28,093 research outputs found


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    Haematozoan infections cause the death of penguins in captivity, but seldom in the wild. No haematozoa were found in 89 blood smears taken from macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus or 80 smears from eastern rockhopper penguins E. chrysocome filholi at subantarctic Marion Island between October and November 2001. Discussion centres on the possibility of vector introduction and establishment under conditions of climatic and/or anthropogenic change.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 499–50

    Satellite detection of vegetative damage and alteration caused by pollutants emitted by a zinc smelter

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Field observations and data collected by low flying aircraft were used to verify the accuracy of maps produced from the satellite data. Although areas of vegetation as small as six acres can accurately be detected, a white pine stand that was severely damaged by sulfur dioxide could not be differentiated from a healthy white pine stand because spectral differences were not large enough. When winter data were used to eliminate interference from herbaceous and deciduous vegetation, the damage was still undetectable. The analysis was able to produce a character map that accurately delineated areas of vegetative alteration due to high zinc levels accumulating in the soil. The map depicted a distinct gradient of less damage and alteration as the distance from the smelter increased. Although the satellite data will probably not be useful for detecting small acreages of damaged vegetation, it is concluded that the data may be very useful as an inventory tool to detect and delineate large vegetative areas possessing differing spectral signatures

    Microminiaturized, biopotential conditioning system (MBCS)

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    Multichannel, medical monitoring system allows almost complete freedom of movement for subject during monitoring periods. System comprises monitoring unit (biobelt), transmission line, and data acquisition unit. Belt, made of polybenzimidizole fabric, is wrapped around individual's waist and held in place by overlapping sections of Velcro closure material


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    Hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers provide opportunities for detailed and rapid mapping of features, including biological ones, further enhanced by the removal during 2000 of “selective availability”. GPS was used to map, describe and compare nest densities within wandering albatross Diomedea exulans colonies at subantarctic Marion and Prince Edward islands. On Prince Edward Island, the coordinates of 1 061 wandering albatross nests were determined and, on Marion Island, 1 779 nests. For describing nest densities of wandering albatrosses, a 50-m grid is recommended, at which scale, the densest area of Prince Edward Island was in Albatross Valley, where the area of the colony was 46 ha and nest density was 22.3 nests ha-1. For Marion Island, the total area of the wandering albatross colonies was 306 ha and the nest density was 5.8 nests ha-1. In the three study colonies there (Macaroni Bay, 28 nests; Sealer\'s Beach, 117 nests; Goney Plain, 140 nests), the density statistics did not differ greatly from the overall densities on the island, with overall mean densities of 4.9, 5.7 and 8.0 birds ha-1 respectively. Although comparisons with nest densities at other breeding colonies are uncertain because of differing methods of computing them, the nest densities in Albatross Valley lie within the reported ranges for other colonies of great albatrosses.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 529–53

    Anomalous Chiral Action from the Path-Integral

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    By generalizing the Fujikawa approach, we show in the path-integral formalism: (1) how the infinitesimal variation of the fermion measure can be integrated to obtain the full anomalous chiral action; (2) how the action derived in this way can be identified as the Chern-Simons term in five dimensions, if the anomaly is consistent; (3) how the regularization can be carried out, so as to lead to the consistent anomaly and not to the covariant anomaly. Our method uses Schwinger's ``proper-time'' representation of the Green's function and the gauge invariant point-splitting technique. We find that the consistency requirement and the point-splitting technique allow both an anomalous and a non-anomalous action. In the end, the nature of the vacuum determines whether we have an anomalous theory, or, a non-anomalous theoryComment: 28 page

    Some triviality results for quasi-Einstein manifolds and Einstein warped products

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    In this paper we prove a number of triviality results for Einstein warped products and quasi-Einstein manifolds using different techniques and under assumptions of various nature. In particular we obtain and exploit gradient estimates for solutions of weighted Poisson-type equations and adaptations to the weighted setting of some Liouville-type theorems.Comment: 15 pages, fixed minor mistakes in Section

    Orion Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) Overload Testing Approach and Results

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    The qualification of the Orion Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) system includes exposure to loads and dynamic pressures above the required values as validation of the parachutes' structural integrity. As outlined in the certification plan, each of the four parachutes of the system are to be subjected to 110% of their respective maximum dynamic pressure requirements. The Main and Drogue parachutes have satisfied this overload condition in drop testing and due to cost and schedule constraints, the Forward Bay Cover Parachute (FBCP) and Pilot parachute were subjected to the overload condition in the ground testing described in this document. The test objectives and pass/fail criteria were established and require the parachutes to achieve and maintain a target riser load (associated with a minimum of 110% dynamic pressure overload) for a minimum of three seconds while sustaining no failures of any structural members (vent hoop, radials, suspension line) or any damage which propagates into catastrophic failure of the canopy. Considering the assumptions and limitations associated with the ground testing (primarily non-uniform flow field of the ground test system and variations in parachute manufacturing), a method of establishing the desired overload condition was determined by the technical community and covers the 2-sigma bounds of the drag area distribution derived from drop testing. On June 27, 2017 the testing was executed at the High Velocity Airflow System (HiVAS) facility located at the Weapon Survivability Laboratory (WSL) at the Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division (NAWCWD) China Lake. Engineering Development Unit (EDU) parachutes were used as pathfinders to gain experience with achieving the test conditions. Additional runs were executed to measure the airflow at the same location as the canopy skirt, although this data is not required to satisfy the test objectives and parachute pass/fail criteria. The qualification parachutes were successfully exposed to the target conditions and sustained only minor damage

    A new neurosurgical tool incorporating differential geometry and cellular automata techniques

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    Using optical coherence imaging, it is possible to visualize seizure progression intraoperatively. However, it is difficult to pinpoint an exact epileptic focus. This is crucial in attempts to minimize the amount of resection necessary during surgical therapeutic interventions for epilepsy and is typically done approximately from visual inspection of optical coherence imaging stills. In this paper, we create an algorithm with the potential to pinpoint the source of a seizure from an optical coherence imaging still. To accomplish this, a grid is overlaid on optical coherence imaging stills. This then serves as a grid for a two-dimensional cellular automation. Each cell is associated with a Riemannian curvature tensor representing the curvature of the brain's surface in all directions for a cell. Cells which overlay portions of the image which show neurons that are firing are considered "depolarized"
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