13 research outputs found

    Loss of CD20 and bound CD20 antibody from opsonized B cells occurs more rapidly because of trogocytosis mediated by Fc receptor-expressing effector cells than direct internalization by the B cells

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    We previously reported that 1 h after infusion of CD20 mAb rituximab in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), > 80% of CD20 was removed from circulating B cells, and we replicated this finding, based on in vitro models. This reaction occurs via an endocytic process called shaving/trogocytosis, mediated by Fc gamma R on acceptor cells including monocytes/macrophages, which remove and internalize rituximab-CD20 immune complexes from B cells. Beers et al. reported that CD20 mAb-induced antigenic modulation occurs as a result of internalization of B cell-bound mAb-CD20 complexes by the B cells themselves, with internalization of similar to 40% observed after 2 h at 37 degrees C. These findings raise fundamental questions regarding the relative importance of shaving versus internalization in promoting CD20 loss and have substantial implications for the design of mAb-based cancer therapies. Therefore, we performed direct comparisons, based on flow cytometry, to determine the relative rates and extent of shaving versus internalization. B cells, from cell lines, from patients with CLL, and from normal donors, were opsonized with CD20 mAbs rituximab or ofatumumab and incubated for varying times and then reacted with acceptor THP-1 monocytes to promote shaving. We find that shaving induces considerably greater loss of CD20 and bound mAb from opsonized B cells in much shorter time periods (75-90% i

    The assumption of the righteous dead in the Wisdom of Solomon and the Sayings Gospel Q

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    From the publisher\u27s website: The Wisdom of Solomon applies language from the Genesis reference to Enoch\u27s assumption (Gen. 5:24 LXX) to the dead righteous one (Wis. 4:7-17). This unusual use of the motif of assumption, normally thought of as an escape from death, is facilitated by topoi drawn from Hellenistic consolation materials; however, the typical corollary of assumption in the Jewish tradition—heavenly or eschatological exaltation—is also applied to the righteous one in Wis. 5:1-5. This innovation is particularly instructive for Q, which may understand Jesus\u27 post-mortem vindication and exaltation in terms of assumption (Q 13:35)

    Crescimento da população idosa no Brasil: transformações e conseqüências na sociedade The increase of the elderly population in Brazil: transformation of and consequences for society

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    São discutidas as transformações sociais e econômicas que incidem sobre a vida dos idosos decorrentes do aumento da população de 60 anos ou mais, no Brasil. O processo migratório e a intensa urbanização (em 1940 a população rural era de 68,8% e em 1980 de 32,4%) afetaram particularmente a população idosa dos grandes centros, ou daqueles que envelheceram nestas cidades. Esta nova organização social acentuou os problemas de solidão e pobreza dos idosos. Além desta perda de status social que exclui sua participação na sociedade moderna, o idoso teve também reduzido o suporte emocional no interior de sua família. Entre os fatores que concorrem para tal, destacam-se a mudança do padrão do modelo familiar, de extensa para nuclear, a maior mobilidade e o aumento do número de separações e divórcios. O maior período de vida da mulher e suas conseqüências (redução de renda, aumento do número de viúvas e maior freqüência de longos períodos de doenças crônicas), como também a mudança do papel social da mulher no mundo contemporâneo, fazem parte de uma discussão específica relativa à mulher e à velhice. A questão do trabalho, da aposentadoria e do custo social (coeficiente de dependência) é outro aspecto abordado.<br>The social and economic transformation which has been occurring in the life of the elderly, and the increase of the Brazilian population aged 60 years or over is discussed. The migration process (in 1940 the rural population was 68.8% and in 1980, 32.4%) and the intense urbanisation in major Brazilian cities has been particularly evident for the elderly population, or for those growing older in these cities. This new social organization had increased the problems of loneliness and poverty among the elderly. Furthermore, as a consequence of the loss of social status which has reduced their participation in contemporary society, the elderly have been loosing the emotional suport within their own families. Traditionally, older people are viewed as an integral part of the family and enjoy high esteem and prestige. There are factors which play an important role in the family changes - these factors are the decrease in the number of children, their dispersion owing to migration and urbanisation, and the increase in the number of divorces between couples. The relatively longer life span of women has brought unique consequences such as a decrease of income, an increase in the number of widows and a longer period of chronic disease, as well as the changing role of women and their participation in the labour force which further diminish the chances of family support. This paper also discusses certain aspects related to the issues of work, retirement and social expenditure (dependency ratio)

    Neurogenic neuroprotection: Future perspectives

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