34 research outputs found

    An Effective Visual Descriptor Based on Color and Shape Features for Image Retrieval

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system which extracts color features using Dominant Color Correlogram Descriptor (DCCD) and shape features using Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradients (PHOG). The DCCD is a descriptor which extracts global and local color features, whereas the PHOG descriptor extracts spatial information of shape in the image. In order to evaluate the image retrieval effectiveness of the proposed scheme, we used some metrics commonly used in the image retrieval task such as, the Average Retrieval Precision (ARP), the Average Retrieval Rate (ARR) and the Average Normalized Modified Retrieval Rank (ANMRR) and the Average Recall (R)-Average Precision (P) curve. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with some other methods which combine more than one visual feature (color, texture, shape). The results show a better performance of the proposed method compared with other methods previously reported in the literature

    Evidence for a pathogenic role of extrafollicular, IL-10-producing CCR6 + B helper T cells in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is an antiinflammatory cytokine, but also promotes B cell responses and plays a pathogenic role in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). CD4+CCR6+IL-7R+T cells from human tonsils produced IL-10 following stimulation by naïve B cells, which promoted B cell immunoglobulin G (IgG) production. These tonsillar CCR6+B helper T cells were phenotypically distinct from follicular helper T (TFH) cells and lacked BCL6 expression. In peripheral blood, a CCR6 + T cell population with similar characteristics was identified, which lacked Th17- and TFH-associated gene signatures and differentiation-associated surface markers. CD4+CCR6+T cells expressing IL-10, but not IL-17, were also detectable in the spleens of cytokine reporter mice. They provided help for IgG production in vivo, and expanded systemically in pristane-induced lupus-like disease. In SLE patients, CD4+CCR6+IL-7R+T cells were associated with the presence of pathogenic anti-dsDNA (doublestranded DNA) antibodies, and provided spontaneous help for autoantibody production ex vivo. Strikingly, IL-10-producing CCR6+T cells were highly abundant in lymph nodes of SLE patients, and colocalized with B cells at the margins of follicles. In conclusion, we identified a previously uncharacterized population of extrafollicular B helper T cells, which produced IL-10 and could play a prominent pathogenic role in SLE

    A novel mouse model of Niemann-Pick type C disease carrying a D1005G-Npc1 mutation comparable to commonly observed human mutations.

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    We have identified a point mutation in Npc1 that creates a novel mouse model (Npc1(nmf164)) of Niemann-Pick type C1 (NPC) disease: a single nucleotide change (A to G at cDNA bp 3163) that results in an aspartate to glycine change at position 1005 (D1005G). This change is in the cysteine-rich luminal loop of the NPC1 protein and is highly similar to commonly occurring human mutations. Genetic and molecular biological analyses, including sequencing the Npc1(spm) allele and identifying a truncating mutation, confirm that the mutation in Npc1(nmf164) mice is distinct from those in other existing mouse models of NPC disease (Npc1(nih), Npc1(spm)). Analyses of lifespan, body and spleen weight, gait and other motor activities, as well as acoustic startle responses all reveal a more slowly developing phenotype in Npc1(nmf164) mutant mice than in mice with the null mutations (Npc1(nih), Npc1(spm)). Although Npc1 mRNA levels appear relatively normal, Npc1(nmf164) brain and liver display dramatic reductions in Npc1 protein, as well as abnormal cholesterol metabolism and altered glycolipid expression. Furthermore, histological analyses of liver, spleen, hippocampus, cortex and cerebellum reveal abnormal cholesterol accumulation, glial activation and Purkinje cell loss at a slower rate than in the Npc1(nih) mouse model. Magnetic resonance imaging studies also reveal significantly less demyelination/dysmyelination than in the null alleles. Thus, although prior mouse models may correspond to the severe infantile onset forms of NPC disease, Npc1(nmf164) mice offer many advantages as a model for the late-onset, more slowly progressing forms of NPC disease that comprise the large majority of human cases

    Emergência e desenvolvimento de guanxuma (Sida rhombifolia), capim-braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) e cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) influenciados por subprodutos da destilação do álcool Emergence and growth of arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia), brachiaria grass (Brachiaria decumbens) and sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) as influenced by alcohol by-products

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de óleo de fúsel, comparativamente a vinhaça e flegmaça, sobre o desenvolvimento e a composição química de plantas de guanxuma (Sida rhombifolia), capim-braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) e cana-de-açúcar (variedade RB72454), cultivadas simultaneamente em casa de vegetação. As concentrações de 12,5; 25,0; 50,0; e 100,0% (v/v) de cada subproduto e a testemunha (água) foram aplicadas (numa taxa equivalente a 150 m³ ha-1) no solo dos vasos (22 L), contendo uma planta de cana-de-açúcar (13 cm de altura) e 100 sementes de cada planta daninha. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 13 tratamentos e 4 repetições, em esquema fatorial 3 x 4 (três tipos de resíduos e quatro concentrações), e uma testemunha adicional com água. O óleo de fúsel inibiu a emergência de Sida rhombifolia e Brachiaria decumbens e matou a cana-de-açúcar. A vinhaça e a flegmaça prejudicaram a emergência e o desenvolvimento de B. decumbens, bem como o de S. rhombifolia, mas não o da cana-de-açúcar.<br>This research aimed to compare the effects of fusel oil application to those of vinasse and flegmass application on the growth and chemical composition of arrowleaf sida plants (Sida rhombifolia), brachiaria grass (Brachiaria decumbens) and sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), cultivated simultaneously under greenhouse conditions. Concentrations of 12.5,25.0,50.0 and 100.0 % (v/v) of each by-product and the check treatment (water) were applied (rate equivalent to 150 m³ ha-1) to soil on 22 L-pots, containing one sugar-cane plant (13 cm of height), and 100 seeds of each weed. The experimental design was completely randomized , with 13 treatments and 4 repetitions, in a 3x4 factorial scheme (3 by-products and 4 concentrations) and an additional check treatment with water. The fusel oil inhibited Sida rhombifolia and Brachiaria decumbens emergence with no emergence being verified for sugarcane. The vinasse and flegmass reduced B. decumbens emergence and growth and S. rhombifolia growth but did not affect sugarcane growth