3,882 research outputs found

    The ‘Two Experiments’ of Kant’s Religion: Dismantling the Conundrum

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    The past decade has seen a sizable increase in scholarship on Kant’s Religion. Yet, unlike the centuries of debate that inform our study of his other major works, scholarship on the Religion is still just in its infancy. As such, it is in a particularly vulnerable state where errors made now could hinder scholarship for decades to come. It is the purpose of this paper to mitigate one such danger, a danger issuing from the widely assumed view that the Religion is shaped by “two experiments.” We will begin with a survey of the four current interpretations of the experiments, and then propose one further interpretation, one that hopefully will help dismantle this alleged “conundrum” and thereby help scholarship on the Religion move beyond this early misstep

    A Guide to Kant’s Treatment of Grace

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    This Guide is designed to restore the theological background that informs Kant’s treatment of grace in Religion to its rightful place. This background is essential not only to understand the nature of Kant’s overall project in this book, namely, to determine the “association” or “union” between Christianity (as a historical faith) and rational religion, but also to dispel the impression of “internal contradictions” and conundrums” that contemporary interpreters associate with Kant’s treatment of grace and moral regeneration. That impression, we argue, is the result of entrenched interpretative habits that can be traced back to Karl Barth’s reading of the text. Once we realize that such a reading rests on a mistake, much of the anxiety and confusion that plague current discussions on these issues can be put to rest

    A computer program to evaluate the effectiveness of PCM frame synchronization strategies

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    Computer program simulating pulse code modulation /PCM/ conversion equipment using Monte Carlo technique in measuring strategy effectiveness of satellite equipment control setting

    Fusing Data with Correlations

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    Many applications rely on Web data and extraction systems to accomplish knowledge-driven tasks. Web information is not curated, so many sources provide inaccurate, or conflicting information. Moreover, extraction systems introduce additional noise to the data. We wish to automatically distinguish correct data and erroneous data for creating a cleaner set of integrated data. Previous work has shown that a na\"ive voting strategy that trusts data provided by the majority or at least a certain number of sources may not work well in the presence of copying between the sources. However, correlation between sources can be much broader than copying: sources may provide data from complementary domains (\emph{negative correlation}), extractors may focus on different types of information (\emph{negative correlation}), and extractors may apply common rules in extraction (\emph{positive correlation, without copying}). In this paper we present novel techniques modeling correlations between sources and applying it in truth finding.Comment: Sigmod'201

    Tervise edendamise eetika

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    Tervise edendamise eesmĂ€rk on parandada rahva vĂ”imet ja eeldusi hoida ning tugevdada oma tervist. Seda vĂ”ib rakendada nii konkreetse isiku kui ka suurte ĂŒhiskonnarĂŒhmade suhtes. Sageli on sellise tegevuse sihtrĂŒhm kogu rahvastik. Parimad tulemused saadakse tervise edendamisel, kui parandada ĂŒhiskonna liikmete haritust ja teadmisi, rahalist seisu, elutingimusi ning vĂ€hendada eri ĂŒhiskonnarĂŒhmade ebavĂ”rdsust. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (10): 758-76

    Eetikal on ĂŒha suurenev tĂ€htsus arsti töös

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    Eetikal on lĂ€bi aegade olnud arsti töös keskne osa. Viimase 60 aasta jooksul on selle tĂ€htsus pidevalt kasvanud ja sellest on arenenud iseseisev Ă”ppe- ja uurimisala. PĂ€rast Teise maailma sĂ”ja lĂ”ppu korraldatud NĂŒrnbergi kohtuprotsess kuritegudes osalenud arstide vastu oli oluline sĂŒndmus, mis kĂ€ivitas eetiliste reeglistike loomise ja nende ulatusliku rahvusvahelise kasutusele vĂ”tu. Samal ajal tulid arstiteaduse kiire arengu tĂ”ttu eetilised kaalutlused ka arstide igapĂ€evatöösse. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (9): 639–64

    Eine nachholende Debatte.: Der innerdeutsche Philosophenstreit 1996/97

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    Beijing’s Olympic Pollution Forecast: Haze and Hot Air

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    For an idea of what kind of air athletes and spectators can expect during the Olympics–and what Beijingers can expect for some time to come–the past week has offered telling indications. Or it hasn’t. At the start of last week, for the fourth day in a row, emissions made it hard to see down the street, despite the fact the government ordered half the city’s cars off the road and closed factories. Officials said they would implement an emergency contingency plan on top of the existing anti-smog measures if pollution lingers closer to the Games. Twenty-four hours later, the difference was night-and-day: thanks to a series of thunderstorms, triggered in part by the government’s arsenal of rainmaking rockets, the following days were dramatically better, like a nice day in New York. And then, on Monday, following a gasp of fresh air over the weekend, and what some thought was the last of the pollution, Beijing breathed through one of its worst pollution days yet. From the Olympic Green, the city was covered in a veil of white, making it, and even the Bird’s Nest stadium, practically vanish. The vast disparity in pollution levels despite serious efforts to control them says as much about Beijing’s general grasp on the country’s environmental problems as it does about its last-ditch attempt to banish those problems for the months of the Olympics and Paralympics

    Kant on the Debt of Sin

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