3,257 research outputs found

    The Conformal Limit and Projective Structures

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    The non-abelian Hodge correspondence maps a polystable SL(2,R)\textrm{SL}(2, {\mathbb{R}})-Higgs bundle on a compact Riemann surface XX of genus g2g \geq 2 to a connection that, in some cases, is the holonomy of a branched hyperbolic structure. Gaiotto's conformal limit maps the same bundle to a partial oper, that is, to a connection whose holonomy is that of a branched complex projective structure compatible with XX. In this article, we show how these are both instances of the same phenomenon: the family of connections appearing in the conformal limit can be understood as a family of complex projective structures, deforming the hyperbolic ones into the ones compatible with XX. We also show that, for zero Toledo invariant, this deformation is optimal, inducing a geodesic on Teichm & uuml;ller's space

    Hybrid magnetic graphitic nanocomposites for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation applications

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    Fe3O4, with a lattice parameter a = 8.357 A and average particle size of 12.5 +/- 3.6 nm, was successfully encapsulated within a graphitic structure by a hierarchical co-assembly approach, followed by thermal annealing. The resulting material was denoted as MGNC-magnetic graphitic nanocomposite. MGNC possesses average core size of 109 +/- 35 nm (mainly composed by agglomerates of magnetic nanoparticles), stability up to 400 degrees C under oxidizing atmosphere, a micro-mesoporous structure with a fairly developed specific surface area (S-BET = 330 m(2) g(-1)) and neutral character (pH(PZC) = 7.1). Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) experiments performed with a 4-nitrophenol (4-NP)/Fe3O4 mass ratio fixed at 36.6, allowed to achieve high efficiency of catalyst usage throughout the wide range of 4-NP concentration considered (200 mg L-1-5 g L-1). The inclusion of Fe3O4 nanoparticles in a graphitic structure during the synthesis of MGNC was found to (i) enhance the catalytic activity in CWPO when compared to Fe3O4, due to increased adsorptive interactions between the surface of the catalyst and the pollutant molecules, while (ii) strongly limiting the leaching of Fe species from Fe3O4 to the treated water, due to the confinement effect caused by the carbon shell. As a result of these effects, unprecedented pollutant mass removals were obtained ranging from 5000 mg(-1) h(-1), when the CWPO process is performed with [4-NP](o) = 200 mg L-1 at pH = 3, to 1250 mgg(-1) h(-1), when [4-NP](o) = 5 g L-1. High efficiency of H2O2 consumption is obtained when MGNC is applied in the CWPO of 4 -NP solutions at pH = 3, with TOC removals per unit of H2O2 decomposed (n(H2O2)) in the range 64-100%. In addition, the MGNC catalyst is also active at pH = 6; in this case a pollutant mass removal of 2090 mg g(-1) h(-1) was obtained. Although MGNC partially deactivates through successive reusability cycles, the pollutant mass removal obtained at the end of the fourth cycle is still very high when 200 mg L-1 4-NP solutions are considered (4808 mg g(-1) h(-1), representing only a ca. 4% decrease when compared to the first cycle). A higher deactivation of the MGNC catalyst is observed when 5 gL(-1) 4-NP solutions are employed. Nevertheless, the pollutant mass removal obtained at the end of the third cycle is still high (551 mgg(-1) h(-1))

    Computer-Generated Ovaries to Assist Follicle Counting Experiments

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    Precise estimation of the number of follicles in ovaries is of key importance in the field of reproductive biology, both from a developmental point of view, where follicle numbers are determined at specific time points, as well as from a therapeutic perspective, determining the adverse effects of environmental toxins and cancer chemotherapeutics on the reproductive system. The two main factors affecting follicle number estimates are the sampling method and the variation in follicle numbers within animals of the same strain, due to biological variability. This study aims at assessing the effect of these two factors, when estimating ovarian follicle numbers of neonatal mice. We developed computer algorithms, which generate models of neonatal mouse ovaries (simulated ovaries), with characteristics derived from experimental measurements already available in the published literature. The simulated ovaries are used to reproduce in-silico counting experiments based on unbiased stereological techniques; the proposed approach provides the necessary number of ovaries and sampling frequency to be used in the experiments given a specific biological variability and a desirable degree of accuracy. The simulated ovary is a novel, versatile tool which can be used in the planning phase of experiments to estimate the expected number of animals and workload, ensuring appropriate statistical power of the resulting measurements. Moreover, the idea of the simulated ovary can be applied to other organs made up of large numbers of individual functional units

    A case of equine multicentric lymphoma: Clinical, microscopical, and molecular findings

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    Background: Although relatively uncommon, lymphoma is the most prevalent haematopoietic neoplasia in horses, and multicentric lymphoma remains the most common presentation of the disease. The pathogenesis of equine lymphoma is still poorly understood and the diagnosis is usually confirmed at an advanced stage of the disease, compromising the prognosis. This study investigated the clinical, pathological, and molecular features of a case of equine multicentric lymphoma. Case description: An apparently healthy 5-year-old crossbreed mare hospitalized at the Centre of Animal Reproduction of Vairão, Portugal, suddenly presented clinical signs of supraorbital oedema and mandibular lymph node enlargement, developing fever, facial oedema, and generalized lymphadenopathy. The mare ended up dying twenty-four days after the first clinical signs due to multisystem organ failure. Haematological and biochemical analyses, necropsy, and microscopic and molecular evaluation of affected tissues were performed. At necropsy, the main findings were multiple multinodular lesions, distributed along the serous surface of oropharynx, trachea, pericardium, gastrointestinal tract, and mesentery. Microscopically, these consisted of solid proliferations of neoplastic round cells that exhibited immunopositivity for CD3 (T cells). Based on these findings, a medium-grade multicentric T-cell lymphoma was diagnosed. Conclusion: There is still very little research regarding the molecular characterization of lymphoma in horses. As an entity itself is quite heterogeneous, it is important to describe the interspecies particularities to understand its development and behaviour.GFS (2022.14765.BD) acknowledges the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), for financial support. IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by FCT

    On the separation between RR Lyrae and Type II Cepheids and their importance for distance determination: the case of ωω Cen

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    The separation between RR Lyrae (RRLs) and Type II Cepheid (T2Cs) variables based on their period is debated. Both types of variable stars are distance indicators and we aim to promote the use of T2Cs as distance indicators in synergy with RRLs. We adopted new and existing optical and Near-Infrared (NIR) photometry of \wcen~to investigate several diagnostics (colour-magnitude diagram, Bailey diagram, Fourier decomposition of the light curve, amplitude ratios) for their empirical separation. We found that the classical period threshold at 1 day is not universal and does not dictate the evolutionary stage: V92 has a period of 1.3 days but is likely to be still in its core Helium-burning phase, typical of RRLs. We also derived NIR Period-Luminosity relations and found a distance modulus of 13.65±\pm0.07 (err.)±\pm0.01 (σ\sigma) mag, in agreement with the recent literature. We also found that RRLs and T2Cs obey the same PL relations in the NIR. This equivalence gives the opportunity to adopt RRLs+T2Cs as an alternative to classical Cepheids to calibrate the extragalactic distance scale

    Circulating endothelial cell-derived extracellular vesicles mediate the acute phase response and sickness behaviour associated with CNS inflammation.

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    Brain injury elicits a systemic acute-phase response (APR), which is responsible for co-ordinating the peripheral immunological response to injury. To date, the mechanisms responsible for signalling the presence of injury or disease to selectively activate responses in distant organs were unclear. Circulating endogenous extracellular vesicles (EVs) are increased after brain injury and have the potential to carry targeted injury signals around the body. Here, we examined the potential of EVs, isolated from rats after focal inflammatory brain lesions using IL-1β, to activate a systemic APR in recipient naïve rats, as well as the behavioural consequences of EV transfer. Focal brain lesions increased EV release, and, following isolation and transfer, the EVs were sequestered by the liver where they initiated an APR. Transfer of blood-borne EVs from brain-injured animals was also enough to suppress exploratory behaviours in recipient naïve animals. EVs derived from brain endothelial cell cultures treated with IL-1β also activated an APR and altered behaviour in recipient animals. These experiments reveal that inflammation-induced circulating EVs derived from endothelial cells are able to initiate the APR to brain injury and are sufficient to generate the associated sickness behaviours, and are the first demonstration that EVs are capable of modifying behavioural responses