380 research outputs found

    Adaptive Municipal e-forms

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    Adaptation of electronic forms seems to be a step forward to reduce the burden for people who fill in forms. Municipalities more and more offer eforms online that can be used to request a municipal product or service. To create adaptive e-forms that satisfy the need of end-users, involvement of those users in design activities and evaluation is necessary. This paper describes the design of adaptive municipal e-forms and the way user-groups were involved in the design activities and will be involved in evaluation

    The Rotterdam Elderly Pain Observation Scale (REPOS):A new behavioral pain scale for non-communicative adults and cognitively impaired elderly persons

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    Several observation scales have been developed to measure pain in elderly persons with cognitive impairments. Most scales, however, do not provide cut-off scores for pain, and previous studies do not include data on non-verbal patients with diagnoses other than dementia. Objective: The development of an easy-to-use, reliable and valid pain observation scale, the Rotterdam Elderly Pain Observation Scale (REPOS), for use in nursing home residents incapable of reporting pain themselves. Methods: In this multicenter case-control study 174 residents of various cognitive levels were videotaped at rest and during a potentially painful activity. Prevalences and co- occurrences of behaviors were examined, and interrelationships were identified. To reduce number of items, multiple linear regression analysis was used. Interrater-, and intrarater agreements and internal consistency were investigated. To estimate validity, REPOS was related to Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) and Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia-Scale (PAINAD), and activity and rest situations were compared. Results: A one-dimensional model with a good fit was found. After redundancy analysis, ten items remained. Interrater- and intrarater agreements of two observers were good. Internal consistency was moderate. Correlations between REPOS and NRS were small to medium, and between REPOS and PAINAD large. REPOS-scores for the two situations differed significantly. A total score of 3 and higher indicates pain. Conclusions: REPOS appears to be promising for identifying pain in residents of various cognitive levels. To improve pain management, a cut-off score for pain was determined, together with a treatment protocol. Its conciseness suggests good usefulness in daily practice.</p

    Surgical decision-making in superior canal dehiscence syndrome with concomitant otosclerosis

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    Objective: The diagnosis and management of Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS) with concomitant otosclerosis can be a challenge. Otosclerosis can mask SCDS symptoms and stapes surgery may reveal or exacerbate vestibular symptoms. Our aim is to present four cases of SCDS with concomitant otosclerosis and thereby informing the reader about the possibility of this dual occurrence and its implications for treatment. Cases: Four patients with SCDS and concomitant otosclerosis are presented. Two patients underwent surgical treatment for both SCDS and otosclerosis and two patients opted for conservative management. Outcomes: The main differences between surgically and non-surgically treated cases are the presence of autophony and pressure-induced vertigo and a more severe experience of symptoms in surgically treated cases. Surgically treated cases achieved a sizeable reduction in postoperative air–bone gap and resolution of vestibular symptoms. Conclusion: The subjective severity of symptoms in combination with shared decision-making is key in determining the appropriate treatment plan for SCDS and concomitant otosclerosis

    A model for single electron decays from a strongly isolated quantum dot

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    Recent measurements of electron escape from a non-equilibrium charged quantum dot are interpreted within a 2D separable model. The confining potential is derived from 3D self-consistent Poisson-Thomas-Fermi calculations. It is found that the sequence of decay lifetimes provides a sensitive test of the confining potential and its dependence on electron occupation.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Salinity-induced increase of the hydraulic conductivity in the hyporheic zone of coastal wetlands

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    In coastal zones globally, salinization is rapidly taking place due to the combined effects of sea level rise, land subsidence, altered hydrology, and climate change. Although increased salinity levels are known to have a great impact on both biogeochemical and hydrological processes in aquatic sediments, only few studies have included both types of processes and their potential interactions. In the present paper, we used a controlled 3-year experimental mesocosm approach to test salinity induced interactions and discuss mechanisms explaining the observed hydrological changes. Surface water salinity was experimentally increased from 14 to 140 mmol Cl per L (0.9 and 9 PSU) by adding sea salt which increased pore water salinity but also increased sulfate reduction rates, leading to higher sulfide, and lower methane concentrations. By analyzing slug test data with different slug test analysis methods, we were able to show that hydraulic conductivity of the hyporheic zone increased 2.8 times by salinization. Based on our hydrological and biogeochemical measurements, we conclude that the combination of pore dilation and decreased methane production rates were major controls on the observed increase in hydraulic conductivity. The slug test analysis method comparison allowed to conclude that the adjusted Bouwer and Rice method results in the most reliable estimate of the hydraulic conductivity for hyporheic zones. Our work shows that both physical and biogeochemical processes are vital to explain and predict hydrological changes related to the salinization of hyporheic zones in coastal wetlands and provides a robust methodological approach for doing so

    Nieuwe kennis voor een nieuw natuurbeleid

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    Het Nederlandse natuurbeleid ondergaat ingrijpende veranderingen. Het maatschappelijk draagvlak voor natuurbescherming is in beweging en nieuwe visies op natuur vragen aandacht. De positie van de wetenschap staat ter discussie, haar gezag lijkt minder vanzelfsprekend. ook het landschapsonderzoek moet zich aanpassen. Hoe? Die vraag stond centraal tijdens de studiedag op 22 maart, georganiseerd door Wageningen UR, het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving en de Werkgemeenschap voor Landschapsonderzoek

    Hogere zoutconcentratie leidt tot een verhoogde waterdoorlatendheid van de waterbodem

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    Door de combinatie van klimaatverandering (zeespiegelstijging en langere droogteperiodes) en ontwatering voor landbouw neemt de kans op stijgende zoutconcentratiesin het oppervlaktewater in laag Nederland toe. Hoewel bekend is dat dit chemische enfysische effecten kan hebben, is de interactie tussen fysische en biogeochemische processen onderbelicht gebleven. In dit artikel wordt een veldexperiment gepresenteerdwaarin de effecten van verhoogde zoutconcentraties op de combinatie van chemischeen fysische processen in een voormalig brak laagveen zijn bestudeerd. Met behulp vanbiogeochemische analyses en de omgekeerde boorgatmethode in de waterbodem wordtaangetoond dat een verhoogde zoutconcentratie in het oppervlaktewater kan leiden toteen verhoogde waterdoorlatendheid van de waterbodem

    Minimal model for aeolian sand dunes

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    We present a minimal model for the formation and migration of aeolian sand dunes. It combines a perturbative description of the turbulent wind velocity field above the dune with a continuum saltation model that allows for saturation transients in the sand flux. The latter are shown to provide the characteristic length scale. The model can explain the origin of important features of dunes, such as the formation of a slip face, the broken scale invariance, and the existence of a minimum dune size. It also predicts the longitudinal shape and aspect ratio of dunes and heaps, their migration velocity and shape relaxation dynamics. Although the minimal model employs non-local expressions for the wind shear stress as well as for the sand flux, it is simple enough to serve as a very efficient tool for analytical and numerical investigations and to open up the way to simulations of large scale desert topographies.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure

    Are Insider Sales Always Bad News? Evidence On Large Sales By Key Insiders

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    Investors often scrutinize stock trades by corporate insiders, hoping to infer the nature of any privileged information which may have motivated the trades. Conventional wisdom suggests that sales of stock by insiders reveal negative information; this interpretation is supported by empirical work such as the series of papers by Seyhun. However, this common interpretation fails to distinguish between sales by atomistic insiders and sales by controlling blockholders.&nbsp; In this paper, I present evidence which suggests that sales by controlling insiders should not be considered bad news. Using both a series of logit regressions and traditional event-study tests, I examine the relationship between a firm's performance and the willingness of its controlling shareholder to sell a significant proportion of his shares. I find that firm value is just as likely to rise on the news of large insider sales as it is to fall, so that large sales need not imply negative private information.&nbsp; One possible explanation for a positive response to a controlling blockholder's large sale is that such a sale makes the insider vulnerable to meaningful oversight by outside shareholders. Thus, a large sale may be a signal of the insider's willingness to expose himself to shareholder monitoring and discipline. However, regardless of the interpretation, the empirical evidence presented in the paper forces the conclusion that it is inappropriate to interpret all insider sales as bad news: insider sales occur in a variety of contexts, and creating buy/sell rules which ignore those contexts is simplistic and erroneous
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