271 research outputs found

    Foreign policy decision-making under the Geisel government: The president, the military and the foreign ministry.

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    This thesis seeks to provide an explanation for the contents of three foreign policy decisions implemented under the government of general Ernesto Geisel (1974-79). It does so by analyzing the decision-making process which led Brazil l) to abstain in the Meetings of Consultation of American Foreign Ministers for voting the lifting of sanctions against Cuba; 2) to restore diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China; and 3) to recognize Angola's MPLA government. The central hypothesis of the thesis is that, although the doctrine of the regime (National Security Doctrine/NSD) has shaped the general conduct of the government, it is not enough to explain the changes in the main lines of foreign policy. It is necessary to analyze the decision making arena where those changes were indeed defined. The first part of the thesis seeks to review the literature on Brazilian foreign policy under the military regime and to present the perspective of analysis. Then the origins and contents of the NSD, in particular its external components, are presented. In addition, it aims to describe the general structure of the decision making arena under Geisel's government, and the main aspects of the foreign policy implemented during this administration. The following three chapters then seek to reconstruct the decision-making process aiming to retrieve from the analysis of the bargains among the bureaucratic role-players, the meaningful elements of the decision contents. The conclusion then claims that it was President Geisel's leadership, along with his Foreign Minister, which was able to oust the "ideological frontiers" precept from the core of the NSD, in spite of its admitted importance during the Cuban case. Furthermore it disputes the premise which states that the existence of a given ultimate consensus among the decision-makers based on the Doctrine is able to explain, on domestic grounds, the foreign policy of "Responsible Pragmatism". It does so by maintaining that the way whereby a new consensus around foreign policy was developed within the decision making arena is, in itself, a crucial element in understanding the decision contents


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    This article looks at the No Is Not campaign and some of its developments. We discuss this campaign as a manifestation of resistance, of counter-conduct (FOUCAULT, 2008) regarding harassment attitudes perceived as acts of violence, which limit individual and collective freedoms regarding women\u27s bodies in public spaces. We propose a theoretical-methodological path for analysis inspired by the Foucaultian perspective. The corpus of analysis consists of clippings of enunciative words and images posted on pages of digital social networks. From the analysis, we highlight that No Is Not claims the right of women to have their bodies preserved from harassment and violence, moving from the submissive place that was (is) imposed on them. Thus, in the campaign Is Not Does not mobilize writing, which produces a shift in uses and establishing a singularity in relation to what has already been done with and through the bodies, and, as it has been said, indicates changes in enunciability rules, inaugurating the (public) place of speech of this group of women. We understand these actions as counter-conduct, as availability in an ethical relationship of “self-care”.Este artigo analisa a campanha Não É Não e alguns de seus desdobramentos. Discutimos essa campanha como manifestação de resistência, de contracondutas (FOUCAULT, 2008) em relação as atitudes de assédio percebidas como atos de violência, que limitam as liberdades individuais e coletivas no que se refere aos corpos das mulheres nos espaços públicos. Propomos um percurso teórico-metodológico para análise inspirado na perspectiva foucaultiana. O corpus de análise é constituído por recortes de dizeres enunciativos e de imagens postadas em páginas das redes sociais digitais. Das análises, destacamos que Não É Não reivindica o direito das mulheres de terem seus corpos preservados do assédio e de violências, deslocando-se do lugar submisso que lhes foi (é) imposto. Assim, na campanha Não É Não mobiliza-se a escrita, que produz um deslocamento nos usos e instaurando uma singularidade em relação ao que já foi feito com e por meio dos corpos, e, aos modos de como já foi dito, indica transformações nas regras de enunciabilidades, inaugurando o lugar de fala (pública) desse grupo de mulheres. Entendemos essas ações como contracondutas, como disponibilidade numa relação ética de “cuidado de si”

    Aplicabilidade da Competência em Informação e da Organização do Conhecimento no processo de Gestão da Informação

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    In the current context of information production and access, organizations need to be able to handle the information they obtain, whether digital or analog. Therefore, there is a process known as information management, responsible for the collection, processing, storage and dissemination. It is argued that the steps of this management can be guided by informational competence and the organization of knowledge. Therefore, the following questions are raised: what is the importance of information competence and knowledge organization in information management? How do knowledge organization techniques and information competence contribute to information management? The objective is to reflect on the importance of informational competence and knowledge management for the development of intelligent information management, which meets the needs of contemporary organizations. This work is justified by interrelating the topics knowledge organization, information management and informational competence and its contribution to organizations, characterizing itself as an interdisciplinary theme. The discussions present the interrelationship between knowledge organization, informational competence and knowledge organization, in order to improve organizational processes. As final considerations, it is argued that the three proposed themes contribute to the application and improvement of information management, so that individuals construct knowledge

    The co-construction of conversational humor to mask different interactional objectives

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    In this paper we intend to contribute to the study of conversational humor in everyday conversation under an interactional perspective. We show the co-construction of humor among friends based on the concept of frame (Bateson, 2002), taking into consideration the lamination of frames (Goffman, 1974; Tannen and Wallat, 2002 [1987]; Gordon, 2008) and contextualization cues (Gumperz, 1982) in conversational sequence. We have used as data the audio recording of three meetings among friends, in which they prepare tasty meals, totalizing 16 hours of recording. We have evidenced that (i) conversational humor may work as a laminated frame masking requests, (ii) the participants are aware of their abilities to manipulate frames, using simultaneously play and another type of interactional frame and (iii) requests masked by play frames are not necessarily attended.Key words: conversational humor, informal conversation, interactional frame.</p

    A co-construção do humor conversacional para encobrir diferentes objetivos

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    In this paper we intend to contribute to the study of conversational humor in everyday conversation under an interactional perspective. We show the co-construction of humor among friends based on the concept of frame (Bateson, 2002), taking into consideration the lamination of frames (Goffman, 1974; Tannen and Wallat, 2002 [1987]; Gordon, 2008) and contextualization cues (Gumperz, 1982) in conversational sequence. We have used as data the audio recording of three meetings among friends, in which they prepare tasty meals, totalizing 16 hours of recording. We have evidenced that (i) conversational humor may work as a laminated frame masking requests, (ii) the participants are aware of their abilities to manipulate frames, using simultaneously play and another type of interactional frame and (iii) requests masked by play frames are not necessarily attended.Key words: conversational humor, informal conversation, interactional frame.Neste artigo, propomos contribuir para os estudos do humor conversacional em encontros informais, numa perspectiva interacional. Mostramos a co-construção do humor, entre amigos, com base no enquadre da brincadeira (Bateson, 1972), tendo em vista a superposição ou laminação dos enquadres (Goffman, 1974; Tannem e Wallat, 1987; Gordon, 2008) e observando as pistas de contextualização (Gumperz, 1982), na sequencia conversacional. Para isso, consideramos a gravação em áudio de três encontros informais entre amigos, nos quais preparam saborosos pratos, totalizando 16 horas de gravação. Evidenciamos que (1) o humor co-construído pode funcionar como uma lâmina que encobre pedidos, (2) os participantes estão cientes de suas habilidades de manipularem enquadres, usando simultaneamente a brincadeira e outro enquadre e (3) os pedidos encobertos pelo humor não são necessaraimente atendidos.Palavras-chave: humor conversacional, conversa informal, enquadre interacional

    Diretivas antecipadas de vontade e o direito a uma morte (in)digna

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    The early directives of will correspond to a document drawn up by a person with discernment and in the exercise of private autonomy to manifest his will, when due to a disease or vital terminality, it is no longer possible to express them. This form of manifestation of the will is already included in foreign legislation, however, in Brazil it is still the object of discussion in several areas, such as: Medicine, Law and Bioethics. This work aims to differentiate the institutes of cessation of life and the validity of the advance directives of will as a fundamental right to the dignity of the human person in the face of the Brazilian legal system. Through the bibliographic research and the study of fundamental and constitutional principles, as well as the examination of the relevant resolutions of the Federal Council of Medicine, we sought through the use of the method of deductive approach, to verify the validity of the advance directives of will in the Brazilian legal system as a way to ensure respect for the dignity of the human person.As diretivas antecipadas de vontade correspondem a um documento elaborado por uma pessoa com discernimento e no exercício da autonomia privada para manifestar suas vontades, quando em razão de uma doença ou na terminalidade vital, já não for possível expressá-las. Esta forma de manifestação da vontade já está incluída na legislação estrangeira, contudo, no Brasil ainda é objeto de discussão em diversas áreas, tais como: Medicina, Direito e Bioética. Este trabalho tem por objetivo diferenciar os institutos de cessação da vida e a validade das diretivas antecipadas de vontade como direito fundamental à dignidade da pessoa humana frente ao ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Através da pesquisa bibliográfica e do estudo dos princípios fundamentais e constitucionais, bem como do exame das resoluções pertinentes do Conselho Federal de Medicina, buscou-se por meio da utilização do método de abordagem dedutivo, verificar a validade das diretivas antecipadas de vontade no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro como forma de assegurar o respeito à dignidade da pessoa humana

    Directed evolution of colE1 plasmid replication compatibility: a fast tractable tunable model for investigating biological orthogonality

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    Plasmids of the ColE1 family are among the most frequently used in molecular biology. They were adopted early for many biotechnology applications, and as models to study plasmid biology. Their mechanism of replication is well understood, involving specific interactions between a plasmid encoded sense-antisense gene pair (RNAI and RNAII). Due to such mechanism, two plasmids with the same origin cannot be stably maintained in cells-a process known as incompatibility. While mutations in RNAI and RNAII can make colE1 more compatible, there has been no systematic effort to engineer new compatible colE1 origins, which could bypass technical design constraints for multi-plasmid applications. Here, we show that by diversifying loop regions in RNAI (and RNAII), it is possible to select new viable colE1 origins compatible with the wild-type one. We demonstrate that sequence divergence is not sufficient to enable compatibility and pairwise interactions are not an accurate guide for higher order interactions. We identify potential principles to engineer plasmid copy number independently from other regulatory strategies and we propose plasmid compatibility as a tractable model to study biological orthogonality

    Movimento #EleNão: reconhecimento e afirmação do ato de fala das mulheres na política

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    The focus of this paper is to discuss the emergence of Brazilian women’s voices in contemporaneity – from the condition of silence and inferiorization of “subalterns”, to the disruptions and, consequently, speeches and manifestations in both digital networks and the streets. In this paper, we propose a debate on the following questions: How has the passage from women’s silence to their speech in public spaces occurred? From which conditions? We used #EleNão (2018) movement as our corpus for analysis. The Foucauldian perspective of discursive event inspired the theoretical-methodological path for analysis. From the analyses, we can highlight that #EleNão movement has re-updated the struggle for acknowledgement of the other in politics – She. #EleNão has emerged as politics of performativity, bodily and gestural actions of resistance, and display of the right to speak, to appear in the sense of existing, to fight against the precariousness of existences. #EleNão has produced meanings of political action in the Brazilian social imagery, that is, it has repositioned a kind of leave from women’s condition as voiceless subaltern beings. #EleNão has become a space to problematize/think about feminism in the interstices of its equalities and differences in the field of gender relations.O foco deste artigo está em discutir a emergência de vozes das mulheres brasileiras na contemporaneidade – da condição de silêncio e inferiorização das “subalternas” até as fraturas e, por consequência, as falas e manifestações nas redes digitais e nas ruas. No artigo, propõe-se um debate sobre as seguintes questões: como tem se dado a passagem entre o silêncio e a fala das mulheres nos espaços públicos? A partir de que condições? Como corpus das análises, utilizamos o movimento #EleNão (2018). O percurso teórico-metodológico para a análise é inspirado na perspectiva foucaultiana do acontecimento discursivo. Das análises, destacamos que o movimento #EleNão reatualiza a luta do reconhecimento do outro da política – Elas. #EleNão emerge como política de performatividade, de ações corporais e gestuais de resistência, de exposição do direito de falar, de aparecer no sentido de existir, de lutar contra as precariedades das existências. #EleNão produz sentidos de ação política no imaginário social brasileiro, isto é, reposiciona certa saída da condição das mulheres como subalternas que não falam. #EleNão surge como espaço para tensionar/pensar o feminismo nos interstícios de suas igualdades e diferenças no campo das relações de gênero

    A Campanha “Não É Não”

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    Este artigo articula discussões sobre corpos de mulheres no contexto da campanha “Não É Não”, que tomamos como uma experimentação de micropolítica de gênero. Assim, lançamos a seguinte questão: como a campanha “Não É Não” opera? O corpus de análise é constituído por recortes de dizeres enunciativos e por imagens postadas (2017-2020) em redes sociais, como o Instagram. Para a análise, propomos um percurso metodológico inspirado na perspectiva foucaultiana. Como resultado, destacamos que a campanha “Não É Não” é conduzida por um grupo de mulheres brasileiras (de diferentes gerações), que rechaçam as violências e as submissões naturalizadas (historicamente) por meio de mobilizações sociopolíticas em ações de protestos, em que os corpos são a causa e o suporte das reivindicações, afirmando um outro corpo, que quer ser político e reconhecido na sua posição de direito de aparecer e de respeito

    Competences of nurses in the Family Health Strategy: an integrative literature review

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    The Family Health Strategy is recognized as a proposal for the reorientation of the care model, carried out through the implementation of multidisciplinary teams in basic health units. The practical management of nurses is an important instrument for the implementation of health policies. The aim of this research is to identify the scientific evidence available in the literature on the competencies of nurses in the Family Health Strategy. The study presents the results of an integrative review of the literature on the process of practical management of nursing care in the Family Health Strategy. We analyzed 17 articles from the selection in the databases of the Virtual Health Library, with a time frame from 2018 to 2022. The PICo strategy was used, where P = Participants, I = Area of Interest, Co = Outcome of the study. The analysis of the literature highlights the importance of nurses inserted in the work process of the Family Health Strategy. The results show that practical management and care are inseparable for the work organization process