1,126 research outputs found

    Follow-up study of over three years of patients with uveitis after cataract phacoemulsification: outcomes and complications

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    Purpose: To evaluate the rate and onset of intraoperative and postoperative complications post-phacoemulsification. Methods: One hundred sixty-two eyes of 145 patients with uveitis who underwent phacoemulsification between 2006 and 2009 were identified through surgical record review. Fifty-nine eyes of 46 patients met the inclusion criteria. Hazard ratio (HR) and Kaplan-Meier survival probability were calculated for each class of uveitis. Results: Macular edema (ME) resulted to be associated to chronic postoperative inflammation (r = 0.6; p = 0.00) and mostly related to patients who presented more than one postoperative relapse/year (r = 0.2; p = 0.02). Fuchs uveitis resulted to be a risk factor for posterior capsule opacification (PCO) (HR 3.36 IC95%1.0-10.5; p = 0.03). Hypotony and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) were detected in the anterior uveitis group (0.02 EY). Conclusion: The HR to develop ME was significantly related to chronic anterior uveitis. PCO and elevated IOP are

    Features and prognostic impact of distant metastases in 45 dogs with de novo stage IV cutaneous mast cell tumours: A prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Distant metastases in dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumors (cMCT) are rare and incurable. The aims of this prospective study were to clarify the clinico-pathological features of stage IV cMCTs and to identify possible prognostic factors for progression-free interval (PFI) and survival time (ST). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Dogs were eligible for recruitment if they had a previously untreated, histologically confirmed cMCT and if they underwent complete staging demonstrating stage IV disease. Dogs were uniformly followed-up, whereas treatment was not standardized and included no therapy, surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, tyrosine-kinase inhibitors or a combination of these. RESULTS: 45 dogs with stage IV cMCT were enrolled. All dogs had distant metastatic disease, and 41 (91.1%) dogs had also metastasis in the regional lymph node. Histopathological grade and mutational status greatly varied among dogs. Median ST was 110 days. Notably, PFI and ST were independent of well-known prognostic factors, including anatomic site, histological grade, and mutational status. Conversely, tumor diameter >3\u2009cm, more than 2 metastatic sites, bone marrow infiltration, and lack of tumor control at the primary site were confirmed to be negative prognostic factors by multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: Currently, there is no satisfactory treatment for stage IV cMCT. Asymptomatic dogs with tumor diameter <3\u2009cm and a low tumor burden, without bone marrow infiltration may be candidates for multimodal treatment. Stage IV dogs without lymph node metastasis may enjoy a surprisingly prolonged survival. The achievement of local tumor control seems to predict a better outcome in dogs with stage IV cMCT

    Proposition of a method for stochastic analysis of value streams

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    This article aims at proposing a method to stochastically analyze values streams taking into consideration the effect of critical uncertainty sources on lead time. The proposed method combines value stream mapping (VSM) and Monte Carlo simulation to identify improvement opportunities. To illustrate this approach, we carried out a case study in the special nutrition value stream of a Brazilian public hospital. Results show that the proposed method allows the identification of improvement opportunities that would not be considered in the classical deterministic VSM approach. Further, the integration of the stochastic analysis enables the determination of a more realistic lead time, which supports a more assertive planning and scheduling of the value stream. The proposed method addresses a fundamental gap in traditional VSM without adding much complexity to the analysis procedure, which is a common practical issue in previous works that integrated other stochastic methods into VSM

    Activity of drugs against dormant Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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    Objective/background: Heterogeneous mixtures of cellular and caseous granulomas coexist in the lungs of tuberculosis (TB) patients, with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) existing from actively replicating (AR) to dormant, nonreplicating (NR) stages. Within cellular granulomas, the pH is estimated to be less than 6, whereas in the necrotic centres of hypoxic, cholesterol/triacylglycerol-rich, caseous granulomas, the pH varies between 7.2 and 7.4. To combat TB, we should kill both AR and NR stages of Mtb. Dormant Mtb remodels lipids of its cell wall, and so lipophilic drugs may be active against NR Mtb living in caseous, lipid-rich, granulomas. Lipophilicity is expressed as logP, that is, the logarithm of the partition coefficient (P) ratio P octanol/P water. In this study, the activity of lipophilic drugs (logP>0) and hydrophilic drugs (logP ≤0) against AR and NR Mtb was measured in hypoxic conditions under acidic and slightly alkaline pHs. Methods: The activity of drugs was determined against AR Mtb (5-day-old aerobic cells: A5) and NR Mtb (12- and 19-day-old hypoxic cells: H12 and H19) in a Wayne dormancy model of Mtb H37Rv at pH 5.8, to mimic the environment of cellular granulomas. Furthermore, AR and NR bacilli were grown for 40 days in Wayne models at pH 6.6, 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6, to set up conditions mimicking the caseous granulomas (hypoxia+slightly alkaline pH), to measure drug activity against NR cells. Mtb viability was determined by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts. Results: At pH 5.8, lipophilic drugs (rifampin, rifapentine, bedaquiline, PA-824, clofazimine, nitazoxanide: logP ≥2.14) reduced CFU of all cells (H12, H19, and A5) by ≥2log10. Among hydrophilic drugs (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, amikacin, moxifloxacin, metronidazole: logP ≤0.01), none reduced H12 and H19 CFUs by ≥2log10, with the exception of metronidazole. When Mtb was grown at different pHs the following Mtb growth was noted: at pH 6.6, AR cells grew fluently while NR cells grew less, with a CFU increase up to Day 15, followed by a drop to Day 40. AR and NR Mtb grown at pH 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6 showed up to 1 log10 CFU lower than their growth at pH 6.6. The pHs of all AR cultures tended to reach pH 7.2–7.4 on Day 40. The pHs of all NR cultures remained stable at their initial values (6.6, 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6) up to Day 40. The activity of drugs against H12 and H19 cells was tested in hypoxic conditions at a slightly alkaline pH. Under these conditions, some lipophilic drugs were more active (>5 log CFU decrease after 21 days of exposure) against H12 and H19 cells than clofazimine, nitazoxanide, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, amikacin (<1 log CFU decrease after 21 days of exposure). Testing of other drugs is in progress. Conclusion: Lipophilic drugs were more active than hydrophilic agents against dormant Mtb in hypoxic conditions at pH 5.8. The Wayne model under slightly alkaline conditions was set up, and in hypoxic conditions at a slightly alkaline pH some lipophilic drugs were more active than other drugs against NR Mtb. Overall, these models can be useful for testing drug activity against dormant Mtb under conditions mimicking the environments of cellular and caseous granulomas

    (2-Aminobenzothiazole)-Methyl-1,1-bisphosphonic acids: Targeting matrix metalloproteinase 13 inhibition to the bone

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    Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of secreted and membrane-bound enzymes, of which 24 isoforms are known in humans. These enzymes degrade the proteins of the extracellular matrix and play a role of utmost importance in the physiological remodeling of all tissues. However, certain MMPs, such as MMP-2, -9, and -13, can be overexpressed in pathological states, including cancer and metastasis. Consequently, the development of MMP inhibitors (MMPIs) has been explored for a long time as a strategy to prevent and hinder metastatic growth, but the important side effects linked to promiscuous inhibition of MMPs prevented the clinical use of MMPIs. Therefore, several strategies were proposed to improve the therapeutic profile of this pharmaceutical class, including improved selectivity toward specific MMP isoforms and targeting of specific organs and tissues. Combining both approaches, we conducted the synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of a series of (2-aminobenzothiazole)-methyl-1,1-bisphosphonic acids active as selective inhibitors of MMP-13 via in vitro and in silico studies, which could prove useful for the treatment of bone metastases thanks to the bone-targeting capabilities granted by the bisphosphonic acid group

    Visual evoked potentials in succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency

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    In mammals, increased GABA in the central nervous system has been associated with abnormalities of visual evoked potentials (VEPs), predominantly manifested as increased latency of the major positive component P100. Accordingly, we hypothesized that patients with a defect in GABA metabolism, succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency (in whom supraphysiological levels of GABA accumulate), would manifest VEP anomalies. We evaluated VEPs on two patients with confirmed SSADH deficiency. Whereas the P100 latencies and amplitudes for binocular VEP analyses were within normal ranges for both patients, the P100 latencies were markedly delayed for left eye (OS) (and right eye (OD), patient 1) and monocular OS (patient 2): 134-147 ms; normal <118 ms. We hypothesize that elevated GABA in ocular tissue of SSADH patients leads to a use-dependent downregulation of the major GABAergic receptor in eye, GABA(C), and that the VEP recordings' abnormalities, as evidenced by P100 latency and/or amplitude measurements, may be reflective of abnormalities within visual systems. This is a preliminary finding that may suggest the utility of performing VEP analysis in a larger sample of SSADH-deficient patients, and encourage a neurophysiological assessment of GABA(C) receptor function in Aldh5a1(-/-) mice to reveal new pathophysiological mechanisms of this rare disorder of GABA degradation

    Different spatial distribution of inflammatory cells in the tumor microenvironment of ABC and GBC subgroups of diffuse large B cell lymphoma

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    Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) presents a high clinical and biological heterogeneity, and the tumor microenvironment chracteristics are important in its progression. The aim of this study was to evaluate tumor T, B cells, macrophages and mast cells distribution in GBC and ABC DLBCL subgroups&nbsp;through a set of morphometric parameters allowing to provide a quantitative evaluation of the morphological features of the spatial patterns generated by these inflammatory cells. Histological ABC and GCB samples were immunostained for CD4, CD8, CD68, CD 163, and tryptase in order to determine both percentage and position of positive cells in the tissue characterizing their spatial distribution. The results evidenced that cell patterns generated by CD4-, CD8-, CD68-,&nbsp;CD163- and tryptase-positive cell profiles exhibited a significantly higher uniformity index in ABC than in GCB&nbsp;subgroup. The positive-cell distributions appeared clustered in tissues from GCB, while in tissues from ABC such a feature was lower or absent. The combinations of spatial statistics-derived parameters can lead to better predictions of tumor cell infiltration than any classical morphometric method providing a more accurate description of the functional status of the tumor, useful for patient prognosis