37 research outputs found

    Swept away by a turbidity current in Mendocino submarine canyon, California

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    We present unique observations and measurements of a dilute turbidity current made with a remotely operated vehicle in 400?m water depth near the head of Mendocino Canyon, California. The flow had a two-layer structure with a thin (0.5 to 30?m), relatively dense (<0.04?vol %) and fast (up to ~1.7?m/s) wedge-shaped lower layer overlain by a thicker (up to 89?m) more dilute and slower current. The fast moving lower layer lagged the slow moving, dilute flow front by 14?min, which we infer resulted from the interaction of two initial pulses. The two layers were strongly coupled, and the sharp interface between the layers was characterized by a wave-like instability. This is the first field-scale data from a turbidity current to show (i) the complex dynamics of the head of a turbidity current and (ii) the presence of multiple layers within the same event

    The Immune Landscape of Cancer

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    We performed an extensive immunogenomic anal-ysis of more than 10,000 tumors comprising 33diverse cancer types by utilizing data compiled byTCGA. Across cancer types, we identified six im-mune subtypes\u2014wound healing, IFN-gdominant,inflammatory, lymphocyte depleted, immunologi-cally quiet, and TGF-bdominant\u2014characterized bydifferences in macrophage or lymphocyte signa-tures, Th1:Th2 cell ratio, extent of intratumoral het-erogeneity, aneuploidy, extent of neoantigen load,overall cell proliferation, expression of immunomod-ulatory genes, and prognosis. Specific drivermutations correlated with lower (CTNNB1,NRAS,orIDH1) or higher (BRAF,TP53,orCASP8) leukocytelevels across all cancers. Multiple control modalitiesof the intracellular and extracellular networks (tran-scription, microRNAs, copy number, and epigeneticprocesses) were involved in tumor-immune cell inter-actions, both across and within immune subtypes.Our immunogenomics pipeline to characterize theseheterogeneous tumors and the resulting data areintended to serve as a resource for future targetedstudies to further advance the field

    A new model for turbidity current behavior based on integration of flow monitoring and precision coring in a submarine canyon

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    Submarine turbidity currents create some of the largest sediment accumulations on Earth, yet there are few direct measurements of these flows. Instead, most of our understanding of turbidity currents results from analyzing their deposits in the sedimentary record. However, the lack of direct flow measurements means that there is considerable debate regarding how to interpret flow properties from ancient deposits. This novel study combines detailed flow monitoring with unusually precisely located cores at different heights, and multiple locations, within the Monterey submarine canyon, offshore California, USA. Dating demonstrates that the cores include the time interval that flows were monitored in the canyon, albeit individual layers cannot be tied to specific flows. There is good correlation between grain sizes collected by traps within the flow and grain sizes measured in cores from similar heights on the canyon walls. Synthesis of flow and deposit data suggests that turbidity currents sourced from the upper reaches of Monterey Canyon comprise three flow phases. Initially, a thin (38–50 m) powerful flow in the upper canyon can transport, tilt, and break the most proximal moorings and deposit chaotic sands and gravel on the canyon floor. The initially thin flow front then thickens and deposits interbedded sands and silty muds on the canyon walls as much as 62 m above the canyon floor. Finally, the flow thickens along its length, thus lofting silty mud and depositing it at greater altitudes than the previous deposits and in excess of 70 m altitude

    Sub-decadal turbidite frequency during the early Holocene: Eel Fan, offshore northern California

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    Remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicle technologies were used to image and sample exceptional deep sea outcrops where an ?100-m-thick section of turbidite beds is exposed on the headwalls of two giant submarine scours on Eel submarine fan, offshore northern California (USA). These outcrops provide a rare opportunity to connect young deep-sea turbidites with their feeder system. 14C measurements reveal that from 12.8 ka to 7.9 ka, one turbidite was being emplaced on average every 7 yr. This emplacement rate is two to three orders of magnitude higher than observed for turbidites elsewhere along the Pacific margin of North America. The turbidites contain abundant wood and shallow-dwelling foraminifera, demonstrating an efficient connection between the Eel River source and the Eel Fan sink. Turbidite recurrence intervals diminish fivefold to ?36 yr from 7.9 ka onward, reflecting sea-level rise and re-routing of Eel River sediments

    Anatomy of the La Jolla Submarine Canyon system; offshore southern California

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    An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) carrying a multibeam sonar and a chirp profiler was used to map sections of the seafloor within the La Jolla Canyon, offshore southern California, at sub-meter scales. Close-up observations and sampling were conducted during remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dives. Minisparker seismic-reflection profiles from a surface ship help to define the overall geometry of the La Jolla Canyon especially with respect to the pre-canyon host sediments.The floor of the axial channel is covered with unconsolidated sand similar to the sand on the shelf near the canyon head, lacks outcrops of the pre-canyon host strata, has an almost constant slope of 1.0° and is covered with trains of crescent shaped bedforms. The presence of modern plant material entombed within these sands confirms that the axial channel is presently active. The sand on the canyon floor liquefied during vibracore collection and flowed downslope, illustrating that the sediment filling the channel can easily fail even on this gentle slope.Data from the canyon walls help constrain the age of the canyon and extent of incision. Horizontal beds of moderately cohesive fine-grained sediments exposed on the steep canyon walls are consistently less than 1.232 million years old. The lateral continuity of seismic reflectors in minisparker profiles indicate that pre-canyon host strata extend uninterrupted from outside the canyon underneath some terraces within the canyon. Evidence of abandoned channels and point bar-like deposits are noticeably absent on the inside bend of channel meanders and in the subsurface of the terraces. While vibracores from the surface of terraces contain thin (< 10 cm) turbidites, they are inferred to be part of a veneer of recent sediment covering pre-canyon host sediments that underpin the terraces. The combined use of state of the art seafloor mapping and exploration tools provides a uniquely detailed view of the morphology within an active submarine canyon

    Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary exposed: Campeche Escarpment, Gulf of Mexico

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    We present the first multibeam bathymetric maps of the Campeche Escarpment, a Mesozoic carbonate platform in the Gulf of Mexico, which represents the closest Cretaceous–Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary outcrops to the Chicxulub impact structure. The impact of an extraterrestrial-body ~ 65 million years ago on top of this platform is implicated in the end of the Cretaceous mass extinction and caused the largest debris flow yet described on Earth, which is found across the floor of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The location of the K-Pg boundary has been identified in the escarpment face by combining the new multibeam data with existing information from boreholes. The boundary is represented by an abrupt change in gradient on the escarpment face. The morphology of the escarpment combined with seismic data reveals that a significant amount of material is missing from the face, which failed catastrophically due to seismic shaking produced by the impact. The escarpment face is inferred to be an important source for the extensive debris flows triggered by the impact, whose deposits are found throughout much of the Gulf of Mexico