325 research outputs found

    Cold-induced urticaria with a familial transmission: a case report and review of the literature

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    Abstract Introduction Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome is a rare genetic disorder causing cold-induced urticaria, severe arthralgias, and (potentially) renal failure and hearing loss. Therapies that effectively control the symptoms and prevent the complications of this debilitating disorder are now available, making recognition of this disease important. Case presentation A 60-year-old Caucasian woman presented with complaints of rash and joint pains to a general medicine clinic. Her history showed that her symptoms were linked to cold exposure, but the results of a cold stimulation time test were negative. Several generations of her family had similar symptoms. Conclusions This case highlights the importance of considering cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome in the differential diagnosis of cold-induced urticaria. Several medications targeting interleukin-1-beta are available, providing significant relief from symptoms and improvement in quality of life in affected patients.</p

    Prospective blind comparative clinical study of two point fixation of zygomatic complex fracture using wire and mini plates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The zygomatic maxillary complex (ZMC) fractures are one of the most frequent injuries of the facial skeleton due to its position and facial contour. Assaults, road traffic accidents and falls are the principal etiologic factors that may cause fractures of zygomatic bone. The different fixation methods are applied to treat the zygomatic bone fractures, with many more classifications which have been described in the literature for the ease of management. The type of the fracture, its severity and associated facial fractures usually interferes the treatment modality.</p> <p>Purpose of study</p> <p>The aim of this paper is to show the results of 18yrs prospective blind comparative study using wire and plate osteosynthesis which needed open reduction and internal fixation involving Type II to Type IV Spissel and Schroll ZMC fractures.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Total 80 cases included in the study out of 1780 ZMC cases which were treated using wire and plate osteosynthesis over a period of 18 yrs, involving only Type II to Type IV Spissel and Schroll ZMC fractures. Other types excluded from study to prevent observer bias. All the fixations carried out through Standard Dingman's incision using stainless steel 26 gauze wire and titanium 1.5 mm mini plate system under general anesthesia by single maxillofacial surgeon and evaluated by another maxillofacial surgeon who is blinded for surgical procedure after 2 and 4 wks of follow-up for facial symmetry, wound healing, functional assessment (mouth opening, diplopia), and sensory disturbance. All the data tabulated in Excel software (Microsoft) for statistical analysis. P-value calculated to know the Significance of treatment modality in all aspects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Result shows no significant p-values indicating both the operating techniques are equally efficient in the surgical management of ZMC fracture.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Osteosynthesis by mini plates is simple, logical and effective treatment compared to wire osteosynthesis in regard to stability of fracture fragments. Wire osteosynthesis will be helpful in emergency surgeries or where the mini plates are not available. Even though the wire osteosynthesis is economical compared to mini plate fixation; but the time and skill is required for fixation of wires.</p

    Influence of arthritis and non-arthritis related factors on areal bone mineral density (BMDa) in women with longstanding inflammatory polyarthritis: a primary care based inception cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this analysis was to determine the relative influence of disease and non-disease factors on areal bone mineral density (BMD<sub>a</sub>) in a primary care based cohort of women with inflammatory polyarthritis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Women aged 16 years and over with recent onset inflammatory polyarthritis were recruited to the Norfolk Arthritis Register (NOAR) between 1990 and 1993. Subjects were examined at both baseline and follow up for the presence of tender, swollen and deformed joints. At the 10<sup>th </sup>anniversary visit, a sub-sample of women were invited to complete a bone health questionnaire and attend for BMD<sub>a </sub>(Hologic, QDR 4000). Linear regression was used to examine the association between BMD<sub>a </sub>with both (i) arthritis-related factors assessed at baseline and the 10<sup>th </sup>anniversary visit and (ii) standard risk factors for osteoporosis. Adjustments were made for age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>108 women, mean age 58.0 years were studied. Older age, decreasing weight and BMI at follow up were all associated with lower BMD<sub>a </sub>at both the spine and femoral neck. None of the lifestyle factors were linked. Indices of joint damage including 10<sup>th </sup>anniversary deformed joint count and erosive joint count were the arthritis-related variables linked with a reduction in BMD<sub>a </sub>at the femoral neck. By contrast, disease activity as determined by the number of tender and or swollen joints assessed both at baseline and follow up was not linked with BMD<sub>a </sub>at either site.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cumulative disease damage was the strongest predictor of reduced femoral bone density. Other disease and lifestyle factors have only a modest influence.</p

    National and firm-level drivers of the devolution of HRM decision making to line managers

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    Multinational companies must understand the influences on responsibility for managing people so that they can manage talent consistently thus ensuring that it is transferable across locations. We examine the impact of firm and national level characteristics on the devolution of HRM decision making to line managers. Our analysis draws on data from 2335 indigenous organizations in 21 countries. At the firm level, we found that where the HR function has higher power, devolution is less likely. At the national level, devolution of decision making to line management is more likely in societies with more stringent employment laws and lower power distance

    Distribution of sialic acid receptors and influenza A viruses of avian and swine origin and in experimentally infected pigs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pigs are considered susceptible to influenza A virus infections from different host origins because earlier studies have shown that they have receptors for both avian (sialic acid-alpha-2,3-terminal saccharides (SA-alpha-2,3)) and swine/human (SA-alpha-2,6) influenza viruses in the upper respiratory tract. Furthermore, experimental and natural infections in pigs have been reported with influenza A virus from avian and human sources.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study investigated the receptor distribution in the entire respiratory tract of pigs using specific lectins <it>Maackia Amurensis </it>(MAA) I, and II, and <it>Sambucus Nigra </it>(SNA). Furthermore, the predilection sites of swine influenza virus (SIV) subtypes H1N1 and H1N2 as well as avian influenza virus (AIV) subtype H4N6 were investigated in the respiratory tract of experimentally infected pigs using immunohistochemical methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SIV antigen was widely distributed in bronchi, but was also present in epithelial cells of the nose, trachea, bronchioles, and alveolar type I and II epithelial cells in severely affected animals. AIV was found in the lower respiratory tract, especially in alveolar type II epithelial cells and occasionally in bronchiolar epithelial cells. SA-alpha-2,6 was the predominant receptor in all areas of the respiratory tract with an average of 80-100% lining at the epithelial cells. On the contrary, the SA-alpha-2,3 was not present (0%) at epithelial cells of nose, trachea, and most bronchi, but was found in small amounts in bronchioles, and in alveoli reaching an average of 20-40% at the epithelial cells. Interestingly, the receptor expression of both SA-alpha-2,3 and 2,6 was markedly diminished in influenza infected areas compared to non-infected areas.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A difference in predilection sites between SIV and AIV virus was found, and this difference was in accordance with the distribution of the SA-alpha-2,6 and SA-alpha-2,3 receptor, respectively. The results indicated that the distribution of influenza A virus receptors in pigs are similar to that of humans and therefore challenge the theory that the pig acts as a mixing vessel between human and avian influenza viruses. Furthermore, it was shown that AIV prefers to infect alveolar type II epithelial cells in pigs. This corresponds with findings in humans emphasising the resemblance between the two species.</p

    Bone mineral density by digital X-ray radiogrammetry is strongly decreased and associated with joint destruction in long-standing Rheumatoid Arthritis: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aims were to explore bone mineral density (BMD) by digital X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR) in postmenopausal women with long-lasting rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in relation to dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-BMD, joint destruction by conventional radiographs and disease related variables in a cross-sectional study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventy-five postmenopausal women with RA were examined by DXA measuring DXA-BMD of the forearm, total hip and lumbar spine, by scoring joint destruction on plain radiographs by the method of Larsen and by DXR-BMD in metacarpals two to four. The DXR-BMD results of the RA women were compared with an age and sex-matched reference database. A function of DXR-BMD in relation to age and disease duration was created. Associations were investigated by bivariate and multiple linear regression analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>DXR-BMD was strongly decreased in RA patients compared to the reference database (p < 0.001). Calculations showed that DXR-BMD was not markedly influenced the first years after diagnosis of RA, but between approximately 5-10 years of disease there was a steep decline in DXR-BMD which subsequently levelled off. In multiple regression analyses disease duration, CRP and DXR-BMD were independent variables associated with Larsen score (R<sup>2</sup>= 0.64). Larsen score and BMD forearm were independent determinants of DXR-BMD (R<sup>2 </sup>= 0.79).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>DXR-BMD was strongly reduced and associated with both Larsen score and DXA-BMD forearm in these postmenopausal women with RA implying that DXR-BMD is a technique that reflects both the erosive process and bone loss adjacent to affected joints.</p

    Small Cationic DDA:TDB Liposomes as Protein Vaccine Adjuvants Obviate the Need for TLR Agonists in Inducing Cellular and Humoral Responses

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    Most subunit vaccines require adjuvants in order to induce protective immune responses to the targeted pathogen. However, many of the potent immunogenic adjuvants display unacceptable local or systemic reactogenicity. Liposomes are spherical vesicles consisting of single (unilamellar) or multiple (multilamellar) phospholipid bi-layers. The lipid membranes are interleaved with an aqueous buffer, which can be utilised to deliver hydrophilic vaccine components, such as protein antigens or ligands for immune receptors. Liposomes, in particular cationic DDA:TDB vesicles, have been shown in animal models to induce strong humoral responses to the associated antigen without increased reactogenicity, and are currently being tested in Phase I human clinical trials. We explored several modifications of DDA:TDB liposomes - including size, antigen association and addition of TLR agonists – to assess their immunogenic capacity as vaccine adjuvants, using Ovalbumin (OVA) protein as a model protein vaccine. Following triple homologous immunisation, small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) with no TLR agonists showed a significantly higher capacity for inducing spleen CD8 IFNγ responses against OVA in comparison with the larger multilamellar vesicles (MLVs). Antigen-specific antibody reponses were also higher with SUVs. Addition of the TLR3 and TLR9 agonists significantly increased the adjuvanting capacity of MLVs and OVA-encapsulating dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRVs), but not of SUVs. Our findings lend further support to the use of liposomes as protein vaccine adjuvants. Importantly, the ability of DDA:TDB SUVs to induce potent CD8 T cell responses without the need for adding immunostimulators would avoid the potential safety risks associated with the clinical use of TLR agonists in vaccines adjuvanted with liposomes

    Hearing Feelings: Affective Categorization of Music and Speech in Alexithymia, an ERP Study

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    Background: Alexithymia, a condition characterized by deficits in interpreting and regulating feelings, is a risk factor for a variety of psychiatric conditions. Little is known about how alexithymia influences the processing of emotions in music and speech. Appreciation of such emotional qualities in auditory material is fundamental to human experience and has profound consequences for functioning in daily life. We investigated the neural signature of such emotional processing in alexithymia by means of event-related potentials. Methodology: Affective music and speech prosody were presented as targets following affectively congruent or incongruent visual word primes in two conditions. In two further conditions, affective music and speech prosody served as primes and visually presented words with affective connotations were presented as targets. Thirty-two participants (16 male) judged the affective valence of the targets. We tested the influence of alexithymia on cross-modal affective priming and on N400 amplitudes, indicative of individual sensitivity to an affective mismatch between words, prosody, and music. Our results indicate that the affective priming effect for prosody targets tended to be reduced with increasing scores on alexithymia, while no behavioral differences were observed for music and word targets. At the electrophysiological level, alexithymia was associated with significantly smaller N400 amplitudes in response to affectively incongruent music and speech targets, but not to incongruent word targets. Conclusions: Our results suggest a reduced sensitivity for the emotional qualities of speech and music in alexithymia during affective categorization. This deficit becomes evident primarily in situations in which a verbalization of emotional information is required

    Localization of a Guanylyl Cyclase to Chemosensory Cilia Requires the Novel Ciliary MYND Domain Protein DAF-25

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    In harsh conditions, Caenorhabditis elegans arrests development to enter a non-aging, resistant diapause state called the dauer larva. Olfactory sensation modulates the TGF-β and insulin signaling pathways to control this developmental decision. Four mutant alleles of daf-25 (abnormal DAuer Formation) were isolated from screens for mutants exhibiting constitutive dauer formation and found to be defective in olfaction. The daf-25 dauer phenotype is suppressed by daf-10/IFT122 mutations (which disrupt ciliogenesis), but not by daf-6/PTCHD3 mutations (which prevent environmental exposure of sensory cilia), implying that DAF-25 functions in the cilia themselves. daf-25 encodes the C. elegans ortholog of mammalian Ankmy2, a MYND domain protein of unknown function. Disruption of DAF-25, which localizes to sensory cilia, produces no apparent cilia structure anomalies, as determined by light and electron microscopy. Hinting at its potential function, the dauer phenotype, epistatic order, and expression profile of daf-25 are similar to daf-11, which encodes a cilium-localized guanylyl cyclase. Indeed, we demonstrate that DAF-25 is required for proper DAF-11 ciliary localization. Furthermore, the functional interaction is evolutionarily conserved, as mouse Ankmy2 interacts with guanylyl cyclase GC1 from ciliary photoreceptors. The interaction may be specific because daf-25 mutants have normally-localized OSM-9/TRPV4, TAX-4/CNGA1, CHE-2/IFT80, CHE-11/IFT140, CHE-13/IFT57, BBS-8, OSM-5/IFT88, and XBX-1/D2LIC in the cilia. Intraflagellar transport (IFT) (required to build cilia) is not defective in daf-25 mutants, although the ciliary localization of DAF-25 itself is influenced in che-11 mutants, which are defective in retrograde IFT. In summary, we have discovered a novel ciliary protein that plays an important role in cGMP signaling by localizing a guanylyl cyclase to the sensory organelle

    Methodological issues in epidemiological studies of periodontitis - how can it be improved?

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    Background: This position paper was commissioned by the European Association of Dental Public Health, which has established six working groups to investigate the current status of six topics related to oral public health. One of these areas is epidemiology of periodontal diseases. Methods: Two theses "A systematic review of definitions of periodontitis and the methods that have been used to identify periodontitis" [1] and "Factors affecting community oral health care needs and provision" [2] formed the starting point for this position paper. Additional relevant and more recent publications were retrieved through a MEDLINE search. Results: The literature reveals a distinct lack of consensus and uniformity in the definition of periodontitis within epidemiological studies. There are also numerous differences in the methods used. The consequence is that data from studies using differing case definitions and differing survey methods are not easily interpretable or comparable. The limitations of the widely used Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Need (CPITN) and its more recent derivatives are widely recognized. Against this background, this position paper reviews the current evidence base, outlines existing problems and suggests how epidemiology of periodontal diseases may be improved. Conclusions: The remit of this working group was to review and discuss the existing evidence base of epidemiology of periodontal diseases and to identify future areas of work to further enhance it