386 research outputs found

    Large scale shell model calculations for odd-odd 58−62^{58-62}Mn isotopes

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    Large scale shell model calculations have been carried out for odd-odd 58−62^{58-62}Mn isotopes in two different model spaces. First set of calculations have been carried out in full fp\it{fp} shell valence space with two recently derived fp\it{fp} shell interactions namely GXPF1A and KB3G treating 40^{40}Ca as core. The second set of calculations have been performed in fpg9/2{fpg_{9/2}} valence space with the fpgfpg interaction treating 48^{48}Ca as core and imposing a truncation by allowing up to a total of six particle excitations from the 0f7/2_{7/2} orbital to the upper fp\it{fp} orbitals for protons and from the upper fp\it{fp} orbitals to the 0g9/2_{9/2} orbital for neutron. For low-lying states in 58^{58}Mn, the KB3G and GXPF1A both predicts good results and for 60^{60}Mn, KB3G is much better than GXPF1A. For negative parity and high-spin positive parity states in both isotopes fpgfpg interaction is required. Experimental data on 62^{62}Mn is sparse and therefore it is not possible to make any definite conclusions. More experimental data on negative parity states is needed to ascertain the importance of 0g9/2_{9/2} and higher orbitals in neutron rich Mn isotopes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    A comprehensive strategy to tackle arsenic contamination of drinking water in Uttar Pradesh in India

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    Exposure to naturally occurring arsenic through consumption of contaminated groundwater, food and soil is now widely recognized as a new threat to public health in several countries in South and South-East Asia, including parts of India. The realization that arsenic not only occurs in groundwater used for drinking in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta of West Bengal in India, but also further upstream in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in the middle and upper Gangetic plains, has necessitated the need to develop arsenic testing and mitigation strategies in these states. This paper outlines the strategy evolved by the state government of Uttar Pradesh, with the support of UNICEF, to tackle the problem of arsenic in groundwater used for drinking. The comprehensive approach includes testing, communication, mitigation and health aspects, and novel strategies used to overcome technological issues are detailed. A similar approach has been used in the neighbouring state of Bihar

    Multiwavelength Study of M8.9/3B Solar Flare from AR NOAA 10960

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    We present a multi-wavelength analysis of a long duration white-light solar flare (M8.9/3B) event that occurred on 4 June 2007 from NOAA AR 10960. The flare was observed by several spaceborne instruments, namely SOHO/MDI, Hinode/SOT, TRACE and STEREO/SECCHI. The flare was initiated near a small, positive-polarity, satellite sunspot at the centre of the AR, surrounded by opposite-polarity field regions. MDI images of the AR show considerable amount of changes in a small positive-polarity sunspot of delta configuration during the flare event. SOT/G-band (4305 A) images of the sunspot also suggest the rapid evolution of the positive-polarity sunspot with highly twisted penumbral filaments before the flare event, which were oriented in the counterclockwise direction. It shows the change in orientation and also remarkable disappearance of twisted penumbral filaments (~35-40%) and enhancement in umbral area (~45-50%) during the decay phase of the flare. TRACE and SECCHI observations reveal the successive activations of two helical twisted structures associated with this sunspot, and the corresponding brightening in the chromosphere as observed by the time-sequence images of SOT/Ca II H line (3968 A). The secondary-helical twisted structure is found to be associated with the M8.9 flare event. The brightening starts 6-7 min prior to the flare maximum with the appearance of secondary helical-twisted structure. The flare intensity maximizes as this structure moves away from the AR. This twisted flux-tube associated with the flare triggering, is found to be failed in eruption. The location of the flare is found to coincide with the activation site of the helical twisted structures. We conclude that the activations of successive helical twists in the magnetic flux tubes/ropes plays a crucial role in the energy build-up process and triggering of M-class solar flare without a CME.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for Publication in Solar Physic

    Measuring Cosmic Defect Correlations in Liquid Crystals

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    From the theory of topological defect formation proposed for the early universe, the so called Kibble mechanism, it follows that the density correlation functions of defects and anti-defects in a given system should be completely determined in terms of a single length scale Ο\xi, the relevant domain size. Thus, when lengths are expressed in units of Ο\xi, these distributions should show universal behavior, depending only on the symmetry of the order parameter, and space dimensions. We have verified this prediction by analyzing the distributions of defects/anti-defects formed in the isotropic-nematic phase transition in a thin layer of nematic liquid crystals. Our experimental results confirm this prediction and are in reasonable agreement with the results of numerical simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, few new references adde

    Emergence of an island of extreme nuclear isomerism at high excitation near 208Pb

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    Metastable states with T1/2 = 8(2) ms in 205Bi and T1/2 = 0.22(2) ms in 204Pb, with ≈ 8 MeV excitation energy and angular momentum ≄ 22 ħ, have been established. These represent, by up to two orders of magnitude, the longest-lived nuclear states above an excitation energy of 7 MeV, ever identified in the nuclear chart. Additionally, the half-life of the 10.17 MeV state in 206Bi has been determined to be 0.027(2) ms, the next highest value in this highly excited regime. These observations indicate the emergence of an island of extreme nuclear isomerism arising from core-excited configurations at high excitation in the vicinity of the doubly closed-shell nucleus 208Pb. These results are expected to provide discriminating tests of the effective interactions used in current large-scale shell-model calculations

    Isomers in Tl 203 and core excitations built on a five-nucleon-hole structure

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    Isomers with three- and five-nucleon-hole configurations have been established in Tl203. These include newly identified levels with a three-nucleon-hole structure: Iπ = (15/2-) with T1/2 = 7.9(5) ns and Iπ = (35/2-) with T1/2 = 4.0(5) ns. In addition, five-nucleon-hole states have also been established: Iπ = (39/2-) with T1/2 = 1.9(2) ns and Iπ = (49/2+) with T1/2 = 3.4(4) ns. The previously determined long-lived decay, T1/2 = 6.6(3) ÎŒs from this work, is associated with isomerism of the Iπ = (29/2+) state. Levels above this long-lived isomer have been identified through a delayed-prompt Îł-Îł coincidence measurement. Five-nucleon-hole states with excitation energies Ex≈ 7 MeV have been established as well as possible octupole excitations of the Pb208 core built on these levels. The level scheme of Tl203 is extended up to Ex≈ 11 MeV with the inclusion of 25 new transitions. Empirical and shell-model calculations have been performed to aid in the description of the observed states which are found to be of intrinsic character

    35,37,39^{35,37,39}S isotopes in sd−pfsd-pf space : Shell-model interpretation

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    The structure of 35,37,39^{35,37,39}S isotopes is described by performing comprehensive shell model calculations with SDPF-U and SDPFMW interactions. Protons and neutrons are restricted to the sdsd-shell for N<20N < 20, neutrons start to fill the pfpf-shell for N>20N > 20. Natural parity states are described by only in-shell mixing, unnatural parity states with 1p-1h inter-shell neutron excitations. With SDPF-U interaction, reported are the results for natural parity states only because this interaction is not suitable for cross shell excitations. Calculated energy levels, electromagnetic properties and spectroscopic factors are in good agreement with the recently available experimental data.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables; Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Theory and simulation of quantum photovoltaic devices based on the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism

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    This article reviews the application of the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism to the simulation of novel photovoltaic devices utilizing quantum confinement effects in low dimensional absorber structures. It covers well-known aspects of the fundamental NEGF theory for a system of interacting electrons, photons and phonons with relevance for the simulation of optoelectronic devices and introduces at the same time new approaches to the theoretical description of the elementary processes of photovoltaic device operation, such as photogeneration via coherent excitonic absorption, phonon-mediated indirect optical transitions or non-radiative recombination via defect states. While the description of the theoretical framework is kept as general as possible, two specific prototypical quantum photovoltaic devices, a single quantum well photodiode and a silicon-oxide based superlattice absorber, are used to illustrated the kind of unique insight that numerical simulations based on the theory are able to provide.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures; invited review pape

    Metastable states from multinucleon excitations in Tl 202 and Pb 203

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    The excited level structures of Tl202 and Pb203, above the 7+ and 29/2- isomers, respectively, have been studied. An isomer with Iπ=20+ and T1/2=215(10)ÎŒs has been established in Tl202, and the level scheme extended from I=10 to 20ℏ with the placement of fifteen new transitions. In Pb203, the Iπ=37/2+ state is established to be metastable, with T1/2=2.5(3)ns. Levels in both nuclei arise from intrinsic excitations, with likely particle-hole character for the higher-lying states in Pb203. The 20+ isomer in Tl202 is most likely associated with a πh11/2-1 - Îœ(i13/2-2,f5/2-1) configuration, while the 37/2+ state in Pb203 results from the excitation of five neutrons. Calculations, using both an empirical approach and the oxbash code, have been performed to aid in the description of the excited level structure

    Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Au+Au collisions at sNN=27\sqrt{s_{_{\rm{NN}}}}=27 GeV with the STAR forward Event Plane Detectors

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    A decisive experimental test of the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) is considered one of the major scientific goals at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) towards understanding the nontrivial topological fluctuations of the Quantum Chromodynamics vacuum. In heavy-ion collisions, the CME is expected to result in a charge separation phenomenon across the reaction plane, whose strength could be strongly energy dependent. The previous CME searches have been focused on top RHIC energy collisions. In this Letter, we present a low energy search for the CME in Au+Au collisions at sNN=27\sqrt{s_{_{\rm{NN}}}}=27 GeV. We measure elliptic flow scaled charge-dependent correlators relative to the event planes that are defined at both mid-rapidity ∣η∣<1.0|\eta|<1.0 and at forward rapidity 2.1<∣η∣<5.12.1 < |\eta|<5.1. We compare the results based on the directed flow plane (Κ1\Psi_1) at forward rapidity and the elliptic flow plane (Κ2\Psi_2) at both central and forward rapidity. The CME scenario is expected to result in a larger correlation relative to Κ1\Psi_1 than to Κ2\Psi_2, while a flow driven background scenario would lead to a consistent result for both event planes[1,2]. In 10-50\% centrality, results using three different event planes are found to be consistent within experimental uncertainties, suggesting a flow driven background scenario dominating the measurement. We obtain an upper limit on the deviation from a flow driven background scenario at the 95\% confidence level. This work opens up a possible road map towards future CME search with the high statistics data from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan Phase-II.Comment: main: 8 pages, 5 figures; supplementary material: 2 pages, 1 figur
