297 research outputs found

    Research On Maximizing Critical And Reducing Initial Heat Flux Densities To Eliminate Any Film Boiling And Minimize Distortion During Quenching

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    In the paper the results of testing three types of FUCHS oils: Thermisol QH 120, Thermisol QH 10 and Thermisol QB 46 are discussed. The main attention is paid to critical heat flux densities evaluation because they create a basis for optimizing cooling intensity of any liquid quenchant. In the paper is underlined that any film boiling during quenching is undesirable since it is a reason for big distortion and non-uniform surface harness. It is shown that intensive quenching decreases distortion of steel parts during quenching. To eliminate film boiling during quenching in mineral oils, optimal temperature of oil should be chosen which maximize the first critical heat flux density and special additives should be used to decrease initial heat flux by creating surface micro-coating. Along with the evaluation of heat transfer coefficients, critical heat flux densities inherent to liquid quenchant must be measured first to optimize quenching processes. International DATABASE on cooling characteristics of liquid quenchants must include critical heat flux densities, initial heat flux densities, and heat transfer coefficients allowing optimizing and governing quenching processes

    Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling of Class III Treatment with Orthodontic Appliances with a Movable Ramp

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    Treatment of class III is a current problem in orthodontics that requires constant improvement of its methods, development of new or modifications of known methods and techniques. We have developed and studied the modification of removable functionally-directing orthodontic appliances for treatment of Class III, which consists of a plastic base, vestibular arc, retaining clasps, ramp, which is connected with the base by means of two torsion springs. Its usage ensures a prolonged contact of ramp with the teeth. We studied two types of club-shaped springs (torsion springs): one spring, which create an amortization effect during the action of the ramp, but do not change its inclination angle and second one – spring that seek to increase the angle of the ramp inclination due to the disclosure of its curl

    Post-Formation Sodium Loss on the Moon: A Bulk Estimate

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    The Moon and Earth are generally similar in terms of composition, but there exist variations in the abundance of certain elements among the two bodies. These differences are a likely consequence of differing physical evolution of the two bodies over the solar system's history. While previous works have assumed this may be due to conditions during the Moon"TM"s formation, we explore the likelihood that the observed depletion in Sodium in lunar samples may be partially due to post-formation mechanisms. Solar effects, loss from a primordial atmosphere and impacts are some of the dominant post-formation mechanisms that we examine. We describe how our past and current modeling efforts indicate that a significant fraction of the observed depletion of sodium in lunar samples relative to a bulk silicate earth composition may have been due to solar activity, atmospheric loss and impacts. Using profiles of sodium abundances from lunar crustal samples may thus serve as a powerful tool towards exploring conditions on the Moon's surface throughout solar system history. Conditions on the Moon immediately after formation may still be recorded in the lunar crust and may provide a window towards interpreting observations from some of the first rocky exoplanets that will be most amenable to characterization. Potential spatial variation of sodium in the lunar crust may be a relevant consideration for future sample return efforts. Sodium Depletion in the Lunar Crust: Luna

    Lunar lander conceptual design

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    This paper is a first look at the problems of building a lunar lander to support a small lunar surface base. A series of trade studies was performed to define the lander. The initial trades concerned choosing number of stages, payload mass, parking orbit altitude, and propellant type. Other important trades and issues included plane change capability, propellant loading and maintenance location, and reusability considerations. Given a rough baseline, the systems were then reviewed. A conceptual design was then produced. The process was carried through only one iteration. Many more iterations are needed. A transportation system using reusable, aerobraked orbital transfer vehicles (OTV's) is assumed. These OTV's are assumed to be based and maintained at a low Earth orbit (LEO) space station, optimized for transportation functions. Single- and two-stage OTV stacks are considered. The OTV's make the translunar injection (TLI), lunar orbit insertion (LOI), and trans-Earth injection (TEI) burns, as well as midcourse and perigee raise maneuvers

    HST Observations of the Host Galaxy of GRB970508

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    We report on observations of the field of GRB~970508 made in early August 1998, 454 days after outburst, with the STIS CCD camera onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. The images, taken in open filter (50CCD) mode, clearly reveal the presence of a galaxy which was obscured in earlier (June 1997) HST images by emission from the optical transient (OT). The galaxy is regular in shape: after correcting for the HST/STIS PSF, it is well-fitted by an exponential disk with a scale length of 0."046 +/- 0."006 and an ellipticity of 0.70 +/- 0.07. All observations are marginally consistent with a continuous decline in OT emission as t^{-1.3} beginning two days after outburst; however, we find no direct evidence in the image for emission from the OT, and the surface brightness profile of the galaxy is most regular if we assume that the OT emission is negligible, suggesting that the OT may have faded more rapidly at late times than is predicted by the power-law decay. Due to the wide bandwidth of the STIS clear mode, the estimated magnitude of the galaxy is dependent on the galaxy spectrum that is assumed. Using colors obtained from late-time ground-based observations to constrain the spectrum, we find V = 25.4 +/- 0.15, a few tenths of a magnitude brighter than earlier ground-based estimates that were obtained by observing the total light of the galaxy and the OT and then subtracting the estimated OT brightness assuming it fades as a single power-law. This again suggests that the OT may have faded faster at late time than the power-law predicts. The position of the OT agrees with that of the isophotal center of the galaxy to 0."01. This remarkable agreement raises the possibility that the GRB may have been associated with either an active galactic nucleus or a nuclear starburst.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal (Letters). Thirteen pages, three encapsulated figures. Abstract slightly abridge

    The Theoretical Description for a Sucralose Electrochemical Cathodical Determination over a 9-9´-Diacridyl-modified Electrode

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    A novel electroanalytical process for sucralose determination has been theoretically suggested. Sucralose is immobilized over an acridine derivative 9-9´-diacridyl, yielding a quaternary salt, which is thereby gradually electrochemically reduced to an N-N´-disubstituted acridone derivative. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis, and this analysis has shown the high probability of the oscillatory and monotonic instabilities, due to the double electric layer structure changes during all of the stages of the process. Nevertheless, it also confirms the efficiency of 9-9´-diacridyl-modified electrode for sucralose determination in an electroanalytical system, which may be coupled with a fluorescent indicator. DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i3.158

    Observations of GRB 970228 and GRB 970508, and the Neutron-Star Merger Model

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    We present the discovery observations for the optical counterpart of the γ\gamma-ray burster GRB 970508 and discuss its light curve in the context of the fireball model. We analyze the HST data for this object, and conclude that any underlying galaxy must be fainter than RR = 25.5. We also present a detailed analysis of the HST images of GRB 970228 claimed to show a proper motion of the optical counterpart and conclude that, within the uncertainties, there is no proper motion. We examine several aspects of the neutron-star merger model for γ\gamma-ray bursts. In particular, we use this model to predict the redshift distribution of γ\gamma-ray bursters, and adopting a recent determination of the cosmic star-formation history, we show that the predicted distribution of logNlogP\log N - \log P relation is consistent with that observed for GRBs.Comment: (6 figures). Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    On the Prospects of Using Metallic Glasses for In-vessel Mirrors for Plasma Diagnostics in ITER

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    This chapter reviews main results obtained on mirror-like samples made of several grades of bulk metallic glasses (BMG). Experiments were carried out under simulated conditions typical for the operation of plasma facing in-vessel mirrors of optical plasma diagnostics in fusion reactor ITER. Bombardment with D0 and T0 atoms radiated from burning plasma was predicted to be the main reason for the degradation of optical properties of such mirrors. Therefore, to simulate the behavior of mirrors in ITER, mirror-like samples were subjected to bombardment by ions of deuterium plasma with fixed or wide energy distribution. The effects of ion bombardment on optical properties, development of roughness, uptake of deuterium, appearance of blisters, and manifestation of some chemical processes are presented and discussed