2,841 research outputs found

    Assessing the material loss of the modular taper interface in retrieved metal on metal hip replacements

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    Measuring the amount of material loss in the case of revised hip replacements is considered to be a prerequisite of understanding and assessing the true in vivo performance of the implant. This paper outlines a method developed by the authors for quantifying taper material loss as well as more general taper interface parameters. Previous studies have mostly relied on visual inspection to assess the material loss at the taper interface, whereas this method aims to characterize any surface and form changes through the use of an out-of-roundness measurement machine. Along with assessing the volumetric wear, maximum linear penetration and taper contact length can also be determined. The method was applied to retrieved large head metal-on-metal femoral heads in order to quantify the material loss at this junction. Material loss from the female femoral head taper can be characterized as a localized area that is in contact with the stem taper surface. The study showed that this method has good repeatability and a low level of interoperability variation between operators

    Taste Preference Assay for Adult Drosophila

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    Olfactory and gustatory perception of the environment is vital for animal survival. The most obvious application of these chemosenses is to be able to distinguish good food sources from potentially dangerous food sources. Gustation requires physical contact with a chemical compound which is able to signal through taste receptors that are expressed on the surface of neurons. In insects, these gustatory neurons can be located across the animal's body allowing taste to play an important role in many different behaviors. Insects typically prefer compounds containing sugars, while compounds that are considered bitter tasting are avoided. Given the basic biological importance of taste, there is intense interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying this sensory modality. We describe an adult Drosophila taste assay which reflects the preference of the animals for a given tastant compound. This assay may be applied to animals of any genetic background to examine the taste preference for a desired soluble compound

    La mobilité des patients et les modÚles de création de demande : le cas du Québec

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    Dans ce texte nous analysons les consĂ©quences de l’inĂ©galitĂ© dans la distribution des ressources mĂ©dicales sur l’utilisation des interventions chirurgicales Ă©lectives en tenant compte de la mobilitĂ© des patients. AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© un modĂšle thĂ©orique qui permet d’analyser l’influence de la mobilitĂ© des patients dans un marchĂ© privĂ© d’interventions chirurgicales, nous adaptons ce modĂšle Ă  un contexte d’assurance-maladie gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e. Dans la partie empirique de notre travail nous discutons briĂšvement des principaux rĂ©sultats que l’on retrouve dans la littĂ©rature et nous prĂ©sentons quelques rĂ©sultats empiriques prĂ©liminaires en utilisant des donnĂ©es du QuĂ©bec.In this paper, we analyse the effects of the inequality in the distribution ofmedical resources on the use of elective surgeries taking into account the mobilityof the patients between geographical areas. In the first part of the paper, wepresent a theoretical model which analyses the effects of patients' mobility on aprivate market of chirurgical services and, then, we adapt this model to a regime ofpublic health insurance. In the empirical part of the paper, we discuss shortly themain results in the literature and we present some preliminary results using datafrom the province of Quebec

    Évolution de la concentration en protozoaires et en ammoniaque de fermentations ruminales avec un substrat supplĂ©mentĂ© en extraits de plantes Ă  saponines

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    Yucca schidigera et Quillaja saponaria sont des plantes Ă  saponines (PAS) utilisĂ©es en alimentation des ruminants pour optimiser la gestion de l’ammoniaque (NH3) dans le rumen, en particulier lorsque les rations sont riches en azote soluble (e.g. mise Ă  l’herbe, manque d’énergie). Les donnĂ©es sur d’autres PAS sont rares bien que ces mĂ©tabolites secondaires amphiphiles sont prĂ©sentes dans beaucoup de vĂ©gĂ©taux. L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer in vitro l’effet d’extraits de plantes Ă  saponines sur l’évolution du nombre de protozoaires et sur la concentration en NH3 du fluide ruminal

    Thickness-dependent thermal properties of amorphous insulating thin films measured by photoreflectance microscopy

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    In this work, we report on the measurement of the thermal conductivity of thin insulating films of SiO2 obtained by thermal oxidation, and Al2O3 grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD), both on Si wafers. We used photoreflectance microscopy to determine the thermal properties of the films as a function of thickness in the 2 nm to 1000 nm range. The effective thermal conductivity of the Al2O3 layer is shown to decrease with thickness down to 70% for the thinnest layers. The data were analyzed upon considering that the change in the effective thermal conductivity corresponds to an intrinsic thermal conductivity associated to an additional interfacial thermal resistance. The intrinsic conductivity and interfacial thermal resistance of SiO2 were found to be equal to 0.95 W/m·K and 5.1 × 10− 9 m2K/W respectively; those of Al2O3 were found to be 1.56 W/m·K and 4.3 × 10− 9 m2K/W

    La mobilité des patients et les modÚles de création de demande : le cas du Québec

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    In this paper, we analyse the effects of the inequality in the distribution of medical resources on the use of elective surgeries taking into account the mobility of the patients between geographical areas. In the first part of the paper, we present a theoretical model which analyses the effects of patients' mobility on a private market of chirurgical services and, then, we adapt this model to a regime of public health insurance. In the empirical part of the paper, we discuss shortly the main results in the literature and we present some preliminary results using data from the province of Quebec. Dans ce texte nous analysons les consĂ©quences de l’inĂ©galitĂ© dans la distribution des ressources mĂ©dicales sur l’utilisation des interventions chirurgicales Ă©lectives en tenant compte de la mobilitĂ© des patients. AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© un modĂšle thĂ©orique qui permet d’analyser l’influence de la mobilitĂ© des patients dans un marchĂ© privĂ© d’interventions chirurgicales, nous adaptons ce modĂšle Ă  un contexte d’assurance-maladie gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e. Dans la partie empirique de notre travail nous discutons briĂšvement des principaux rĂ©sultats que l’on retrouve dans la littĂ©rature et nous prĂ©sentons quelques rĂ©sultats empiriques prĂ©liminaires en utilisant des donnĂ©es du QuĂ©bec.
