8 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Pemanfaatan Pupuk Hayati Dan Pupuk Kompos Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Serapan Fosfor Pada Tanaman Jagung

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    Jagung (Zea mays L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan dunia yang terpenting, selain gandum dan padi. Lahan yang berpotensi sebagai lahan untuk produksi jagung diantaranya adalah lahan kering marginal. Lahan kering marginal adalah lahan yang tingkat kesuburannya rendah. Salah satu USAha yang dapat dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah adalah melalui bioteknologi biofertiliser yaitu inokulasi mikoriza dan pemberian pupuk kompos. Penelitian dilakukan di lahan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Metodist Indonesia. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri atas sembilan kombinasi perlakuan inokulasi mikoriza dan pupuk kompos dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut terdiri atas: M0 (tanpa inokulan mikoriza); M1 (inokulan 5 g tanaman-1); M2 (inokulan 10 g tanaman-1) dan O0 (tanpa pupuk kompos); O1 (50 g pupuk kompos tanaman-1); O2 (100 g pupuk kompos tanaman-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inokulasi mikoriza sebesar 10 g tanaman-1 dan pupuk kompos sebesar 100 g tanaman-1 memberikan kontribusi yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung meliputi tinggi tanaman dan diameter batang, sedangkan inokulasi mikoriza sebesar 10 g tanaman-1 dan dosis pupuk kompos sebesar 50 g tanaman-1 dapat meningkatkan serapan P oleh tanaman jagung. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kontribusi pemberian mikoriza dan pupuk kompos dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanah lahan kering marginal ditandai dengan memacu pertumbuhan tanaman jagung dengan cara meningkatkan P-tersedia dan mengefektifkan penyerapan P sehingga penggunaan pupuk P dapat lebih efisien

    Study of early screening of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as a result of drought stress (in vitro)

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    Preliminary studies in Screening of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as a result of drought stress (in vitro). This study aim was to determine the limits of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to drought stress conditions in vitro using PEG. This research was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory Unit / Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan UPT/Balai Benih Induk Hortikultura Dinas Pertanian Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Jl. Karya Jasa No. 6 Gedung Johor Medan in March 2012 to June 2012. The Completely Randomized Design (non factorial) was used with PEG concentrations of five levels, namely: P1 = 10%, P2 = 20%, P3= 30%, P4 = 40% and P5 = 50% with 5 replications. The results showed that increasing the concentration of PEG will reduce the percentage of plantlets survival, reduce plant height, number of roots and number of nodes. Treatment of 50% PEG resulted in the death of potato cuttings due to drought stress


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    Desa Ujung Bawang merupakan salah satu desa sentra tanaman cabai, berhubung potensi agroklimatnya yang mendukung pertumbuhan dan produksitanaman. Namun, selama beberapa tahun belakangan Desa ini mengalami kemarau yang berkepanjangan. Hal ini menjadi masalah besar bagi petanicabai yang hanya mengandalkan air hujan untuk pengairan, sehingga terjadi gagal panen cabai. Petani juga kesulitan memperoleh pupuk subsidi dari pemerintah karena terbatasnya persediaan, dan di pasaran pupuk langka serta harganya mahal. Melalui program kemitraan dengan petani, telah dilakukan penerapan teknologi dengan metode irigasi tetes dari sumber mata air yang berada dekat lahan petanikemudian mengalirkannya ke lahan dengan sistem kontrol. Selanjutnya dilakukan pelatihan pengolahan limbah kulit ceri kopi menjadi kompos. Kegiatan ini memberikan dampak positif kepada petani mitra, yaitu: petani tidak kesulitan lagi untuk mengairi tanamannya; petanitidak tergantung pada pupuk subsidi maupun pupuk yang dibeli dari luar; dan peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang pengolahan limbah menjadi kompos. Kompos yang dihasilkan memenuhi beberapa kriteria SNI 19-7030-2004. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan teknologi memberikan penurunan biaya produksi sebesar 39,05% dan peningkatan pendapatan sebesar 12,4% dari petani yang belum memanfaatkan teknologi. Walaupun produksi yang diperoleh lebih rendah dari petani yang belum memanfaatkan teknologi (2,93%), hal ini disebabkan lahan baru pertama sekali ditanam cabai. Kata kunci:  Cabai, Irigasi tetes, Limbah, Kompos ABSTRACT Ujung Bawang Village is one of the centers of chili plantation due to its agro-climate that supports growth and production. However, these past years the village experienced prolonged dry season. This became a problem with chili farmers that depended only on rainwater, which caused production decline. Aside from that, farmers also experienced difficulties acquiring subsidized fertilizer from the government due to supply limit and lack of stock or unaffordable prices in stores. Through partnership program, we’ve applied a technology with drip irrigation method from water source near the land with control. Training to process coffee cherries waste to become compost was also done. These resulted in positive impacts to farmers, which are: (1) no difficulty to irrigate plants; (2) not dependant on subsidized or purchased fertilizer anymore; (3) knowledge and skill advancement to process waste into compost. The compost produced passed some of SNI 19-7030-2004 criteria. Research shows these reduce production cost as much as 39,05% and increase income to 12,4% more than farmers who haven’t applied the technology. Although production rate was lower than farmers who haven’t applied it (2,93%), this is due to soil’s first time being planted with chili. Keywords: Chili, Drip irrigation, Waste, Compos

    SEBUAH DILEMA PERTANIAN ORGANIK TERKAIT EMISI METAN (A Dilemma on Organic Farming in Relation to Methane Emission)

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    ABSTRAKGas metana (CH4) adalah salah satu gas rumah kaca yang cukup berperan setelah CO2. Peningkatan metana di atmosfer pada belakangan ini perlu diantisipasi mengingat daya pemanasan global yang ditimbulkannya per satu molekul gas metana di troposfer 21 kali lebih tinggi daripada daya pemanasan satu molekul CO2. Tanah sawah adalah salah satu kontributor gas metana sekitar 10-15%. Metana diproduksi sebagai hasil akhir dari proses dekomposisi mikrobial bahan organik secara anaerobik oleh bakteri metanogen. Emisi gas metana ditentukan oleh pengelolaan air, pengolahan tanah, varietas, dan iklim. Seiring dengan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap produk pangan yang sehat, serta ramah lingkungan, maka permintaan akan beras organik meningkat, sehingga perlu diupayakan dengan giat intensifikasi maupun ekstensifikasi budidaya padi organik. Namun, budidaya padi organik menghadapi dilema yaitu peningkatan produksi gas metana lebih tinggi daripada budidaya padi konvensional.ABSTRACTMethane (CH4) is the second main type of gas after CO2 in contributing global warning. The increasing of methane in our atmosphere should be anticipated because its effect of single molecule of methane to the warning up our trophosphere is 21 times higher than single molecule of CO2 . Paddy field soils as one of contributors produce 10-15 % of methane in our atmosphere. The methane is produced as results of microbial processes on aerobic organic matters decomposition by metanogene bacteria. The amount of methane production is determined by soil water management, crop species, and climate. In line with the community awarness in healthy and environmental friendly product of food, the demand of organic rice has increased. However, the organic farming has trade off situation due to its methane production higher than the conventional farming

    Study of Early Screening of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) as a Result of Drought Stress (in Vitro)

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    Preliminary studies in Screening of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as a result of drought stress (in vitro). This study aim was to determine the limits of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to drought stress conditions in vitro using PEG. This research was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory Unit / Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan UPT/Balai Benih Induk Hortikultura Dinas Pertanian Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Jl. Karya Jasa No. 6 Gedung Johor Medan in March 2012 to June 2012. The Completely Randomized Design (non factorial) was used with PEG concentrations of five levels, namely: P1 = 10%, P2 = 20%, P3= 30%, P4 = 40% and P5 = 50% with 5 replications. The results showed that increasing the concentration of PEG will reduce the percentage of plantlets survival, reduce plant height, number of roots and number of nodes. Treatment of 50% PEG resulted in the death of potato cuttings due to drought stress

    Penerapan Prinsip Pertanian Organik Pada Tanaman Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Deli Serdang Propinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Kultur jaringan

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    155 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 20 cm

    Response of Growth and Production of Shallots (Alium cepa L.) to Planting Spacing and Watering Time Eco Enzyme:

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    This research was conducted on the land of UPT Tanjung Selamat Main Seed Center, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra Province, with an elevation of ±25 meters above sea level. This research was conducted from February to May 2022. The purpose of this study was to determine the exact spacing and timing of Eco Enzyme watering on the growth and production of shallots (Allium cepa L.). This study used a factorial randomized block design (RBD). Factor 1 is the spacing consisting of: J1=15cm x 15cm, J2=20cm x 15cm, J3=25cm x 15cm. Factor 2 namely: Eco Enzyme Watering Time consisting of: W1=1x1 day, W2=1x2 days, W3=1x3 days. The results of the study showed that the spacing treatment had a significant effect on shoot age, root length, tuber/sample diameter, and tuber/sample dry weight. From the results of the study it was also found that J2 and J3 had the fastest germination age (2.37 days) when compared to treatment J1 (2.67 days), the highest root length was in treatment J3 (14.92 cm) and the lowest was in treatment J1 (13.22 cm), diameter The largest tuber/sample was in treatment J3 (20.38 mm) and the lowest was in treatment J1 (18.11 mm) and the highest tuber/sample dry weight was in treatment J3 (66.68 g) and the smallest was in treatment J1 (52.06 g).ABSTRACT This research was conducted at the Experimental Field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Methodist Indonesia, Harmonika Baru Street, Medan Selayang District, with an altitude of ± 27 meters above sea level. This research was conducted from February to May 2022. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of spacing and timing of Eco Enzyme watering on the growth and production of shallots (Allium cepa L.). This study used a randomized block design (RBD) using 2 treatment factors. The first factor is the spacing consisting of 3 levels, namely: J1 = 15cm x 15cm, J2 = 20cm x 15cm, J3 = 25cm x 15cm. The second factor is Eco Enzyme Watering Time consisting of 3 levels, namely: W1 = 1x1 day, W2 = 1x2 days, W3 = 1x3 days. The results showed that plant spacing had a significant effect on sprouting age, root length, tuber diameter/sample, and tuber/sample dry weight. From the treatment results it was found that J2 and J3 had the fastest germination age (2.37 days) when compared to treatment J1 (2.67 days), the highest root length was in treatment J3 (14.92 cm) and the lowest was in treatment J1 (13.22 cm), the largest tuber diameter / sample was in treatment J3 (20.38 mm) and the lowest was in treatment J1 (18.11 mm) and The highest tuber dry weight / sample was in treatment J3 (66.68 g) and the lowest was in treatment J1 (52.06 g). Keywords: planting spacing, eco enzyme, shallots