68 research outputs found

    The Assault on Public Education by William Watkins (Ed.)

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    As William Watkins and the collected authors of The Assault on Public Education document clearly, the contemporary fight for democratic education within the United States is dominated by an interlocking set of ideologies and practices that cohere around central themes of privatization, commodification and standardization – all dominated by an instrumental rationality that supports hegemonic systems of power and control. Within this neoliberal conceptual and practical puzzle, students, parents and educators are discouraged from questioning reform efforts purportedly aimed at democratic ends. As families and educators across the United States know only too well, though, the emphasis on charter schools, choice, privatization, testing and accountability are altering the educational landscape in ways that exacerbate the already profoundly disturbing misalignment between our nation’s espoused educational aims and many of our school practices. Despite rhetoric that we want all students to succeed and feel intellectually as well as personally nurtured and inspired by their school experiences, public education has increasingly become morally, intellectually and emotionally destructive for many of our children and youth, especially those from the most marginalized of backgrounds

    The Transformation of Teaching Habits in Relation to the Introduction of Grading and National Testing in Science Education in Sweden

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    In Sweden, a new curriculum and new methods of assessment (grading of students and national tests) in science education were introduced in grade 6 in 2012/2013. We have investigated what implications these reforms have for teachers’ teaching and assessment practices in order to explore the question of how teachers transform their teaching habits in relation to policy reforms. Interviews with 16 teachers teaching science in grade 6 (Y6), over 3 years after the reforms were introduced, were analysed. Building on the ideas of John Dewey, we consider teachers’ talk about their everyday practice as expressions of their habits of teaching. Habits of teaching are related both to individual experiences as well as institutional traditions in and about teaching. A categorisation of educational philosophies was used to teachers’ habits of teaching to a collective level and to show how habits can be transformed and developed over time in specific sociocultural contexts. The teachers were categorised as using essentialist and/or progressivist educational philosophy. In the responses to the introduction of grading and national testing, the teachers took three approaches: Their habits being reinforced, revised or unchanged in relation to the reforms. Although the responses were different, a striking similarity was that all teachers justified their responses with wanting to do what is best for students. However, how to show care for students differed, from delivering scientific knowledge in alignment with an essentialist educational philosophy, to preparing students to do well on tests, to supporting their development as individuals, which is in alignment with a progressivist educational philosophy

    Standardisation framework for the Maudsley staging method for treatment resistance in depression

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    Background: Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is a serious and relatively common clinical condition. Lack of consensus on defining and staging TRD remains one of the main barriers to understanding TRD and approaches to intervention. The Maudsley Staging Method (MSM) is the first multidimensional model developed to define and stage treatment-resistance in “unipolar depression”. The model is being used increasingly in treatment and epidemiological studies of TRD and has the potential to support consensus. Yet, standardised methods for rating the MSM have not been described adequately. The aim of this report is to present standardised approaches for rating or completing the MSM. Method: Based on the initial development of the MSM and a narrative review of the literature, the developers of the MSM provide explicit guidance on how the three dimensions of the MSM–treatment failure, severity of depressive episode and duration of depressive episode– may be rated. Result: The core dimension of the MSM, treatment failure, may be assessed using the Maudsley Treatment Inventory (MTI), a new method developed for the purposes of completing the MSM. The MTI consists of a relatively comprehensive list of medications with options for rating doses and provisions treatment for multiple episodes. The second dimension, severity of symptoms, may be assessed using simple instruments such as the Clinical Global Impression, the Psychiatric Status Rating or checklist from a standard diagnostic checklist. The standardisation also provides a simple rating scale for scoring the third dimension, duration of depressive episode. Conclusion: The approaches provided should have clinical and research utility in staging TRD. However, in proposing this model, we are fully cognisant that until the pathophysiology of depression is better understood, staging methods can only be tentative approximations. Future developments should attempt to incorporate other biological/ pathophysiological dimensions for staging

    Analysis of paediatric visual acuity using Bayesian copula models with sinh-arcsinh marginal densities

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    We analyse paediatric ophthalmic data from a large sample of children aged between 3 and 8 years. We modify the Bayesian additive conditional bivariate copula regression model of Klein and Kneib [1] by using sinh-arcsinh marginal densities with location, scale and shape parameters that depend smoothly on a covariate. We perform Bayesian inference about the unknown quantities of our model using a specially tailored Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We gain new insights about the processes which determine transformations in visual acuity with respect to age, including the nature of joint changes in both eyes as modelled with the age-related copula dependence parameter. We analyse posterior predictive distributions to identify children with unusual sight characteristics, distinguishing those who are bivariate, but not univariate outliers. In this way we provide an innovative tool that enables clinicians to identify children with unusual sight who may otherwise be missed. We compare our simultaneous Bayesian method with the two-step frequentist generalized additive modelling approach of Vatter and Chavez-Demoulin [2]
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