3,245 research outputs found

    Homodyne extimation of quantum states purity by exploiting covariant uncertainty relation

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    We experimentally verify uncertainty relations for mixed states in the tomographic representation by measuring the radiation field tomograms, i.e. homodyne distributions. Thermal states of single-mode radiation field are discussed in details as paradigm of mixed quantum state. By considering the connection between generalised uncertainty relations and optical tomograms is seen that the purity of the states can be retrieved by statistical analysis of the homodyne data. The purity parameter assumes a relevant role in quantum information where the effective fidelities of protocols depend critically on the purity of the information carrier states. In this contest the homodyne detector becomes an easy to handle purity-meter for the state on-line with a running quantum information protocol.Comment: accepted for publication into Physica Script

    Towards ultra-high resolution 3D reconstruction of a whole rat brain from 3D-PLI data

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    3D reconstruction of the fiber connectivity of the rat brain at microscopic scale enables gaining detailed insight about the complex structural organization of the brain. We introduce a new method for registration and 3D reconstruction of high- and ultra-high resolution (64 ÎĽ\mum and 1.3 ÎĽ\mum pixel size) histological images of a Wistar rat brain acquired by 3D polarized light imaging (3D-PLI). Our method exploits multi-scale and multi-modal 3D-PLI data up to cellular resolution. We propose a new feature transform-based similarity measure and a weighted regularization scheme for accurate and robust non-rigid registration. To transform the 1.3 ÎĽ\mum ultra-high resolution data to the reference blockface images a feature-based registration method followed by a non-rigid registration is proposed. Our approach has been successfully applied to 278 histological sections of a rat brain and the performance has been quantitatively evaluated using manually placed landmarks by an expert.Comment: 9 pages, Accepted at 2nd International Workshop on Connectomics in NeuroImaging (CNI), MICCAI'201

    Balancing efficiencies by squeezing in realistic eight-port homodyne detection

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    We address measurements of covariant phase observables (CPOs) by means of realistic eight-port homodyne detectors. We do not assume equal quantum efficiencies for the four photodetectors and investigate the conditions under which the measurement of a CPO may be achieved. We show that balancing the efficiencies using an additional beam splitter allows us to achieve a CPO at the price of reducing the overall effective efficiency, and prove that it is never a smearing of the ideal CPO achievable with unit quantum efficiency. An alternative strategy based on employing a squeezed vacuum as a parameter field is also suggested, which allows one to increase the overall efficiency in comparison to the passive case using only a moderate amount of squeezing. Both methods are suitable for implementantion with current technology.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, revised versio

    Chemical characterisation of iron in dust and biomass burning aerosols during AMMA-SOP0/DABEX: implication for iron solubility

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    The chemical composition and the soluble fraction were determined in aerosol samples collected during flights of AMMA-SOP0/DABEX campaign, which were conducted in the West African Sahel during dry season (2006). Two aerosol types are encountered in this period: dust particles (DUST) and biomass burning aerosol (BB). Chemical analysis and microscope observations showed that the iron (Fe) found in BB samples mainly originates from dust particles mostly internally mixed in the biomass burning layer. Chemical analyses of samples showed that the Fe solubility is lower in African dust samples than in biomass burning aerosols. Our data provide a first idea of the variability of iron dust solubility in the source region (0.1% and 3.4%). We found a relationship between iron solubility/clay content/source which partly confirms that the variability of iron solubility in this source region is related to the character and origin of the aerosols themselves. In the biomass burning samples, no relationship were found between Fe solubility and either the concentrations of acidic species (SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>, NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup> or oxalate) or the content of carbon (TC, OC, BC). Therefore, we were unable to determine what processes are involved in this increase of iron solubility. In terms of supply of soluble Fe to oceanic ecosystems on a global scale, the higher solubility observed for Fe in biomass burning could imply an indirect source of Fe to marine ecosystems. But these aerosols are probably not significant because the Sahara is easily the dominant source of Fe to the Atlantic Ocean

    Full characterization of Gaussian bipartite entangled states by a single homodyne detector

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    We present the full experimental reconstruction of Gaussian entangled states generated by a type--II optical parametric oscillator (OPO) below threshold. Our scheme provides the entire covariance matrix using a single homodyne detector and allows for the complete characterization of bipartite Gaussian states, including the evaluation of purity, entanglement and nonclassical photon correlations, without a priori assumptions on the state under investigation. Our results show that single homodyne schemes are convenient and robust setups for the full characterization of OPO signals and represent a tool for quantum technology based on continuous variable entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, slightly longer version of published PR

    Pre-discovery observations of CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b with the BEST survey

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    The BEST wide-angle telescope installed at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence and operated in remote control from Berlin by the Institut fuer Planetenforschung, DLR, has observed the CoRoT target fields prior to the mission. The resulting archive of stellar photometric lightcurves is used to search for deep transit events announced during CoRoT's alarm-mode to aid in fast photometric confirmation of these events. The "initial run" field of CoRoT (IRa01) has been observed with BEST in November and December 2006 for 12 nights. The first "long run" field (LRc01) was observed from June to September 2005 for 35 nights. After standard CCD data reduction, aperture photometry has been performed using the ISIS image subtraction method. About 30,000 lightcurves were obtained in each field. Transits of the first detected planets by the CoRoT mission, CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b, were found in archived data of the BEST survey and their lightcurves are presented here. Such detections provide useful information at the early stage of the organization of follow-up observations of satellite alarm-mode planet candidates. In addition, no period change was found over ~4 years between the first BEST observation and last available transit observations.Comment: AJ, accepte

    Wildfire smoke in the Siberian Arctic in summer: source characterization and plume evolution from airborne measurements

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    We present airborne measurements of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O<sub>3</sub>), equivalent black carbon (EBC) and ultra fine particles over North-Eastern Siberia in July 2008 performed during the YAK-AEROSIB/POLARCAT experiment. During a "golden day" (11 July 2008) a number of biomass burning plumes were encountered with CO mixing ratio enhancements of up to 500 ppb relative to a background of 90 ppb. Number concentrations of aerosols in the size range 3.5–200 nm peaked at 4000 cm<sup>−3</sup> and the EBC content reached 1.4 μg m<sup>−3</sup>. These high concentrations were caused by forest fires in the vicinity of the landing airport in Yakutsk where measurements in fresh smoke could be made during the descent. We estimate a combustion efficiency of 90 ± 3% based on CO and CO<sub>2</sub> measurements and a CO emission factor of 65.5 ± 10.8 g CO per kilogram of dry matter burned. This suggests a potential increase in the average northern hemispheric CO mixing ratio of 3.0–7.2 ppb per million hectares of Siberian forest burned. For BC, we estimate an emission factor of 0.52 ± 0.07 g BC kg<sup>−1</sup>, comparable to values reported in the literature. The emission ratio of ultra-fine particles (3.5–200 nm) was 26 cm<sup>−3</sup> (ppb CO)<sup>−1</sup>, consistent with other airborne studies. <br><br> The transport of identified biomass burning plumes was investigated using the FLEXPART Lagrangian model. Based on sampling of wildfire plumes from the same source but with different atmospheric ages derived from FLEXPART, we estimate that the e-folding lifetimes of EBC and ultra fine particles (between 3.5 and 200 nm in size) against removal and growth processes are 5.1 and 5.5 days respectively, supporting lifetime estimates used in various modelling studies

    Quantum state engineering assisted by entanglement

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    We suggest a general scheme for quantum state engineering based on conditional measurements carried out on entangled twin-beam of radiation. Realistic detection schemes such as {\sc on/off} photodetection, homodyne detection and joint measurement of two-mode quadratures are analyzed in details. Imperfections of the apparatuses, such as nonunit quantum efficiency and finite resolution, are taken into account. We show that conditional {\sc on/off} photodetection provides a reliable scheme to verify nonclassicality, whereas conditional homodyning represents a tunable and robust source of squeezed light. We also describe optical teleportation as a conditional measurement, and evaluate the degrading effects of finite amount of entanglement, decoherence due to losses, and nonunit quantum efficiency.Comment: Some pics with low resolution. Originals at http://www.qubit.i
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