1,213 research outputs found

    Ulcerative colitis: let's talk about extent

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which clinical course varies substantially between patients. The extent of the disease is usually pointed out as one of the factors responsible for this variation. With this study, we pretended to evaluate the differences in natural history and pharmacological therapy prescription between left-sided and extended UC

    Knowledge and attitude towards the gradual reduction of salt in bread – an online survey

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    Aim: Assess knowledge and attitude towards the gradual reduction of salt in bread and the potential impact on eating habits of children (6-18 years) and their families, as part as a Health Impact Assessment pilot study.N/

    Caracterização agronômica e tecnológica de linhagens comerciais de café selecionadas pelo IAC.

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    Estudos sobre a diversidade genética de espécies com finalidade de melhoramento genético representam importante preocupação dos melhoristas. Diversas técnicas moleculares têm permitido revelar uma diversidade genética presente no genoma que até então era desconhecida pelos cientistas. Muitas espécies de interesse agronômico têm sido alvo de estudos que abordam a diversidade genética em nível molecular. De uma maneira geral, os resultados obtidos a partir do uso dos marcadores têm sido bastante satisfatórios, principalmente para aquelas espécies que apresentam ampla base genética e insuficiente número de descritores botânicos para diferenciação de genótipos, como é o caso da mandioca. A base genética formada pelos cultivares de C. arabica, principal espécie cultivada, é considerada estreita. Em relação ao Brasil, principal produtor mundial desta cultura, a própria história explica em parte a ausência de variação genética nos materiais atualmente em cultivo. Historicamente, as primeiras plantações de café formaram-se há mais de dois séculos a partir de poucas plantas, constituindo material muito uniforme e de pouca variabilidade genética. De fato, estudos sobre a diversidade genética de cafeeiros em cultivo realizados no IAC utilizando descritores botânicos e agronômicos têm revelado baixo nível de variação genética entre as diferentes linhagens que compõem um cultivar. Entre diferentes cultivares esta variação é mais notória, mão não tão acentuada como se pensava, mesmo quando diferentes espécies participam da genealogia destes cultivares. Desta maneira, este trabalho teve como objetivo principal a avaliação das técnicas de RAPD e AFLP para a identificação e caracterização de diversas linhagens comerciais de C. arabica selecionadas pelo IAC. Os resultados obtidos com estes marcadores confirmam os dados obtidos anteriormente de que a variabilidade genética entre as linhagens é pequena. Além disso, os dados sugerem que a técnica de RAPD não é eficiente para a identificação e determinação da distância genética entre as linhagens avaliadas, apesar de representar uma ferramenta adequada para avaliação da variabilidade no cafeeiro. No entanto, embora o nível de variação observado através dos marcadores moleculares seja baixo, sabe-se que estas linhagens apresentam comportamento agronômico bastante diferenciado. Isso nos leva a pensar que poucos genes diferenciam os principais materiais genéticos de cafeeiro de importância agronômica e que o uso de marcadores moleculares para estudos de diversidade genética e localização de genes de interesse agronômico deve ser repensada

    Ritmo e perfil circadiano em pacientes com epilepsia mioclônica juvenil e epilepsia de lobo temporal

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    This study intended to compare the circadian rhythm and circadian profile between patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Method We enrolled 16 patients with JME and 37 patients with TLE from the Outpatient Clinic of UNICAMP. We applied a questionnaire about sleep-wake cycle and circadian profile. Results Fourteen (87%) out of 16 patients with JME, and 22 out of 37 (59%) patients with TLE reported that they would sleep after seizure (p < 0.05). Three (19%) patients with JME, and 17 (46%) reported to be in better state before 10:00 AM (p < 0.05). Conclusion There is no clear distinct profile and circadian pattern in patients with JME in comparison to TLE patients. However, our data suggest that most JME patients do not feel in better shape early in the day73136Este estudo pretende comparar o ritmo circadiano e o perfil circadiano entre pacientes com epilepsia mioclônica juvenil (EMJ) e epilepsia de lobo temporal (ELT). Método Nós entrevistamos 16 pacientes com EMJ e 37 com ELT do ambulatório da UNICAMP. Nós aplicamos um questionário sobre ciclo sono-vigília e perfil circadiano. Resultados Quatorze (87%) de 16 pacientes com EMJ e 22 de 37 (59%) pacientes com ELT relataram que eles apresentam sonolência pós-crise (p < 0,05). Três (19%) pacientes com EMJ e 17 (46%) relataram um melhor estado geral antes das 10h00min (p < 0,05). Conclusão Não há uma clara diferença de ritmo e de perfil circadiano entre pacientes com EMJ e ELT. No entanto, nossos dados sugerem que a maioria dos pacientes com EMJ não se sentem em sua melhor forma cedo pela manh

    Sociospatial reading of favela: A comparative analysis from organic Portuguese cities

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    This research decodifies the favelas spatial system through its configuration in com- parison to historical organic structures aiming at searching similar self-organized processes. It is intended to observe in which way the configuration of such areas, read through their spatial patterns, affects their sociospatial dynamics and how it gets closer to common strategies for organizing the urban space: in which way favela reproduces historically consolidated spatial patterns inherent to organic cities? The Theory of The Social Logic of Space (Hillier & Han- son, 1984) is the theoretical, methodological and technical approach for this study, allowing to investigate such phenomena by means of its spatial complexity. The sample consists of 120 set- tlements around the world, explored according to a set of 26 configurational variables (among qualitative and quantitative, both geometric and topological), compared to a group of 45 Por- tuguese medieval towns (representative of organic cities). Findings show that the favelas recog- nized spatial patterns are mostly common to those associated with organic structures. Despite being much denser and apparently labyrinthine shapes, the internal dynamics of the favelas reveal positive global relationships. These settlements behave similarly to consolidated urban systems and share common spatial logics throughout world regions and distinct cultures, fea- ture which allows recognizing the self-organization strategy as essential to their structural and survival process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Circadian Rhythm And Profile In Patients With Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy And Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.

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    This study intended to compare the circadian rhythm and circadian profile between patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We enrolled 16 patients with JME and 37 patients with TLE from the Outpatient Clinic of UNICAMP. We applied a questionnaire about sleep-wake cycle and circadian profile. Fourteen (87%) out of 16 patients with JME, and 22 out of 37 (59%) patients with TLE reported that they would sleep after seizure (p < 0.05). Three (19%) patients with JME, and 17 (46%) reported to be in better state before 10:00 AM (p < 0.05). There is no clear distinct profile and circadian pattern in patients with JME in comparison to TLE patients. However, our data suggest that most JME patients do not feel in better shape early in the day.733-

    Novel galanin receptors in teleost fish: identification, expression and regulation by sex steroids

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    In fish, the onset of puberty, the transition from juvenile to sexually reproductive adult animals, is triggered by the activation of pituitary gonadotrophin secretion and its timing is influenced by external and internal factors that include the growth/adiposity status of the animal. Kisseptins have been implicated in the activation of puberty but peripheral signals coming from the immature gonad or associated to the metabolic/nutritional status are also thought to be involved. Additionally, there is evidence that the galaninergic system in the brain and testis of pre-pubertal male sea bass is a possible mediator involved in the translation of somatic signals leading to gonadal maturation. Here, the transcripts for four galanin receptors (GALR), named GALR1a, 1b, 2a and 2b, were isolated from European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the previously reported duplication of GALR1 in teleost fish, and unravelled the duplication of GALR2 in teleost fish and in some tetrapod species. Comparison with human showed that the key amino acids involved in ligand binding are present in the corresponding GALR1 and GALR2 orthologues. Transcripts for all four receptors are expressed in brain and testes of adult fish with GALR1a and GALR1b abundant in testes 15 and hardly detected in ovaries. In order to investigate whether GALR1 dimorphic expression was dependent on steroid context we evaluated the effect of 11-ketotestosterone and 17β-estradiol treatments on the receptor expression in brain and testes of pre-pubertal males. Interestingly, steroid treatments had no effect on the expression of GALRs in the brain while in the testes, GALR1a and GALR1b were significantly up regulated by 11KT. Altogether, these results support a role for the galaninergic system, in particular the GALR1 paralog in fish reproductive function

    Incidental versus symptomatic nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas: Are they different?

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    Background Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas (NFPAs) constitute one of the most common tumours in the sellar region and are often discovered only when associated with compressive symptoms. With the frequent use of brain imaging, there has been an increase in the prevalence of incidentally discovered NFPAs.Aim We aim to determine the prevalence of incidental diagnosis with NPAs observed over a decade and compare the analytical, clinical and treatment differences between those who were diagnosed either incidentally or symptomatically. We also intend to evaluate the pathology differences between both groups.Methods We retrospectively analysed patients aged =18 years with an apparent NFPA, defined as a pituitary lesion compatible with pituitary adenoma which is not associated with the clinical or biochemical evidence of a hormone-secreting tumour. Inclusion criteria included normal prolactin level for lesions <9 mm or a prolactin level <100 ng/mL for lesions =10 mm in maximal tumour diameter.Results We included 119 patients [53.8% males; mean age: 56.8 years (SD = 16.7)]. Diagnosis was incidental in 47.1% of patients, and many patients had unappreciated signs and symptoms of pituitary disease. In the symptomatic and incidental groups, 66.7% and 41.1% of patients had hypopituitarism, respectively (p = .005). Only 20.4% of patients incidentally diagnosed had microadenoma (p = .060). Hypopituitarism was present in 18.8% of those patients with microadenomas. Most tumours were macroadenomas (87.4%). Half of those patients diagnosed incidentally were submitted to surgery, compared with 75.8% of those who were diagnosed symptomatically (p = .004).Conclusions Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas are commonly diagnosed incidentally, with many manifesting symptoms on examination. NFPAs incidentally diagnosed are more commonly macroadenomas and less frequently associated with hypopituitarism than symptomatic. Accordingly, if there was a greater level of knowledge and more suspicion about these pathologies, it might be possible to discover them earlier
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