194 research outputs found

    Role of Neonatal Hearing Screening Programme in the Auditory Rehabilitation of Children

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    Objectivos: Determinar a influência da implementação do rastreio auditivo neonatal universal na referenciação de crianças com hipoacúsia a uma consulta de reabilitação auditiva. Métodos: Contexto – consulta de reabilitação auditiva num centro de referenciação terciário em Lisboa; Desenho do estudo – estudo de coorte retrospectivo baseado nos dados de processos clínicos de crianças com surdez. População – todos os processos de crianças nascidas a partir de 1998 (437 no total) foram analisados, resultando na selecção de 322 crianças que cumpriam os critérios de inclusão. Resultados: A idade média de referenciação à consulta tem vindo a diminuir de 55 meses (1998-2000) para 12 meses (2007-2009). Em 3/4 dos doentes o motivo de referenciação é hipoacúsia ou alterações nos programas de rastreio auditivo neonatal. Conclusão: O rastreio auditivo neonatal tem permitido iniciara reabilitação auditiva de crianças com hipoacúsia mais cedo. É importante manter este programa a funcionar para garantir a reabilitação precoce de crianças com perda auditiva.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Methodological design for the assessment of physical activity and sedentary time in eight Latin American countries - The ELANS study.

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    Worldwide studies of physical activity and sedentary time have historically under-represented low- and middle-income countries due to the lack of surveillance data. The purpose of this paper is to describe the methods and procedures used for the assessment of physical activity and sedentary time in the Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health (Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud; ELANS). ELANS is a multicentre, cross-sectional and surveillance study of a nationally representative sample from eight Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Two instruments were used to evaluate different domains and intensities of physical activity and sedentary time: self-reported data and a triaxial accelerometer (model GT3X+). ELANS will generate important self-reported and objective information for the Latin American populations, namely:•evidence on the distribution of physical activity and sedentary time across population subgroups (e.g. sex, age, socioeconomic- and educational level). These sets of information will increase the evidence base and can help to inform future intervention strategies in Latin America;•self-reported and objective information on physical activity and sedentary time

    E-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries: evidence from Indonesia

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    This study aims to provide an overview of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries and, in particular, the extent of the adoption of e-commerce by Indonesian SMEs. It identifies the e-commerce benefits realized by these SMEs and investigates the relationship between the levels of e-commerce adoption and the benefits thus realized. The study was motivated by the limited studies related to e-commerce adoption by SMEs, especially in developing countries. In addition, it seems that most e-commerce studies are focused more on upstream issues: to see the factors that facilitate, or barriers faced regarding e-commerce adoption, rather than downstream issues: to see post-adoption benefits. This certainly limits our understanding about e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing countries, as well as the post-adoption benefits of e-commerce. Indonesia was chosen as the place in which to conduct the study. A survey of 292 SMEs shows that the majority of them are still at an early stage in their adoption of e-commerce. Their use of e-commerce is dominated by marketing and purchasing and procurement activities. “Extending market reach”, “increased sales”, “improved external communication”, “improved company image”, “improved speed of processing”, and “increased employee productivity” are reported as the top six e-commerce benefits perceived by these SMEs. This study also shows that SMEs at the higher level of e-commerce adoption experience greater e-commerce benefits than those at other levels of adoption

    Validación del Nursing Activities Score en unidades de cuidados intensivos portuguesas

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    Objective: to describe the process of adaptation and validation of the Nursing Activities Score to the Portuguese context. Method: this was a pilot study of adaptation and validation of the Nursing Activities Score with a sample consisting of 67 patients hospitalized in the intensive care units of three Portuguese hospitals. The construct validity was assessed through factor analysis procedures and the internal consistency of the items was measured through the Cronbach’s alpha coeffi cient. Results: a mean workload value of 63.04% (SD = 14.25; Median = 61.30) was obtained. Psychometric data revealed a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.71 in the total scale, indicating an acceptable accuracy. Confi rmatory factor analysis suggested an appropriate adjustment between the model and the data (χ2 (199) = 214.5, p = 0.214; CFI = 0.95; RMSA = 0.035). Conclusion: in the present study, the Portuguese version of the Nursing Activities Score was found to be a valid instrument, enabling a safe assessment of the workload of nurses.Objetivo: descrever o processo de adaptação e validação do Nursing Activities Score para o contexto português. Método: trata-se de um estudo-piloto de adaptação e validação do Nursing Activities Score, com amostra de 67 doentes internados em unidades de cuidados intensivos de três hospitais portugueses. A validade de constructo avaliou-se mediante procedimentos de análise fatorial e a consistência interna dos itens através do coefi ciente Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: obteve-se um valor médio da carga de trabalho de 63,04% (DP = 14,25; Mediana = 61,30). Os dados psicométricos revelaram um Alpha de Cronbach de 0,71, na escala total, indicando uma fi delidade aceitável. A análise fatorial confi rmatória sugeriu um ajustamento adequado entre o modelo e os dados (χ2(199) = 214,5, p = 0,214; CFI = 0,95; RMSA = 0,035). Conclusão: neste estudo, a versão portuguesa do Nursing Activities Score revelou-se um instrumento válido, permitindo avaliar a carga de trabalho dos enfermeiros com segurançaObjetivo: describir el proceso de adaptación y validación del Nursing Activities Score al contexto portugués. Método: estudio piloto de adaptación y validación del Nursing Activities Score, con muestra de 67 pacientes internados en unidades de cuidados intensivos de tres hospitales portugueses. La validez del constructo se evaluó mediante análisis factorial y por consistencia interna de los ítems evaluados a través del coefi ciente Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: se obtuvo un valor medio de carga de trabajo de 63,04% (SD=14,25; Mediana=61,30). Los datos psicométricos expresaron un Alpha de Cronbach de 0,71 en la escala total, indicando fi delidad aceptable. El análisis factorial confi rmatorio sugirió un ajuste adecuado entre el modelo y os datos (χ2 (199)=214,5; p=0,214; CFI=0,95; RMSA=0,035). Conclusión: en este estudio, la versión portuguesa del Nursing Activities Score demostró ser un instrumento válido, permitiendo evaluar la carga de trabajo de los enfermeros con precisión

    Indexing the Pseudomonas specialized metabolome enabled the discovery of poaeamide B and the bananamides

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    Pseudomonads are cosmopolitan microorganisms able to produce a wide array of specialized metabolites. These molecules allow Pseudomonas to scavenge nutrients, sense population density and enhance or inhibit growth of competing microorganisms. However, these valuable metabolites are typically characterized one-molecule–one-microbe at a time, instead of being inventoried in large numbers. To index and map the diversity of molecules detected from these organisms, 260 strains of ecologically diverse origins were subjected to mass-spectrometry-based molecular networking. Molecular networking not only enables dereplication of molecules, but also sheds light on their structural relationships. Moreover, it accelerates the discovery of new molecules. Here, by indexing the Pseudomonas specialized metabolome, we report the molecular-networking-based discovery of four molecules and their evolutionary relationships: a poaeamide analogue and a molecular subfamily of cyclic lipopeptides, bananamides 1, 2 and 3. Analysis of their biosynthetic gene cluster shows that it constitutes a distinct evolutionary branch of the Pseudomonas cyclic lipopeptides. Through analysis of an additional 370 extracts of wheat-associated Pseudomonas, we demonstrate how the detailed knowledge from our reference index can be efficiently propagated to annotate complex metabolomic data from other studies, akin to the way in which newly generated genomic information can be compared to data from public databases