61 research outputs found

    Alcune storie di biotecnologia

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    Questo saggio intende delineare una storia delle biotecnologie, una conoscenza per molti aspetti antica che tuttavia negli ultimi decenni del Secolo Ventesimo ha vissuto un incredibile sviluppo scientifico, intersecando ambiti differenti e culturalmente distanti, da quello etico e bioetico a quello tecnico e tecnologico. L’articolo è introdotto da una breve ricognizione tesa a collocare le biotecnologie all’interno del concetto di “natura” per poi affrontare, seguendo un criterio cronologico, un’analisi delle tappe più importanti che ne hanno contraddistinto la storia. Una parte considerevole di questo lavoro è stata dedicata agli avvenimenti che hanno scandito il successo delle biotecnologie nel settore farmaceutico

    Discovering Knowledge from a Residential Building Stock through Data Mining Analysis for Engineering Sustainability

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    In this paper, a dataset of 92,906 dwellings was analysed adopting data mining techniques for the classification of heating and domestic hot water primary energy demand and for the evaluation of the most influencing factors. The sample was classified in three energy demand categorical variables (Low, Medium, High) considering different geometrical and physical attributes. The output of the model made it possible to set reference threshold values among the physical variables. Moreover, high energy demand dwellings were analysed in depth using a k-means algorithm in order to evaluate the design variables which need to be considered in a refurbishment process

    The emergency and delay management in total talus extrusion: Case report and review of literature after 24 months of follow up

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    Abstract Total talus extrusion is a rare and severe injury. It is burdened by many complications as avascular necrosis and osteomyelitis even if a proper debridement of extruded talus is performed. Few case reports or case series were published, and because of the rarity of this event, there are no guidelines for treatment. We report the first case on an octogenarian man providing a long-term follow-up performing contrast enhanced magnetic resonances. The authors report the case of an octogenarian man who fell from an olive tree reporting a total talus extrusion associated with the fracture of the medial malleolus. After an accurate debridement and washing of the wound, the talus was anatomically repositioned and the fracture was treated with an external fixator. The wound healed with difficulty after 12 months and the patient developed a chronic osteomyelitis of the talar dome and avascular necrosis of talar head. We followed the patient for 24 months performing contrast enhanced magnetic resonances and evaluating the development of the avascular necrosis. Even if we encountered these complications, the treatment allowed the patient to walk without pain, using a talus type shoe and one crutch. Although the literature suggests that an anatomic replacement of talus allows avoiding main complications, we deem that the patient's age is an important biological feature to consider in the prognostic stratification. Moreover, primary talectomy and tibio-calcaneal fusion should be reserved as a salvage procedure. Talus replacement allows an overall good outcome for the patients, retaining height, and allowing a good quality of life

    The role of PIAS3, p-STAT3 and ALR in colorectalcancer: new translational molecular features for an old disease

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    OBJECTIVE: Human colorectal cancer (CRC) is characterized by a sequence of biological events that determine its induction and progression. Gut microbiota has an impor-tant role in this multistep model of carcinogen-esis, as well as constitutive activation of Signal Transducer and Activator Factors 3 (p-STAT3) and Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT3 (PIAS3), which negatively controls STAT3. It has been re-ported that a liver growth factor, the Augmenter of Liver Regeneration (ALR), an anti-apoptotic, anti-metastatic factor, exerts protective/cell sur-vival and anti-metastatic activities and has been detected highly expressed in neoplastic cells. PATIENTS AND METHODS: To evaluate, by immunohistochemistry, p-STAT3, PIAS3 and ALR expression in neoplastic human tissues from CRC patients, grouping the data in accord-ance with the histological alterations (G1, G2 and G3) and metastasis presence. Western blot (WB) analysis of ALR was also determined in ne-oplastic and surrounding tissues. Finally, cell proliferation (Ki-67) and apoptosis (Bcl-2) were determined. RESULTS : Colon cancer tissue samples showed: (1) ALR and p-STAT3 strongly over-ex-pression in 100% of G1 tissue samples, reducing in G2 and G3 tissue samples; (2) PIAS3 immuno-logical determination was poorly expressed in G1 tissue samples and highly expressed in the 100% of colorectal tissues from group G2 and G3. Ki-67 progressively increases with the im-portance of the anatomic-pathological altera-tions and Bcl-2 resulted higher in G3 tissue sam-ples compared to G1 neoplastic tissues. WB data evidenced, in neoplastic tissues, compared to the tumour-surrounding tissues, ALR over-ex-pressed in G1 neoplastic tissues and down-ex-pressed in G3 neoplastic tissues.CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate a dif-ferent dynamism of the investigated factors in relation to the severity of CRC histological find-ings. We hypothesize that the positive expres-sion of ALR and p-STAT3 in the neoplastic tis-sue samples from CRC G1 group, associated to the absence of PIAS3, could be useful marker to identify an early stage of the disease. Based on these data and on our previous studies on gut microbiota in precancerous intestinal lesions, we are confident that, after microbial priming, a cascade of molecular events is started. So, the detectable molecules acting in these initial steps should be considered for the study of CRC progression and therapy

    The ability of lumbar spine DXA and phalanx QUS to detect previous fractures in young thalassemic patients with hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and hepatitis-B: A 2-year subgroup analysis from the Taranto Area of Apulia Region.

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is a leading cause of morbidity in patients affected by β-thalassemia major or intermediate; we aimed to assess the association between demineralization observed in young thalassemic patients. METHODS: A total of 88 patients with β-thalassemia were recruited at Microcitemia Center of Taranto Hospital under the Prevention Osteoporosis and Fractures research project from 2008 to 2010. All the patients were screened with both dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative ultrasound (QUS). T score and Z score values were obtained for each subject. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of demineralization was 84% with DXA and 70% with QUS, whereas normality was found in 16% of patients screened with DXA and in 30% of cases with QUS. Hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis-B, and the presence of previous fragility fractures were significantly associated with the demineralization status (lower T scores values) both with DXA and QUS. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm that DXA and QUS examinations are both useful for detecting bone demineralization in thalassemic patients

    'Less is more': validation with Rasch analysis of five short-forms for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Personality Questionnaires (BIRT-PQs).

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    Background: Previous analyses demonstrated a lack of unidimensionality, item redundancy, and substantial administrative burden for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Personality Questionnaires (BIRT-PQs). Objective: To use Rasch Analysis to calibrate five short-forms of the BIRT-PQs, satisfying the Rasch model requirements. Methods: BIRT-PQs data from 154 patients with severe Acquired Brain Injury (s-ABI) and their caregivers (total sample = 308) underwent Rasch analysis to examine their internal construct validity and reliability according to the Rasch model. Results: The base Rasch analyses did not show sufficient internal construct validity according to the Rasch model for all five BIRT-PQs. After rescoring 18 items, and deleting 75 of 150 items, adequate internal construct validity was achieved for all five BIRT-PQs short forms (model chi-square p-values ranging from 0.0053 to 0.6675), with reliability values compatible with individual measurements. Conclusions: After extensive modifications, including a 48% reduction of the item load, we obtained five short forms of the BIRT-PQs satisfying the strict measurement requirements of the Rasch model. The ordinal-to-interval measurement conversion tables allow measuring on the same metric the perception of the neurobehavioral disability for both patients with s-ABI and their caregivers

    PharmaCare 2018

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    [Italiano]: Il farmaco, nella sua accezione più ampia e generale, può essere ritenuto un bene sociale, la cui valenza simbolica e curativa varia in relazione alla dimensione ambientale e culturale nel quale si inserisce. In tal senso, le prescrizioni farmaceutiche rappresentano un indicatore privilegiato per la conoscenza del sistema salute di un determinato territorio, poiché costituiscono un punto di intersezione ideale tra la prospettiva medica e quella di mercato. Siffatte considerazioni hanno sollecitato l’elaborazione di questo Report che si pone, come obiettivi dichiarati, quello di essere uno strumento utile alla pianificazione di interventi di sanità pubblica, quanto quello di svolgere analisi approfondite sulle caratteristiche dei soggetti che usano i farmaci e sulle modalità di trattamento degli stessi, permettendo studi di appropriatezza prescrittiva su specifiche aree di rilevanza clinica e su specifiche coorti di soggetti. “PharmaCaRe Report 2018” è stato realizzato dal CIRFF (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca in Farmacoeconomia e Farmacoutilizzazione) dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, in collaborazione con la Direzione Generale della Tutela della Salute della Regione Campania, per delineare un quadro dettagliato circa il consumo e la prescrizione dei farmaci in Campania nel 2018. Questo Report intende infatti fornire una fotografia dettagliata dell’utilizzo che, in Campania, viene fatto dei farmaci in termini di spesa, volumi e tipologia. Le analisi dei dati prodotte offrono spunti importanti per correlare la prevalenza delle patologie nel territorio con il corrispondente utilizzo dei farmaci e suggeriscono un’interpretazione dei principali fattori che influenzano la variabilità nella prescrizione. La disponibilità di una banca dati che copre una popolazione assistibile di circa sei milioni di abitanti è d’altronde un potente strumento di ricerca per studiare gli effetti dell’utilizzo dei farmaci in condizioni di Real-World. La conoscenza delle dinamiche prescrittive, in termini qualitativi (appropriatezza d’uso), oltre che quantitativi (volumi di utilizzo) è la condizione necessaria per inquadrare in un contesto razionale la politica del farmaco, anche sotto il profilo della valutazione degli effetti degli interventi che il mercato, le normative o la cultura del farmaco sviluppano nel tempo. Per tali ragioni, “PharmaCaRe Report 2018” rappresenta un utile quanto prezioso supporto ai decisori per individuare strategie volte a ottimizzare l’allocazione delle risorse, nonché migliorare i percorsi di cura attraverso un monitoraggio costante, la promozione di più elevati standard di cura e l’uso sicuro, efficiente ed efficace dei farmaci ./[English]: In its broadest and most general sense, the drug can be considered a public resource, whose symbolic and curative value varies in relation to the environmental and cultural dimension in which it is embedded. In this sense, pharmaceutical prescriptions represent a privileged indicator for the knowledge of the health system of a given territory, since they constitute an ideal intersection point between the medical and the market perspective. Such considerations prompted the preparation of this Report. “PharmaCaRe Report 2018” has been produced by CIRFF (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca in Farmacoeconomia e Farmacoutilizzazione) of the Federico II University of Naples, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Health Protection of the Campania Region, to provide a detailed overview of the pharmaceutical consumption and prescriptions in Campania in 2018. This Report aims to provide a detailed picture of the use of medicines in the general population in Campania, in terms of expenditure, volumes and type. The analyses of the data produced offer important clues for correlating the prevalence of diseases in this area with the respective use of medicines and suggest an interpretation of the main factors influencing prescriptions' variability. The availability of a database covering a patient population of around six million is a powerful research tool for studying the effects of drug use in Real-World conditions. Knowledge of the dynamics of prescription, in qualitative terms (appropriateness of use), as well as quantitative (volumes of use) is the necessary condition to frame the drug policy in a rational context, also in terms of evaluating the effects of the interventions that the market, regulations or drug culture develop over time. For these reasons, “PharmaCaRe Report 2018” represents a useful and valuable tool for political decision-makers in identifying strategies aimed at optimizing the allocation of resources, as well as improving care pathways through constant monitoring, the promotion of higher standards of care and safe, efficient and effective use of drugs
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