627 research outputs found

    Expected Response To Early-generation Selection For Yield And Tuber Appearance Traits In Potatoes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of potato clonal families, and to estimate genetic variance, heritability and the expected response to selection of tuber yield and appearance traits in early generations. Twelve potato families were obtained from crosses between two groups of randomly-selected genotypes, including Eliza, C1730-7-94, and C1742-8-95 in group 1; and Shepody, Asterix, Caesar, and White Lady in group 2. The crosses were made in factorial design (3 genotypes x 4 genotypes), and each family consisted of 75 genotypes. Experiments were conducted in the fall of 2010, with a seedling generation under greenhouse conditions, and in the fall of 2011, with a clonal generation under field condition. High heritability estimates suggest that mild to moderate selection can be applied in the seedling generation to eye depth, eyebrow prominence, tuber curvature, flattening and shape uniformity. The C1742-8-95/White Lady stood out as a superior cross, as did all other crosses with White Lady, regarding tuber appearance and yield traits.3752849285

    Quality Of Life Of Esophagectomized Patients: Adenocarcinoma Versus Squamous Cell Carcinoma [qualidade De Vida De Doentes Esofagectomizados: Adenocarcinoma Versus Carcinoma Epidermoide]

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    Objective: To evaluate and compare the quality of life (QOL) of patients undergoing esophagectomy for treatment of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction and squamous cell carcinoma. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in postoperative patients submitted to esophagectomy for adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (ACA) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), using the SF-36 questionnaire applied in 24 patients (10 ACAs and 14 SCCs), from the 5th months postoperatively, including clinical symptoms and weight change. Results: The assessment of QOL showed the best functional capacity (p = 0.018) in the ACA group. There was a correlation between the domains "mental health" and "Role of Emotions" (p = 0.003) and between "pain" and "physical aspects limitation" (p = 0.003) in both histological types. Weight loss was greater in ACA (45.9 kg), with no significant difference between current BMI (p> 0.66). Dysphagia was reported by 83.3% of patients, anorexia by58.3%, chewing difficulty by 42%, nausea and vomiting by 41.7% and diarrhea by 29.2%, with no correlation with QOL reported (p> 0.05). Conclusion: The highest score for functional capacity indicates that ACA patients were able to perform all types of physical activity, including the more demanding, at a higher level than patients with SCC. Some symptoms persisted postoperatively, but did not affect the quality of life of patients.40139Corley, D.A., Buffler, P.A., Oesophageal and gastric cardia adenocarcinomas: Analysis of regional variation using the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents database (2001) Int J Epidemiol, 30 (6), pp. 1415-1425Jankowski, J.A., Perry, I., Harrison, R.F., Gastro-oesophageal cancer: Death at the junction (2000) BMJ, 321 (7259), pp. 463-464Tercioti, V., Lopes, L.R., Coelho Neto, J.S., Andreollo, N.A., New aspects of the neo-adjuvant therapy in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. A review of medical literature (2009) ABCD, Arq Bras Cir Dig, 22 (1), pp. 33-40Steffen, A., Schulze, M.B., Pischon, T., Dietrich, T., Molina, E., Chirlaque, M.D., Anthropometry and esophageal cancer risk in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (2009) Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 18 (7), pp. 2079-2089de Boer, A.G., van Lanschot, J.J., van Sandick, J.W., Hulscher, J.B., Stalmeier, P.F., de Haes, J.C., Quality of life after transhiatal compared with extended transthoracic resection for adenocarcinoma of the esophagus (2004) J Clin Oncol, 22 (20), pp. 4202-4208Cense, H.A., Visser, M.R., van Sandick, J.W., de Boer, A.G., Lamme, B., Obertop, H., Quality of life after colon interposition by necessity for esophageal cancer replacement (2004) J Surg Oncol, 88 (1), pp. 32-38Blazeby, J.M., Farndon, J.R., Donovan, J., Alderson, D., A prospective longitudinal study examining the quality of life of patients with esophageal carcinoma (2000) Cancer, 88 (8), pp. 1781-1787Rosmolen, W.D., Boer, K.R., de Leeuw, R.J., Gamel, C.J., van Berge Henegouwen, M.I., Bergman, J.J., Quality of life and fear of cancer recurrence after endoscopic and surgical treatment for early neoplasia in Barrett's esophagus (2010) Endoscopy, 42 (7), pp. 525-531de Boer, A.G., Genovesi, P.I., Sprangers, M.A., van Sandick, J.W., Obertop, H., van Lanschot, J.J., Quality of life in long-term survivors after curative transhiatal oesophagectomy for oesophageal carcinoma (2000) Br J Surg, 87 (12), pp. 1716-1721McLarty, A.J., Deschamps, C., Trastek, V.F., Allen, M.S., Pairolero, P.C., Harmsen, W.S., Esophageal resection for cancer of the esophagus: Long- term function and quality of life (1997) Ann Thorac Surg, 63 (6), pp. 1568-1572Kirby, J.D., Quality of life after oesophagectomy: The patients' perspective (1999) Dis Esophagus, 12 (3), pp. 168-171(1993) El Estado Físico: Uso E Interpretación De La Antropometria, , OMS, Informe de un comité de Expertos de la OMS. Serie de informes técnicos 854, Genebra: OMSLipschitz, D.A., Screening for nutritional status in the elderly (1994) Prim Care, 21 (1), pp. 55-67Ware Jr., J.E., Sherbourne, C.D., The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). I. Conceptual framework and item selection (1992) Med Care, 30 (6), pp. 473-483Ciconelli, R.M., Ferraz, M.B., Santos, W., Meinão, I., Quaresma, M.R., Tradução para a lingua portuguesa e validação do questionário genérico de avaliação de qualidade de vida SF-36 (Brasil SF-36) (1999) Rev Bras Reumatol, 39 (3), pp. 143-150Aaronson, N.K., Muller, M., Cohen, P.D., Essink-Bot, M.L., Fekkes, M., Sanderman, R., Translation, validation, and norming of the Dutch language version of the SF-36 Health Survey in community and chronic disease populations (1998) J Clin Epidemiol, 51 (11), pp. 1055-1068Jung, K.W., Talley, N.J., Romero, Y., Katzka, D.A., Schleck, C.D., Zinsmeister, A.R., Epidemiology and natural history of intestinal metaplasia of the gastroesophageal junction and Barrett's esophagus: A population-based study (2011) Am J Gastroenterol, 106 (8), pp. 1447-1455Modena, S.F., Meirelles, L.R., Araujo, M.R., Are the nitrites important in a Genesis of the adenocarcinoma associated to the Barrett esophagus? (2008) ABCD, Arq Bras Cir Dig, 21 (3), pp. 124-129Cooper, G.S., Yuan, Z., Chak, A., Rimm, A.A., Association of prediagnosis endoscopy with stage and survival in adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and gastric cardia (2002) Cancer, 95 (1), pp. 32-38Schembre, D., Arai, A., Levy, S., Farrel-Ross, M., Low, D., Quality of life esophagectomy and endoscopic therapy for Barrett's esophagus with dysplasia (2010) Dis Esophagus, 23 (6), pp. 458-464Sundelöf, M., Ye, W., Dickman, P.W., Lagergren, J., Improved survival in both histologic types of oesophageal cancer in Sweden (2002) Int J Cancer, 99 (5), pp. 751-754Brown, L.F., Kroenke, K., Theobald, D.E., Wu, J., (2011) Comparison of SF-36 Vitality Scale and Fatigue Symptom Inventory In Assessing Cancer-related Fatigue, 19 (8), pp. 1255-1259Zieren, H.U., Jacobi, C.A., Zieren, J., Müller, J.M., Quality of life following resection of oesophageal carcinoma (1996) Br J Surg, 83 (12), pp. 1772-1775Djärv, T., Lagergren, J., Blazeby, J.M., Lagergren, P., Long-term health-related quality of life following surgery for oesophageal cancer (2008) Br J Surg, 95 (9), pp. 1121-1126Tercioti Júnior, V., Lopes, L.R., Coelho Neto, J.S., Carvalheira, J.B., Andreollo, N.A., Eficácia local e complicações da terapêutica neoadjuvante no carcinoma epidermoide: Radioterapia versus ra-dioterapia associada à quimioterapia (2011) Rev Col Bras Cir, 38 (4), pp. 227-234Steinglass, P., Ostroff, J.S., Steinglass, A.S., Multiple family groups for adult cancer survivors and their families: A 1-day workshop model (2011) Fam Process, 50 (3), pp. 393-40

    Spatial distribution of the most abundant sea urchin populations on the southeast coast of São Paulo (Brazil)

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    Se investigó la variación espacial en la abundancia de Echinometra lucunter, Lytechinus variegatus y Arbacia lixula con respecto a cuatro escalas espaciales (105, 104, 103 y 102 m) y dos profundidades (0–3 y 3–8 m), a lo largo de 100 km del litoral de São Paulo (agosto a octubre de 1996). Echinometra lucunter fue la especie más abundante, prefiriendo los fondos más someros bajo el efecto del oleaje. Se identificó un gradiente en su abundancia, aumentando en dirección del suroeste al noreste. Arbacia lixula mostró el mismo gradiente, pero con una mayor abundancia en el sector más profundo. Ambas especies mostraron diferencias significativas a una escala espacial de centenares de metros y E. lucunter también a una escala de kilómetros. Lytechinus variegatus mostró un patrón en mosaico, siendo abundante en ciertos sitios. Las variaciones en la calidad del agua y en la heterogeneidad natural del hábitat podrían explicar de forma conjunta la distribución espacial de estas poblaciones.The spatial variability of Echinometra lucunter, Lytechinus variegatus and Arbacia lixula was studied in relation to four spatial scales (105, 104, 103 and 102 m) and two depths (0–3 and 3–8 m), along 100 km of the São Paulo coastline (August to October 1996). Echinometra lucunter was the most abundant species, with preference for shallow substrates subject to wave action. An abundance gradient was identified, increasing from southwest to northeast. Arbacia lixula showed the same pattern of spatial variation, but was more abundant in the deeper areas. Both species showed significant differences on a spatial scale of hundreds of meters, and E. lucunter also on a scale of kilometers. Lytechinus variegates presented a patchy distribution, being more abundant at certain sites. Variations in the water quality and natural heterogeneity of the habitat may explain the spatial distribution of these populations.El presente trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a dos becas INTERCAMPUS (1996–1997) concedidas por el Gobierno Español (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores) a PSJ para su estancia en el Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología (Brasil)

    La obesidad y su asociación con los demás factores de riesgo cardiovascular en escolares de Itapetininga, Brasil

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    BACKGROUND: Paucity of data on childhood obesity and cardiovascular risk in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity and their correlations in a sample of school children in Itapetininga, State of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with systematic collection of anthropometric data (weight, height, waist circumference, BMI and blood pressure levels) and determination of glucose, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, uric acid, and apolipoproteins A and B in a random sample representative of school children from the public education system in Itapetininga, State of São Paulo. For data analysis, we used population parameters from the NCHS curves (2000), blood pressure categories from NHBPEP (2004), and the serum cholesterol levels proposed by the AHA for children and adolescents (2003). RESULTS: A total of 494 children and adolescents participated in the study. Of these, 11.7% had HBP, 51% increased total cholesterol, 40.5% increased LDL-cholesterol, 8.5% increased triglycerides, and 6.1% low HDL-cholesterol levels. Mean (± standard deviation) TC, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides were 172.1(27.9), 48.1(10.0), 105.7(23.1) and 90.9(43.8), respectively. Obesity and overweight were detected in 12.8% and 9.7% of the sample, respectively. Individuals of the obese group had a greater chance of presenting with dyslipidemia and hypertension in comparison with those of the other groups. CONCLUSION: This study supports the hypothesis of different prevalences of excess weight among school children from the public education system of the northeastern and southeastern regions of Brazil, with higher rates in the latter. Additionally, it demonstrates an association of obesity with dyslipidemia and hypertension in that group. In light of the paucity of Brazilian data on this issue, our study provides important data for further comparisons.FUNDAMENTO: La escasez de datos sobre la obesidad infantil y el riesgo cardiovascular en Brasil. OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de hipertensión, dislipidemia, obesidad y sus correlaciones en una muestra de escolares de Itapetininga-SP. MÉTODOS: Corte transversal con recolección sistematizada de datos antropométricos (peso, altura, cintura, índice de masa corporal y niveles de presión) y dosificaciones de glucosa, colesterol (total y fracciones), ácido úrico y apolipoproteína A y B, en una muestra aleatoria, representativa de escolares del sistema público de Itapetininga-SP. Análisis de los datos utilizando parámetros poblacionales de las curvas del NCHS (2000), categorías de presión arterial del NHBPEP(2004) y categorías de los niveles séricos de colesterol propuestos por la AHA para niños y adolescentes (2003). RESULTADOS: Un total de 494 niños y adolescentes participaron en el estudio. De los participantes, el 11,7% presentó HAS, el 51% presentó aumento del colesterol total, el 40,5% presentó aumento del LDL-colesterol, el 8,5% presentó aumento de los triglicéridos y el 6,1% tuvieron valores bajos de HDL-colesterol. Los promedios (+desviación estándar) del CT, HDL-colesterol, LDL-colesterol y triglicéridos fueron respectivamente 172,1 (27,9), 48,1 (10,0), 105,7 (23,1) y 90,9 (43,8). La obesidad y el sobrepeso se detectaron en el 12,8% y el 9,7% de la muestra, teniendo en cuenta que la obesidad determinó una mayor probabilidad de detectarse la dislipidemia y la hipertensión cuando comparada con los demás grupos. CONCLUSIÓN: Este estudio suministra los argumentos a la hipótesis de una distinta prevalencia de exceso de peso entre escolares del sistema público de las regiones nordeste y sudeste, hallándose mayor en ésta última. Adicionalmente, demuestra una asociación de la obesidad con la dislipidemia y la hipertensión en aquel grupo. Ante la condición incipiente de los datos en el Brasil sobre la cuestión estudiada, nuestro trabajo suministra importantes datos para futuras comparaciones.FUNDAMENTO: A escassez de dados sobre a obesidade infantil e o risco cardiovascular no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de hipertensão, dislipidemia, obesidade e suas correlações em uma amostra de escolares de Itapetininga-SP. MÉTODOS: Corte transversal com coleta sistematizada de dados antropométricos (peso, altura, cintura, índice de massa corporal e níveis pressóricos) e dosagens de glicose, colesterol (total e frações), ácido úrico e apolipoproteina A e B, em uma amostra aleatória, representativa de escolares da rede pública de Itapetininga-SP. Análise dos dados utilizando parâmetros populacionais das curvas do NCHS(2000), categorias de pressão arterial do NHBPEP(2004) e categorias dos níveis séricos de colesterol propostos pela AHA para crianças e adolescentes(2003). RESULTADOS: Um total de 494 crianças e adolescentes participaram do estudo. Dos participantes, 11,7% apresentaram HAS, 51% apresentaram aumento do colesterol total, 40,5% apresentaram aumento do LDL-colesterol, 8,5% apresentaram aumento dos triglicérides e 6,1% tiveram valores baixos de HDL-colesterol. As médias (±desvio padrão) do CT, HDL-colesterol, LDL-colesterol e triglicérides foram respectivamente 172,1(27,9), 48,1(10,0), 105,7(23,1) e 90,9(43,8). A obesidade e o sobrepeso foram detectados em 12,8% e 9,7% da amostra, sendo que a obesidade determinou uma maior chance de se detectar a dislipidemia e a hipertensão quando comparada com os demais grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo fornece subsídios para a hipótese de uma distinta prevalência de excesso de peso entre escolares da rede pública das regiões nordeste e sudeste, maior nesta última. Adicionalmente, demonstra uma associação da obesidade com a dislipidemia e a hipertensão naquele grupo. Diante da incipiência de dados no Brasil sobre a questão estudada, o nosso trabalho fornece dados importantes para futuras comparações.Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClínicasUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de MedicinaUNIFESP, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    Stability of XIST repression in relation to genomic imprinting following global genome demethylation in a human cell line

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    DNA methylation is essential in X chromosome inactivation and genomic imprinting, maintaining repression of XIST in the active X chromosome and monoallelic repression of imprinted genes. Disruption of the DNA methyltransferase genes DNMT1 and DNMT3B in the HCT116 cell line (DKO cells) leads to global DNA hypomethylation and biallelic expression of the imprinted gene IGF2 but does not lead to reactivation of XIST expression, suggesting that XIST repression is due to a more stable epigenetic mark than imprinting. To test this hypothesis, we induced acute hypomethylation in HCT116 cells by 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-aza-CdR) treatment (HCT116-5-aza-CdR) and compared that to DKO cells, evaluating DNA methylation by microarray and monitoring the expression of XIST and imprinted genes IGF2, H19, and PEG10. Whereas imprinted genes showed biallelic expression in HCT116-5-aza-CdR and DKO cells, the XIST locus was hypomethylated and weakly expressed only under acute hypomethylation conditions, indicating the importance of XIST repression in the active X to cell survival. Given that DNMT3A is the only active DNMT in DKO cells, it may be responsible for ensuring the repression of XIST in those cells. Taken together, our data suggest that XIST repression is more tightly controlled than genomic imprinting and, at least in part, is due to DNMT3A.FAPESP (#2008/07370-0

    Determination of low molecular weight volatiles in Ficus carica using HS-SPME and GC/FID

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    Ficus carica L. is one of the earliest cultivated fruit trees, having an important consumption in Mediterranean countries. In this work, the volatile compound profiles of two characteristic Portuguese white varieties (‘‘Pingo de Mel” and ‘‘Branca Tradicional”) was determined by HS-SPME and GC/FID. Leaves, pulps and peels, submitted to freezing and lyophilisation treatments, were analysed. The two varieties presented a similar profile composed of eight volatile compounds: acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, methanol, ethanol, hexanal, limonene, (E)-2-hexenal and octanal. The total volatile content was different among the vegetal materials, following the order leaves > peels > pulps. Methanol and ethanol are the major compounds in all samples. The developed procedure revealed to be rapid, sensitive, reproducible and accurate. The detection limit values were low, and the method precise. The recovery values for acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, methanol and ethanol were generally high, suggesting that it will be most suitable for compounds with low molecular weight. Due to its rapidity and low cost, this technique can be useful in the quality control of fig fruit and leaves

    Malocclusion and dental appearance in underprivileged brazilian adolescents

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    Satisfaction with dental aesthetics is a subjective indicator used in epidemiological studies and is related to health behaviours. Little is known about the factors that influence this indicator, particularly among adolescents who live in a situation of social vulnerability. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between malocclusion and dental appearance in underprivileged Brazilian adolescents. This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in Piracicaba, Brazil, and evaluated 884 adolescents from 13 to 19 years of age. The dependent variable was satisfaction with dental appearance, and the independent variables were classified as individual (components of the Dental Aesthetic Index - DAI, sex and age) and contextual (social exclusion index). For statistical analysis, multilevel regression models were estimated. The individual variables were considered Level 1, and the contextual variable was considered Level 2, with a level of significance of 5%. The mean age of the adolescents was 15.3 years. Female adolescents more frequently affirmed that they were satisfied with their dental appearance than did male individuals. There was an increase in dissatisfaction with oral health with the increase in anterior maxillary overjet, midline diastema, larger anterior irregularity in the maxilla, larger anterior irregularity in the mandible, anterior open bite and antero-posterior molar relation. Satisfaction with dental appearance was associated with individual factors such as sex and DAI components33CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ141654/2013-

    Networks of noisy oscillators with correlated degree and frequency dispersion

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    We investigate how correlations between the diversity of the connectivity of networks and the dynamics at their nodes affect the macroscopic behavior. In particular, we study the synchronization transition of coupled stochastic phase oscillators that represent the node dynamics. Crucially in our work, the variability in the number of connections of the nodes is correlated with the width of the frequency distribution of the oscillators. By numerical simulations on Erd\"os-R\'enyi networks, where the frequencies of the oscillators are Gaussian distributed, we make the counterintuitive observation that an increase in the strength of the correlation is accompanied by an increase in the critical coupling strength for the onset of synchronization. We further observe that the critical coupling can solely depend on the average number of connections or even completely lose its dependence on the network connectivity. Only beyond this state, a weighted mean-field approximation breaks down. If noise is present, the correlations have to be stronger to yield similar observations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Efeito do ensacamento dos frutos no controle de pragas e doenças e na qualidade e maturação de maçãs ‘Fuji Suprema’.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de embalagens de diferentes materiais para a proteção contra pragas e doenças e seu efeito sobre a qualidade físico-química, maturação e teor de cálcio (Ca) em maçãs ‘Fuji Suprema’. O experimento foi desenvolvido nas safras de 2007/2008 e 2008/2009, em pomar manejado sob o sistema orgânico, localizado na região de São Joaquim (SC). O pomar era composto por plantas de dez anos de idade da cultivar Fuji Suprema, sobre porta-enxerto ‘Marubakaido’, com interenxerto ‘EM-9’. Depois do raleio manual, aproximadamente 40 dias após a plena floração, os frutos foram ensacados com embalagens plásticas transparentes microperfuradas ou de tecido não texturizado (TNT). Os frutos foram mantidos ensacados até a colheita. A testemunha foi constituída por frutos não ensacados. Na colheita, os frutos foram avaliados quanto aos danos provocados por mosca-das-frutas (Anastrepha fraterculus), mariposa oriental (Grapholita molesta) e lagarta enroladeira (Bonagota salubricola). As doenças foram avaliadas pela incidência de sarna da macieira (Venturia inaequalis), podridão amarga (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) e podridão carpelar (Alternaria sp., Fusarium sp.). Também foi avaliada a incidência de distúrbios fisiológicos “russeting” e “bitter pit”, atributos físico-químicos de maturação e qualidade e o teor de Ca nos frutos. Independentemente do tipo de embalagem verificou-se que o ensacamento é prática eficaz na proteção contra o ataque de insetos, mas não reduz a incidência e o desenvolvimento de doenças nos frutos. Na safra de 2008/2009, o ensacamento dos frutos aumentou o teor de Ca e reduziu a incidência de “bitter pit”, e aumentou a incidência do “russeting”. O ensacamento dos frutos antecipou a maturação, especialmente com embalagem plástica transparente microperfurada, e reduziu a coloração vermelha, especialmente com embalagem TNT