678 research outputs found

    An Investigation into the Measurement and Prediction of Mechanical Stiffness of Lower-limb Prostheses used for Running

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    Two energy return prosthesis are subjected to three different statically applied loading methods. This initial study proposes that statically applied loading to a sport prosthesis using several controlled methods were statistically robust enough to derive a mechanical stiffness value. However, any predicted stiffness is drawn into question when allowing any movement of the distal end. This uncertainty will make any evaluation or prescription of lower-limb prosthesis technology based upon their stiffness incorrect. In addition, the peak calculated stiffness at the expected bodyweight induced ground impact load of a runner is judged the most representative assessment method. This study attempts to build on previous research advocating the need to monitor the performance of prosthesis lower-limb technology in disability sport. Practitioner Summary: This paper extends previous research regarding the fairness of prosthetics technology used in running with a lower-limb amputation. It pilots a quantitative assessment of high activity prosthetics technology and ultimately demonstrates how incorrect assessment can lead to incorrect specification of running prosthesis for elite level spor

    Repetibilidade da idade ao primeiro parto, intervalo de partos e peso ao parto em bovinos da Rraça Nelore.

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    Utilizaram-se 407 observações de idade ao primeiro parto, 971 de intervalo de partos e 587 de peso ao parto de vacas da raça Nelore, para avaliar os efeitos de alguns fatores sobre essas características e estimar seus coeficientes de repetibilidade

    Influence of Nutritional Status and Physical Exercise on Immune Response in Metabolic Syndrome

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    Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of metabolic alterations mostly related to visceral adiposity, which in turn promotes glucose intolerance and a chronic systemic inflammatory state, characterized by immune cell infiltration. Such immune system activation increases the risk of severe disease subsequent to viral infections. Strong correlations between elevated body mass index (BMI), type-2-diabetes and increased risk of hospitalization after pandemic influenza H1N1 infection have been described. Similarly, a correlation between elevated blood glucose level and SARS-CoV-2 infection severity and mortality has been described, indicating MetS as an important predictor of clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. Adipose secretome, including two of the most abundant and well-studied adipokines, leptin and interleukin-6, is involved in the regulation of energy metabolism and obesity-related low-grade inflammation. Similarly, skeletal muscle hormones—called myokines—released in response to physical exercise affect both metabolic homeostasis and immune system function. Of note, several circulating hormones originate from both adipose tissue and skeletal muscle and display different functions, depending on the metabolic context. This review aims to summarize recent data in the field of exercise immunology, investigating the acute and chronic effects of exercise on myokines release and immune system function

    Influence of Fluorination on the Solubilities of Carbon Dioxide, Ethane, and Nitrogen in 1‑n‑Fluoro-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(n‑fluoroalkylsulfonyl)amide Ionic Liquids

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    International audienceThe effect on gas solubilities of adding partially fluorinated alkyl side chains either on imidazolium-based cations or on bis(perfluoroalkylsulfonyl)amide anions was studied. The aim was to gain knowledge of the mechanisms of dissolution of gases in fluorinated ionic liquids and, if possible, to improve physical absorption of carbon dioxide in ionic liquids. We have determined experimentally, in the temperature range of 298–343 K and at pressures close to atmospheric pressure, the solubility and thermodynamics of solvation of carbon dioxide, ethane, and nitrogen in the ionic liquids 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[trifluoromethylsulfonyl]amide ([C8mim][NTf2]), 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[pentafluoroethylsulfonyl]amide ([C8mim][BETI]), 1-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctyl)-3-methylimidazolium bis[trifluoromethylsulfonyl]amide ([C8H4F13mim][NTf2]), and 1-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctyl)-3-methylimidazolium bis[pentafluoroethylsulfonyl]amide ([C8H4F13mim][BETI]). Ionic liquids with partial fluorination on the cation were found to exhibit higher carbon dioxide and nitrogen mole fraction solubilities but lower ethane solubilities, compared to those of their hydrogenated counterparts. Molecular simulation provided insights about the mechanisms of solvation of the different gases in the ionic liquids

    Losing weight after menopause with minimal aerobic training and mediterranean diet

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    Objective: It is a common belief that menopausal women have greater difficulty losing weight. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a Mediterranean diet (MD) to promote weight loss in postmenopausal women. All participants were prescribed a hypocaloric traditional MD, tailored to the individual. Subjects were asked not to begin any kind of physical activity. Body composition was measured at the beginning and after 8 weeks of treatment. In total, 89 women (age 52.8 ± 4.5 years, BMI 30.0 ± 5.2 kg/m2, fat mass 31.6 ± 10.5 kg) were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of fertile women over 45 years of age, the second group consisted of those diagnosed as menopausal. All women had an improvement in body composition (fat mass −2.3 ± 2.1 kg, p < 0.001; protein −0.1 ± 0.7 kg, p = 0.190) and blood pressure values. No differences were found between the two groups except for a higher reduction of low-density lipoprotein in the menopausal group (p = 0.035). A positive significant correlation between plant to animal protein ratio and fat-free mass variation was found in the menopausal group. These data suggest that a high adherence to a traditional MD would enable menopausal women to lose fat mass and maintain muscle mass with no significant difference to younger women. Fat mass reduction provides menopausal women with improved cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors

    Transforming growth factor-beta and mutant p53 conspire to induce metastasis by antagonizing p63: a (ternary) complex affair

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    How and when a tumor acquires metastatic properties remain largely unknown. Recent work has uncovered an intricate new mechanism through which transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) acts in concert with oncogenic Ras to antagonize p63-metastasis protective function. p63 inhibition requires the combined action of Ras-activated mutant p53 and TGFβ-induced Smads. Mechanistically, it involves the formation of a p63-Smads-mutant p53 ternary complex. Remarkably, just two of the key downstream targets of p63 turn out to be sufficient as a prognostic tool for breast cancer metastasis. Moreover, the molecular mechanism of this inhibition points to novel therapeutic possibilities

    Contribution of ULF Wave Activity to the Global Recovery of the Outer Radiation Belt During the Passage of a HighSpeed Solar Wind Stream Observed in September 2014

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    Energy coupling between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere can affect the electron population in the outer radiation belt. However, the precise role of different internal and external mechanisms that leads to changes of the relativistic electron population is not entirely known. This paper describes how ultralow frequency (ULF) wave activity during the passage of Alfvenic solar wind streams contributes to the global recovery of the relativistic electron population in the outer radiation belt. To investigate the contribution of the ULF waves, we searched the Van Allen Probes data for a period in which we can clearly distinguish the enhancement of electron uxes from the background. We found that the global recovery that started on 22 September 2014, which coincides with the corotating interaction region preceding a highspeed stream and the occurrence of persistent substorm activity, provides an excellent scenario to explore the contribution of ULF waves. To support our analyses, we employed ground and spacebased observational data and global magnetohydrodynamic simulations and calculated the ULF wave radial diffusion coefcients employing an empirical model. Observations show a gradual increase of electron uxes in the outer radiation belt and a concomitant enhancement of ULF activity that spreads from higher to lower Lshells. Magnetohydrodynamic simulation results agree with observed ULF wave activity in the magnetotail, which leads to both fast and Alfven modes in the magnetospheric nightside sector. The observations agree with the empirical model and are conrmed by phase space density calculations for this global recovery period

    Contribution of ULF Wave Activity to the Global Recovery of the Outer Radiation Belt During the Passage of a High-Speed Solar Wind Stream Observed in September 2014

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    Energy coupling between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere can affect the electron population in the outer radiation belt. However, the precise role of different internal and external mechanisms that leads to changes of the relativistic electron population is not entirely known. This paper describes how ultralow frequency (ULF) wave activity during the passage of Alfvénic solar wind streams contributes to the global recovery of the relativistic electron population in the outer radiation belt. To investigate the contribution of the ULF waves, we searched the Van Allen Probes data for a period in which we can clearly distinguish the enhancement of electron fluxes from the background. We found that the global recovery that started on 22 September 2014, which coincides with the corotating interaction region preceding a high-speed stream and the occurrence of persistent substorm activity, provides an excellent scenario to explore the contribution of ULF waves. To support our analyses, we employed ground- and space-based observational data and global magnetohydrodynamic simulations and calculated the ULF wave radial diffusion coefficients employing an empirical model. Observations show a gradual increase of electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt and a concomitant enhancement of ULF activity that spreads from higher to lower L-shells. Magnetohydrodynamic simulation results agree with observed ULF wave activity in the magnetotail, which leads to both fast and Alfvén modes in the magnetospheric nightside sector. The observations agree with the empirical model and are confirmed by phase space density calculations for this global recovery period

    Eficiência de fungicidas para controle de giberela do trigo: resultados dos ensaios cooperativos, safra 2020.

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    A giberela, causada por Gibberella zea (Schw) Petch. (anamorfo Fusarium graminearum Schwabe), está presente em todos os continentes, sendo considerada a principal doença da espiga do trigo. Isso se deve por seu elevado potencial de perdas, isto é, a doença giberela causa danos significativos na espiga, afetando diretamente a quantidade e a qualidade dos grãos ou sementes pela produção da micotoxina desoxinivalenol (DON) (Fernandes; Tibola, 2011; Lau et al., 2011). A giberela em trigo é considerada uma doença de infecção floral e de difícil controle. Pode ocorrer a partir do espigamento, sendo altamente influenciada pelo ambiente. Os sintomas característicos são espiguetas esbranquiçadas e aristas que se desviam do sentido das aristas de espiguetas sadias.ODS 2, ODS 1