26 research outputs found

    Prediction of functional outcome in young patients with a recent-onset psychiatric disorder: Beyond the traditional diagnostic classification system

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    A critical research goal is to identify modifiable risk factors leading to functional disabilities in young psychiatric patients. The authors developed a multidimensional trans-diagnostic predictive model of functional outcome in patients with the recent-onset of a psychiatric illness. Baseline clinical, psychosis-risk status, cognitive, neurological-soft-signs measures, and dopamine-related-gene polymorphisms (DRD1-rs4532, COMT-rs165599, and DRD4-rs1300955) were collected in 133 young non-psychotic outpatients. 116 individuals underwent follow-up (mean = 22 years, SD = 0.9) examination, A binary logistic model was used to predict low-functioning status at follow-up as defined by a score lower than 65 in the social occupational functioning assessment scale. A total of 54% of patients experiences low functioning at follow-up. Attention, Avolition, and Motor-Coordination subscale were significant predictors of low-functioning with an accuracy of 79.7%. A non-significant trend was found for a dopamine-related-gene polymorphism (DRD1-rs4532). The model was independent of psychotic risk status, DSM-diagnosis, and psychotic conversion. A trans-diagnostic approach taking into account specific neurocognitive, clinical, and neurological information has the potential to identify those individuals with low-functioning independent of DSM diagnosis or the level of psychosis-risk. Specific early interventions targeting modifiable risk factors and emphasize functional recovery in young psychiatric samples, independent of DSM-diagnosis and psychosis-risk, are essential. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Zinc transport and metallothionein secretion in the intestinal human cell line Caco-2.

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    Caco-2, a human cell line, displays several biochemical and morphological characteristics of differentiated enterocytes. Among these is the ability to transport zinc from the apical to the basal compartment. This process was enhanced following exposure by the apical compartment to increasing concentrations of the metal. High pressure liquid chromatography fractionation of the media obtained from cells labeled with radioactive zinc showed that metallothioneins (MTs), small metal-binding, cysteine-rich proteins), were present in the apical and basal media of controls as well as in cells grown in the presence of high concentrations of zinc. Following exposure to the metal, the levels of Zn-MTs in the apical medium increased, while in the basal compartment the greatest part of zinc appeared in a free form with minor changes in the levels of basal MTs. Metabolic labeling experiments with radioactive cysteine confirmed the apical secretion of MTs. A stable transfectant clone of Caco-2 cells (CL11) was selected for its ability to express constitutively high levels of the mouse metallothionein I protein. This cell line showed an enhanced transport of the metal following exposure to high concentrations of zinc and a constitutive secretion of the mouse metallothionein I protein in the apical compartment. Together, these findings strongly support the hypothesis of a functional role between the biosynthesis and secretion of MTs and the transport of zinc in intestinal cells

    Specificity traits consistent with legume-rhizobia coevolution displayed by Ensifer meliloti rhizosphere colonization

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    Rhizobia are α‐ and ß‐proteobacteria that associate with legumes in symbiosis to fix atmospheric nitrogen. The chemical communication between roots and rhizobia begins in the rhizosphere. Using signature‐tagged‐Tn5 mutagenesis (STM) we performed a genome‐wide screening for Ensifer meliloti genes that participate in colonizing the rhizospheres of alfalfa and other legumes. The analysis of ca. 6,000 mutants indicated that genes relevant for rhizosphere colonization account for nearly 2% of the rhizobial genome and that most (ca. 80%) are chromosomally located, pointing to the relevance and ancestral origin of the bacterial ability to colonize plant roots. The identified genes were related to metabolic functions, transcription, signal transduction, and motility/chemotaxis among other categories; with several ORFs of yet‐unknown function. Most remarkably, we identified a subset of genes that impacted more severely the colonization of the roots of alfalfa than of pea. Further analyses using other plant species revealed that such early differential phenotype could be extended to other members of the Trifoliae tribe (Trigonella, Trifolium), but not the Fabeae and Phaseoleae tribes. The results suggest that consolidation of E. meliloti into its current symbiotic state should have occurred in a rhizobacterium that had already been adapted to rhizospheres of the Trifoliae tribe.Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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    Background: The National Research Council (CNR) prostate cancer monitoring project in Italy (Pros-IT CNR) is an observational, prospective, ongoing, multicentre study aiming to monitor a sample of Italian males diagnosed as new cases of prostate cancer. The present study aims to present data on the quality of life at time prostate cancer is diagnosed. Methods: One thousand seven hundred five patients were enrolled. Quality of life is evaluated at the time cancer was diagnosed and at subsequent assessments via the Italian version of the University of California Los Angeles-Prostate Cancer Index (UCLA-PCI) and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). Results: At diagnosis, lower scores on the physical component of the SF-12 were associated to older ages, obesity and the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities. Lower scores on the mental component were associated to younger ages, the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities and a T-score higher than one. Urinary and bowel functions according to UCLA-PCI were generally good. Almost 5% of the sample reported using at least one safety pad daily to control urinary loss; less than 3% reported moderate/severe problems attributable to bowel functions, and sexual function was a moderate/severe problem for 26.7%. Diabetes, 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities, T2 or T3-T4 categories and a Gleason score of eight or more were significantly associated with lower sexual function scores at diagnosis. Conclusions: Data collected by the Pros-IT CNR study have clarified the baseline status of newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients. A comprehensive assessment of quality of life will allow to objectively evaluate outcomes of different profile of care

    Em que ponto estamos? Sessenta anos de reformas institucionais na Itália (1946-2005)

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    Una nota técnica, opciones Looback: una comparación entre las técnicas de Monte Carlo

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    Looback options are path dependent contingent claims whose payoffs depend on the extrema of the underlying asset price over a certain time interval. In this note we compare the performance of two Monte Carlo techniques to price lookback options, a crude Monte Carlo estimator and Antithetic variate estimator. We find that the Antithetic estimator performs better under a variety of performance measures.Las opciones Looback son contratos que exhiben dependencia de sendero y cuyo ingreso bruto depende de los valores extremos del activo subyacente en un intervalo de tiempo determinado. En esta nota comparamos el desempeño de dos técnicas de Monte Carlo: estimador directo de Monte Carlo y estimador de variables antitético. Nuestros resultados muestran que el estimador antitético ofrece un mejor desempeño de acuerdo a distintas medidas de desempeño

    Una nota técnica, opciones Looback: una comparación entre las técnicas de Monte Carlo

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    Looback options are path dependent contingent claims whose payoffs depend on the extrema of the underlying asset price over a certain time interval. In this note we compare the performance of two Monte Carlo techniques to price lookback options, a crude Monte Carlo estimator and Antithetic variate estimator. We find that the Antithetic estimator performs better under a variety of performance measures.Las opciones Looback son contratos que exhiben dependencia de sendero y cuyo ingreso bruto depende de los valores extremos del activo subyacente en un intervalo de tiempo determinado. En esta nota comparamos el desempeño de dos técnicas de Monte Carlo: estimador directo de Monte Carlo y estimador de variables antitético. Nuestros resultados muestran que el estimador antitético ofrece un mejor desempeño de acuerdo a distintas medidas de desempeño

    Theory of mind as a mediator variable between neurocognition and functioning in young individuals in treatment with secondary services for non-psychotic disorders

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    A large body of studies provides evidence for a link between neurocognition, theory of mind (ToM) and functioning in psychotic spectrum disorders (PSDs), with ToM mediating the effect that neurocognition has on functioning. These three constructs and the related mediation effect may characterize different psychiatric syndromes other than PSDs. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to baseline data from a longitudinal study of 138 young individuals with a recent-onset psychiatric disorder. Using SEM, we tested the hypothesis that ToM mediates the effect of neurocognition on functioning independent of the level of psychosis risk and the diagnostic category. In the mediation model the bootstrapping estimate revealed a significant indirect effect that was the association of social cognition with neurocognition and with functional outcome. ToM was significantly associated with neurocognition and the path from neurocognition to functioning was no longer significant as soon as the mediator (ToM) was entered into the mediation model consistent with a complete mediation effect through ToM. This mediation was independent of the psychosis-risk status and the psychiatric diagnoses. Our results provide useful information on a young psychiatric sample, in which specific therapeutic interventions have the potential to significantly limit functional disability