76 research outputs found

    Prevalência de psicopatologia em filhos de mulheres bipolares de um centro terciário brasileiro

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    OBJECTIVE: No previous study has assessed the occurrence of psychopathology in offspring of bipolar women from South America. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of psychopathology in offspring of bipolar mothers from Brazil compared with two control groups. METHOD: Children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years of bipolar disorders mothers (n = 43), mothers with other mild to moderate mental disorders (n = 53) and mothers without any psychiatric disorder (n = 53) were evaluated using the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia present and lifetime version, the Child Behavior Checklist and the Youth Self-Report. Raters were blind to the mothers' diagnoses, who were interviewed by means of the Structured Clinical Interview. RESULTS: Bipolar offspring had twice the chance of having one or more lifetime Axis I diagnoses [prevalence ratio = 2.11 (95% CI: 1.30-3.42) and p = 0.003] and 2.8 higher risk of having a lifetime anxiety disorder [prevalence ratio = 2.83 (95% CI: 1.39-5.78) e p = 0.004] than the offspring of mothers with no mental disorder. In addition, significantly higher scores on Child Behavior Checklist thought problems and Youth Self-Report social problems, as well as anxiety/depression and internalizing problems were observed. CONCLUSION: Our results confirm previous findings suggesting higher psychiatric problems in offspring of bipolar mothers and extend them to the Brazilian societyOBJETIVO: Considerando-se a inexistência de estudos avaliando a ocorrência de psicopatologia em filhos de mães bipolares na América do Sul, este se propõe a avaliar a prevalência de psicopatologia em filhos de mulheres bipolares comparado com dois grupos-controle. MÉTODO: Crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 18 anos de idade, filhos de mães com transtorno bipolar (n = 43), filhos de mães com outros transtornos psiquiátricos leve a moderados (n = 53) e filhos de mães sem nenhum diagnóstico psiquiátrico (n = 53) foram avaliados usando o Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia present and lifetime version, o Child Behavior Checklist e o Youth Self-Report por entrevistadores cegos ao diagnóstico das mães, as quais foram entrevistadas por meio do Structured Clinical Interview. RESULTADOS: Os filhos de mães bipolares tiveram duas vezes mais chance de ter um ou mais diagnósticos de Eixo I [Razão de Prevalência = 2,11 (95% IC: 1,30-3,42) e p = 0,003] e 2,8 vezes maior risco de ter transtornos de ansiedade [Razão de prevalência = 2,83 (95% IC: 1,39-5,78) e p = 0,004] ao longo da vida do que os filhos de mulheres sem transtorno mental, além de maiores escores na subescala de problemas de pensamento do Child Behavior Checklist e nas subescalas de problemas sociais, ansiedade/depressão e problemas de internalização do Youth Self-Report. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados confirmam os achados prévios da literatura internacional que sugerem mais problemas psiquiátricos em filhos de mães bipolares e os estendem para a cultura brasileir

    O mapeamento de pesquisas brasileiras sobre o letramento estatístico de 2006 a 2018

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear teses e dissertações brasileiras sobre o desenvolvimento do letramento estatístico fundanentado em Iddo Gal. Buscando responder “Que conclusões são apresentadas nas pesquisas envolvendo o letramento estatístico?”, a análise desse conjunto de pesquisas foi feito levando em conta os sujeitos participantes das pesquisas (docentes, futuros professores e estudantes da educação básica). As conclusões reveladas em determinadas pesquisas mostraram as limitações no nível de letramento estatístico das pessoas, enquanto, em outros casos, propostas alternativas de ensino-aprendizagem foram utilizadas como forma de promover o desenvolvimento do letramento estatístico. Palavras-chave: Estatística; Educação básica; Ensino Superior; Estado da arte. The mapping of brazilian research on statistical literacy from 2006 to 2018 Abstract: The objective of this work was to map Brazilian theses and dissertations on the development of statistical literacy based on Iddo Gal. Seeking to answer "What conclusions are presented in the surveys involving statistical literacy?", The analysis of this set of research was done taking into account the subjects participating in the research (teachers, future teachers and students of basic education). The conclusions revealed in some researches showed the limitations in the level of statistical literacy of the people, while in other cases alternative teaching-learning proposals were used as a way to promote the development of statistical literacy. Keywords: Statistic; Basic education; Higher education; State of art

    The result of treatment enterovesical fistulas for Crohn's disease

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    A fístula enterovesical na doença de Crohn é relativamente incomum. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar sua incidência e o resultado do seu tratamento em doentes de Crohn no ambulatório de Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais do Serviço de Cólon e Reto do Departamento de Gastroenterologia do HCFMUSP. MÉTODOS:Dos 647 pacientes com doença de Crohn , quatorze apresentaram fístula enterovesical no período de 1984 a 2006, tendo sido todos tratados cirurgicamente. RESULTADOS: Dos quatorze pacientes, doze são homens sendo a média de idade do início da doença de Crohn de 28,8 anos. O tempo médio de evolução da doença até o diagnóstico da fístula enterovesical foi de 155,1 meses. Em relação à extensão da doença, sete pacientes tinham Crohn em intestino delgado, cólon e região perianal; cinco apenas no intestino delgado; um em cólon e região perianal e outro com acometimento de intestino delgado e perianal. No total treze pacientes tinham doença de Crohn em intestino delgado. O trajeto da fístula enterovesical mais comum foi de intestino delgado (seis pacientes). Os demais pacientes apresentaram fístula enterovesical em: cólon sigmóide (quatro pacientes), entero-colo-vesical (dois pacientes), colo-vesico-cutânea (um paciente) e outra entero-reto-vesical (um paciente). Todos foram tratados cirurgicamente com ressecção da porção intestinal acometida e sutura da lesão da bexiga, e em um doente foi feito cistectomia parcial. No pós-operatório imediato tivemos duas recorrências da fistula enterovesical, um paciente permanece em tratamento clínico e o outro foi a óbito. No acompanhamento dos demais doentes, observou-se que: oito pacientes apresentam-se sem sintomas e com medicação, três assintomáticos e sem medicação; um paciente com medicação e com sintomas relacionados à doença de Crohn (mas sem queixas ou recorrência de fístula enterovesical). CONCLUSÃO: O índice de fístula enterovesical em doentes com Crohn neste estudo foi de 2,1%. O tratamento cirúrgico da fistula enterovesical com a ressecção do intestino acometido e sutura da lesão da bexiga mostrou-se eficaz.Enterovesical fistula is relatively uncommon in Crohn's disease. The objective of this study is to analyze the incidence and the result of the treatment of patients with Crohn's disease at the Inflammatory Bowel Clinic of Service of Colon and Rectum of Gastroenterology Department (HCFMUSP). METHODS: 14 out of 647 patients with Crohn's disease presented enterovesical fistula between 1984 and 2006, in which all of them were treated with surgical intervention. RESULTS: 12 out of 14 patients were male and the Crohn's symptoms started with a mean age of 28,8 years. The mean age of evolution of Crohn's disease before discovering the enterovesical fistula was 155,1 months. In regard to Crohn's disease extension, there were seven patients with Crohn's disease in the small intestine, colon and perianal region; five with manifestation only in the small intestine; one had colon and perianal disease and other had small intestine and perianal disease. 13 out of 14 patients studied had Crohn's disease in small intestine. The most commonly encountered type of fistula was in the small intestine (six patients). The others patients presented enterovesical fistula in: sigmoid (four patients), entero-colo-vesical (two patients), colo-vesico-cutaneous (one patient) and entero-reto-vesical (one patient). All the patients were treated with surgical intervention involving resection of the affected bowel and closure of the bladder defect and one patient needed partial cystectomy. In the postoperative period there were two enterovesical fistula recurrences: one patient is still being treated with medical therapy and the other died. In the clinical follow-up of the other patients, eight of them are without symptoms and taking medications, three patients are asymptomatic and under no medications, and one patient is taking medications for Crohn's disease but without enterovesical fistula. CONCLUSIONS: the rate of enterovesical fistula of the Crohn's patients was 2.1 per cent. The surgical intervention involving resection of the affected bowel and closure of the bladder defect was efficient

    Diversidades socioeconômicas e o desenvolvimento infantil de 6 a 9 meses no estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Introduction: The effects of socioeconomic disparities on cognitive development tend to emerge early in infancy and to widen throughout childhood, and may perpetuate later in life. Although the study of how poverty affects early childhood has increased in the last 20 years, many of the effects remain largely unknown, especially during the first year of life. Aim: To investigate the influence of socioeconomic status (SES) and maternal education on infants’ language, motor and cognitive development. Methods: The cognitive, language and motor skills of 444 infants aged 6 to 9 months selected from a poor neighborhood in São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. A questionnaire on socioeconomic background was administered to the participants’ families. Results: A positive association was found between SES and infants’ performance on language and motor scales. Additionally, higher maternal education was associated with higher language and cognitive scores. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that SES effects are detectable very early in infancy. This result has implications for the timing of both screening and intervention efforts to help children overcome the consequences of living in poverty.Introdução: Os efeitos das disparidades socioeconômicas no desenvolvimento cognitivo tendem a surgir no início da primeira infância e a se ampliar ao longo da infância, e podem perpetuar-se mais tardiamente. Embora estudos mostrando os efeitos deletérios de um menor nível socioeconômico (NSE) no desenvolvimento na primeira infância tenham aumentado nos últimos 20 anos, muitos desses efeitos ainda permanecem desconhecidos, especialmente durante o primeiro ano de vida. Objetivo: Investigar a influência do NSE e da escolaridade materna no desenvolvimento linguístico, motor e cognitivo do bebê. Método: Foram avaliadas as habilidades cognitivas, linguísticas e motoras de 444 lactentes com 6 a 9 meses de idade selecionados em um bairro de baixo NSE na zona oeste de São Paulo, Brasil, utilizando-se as Escalas Bayley de Desenvolvimento Infantil. Um questionário também foi administrado para coletar dados sobre o background socioeconômico das famílias das crianças participantes. Resultado: Foi observada uma associação positiva entre NSE e o desempenho dos lactentes nas escalas de linguagem e desenvolvimento motor. Adicionalmente, maior educação materna esteve associada a escores mais altos nas escalas de desenvolvimento linguístico e cognitivo. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo indicam que os efeitos do NSE são detectáveis muito cedo na primeira infância. Este resultado tem implicações para o timing de avaliações e intervenções que possam ajudar as crianças a superar as consequências de viver na pobreza

    Aspectos do perfil discente do Curso Técnico em Paisagismo da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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    The goal of this study was determinate same aspects of students profile of technical course in landscaping at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS. To this end, it was applied a closed questionnaire for 16 and 24 students, respectively, from second and fourth semesters, of the course. It was verified that the age range is large, varying between 17 and 60 years old, with female predominance. About the schooling, majority of the students have only high school, with wish of continuous the studies and work in the landscaping area, possibly, by considering the course with great importance to their quality of life and society. The main motivation of the course is due a personal issues, and also, for the tradition and quality of the institution, reflecting the students satisfaction in relation to of technical course in landscaping.Key-words: professional education, vocational education, quality of live, socio-economic profile.Por meio deste estudo objetivou-se conhecer alguns aspectos do perfil dos estudantes do Curso Técnico em Paisagismo da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS. Para tanto foi aplicado um questionário fechado para 16 e 24 alunos, respectivamente, do segundo e quarto semestres do curso. Verificou-se que a faixa etária é ampla, variando de 17 a 60 anos, com predomínio do sexo feminino. Quanto aos alunos, a maioria tem a escolarização do ensino médio, com desejo de continuar os estudos e atuarem na área de Paisagismo, possivelmente, por considerar o curso de grande importância para a sua qualidade de vida e da sociedade. A motivação principal de escolha do curso deve-se a questões pessoais e pela tradição e qualidade de ensino da instituição, refletindo a satisfação dos alunos em relação ao Curso Técnico em Paisagismo.Palavras-chave: educação profissional, ensino profissionalizante, qualidade de vida, perfil socioeconômico

    Activation of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel reduces apoptosis of spleen mononuclear cells induced by hyperlipidemia

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    Background\ud We have previously demonstrated that increased rates of superoxide generation by extra-mitochondrial enzymes induce the activation of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channel (mitoKATP) in the livers of hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) mice. The resulting mild uncoupling mediated by mitoKATP protects mitochondria against oxidative damage. In this study, we investigate whether immune cells from HTG mice also present increased mitoKATP activity and evaluate the influence of this trait on cell redox state and viability.\ud \ud Methods\ud Oxygen consumption (Clark-type electrode), reactive oxygen species production (dihydroethidium and H2-DCF-DA probes) and cell death (annexin V, cytocrome c release and Trypan blue exclusion) were determined in spleen mononuclear cells.\ud \ud Results\ud HTG mice mononuclear cells displayed increased mitoKATP activity, as evidenced by higher resting respiration rates that were sensitive to mitoKATP antagonists. Whole cell superoxide production and apoptosis rates were increased in HTG cells. Inhibition of mitoKATP further increased the production of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis in these cells. Incubation with HTG serum induced apoptosis more strongly in WT cells than in HTG mononuclear cells. Cytochrome c release into the cytosol and caspase 8 activity were both increased in HTG cells, indicating that cell death signaling starts upstream of the mitochondria but does involve this organelle. Accordingly, a reduced number of blood circulating lymphocytes was found in HTG mice.\ud \ud Conclusions\ud These results demonstrate that spleen mononuclear cells from hyperlipidemic mice have more active mitoKATP channels, which downregulate mitochondrial superoxide generation. The increased apoptosis rate observed in these cells is exacerbated by closing the mitoKATP channels. Thus, mitoKATP opening acts as a protective mechanism that reduces cell death induced by hyperlipidemia.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo(FAPESP) - grant # 2006/53705-8, 2006/59786-0; 2011/50400-0; Conselho Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ) - grant # 304532/2010-0; National Institute for Science and Technology in Diabetes and Obesity (INCT - CNPq/FAPESP)

    The identifying depression early in adolescence risk stratified cohort (IDEA-RiSCo) : rationale, methods, and baseline characteristics

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    Background: The characterization of adolescents at high risk for developing depression has traditionally relied on the presence or absence of single risk factors. More recently, the use of composite risk scores combining information from multiple variables has gained attention in prognostic research in the field of mental health. We previously developed a sociodemographic composite score to estimate the individual level probability of depression occurrence in adolescence, the Identifying Depression Early in Adolescence Risk Score (IDEA-RS). Objectives: In this report, we present the rationale, methods, and baseline characteristics of the Identifying Depression Early in Adolescence Risk Stratified Cohort (IDEA-RiSCo), a study designed for in-depth examination of multiple neurobiological, psychological, and environmental measures associated with the risk of developing and with the presence of depression in adolescence, with a focus on immune/inflammatory and neuroimaging markers. Methods: Using the IDEA-RS as a tool for risk stratification, we recruited a new sample of adolescents enriched for low (LR) and high (HR) depression risk, as well as a group of adolescents with a currently untreated major depressive episode (MDD). Methods for phenotypic, peripheral biological samples, and neuroimaging assessments are described, as well as baseline clinical characteristics of the IDEA-RiSCo sample. Results: A total of 7,720 adolescents aged 14-16 years were screened in public state schools in Porto Alegre, Brazil. We were able to identify individuals at low and high risk for developing depression in adolescence: in each group, 50 participants (25 boys, 25 girls) were included and successfully completed the detailed phenotypic assessment with ascertainment of risk/MDD status, blood and saliva collections, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Across a variety of measures of psychopathology and exposure to negative events, there was a clear pattern in which either the MDD group or both the HR and the MDD groups exhibited worse indicators in comparison to the LR group. Conclusion: The use of an empirically-derived composite score to stratify risk for developing depression represents a promising strategy to establish a risk-enriched cohort that will contribute to the understanding of the neurobiological correlates of risk and onset of depression in adolescence

    Surveillance and high vaccination coverage: how Portugal overcame the collapse and regained control of the pandemic.

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    The uncertainties about COVID-19 require evaluating national responses to identify successes and failures in the pandemic control. This article analyzes Portugal´s response, particularly the contribution of its health and surveillance systems in dealing with the pandemic. An integrative literature review was conducted, including consultations of observatories, documents, and institutional websites. Portugal´s response was agile and showed unified technical and political coordination, including surveillance structure using telemedicine. The reopening was supported by high testing and low positivity rates and strict rules. However, the relaxation of measures as of November/2020 resulted in an increase in cases, collapsing the health system. The response involved a consistent surveillance strategy with innovative monitoring tools, which, combined with high population adherence to vaccination, led to overcoming that moment and kept hospitalization and death rates at new disease waves at low levels. Thus, the Portuguese case discloses the risks of disease resurgence with the flexibility of measures and the population´s exhaustion in the face of restrictive measures and new variants, but also the importance of articulation between technical coordination, the political sphere, and the scientific committee.As incertezas sobre a COVID-19 requerem avaliação das respostas nacionais, visando identificar sucessos e fracassos no seu controle. Este artigo analisou a resposta portuguesa, particularmente a contribuição dos seus sistemas de saúde e de vigilância no enfrentamento à pandemia. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura, sendo incluídas consultas a observatórios, documentos e sites institucionais. A resposta portuguesa foi ágil e revelou uma coordenação técnica e política unificada. Contou com estrutura de vigilância e uso de telemedicina. A reabertura foi amparada na alta testagem, baixa positividade e regras rígidas. Contudo, o relaxamento das medidas a partir de novembro/2020 resultou em aumento de casos com colapso do sistema de saúde. A resposta a esta situação envolveu estratégia de vigilância consistente, com instrumentos de monitoramento inovadores, que, aliados à alta adesão da população à vacinação, levaram à superação daquele momento e mantiveram baixos índices de hospitalizações e óbitos em novas ondas. Nesse sentido, o caso português evidenciou os riscos de recrudescimento com a flexibilização, a exaustão da população em relação a medidas restritivas e novas variantes, mas também a importância da articulação entre a oordenação técnica, a esfera política e o comitê científico

    Jejum intermitente no emagrecimento: uma revisão sistemática

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    Among the various nutritional strategies that exist to facilitate weight loss, one of the most popular is the Intermittent Fasting (JI) diet. Typically, JI is defined as a total or partial restriction in energy intake between one to three days per week, or a complete restriction on energy intake for a defined period of the day. This study is a review article that aimed at the broad view of the intermittent fasting diets and evidenced the effects of the evaluation process of the nutritional strategy. A search was carried out in the Pubmed, Lilacs, Medline and the Scielo e-libraries to identify scientific papers published between 2007 and 2017. A total of 44 articles were selected, containing the descriptors in Portuguese and English: "fasting", "Calorie restriction" and "weight loss". Overall, many of the studies reviewed suggest that JI is effective for weight reduction, including benefits such as improved glucose metabolism, cardiovascular health, and maintenance of lean mass. However, it can be verified that of the studies developed in humans, published in the timeframe of the research, involved mainly short-term JI and groups with small numbers of individuals, thus questioning possible biological adaptations and future effects on The risk of diseases that may occur in individuals who practice this diet.Dentre as várias estratégias nutricionais que existem para faciltiar a perda de peso, uma das mais populares é a dieta do Jejum Intermitente (JI). Normalmente, JI é definido por uma restrição total ou parcial na ingestão de energia entre um a três dias por semana, ou uma restrição completa na ingestão de energia por um período definido do dia. Este estudo trata-se de um artigo de revisão que objetivou fornecer visão ampla das dietas de jejum intermitentes e evidenciar os possíveis efeitos no processo de emagrecimento por meio dessa estratégia nutricional. Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados Pubmed, Lilacs, Medline e a biblioteca eletrônica Scielo a fim de identificar artigos científicos publicados no período de 2007 a 2017. Foram selecionados 44 artigos, contendo os descritores, em português e inglês: “jejumâ€, “restrição calórica†e “emagrecimento’’. De forma geral, muitos dos estudos analisados sugerem que o JI é eficiente para redução de peso, incluindo benefícios como, melhora do metabolismo da glicose, saúde cardiovascular e manutenção de massa magra. No entanto, pode ser verificado que dos estudos desenvolvidos em humanos, publicados no intervalo de tempo foco da pesquisa, envolveram principalmente JI de curto prazo e grupos com número reduzido de indivíduos, ficando, desta forma, questionamento sobre possíveis adaptações biológicas e efeitos futuros sobre o risco de doenças que possam ocorrer em indivíduos que praticam essa dieta