW6 and PW8 soil profiles); a public garden within the Ravenna city center, mainly affected by traffic pollution (GP1 soil profile); the "Luigi Perdisa" farm located immediately northwards Ravenna was selected due to the use of fertilizers as well as atmospheric deposition (PER2 soil profile). The total concentration of PTEs (Ba, Cr, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn) was determined by X ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), and the pseudo-total concentration with aqua regia digestion (AR) and ICP-OES quantification in order to evaluate the extractability of the elements. Results showed a significant increase of some PTEs (Cu, Pb, Zn) in the top soil compared to the pedological substrate. In the Ravenna urban park (GP1 station), Pb and Zn concentrations exceeded the threshold values established by current Italian laws for soils from "public, residential and private areas" (D. Lgs 152/2006). The correlation between top soil and the subsoil highlighted that some PTEs, such as Cu, Pb and Zn, are anthropogenic and they are mainly associated to the deposition of airborne pollutants, whereas other elements (Cr and Ni) are lithologenic. Key-words: heavy metals; enrichment factor; soil profiles; Pinewood San Vitale; ICP-OES;XRF RĂ©sumĂ© Le but de cette Ă©tude est d'Ă©valuer le taux de concentration d'Ă©lĂ©ments potentiellement toxiques (EPT) dans les horizons supĂ©rieurs et le long du profil de sols intĂ©ressĂ©s par les diffĂ©rents impacts anthropiques. Les Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© conduites dans la zone qui englobe la commune de Ravenne, caractĂ©risĂ©e par un systĂšme territorial complexe en raison de la prĂ©sence d'un pĂŽle pĂ©trochimique mais aussi d'une agriculture trĂšs productive. Trois zones avec des impacts diffĂ©rents pour l'environnement ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es : la PinĂšde de San Vitale touchĂ©e par des dĂ©pĂŽts atmosphĂ©riques dĂ©rivant de l'activitĂ© de l'industrie pĂ©trolochimique (profils pĂ©dologiques PW1, PW4, PW6 et PW8) ; un jardin public qui se trouve dans le centre historique de la ville de Ravenne et qui subit une pollution due Ă  la circulation automobile (profil pĂ©dagogique GP1). Pour finir, l'entreprise agricole "Luigi Perdisa" situĂ©e immĂ©diatement au nord-est de Ravenne a Ă©tĂ© choisie aussi bien Ă  cause de la contamination possible par des produits chimiques utilisĂ©s en agriculture que pour les diffĂ©rents types de dĂ©pĂŽts atmosphĂ©riques (profil pĂ©dologique PER2). Les Ă©tudes ont permis de dĂ©terminer les concentrations totales en spectromĂ©trie de fluorescence aux rayons X (XRF) mais aussi pseudo-totales avec solubilisation dans l'eau rĂ©gale (AR) de certains mĂ©taux lourds (Ba, Cr, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn), Ă  la suite de quoi a eu lieu la lecture en ICP-OES dans le but d'Ă©valuer dans quelle mesure ces Ă©lĂ©ments peuvent ĂȘtre extraits. Les dĂ©terminations effectuĂ©es dĂ©montrent un enrichissement significatif de certains EPT (Cu, Pb, Zn) dans les horizons de surface par rapport au substrat pĂ©dologique. Riassunto Scopo di questo studio Ăš la valutazione del grado di anomalia di elementi potenzialmente tossici (EPT) negli orizzonti superficiali e subsuperficiali di suoli soggetti a differenti iuput antropogenici. L'area di studio ha interessato il comune di Ravenna, caratterizzata da un sistema territoriale complesso per la presenza di un polo petrolchimico, ma anche soggetta ad un'attivitĂ  agricola intensa ed altamente produttiva. Sono state identificate tre zone potenzialmente impattate da differenti attivitĂ  antropiche: la Pineta di San Vitale interessata da deposizioni EQA -Environmental quality/QualitĂ© de l'Environnement/QualitĂ  ambientale, 2 (2009) 1-14 DOI: 10.6092/issn.2281-4485/3822 3 atmosferiche derivanti dall'attivitĂ  dell'industria petrolchimica (profili pedologici PW1, PW4, PW6 e PW8); un giardino pubblico presente nel centro storico della cittĂ  di Ravenna, interessato da inquinamento da traffico veicolare (profilo pedologico GP1); l'azienda agricola "Luigi Perdisa" collocata immediatamente a nord-est di Ravenna scelta sia per la possibile contaminazione da prodotti chimici usati in agricoltura sia per i diversi tipi di deposizioni atmosferiche (profilo pedologico PER2). Di alcuni metalli pesanti (Ba, Cr, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn) sono state determinate sia le concentrazioni totali in spettrometria di fluorescenza a raggi X (XRF), sia quelle pseudo totali con solubilizzazione in aqua regia (AR) e successiva lettura in ICP-OES con lo scopo di valutare il livello di estraibilitĂ  di tali elementi. Le determinazioni effettuate mostrano un significativo arricchimento di alcuni EPT (Cu, Pb, Zn) negli orizzonti di suolo superficiale rispetto al substrato pedologico; nel parco urbano di Ravenna (GP1), le concentrazioni di Pb e Zn sono superiori ai limiti previsti dalla legislazione italiana (D. Lgs 152/2006) per le aree residenziali e di verde pubblico. La correlazione tra i valori di concentrazione di alcuni EPT, quali Cu, Pb e Zn, riscontrati negli orizzonti superficiali e di profonditĂ  evidenzia chiaramente la loro origine antropica per lo piĂč dovuta a deposizioni di contaminanti presenti in atmosfera, mentre per altri elementi (Cr e Ni) la loro provenienza risulta litologenica. Parole chiave: EPT; fattore di arricchimento; profili del suolo; Pineta di San Vitale; ICP-OES; XRF


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    In the present study, the organic carbon storage, the organic matter turnover times and the microbial activity in the epipedon (A1 and A2) of soil profiles, formed and evolved over a same parent substrate of sandstones and conglomerate in land stations characterized by different and alternative used of the soil, such as mixed deciduous forest, reforesting area with pinewoods (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) and cropping area, were compared. Samples of these last two areas, were collected at depths of 0-5 cm and 5-15 cm. All the soils, have a pH-range between neutral and alkaline. The Monte delle Formiche profile (THAPTOEUTRI HAPLIC CAMBISOLS hypereutric; WRB, 2006) under mixed deciduous forest was compared with an adjacent alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivated soil. The soil profile of Monte Zena (HAPLIC CAMBISOLS calcaric hypereutric; WRB, 2006) under mixed deciduous forest was compared with an adjacent alfalfa cultivated soil and with a nearly profile under a reforestation area, with a predominance of Douglasia threes. The contents of Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total Exctractable Carbon (TEC), of Humic and Fulvic Acids decrease with increasing of the depth of the profile, as common in the brown italian soils. The value of such parameters, is greater in the soils placed under mixed deciduous cover, regarding those placed under coniferous; the lowest equipments are found in the cropping area. The humification index of forest soil showed a lower degree of humification of the organic matter in the A2 horizons of the epipedon, regarding the A1. The values of the humification index in the samples under conifer and cropped, are approached those typical finds in agricultural soil with monocultivation management. The Microbial Indices, as Microbial Quotient (microbial-C/total-C) and Respiratoty Quotient (qCO2) shown a different situation between the two sites. Forest soil of Monte delle Formiche were caracterised by an high mineralization activity when compared with those sampled under cropping; therefore there is a high fraction of Not-microbial Carbon in the Total Organic Carbon of this soil, respect to alfalfa crop soil. The potentially mineralizable C (Co) of the epipedon under natural mixed forest, is much advanced compared to that one of the cropped. The low Microbial Quotient and the elevated value of the qCO2 indicate that the organo-mineral horizons of the soil under mixed forest still find in a development phase. All the organic and biological parameters of carbon of the soils of the station Monte Zena are low; that can indicate an impoverishment situation of the system, especially in the more disturbed situations as the reforestation and the cultivated soil . In particular, the reforestation site, show in the superficial sample a low values of microbial-C (Cmic), a low Microbial Quotient and an elevating qCO2. The qCO2 increment can be interpreted like an answer of the microbial biomass to the change of the quality of the organic carbon of the residual vegetables


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    The environmental quality of urban soil is closely related to human health. The heavy metals increase in urban environments was due to the anthropic activity. The urban parks monitoring in three cities of Emilia Romagna region (Bologna, Cesena and Ferrara) were carried out to determined the heavy metals and microelements concentration in the tissues of mosses, grass and leaf of coniferous and deciduous trees. The airborne pollutants was studied by washing and analysing the heavy metals concentration in washed-leaves water. The aim of the study was twofold: to find an integrations between different environmental compartments (vegetation and washed-leaves water) and to highlight the different contribution of pollution sources. The sampling campaign was carried out in two different seasons (Spring 2006 and Winter 2007) and involved taking samples of grass, mosses, leaves of deciduous and coniferous trees and washed-leaves water. The samples collected were suitably treated and analysed by means of optical emission spectrometry using a CCD detector (ICP-OES, Spectro CIR.O.S.CCD). Integrated analysis of the different environmental matrixes permitted identification of the most critical sites, respect to the heavy metals and microelements concentration. The strong correlation between the concentrations found in the moss, grasses and washed-leaves water underlines how the urban parks in Bologna and Ferrara are highly susceptible to atmospheric pollution

    Bioindicators use for evaluation of heavy metal concentrations in urban parks

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    The environmental quality of urban soil is closely related to human health. The heavy metals increase in urban environments was due to the anthropic activity. The urban parks monitoring in three cities of Emilia Romagna region (Bologna, Cesena and Ferrara) were carried out to determined the heavy metals and microelements concentration in the tissues of mosses, grass and leaf of coniferous and deciduous trees. The airborne pollutants was studied by washing and analysing the heavy metals concentration in washed-leaves water. The aim of the study was twofold: to find an integrations between different environmental compartments (vegetation and washed-leaves water) and to highlight the different contribution of pollution sources. The sampling campaign was carried out in two different seasons (Spring 2006 and Winter 2007) and involved taking samples of grass, mosses, leaves of deciduous and coniferous trees and washed-leaves water. The samples collected were suitably treated and analysed by means of optical emission spectrometry using a CCD detector (ICP-OES, Spectro CIR.O.S.CCD). Integrated analysis of the different environmental matrixes permitted identification of the most critical sites, respect to the heavy metals and microelements concentration. The strong correlation between the concentrations found in the moss, grasses and washed-leaves water underlines how the urban parks in Bologna and Ferrara are highly susceptible to atmospheric pollution

    Potentially Toxic Elements Along Soil Profiles In An Urban Park, An Agricultural Farm, And The San Vitale Pinewood (Ravenna, Italy)

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    Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) abundances in top soil and along the soil profiles from areas affected by different anthropogenic inputs were investigated.. The study area is located within the Ravenna Municipality, a complex territorial system highly affected by industrial (a large petrolchemical complex) agricultural activities. Three zones with distinct environmental features were identified: the San Vitale Pinewood affected by atmospheric deposition pollutans from the industrial complex (PW1, PW4, PW6 and PW8 soil profiles); a public garden within the Ravenna city center, mainly affected by traffic pollution (GP1 soil profile); the "Luigi Perdisa" farm located immediately northwards Ravenna was selected due to the use of fertilizers as well as atmospheric deposition (PER2 soil profile). The total concentration of PTEs (Ba, Cr, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn) was determined by X ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), and the pseudo-total concentration with aqua regia digestion (AR) and ICP-OES quantification in order to evaluate the extractability of the elements. Results showed a significant increase of some PTEs (Cu, Pb, Zn) in the top soil compared to the pedological substrate. In the Ravenna urban park (GP1 station), Pb and Zn concentrations exceeded the threshold values established by current Italian laws for soils from "public, residential and private areas" (D. Lgs 152/2006). The correlation between top soil and the subsoil highlighted that some PTEs, such as Cu, Pb and Zn, are anthropogenic and they are mainly associated to the deposition of airborne pollutants, whereas other elements (Cr and Ni) are lithologenic

    Integrating extracellular vesicle and circulating cell‐free DNA analysis using a single plasma aliquot improves the detection of HER2 positivity in breast cancer patients

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    Abstract Multi‐analyte liquid biopsies represent an emerging opportunity for non‐invasive cancer assessment. We developed ONCE (One Aliquot for Circulating Elements), an approach for the isolation of extracellular vesicles (EV) and cell‐free DNA (cfDNA) from a single aliquot of blood. We assessed ONCE performance to classify HER2‐positive early‐stage breast cancer (BrCa) patients by combining EV‐associated RNA (EV‐RNA) and cfDNA signals on n = 64 healthy donors (HD) and non–metastatic BrCa patients. Specifically, we isolated EV‐enriched samples by a charge‐based (CB) method and investigated EV‐RNA and cfDNA by next‐generation sequencing (NGS) and by digital droplet PCR (ddPCR). Sequencing of cfDNA and EV‐RNA from HER2‐ and HER2+ patients demonstrated concordance with in situ molecular analyses of matched tissues. Combined analysis of the two circulating analytes by ddPCR showed increased sensitivity in ERBB2/HER2 detection compared to single nucleic acid components. Multi‐analyte liquid biopsy prediction performance was comparable to tissue‐based sequencing results from TCGA. Also, imaging flow cytometry analysis revealed HER2 protein on the surface of EV isolated from the HER2+ BrCa plasma, thus corroborating the potential relevance of studying EV as companion analyte to cfDNA. This data confirms the relevance of combining cfDNA and EV‐RNA for HER2 cancer assessment and supports ONCE as a valuable tool for multi‐analytes liquid biopsies’ clinical implementation

    Air, water and soil quality / Qualit\ue9 de l'air, de l'eau et du sol / Qualit\ue0 dell'aria, dell'acqua e del suolo

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    Preface This third volume of the "Qualit\ue0 of the Environment" series assembles the scientific communications presented during the "Air, Water, and Soil Quality" International Congress held at Imola (Imola) on 24th and 25th of June 2009. The air-water-soil system influences the life of the plants and animals which live on the Earth. This system governs biodiversity, giving birth to macro-ecosystems and micro- diversifications inside each different system. If the quality of one or more parts of the system decreases, natural biodiversity may be irrevocably damaged, causing the disappearance of some plant and animal species. Man's presumption at exploiting the ecosystem for his own profit is leading to an irresponsible waste of the necessary resources for his own life. Air, water, and land pollution are henceforth considered conditions that cannot be avoided when a fictive welfare that does not take account of human health and natural sustainability is to be reached. The aim of the meeting was to take account of the present quality of the air-water-soil system, comparing Italian realities with those in other countries of the European Union and to make known the most efficient measures and instruments for fighting ecosystem degradation and the waste of resources. By this we would like to make our public aware of the importance of protecting our environment and its natural resources. Pr\ue9face Ce troisi\ue8me volume de la collection "Qualit\ue9 de l'Environnement" rassemble les communications scientifiques pr\ue9sent\ue9es au cours du Congr\ue8s International "Qualit\ue9 de l'Air, de l'Eau et du Sol" tenu \ue0 Imola (Italie) les 24 et 25 juin 2009. L\u2019\ue9tat du syst\ue8me air-eau-sol influence la vie animale et v\ue9g\ue9tale sur la Terre; il est \ue0 l\u2019origine des biodiversit\ue9s qui ont cr\ue9e la muntiplicit\ue9 des macro-\ue9cosyst\ue8mes et des micro-diversifications \ue0 l\u2019int\ue9rieur de chacun d'eux. Si la qualit\ue9 d\u2019un ou de plusieurs \ue9l\ue9ments du syst\ue8me s\u2019effondre, la biodiversit\ue9 naturelle pourra s'appauvrir au point de cr\ue9er une situation irr\ue9versible conduisant \ue0 la disparition de certaines esp\ue8ces v\ue9g\ue9tales et animales. La pr\ue9somption humaine de pouvoir g\ue9rer l\u2019\ue9cosyst\ue8me \ue0 notre gr\ue9 est en train de conduire \ue0 une irresponsable d\ue9gradation des ressources essentielles \ue0 notre propre vie. La pollution de l\u2019air, des eaux et la contamination du sol, sont d\ue9sormais consider\ue9s comme des conditions in\ue9vitables pour atteindre rapidement un bien-\ueatre factice, sans tenir compte de son impact sur les \ue9cosyst\ue8mes, le d\ue9veloppement durable et la sant\ue9 de l\u2019humanit\ue9. Le congr\ue8s souhaite faire le point de la qualit\ue9 du syst\ue8me air-eau-sol en confrontant les diff\ue9rentes r\ue9alit\ue9s italiennes avec celles des autres pays de l'Union Europ\ue9enne. Son but principal est de faire conna\ueetre les instruments et les actions les plus efficaces pour lutter contre la d\ue9gradation des \ue9cosyst\ue8mes et le gaspillage des ressources ; et, pourquoi pas, nous avons aussi comme objectif de sensibiliser notre public \ue0 la d\ue9fense et \ue0 la valorisation de notre environnement. Prefazione Il terzo volume della Collana "Qualit\ue0 dell'ambiente" raccoglie le comunicazioni scientiche presentate nell'ambito del Congresso Internazionale "Qualit\ue0 dell'aria, dell'acqua e del suolo" svoltosi a Imola nei giotni 24-25 giugno 2009. Il sistema aria-acqua-suolo ha condizionato la vita vegetale ed animale sulla superficie della Terra dando origine alle biodiversit\ue0 che hanno condotto ad una molteplicit\ue0 di macro ecosistemi e di micro diversificazioni all'interno di ciascuno di essi. Se la qualit\ue0 di una o pi\uf9 delle componenti del sistema decade la biodiversit\ue0 naturale si impoverisce al punto tale da poter creare condizioni di irreversibilit\ue0 portando alla scomparsa di specie vegetali ed animali. La presunzione dell'uomo di potere governare l'ecosistema a proprio piacimento sta conducendo ad un irresponsabile degrado delle risorse essenziali per la vita, al punto tale che inquinamento dell'aria e delle acque o contamina..

    Fast Track Algorithm: How To Differentiate A “Scleroderma Pattern” From A “Non-Scleroderma Pattern”

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    Objectives: This study was designed to propose a simple “Fast Track algorithm” for capillaroscopists of any level of experience to differentiate “scleroderma patterns” from “non-scleroderma patterns” on capillaroscopy and to assess its inter-rater reliability. Methods: Based on existing definitions to categorise capillaroscopic images as “scleroderma patterns” and taking into account the real life variability of capillaroscopic images described standardly according to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Study Group on Microcirculation in Rheumatic Diseases, a fast track decision tree, the “Fast Track algorithm” was created by the principal expert (VS) to facilitate swift categorisation of an image as “non-scleroderma pattern (category 1)” or “scleroderma pattern (category 2)”. Mean inter-rater reliability between all raters (experts/attendees) of the 8th EULAR course on capillaroscopy in Rheumatic Diseases (Genoa, 2018) and, as external validation, of the 8th European Scleroderma Trials and Research group (EUSTAR) course on systemic sclerosis (SSc) (Nijmegen, 2019) versus the principal expert, as well as reliability between the rater pairs themselves was assessed by mean Cohen's and Light's kappa coefficients. Results: Mean Cohen's kappa was 1/0.96 (95% CI 0.95-0.98) for the 6 experts/135 attendees of the 8th EULAR capillaroscopy course and 1/0.94 (95% CI 0.92-0.96) for the 3 experts/85 attendees of the 8th EUSTAR SSc course. Light's kappa was 1/0.92 at the 8th EULAR capillaroscopy course, and 1/0.87 at the 8th EUSTAR SSc course. C Conclusion: For the first time, a clinical expert based fast track decision algorithm has been developed to differentiate a “non-scleroderma” from a “scleroderma pattern” on capillaroscopic images, demonstrating excellent reliability when applied by capillaroscopists with varying levels of expertise versus the principal expert and corroborated with external validation.Wo