165 research outputs found

    El módulo espacial como elemento de acondicionamiento ambiental: el pabellón de España de Corrales y Molezún

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    In the 50s a review of Modern Movement, which assimilates modular serialization and a connection with the environmental context, although with remote premises of the contemporary paradigms of sustainability arise. In this context, within national stage, stands out the Spanish pavilion at the Brussels International Exhibition in 1958 by Corrales and Molezún. This work seeks a quantitatively reveal of the environmental performance of the pavilion in its two locations and settings, in Brussels and Madrid, through simulation and analysis of energy and lighting models which reproduces the characteristic of the pavilion with the purpose of contributing to give a new critical point of view, valuing the module efficiency to adapt to different environmental conditions. The completed analysis reveals the influence of the climate, compactness and orientation, as in the difficulties associated with thermal comfort and natural light when glazing percentage are important and there are high solar radiation settings.En los años 50 surge una revisión del Movimiento Moderno, que incorpora la seriación modular y la conexión con el contexto ambiental, aunque con unas premisas alejadas de los actuales paradigmas de sostenibilidad. En este contexto, dentro del ámbito nacional, destaca el pabellón de España de la Exposición Universal de Bruselas de 1958, de Corrales y Molezún. Este trabajo pretende desvelar cuantitativamente el comportamiento ambiental del pabellón en sus dos ubicaciones y configuraciones, Bruselas y Madrid, mediante la simulación y análisis de los modelos energéticos y lumínicos que reproducen las características del pabellón, con el fin de aportar un nuevo enfoque crítico, valorando la eficiencia del módulo para adaptarse a distintas condiciones ambientales. El análisis realizado revela la influencia del clima, la compacidad y la orientación, así como la problemática del confort térmico asociado a la iluminación natural cuando los porcentajes de acristalamiento son importantes y en entornos con alta radiación solar

    Improving asthma care through implementation of the SENTINEL programme: findings from the pilot site

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    Aim: Short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) overuse adversely impacts asthma-related outcomes and the environment. The SABA rEductioN Through ImplemeNting Hull asthma guidELines (SENTINEL) programme aims to reduce SABA overuse through supported implementation of an adult asthma guideline, which advocates for a SABA-free maintenance and reliever therapy (MART)-preferred treatment where appropriate, across six primary care networks (PCNs) in the UK. We present findings on patient/disease characteristics, asthma prescribing patterns and exacerbation rates from the pilot PCN. Methods: Patients (aged ⩾18 years, prescribed at least one inhaled therapy) and their prescribed asthma treatments were characterised using National Health Service data. Asthma treatments and exacerbations were analysed for three periods: 24‒12 months pre-, 12 months pre-and 12 months post-SENTINEL implementation (November 2020‒January 2021). Results: Of the 2571 registered asthma patients, 33.6% (n=864) underwent an asthma review, of whom 44.7% (n=386) were transitioned to MART. Fewer patients were prescribed three or more SABA canisters per year post-implementation in the overall asthma population (45.4% and 46.2% during 24‒12 months and 12 months pre-implementation, respectively, and 23.9% 12 months post-implementation), and in the two subgroups: 1) those who had an asthma review (74.5% and 83.6% during 24‒12 months and 12 months pre-implementation, respectively, and 26.5% post-implementation); and 2) those transitioned to MART following a review (76.4% and 86.5% during 24‒12 months and 12 months pre-implementation, respectively, and 16.3% post-implementation). A higher proportion of patients were exacerbation-free post-implementation in the overall asthma population and in the two subgroups. At least 71.5% of patients transitioned to MART were still prescribed MART 12 months post-implementation, of whom ⩾86.7% were SABA-free. Conclusion: SENTINEL implementation led to reduced SABA prescribing, increased inhaled corticosteroid uptake and fewer asthma exacerbations. MART was considered appropriate for ∼50% of reviewed patients, with improved prescribing patterns sustained post-implementation

    Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora spp. Infections in Arab Horses, Southwest of Iran

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    Background: Because of the economic importance of the Arab race horses and also the role of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora spp. in abortion and reproductive failure of these animals, we decided to perform this study. Objectives: We designed this study to investigate the seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii and anti-Neospora spp. antibodies in Arab horses from 12 cities of Khuzestan province in southwest of Iran. Materials and Methods: From October 2009 to March 2011, a total of 235 blood samples were collected from jugular veins of Arab horses of different ages and genders from 12 cities of Khuzestan province. All the sera were tested for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies using the modified agglutination test (MAT) and the existence of anti-Neospora antibodies were tested using N-MAT for Neospora spp. Results: According to the MAT results, antibodies to T. gondii were found in 114 (48.5%) of 235 sera with titers of 1:20 in 84, 1:40 in 19, 1:80 in four, 1:160 in four, and 1:320 in three horses. According to the N-MAT results, antibodies to Neospora spp. were found in 47 (20%) of 235 sera with titers of 1:40 in 39, 1:80 in five, and 1:160 in three horses. We did not observe any statistically significant differences regarding age groups and genders between seropositive and seronegative horses for Neospora spp. using chi-square (chi(2)) test, but it seemed that anti-Toxoplasma antibodies were more prevalent in older horses ( >= 10 years old). Conclusions: The results indicated that Arab horses are exposed to these parasites in southwest of Iran. Further research is required to determine the genomic structures of these parasites in Arab horses in southwest of Iran


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    Background and aims. Measurement of liver stiffness using real-time elastography appears as a promising tool to evaluate the severity of chronic liver diseases. Previous studies in patients with alcoholic liver disease have suggested that fibrosis was the only histological parameter to influence liver stiffness. To challenge this hypothesis, we have prospectively tested the short-term impact of alcohol withdrawal on liver stiffness value. Methods. All patients hospitalized for alcohol withdrawal in our Liver Unit between September 2008 and December 2010 had a liver stiffness determination (using a FibroScan® device) at entry (D0) and 7 days after alcohol withdrawal (D7). Stiffness values were compared using non-parametric test for paired-values. We compared (i) the 10 measures performed at D0 and at D7 for each patient; (ii) the variation of the median result of all patients (using Wilcoxon test in both cases). Results. A total of 138 patients were included in the study [median alcohol consumption: 150g/day (range: 40-400); hepatitis C: n=22 (15.9%); cirrhosis: n=29 (21.0%)]. From D0 to D7, the liver stiffness decreased significantly in 61 patients (44.2%) and increased significantly in 18 (13.0%). Considering all patients, median liver stiffness value decreased from 7.25 to kPa (P<0.001). The stage of fibrosis indicated by liver stiffness changed in 47 patients between D0 and D7 (decrease in 33 and increase in 14). Conclusion. Liver stiffness decreases significantly in nearly half of alcoholic patients after only 7 days of abstinence. This result strongly suggests that non-fibrotic lesions (such as inflammatory ones) may influence liver stiffness. From a practical point of view, it also shows that variation in alcohol consumption must be taken into account for the interpretation of liver stiffness valu

    Impaired decision-making and brain shrinkage in alcoholism

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    Alcohol-dependent individuals usually favor instant gratification of alcohol use and ignore its long-term negative consequences, reflecting impaired decision-making. According to the somatic marker hypothesis, decision-making abilities are subtended by an extended brain network. As chronic alcohol consumption is known to be associated with brain shrinkage in this network, the present study investigated relationships between brain shrinkage and decision-making impairments in alcohol-dependent individuals early in abstinence using voxel-based morphometry. Thirty patients performed the Iowa Gambling Task and underwent a magnetic resonance imaging investigation (1.5T). Decision-making performances and brain data were compared with those of age-matched healthy controls. In the alcoholic group, a multiple regression analysis was conducted with two predictors (gray matter [GM] volume and decision-making measure) and two covariates (number of withdrawals and duration of alcoholism). Compared with controls, alcoholics had impaired decision-making and widespread reduced gray matter volume, especially in regions involved in decision-making. The regression analysis revealed links between high GM volume in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and right hippocampal formation, and high decision-making scores (P&lt;0.001, uncorrected). Decision-making deficits in alcoholism may result from impairment of both emotional and cognitive networks

    The quail genome:insights into social behaviour, seasonal biology and infectious disease response

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    Background: The Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) is a popular domestic poultry species and an increasingly significant model species in avian developmental, behavioural and disease research. Results: We have produced a high-quality quail genome sequence, spanning 0.93 Gb assigned to 33 chromosomes. In terms of contiguity, assembly statistics, gene content and chromosomal organisation, the quail genome shows high similarity to the chicken genome. We demonstrate the utility of this genome through three diverse applications. First, we identify selection signatures and candidate genes associated with social behaviour in the quail genome, an important agricultural and domestication trait. Second, we investigate the effects and interaction of photoperiod and temperature on the transcriptome of the quail medial basal hypothalamus, revealing key mechanisms of photoperiodism. Finally, we investigate the response of quail to H5N1 influenza infection. In quail lung, many critical immune genes and pathways were downregulated after H5N1 infection, and this may be key to the susceptibility of quail to H5N1. Conclusions: We have produced a high-quality genome of the quail which will facilitate further studies into diverse research questions using the quail as a model avian species

    Interspecific Germline Transmission of Cultured Primordial Germ Cells

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    In birds, the primordial germ cell (PGC) lineage separates from the soma within 24 h following fertilization. Here we show that the endogenous population of about 200 PGCs from a single chicken embryo can be expanded one million fold in culture. When cultured PGCs are injected into a xenogeneic embryo at an equivalent stage of development, they colonize the testis. At sexual maturity, these donor PGCs undergo spermatogenesis in the xenogeneic host and become functional sperm. Insemination of semen from the xenogeneic host into females from the donor species produces normal offspring from the donor species. In our model system, the donor species is chicken (Gallus domesticus) and the recipient species is guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), a member of a different avian family, suggesting that the mechanisms controlling proliferation of the germline are highly conserved within birds. From a pragmatic perspective, these data are the basis of a novel strategy to produce endangered species of birds using domesticated hosts that are both tractable and fecund