359 research outputs found

    Impact of triticale mass yield on harvest speed

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    U ovom radu analizirana je uticaj prinosa tritikala na brzinu kretanja kombajna tokom žetve. Sistem za merenje lokacijski specifičnog prinosa postavljen je na kombajn širine zahvata 6 metara. Nakon žetve prinos je podeljen u tri grupe, kao mali, srednji i velik prinos, i potom pomoću Kruskal-Volisovog H testa analizirana je brzina za svaku grupu prinosa duž parcele. Ustanovljeno je da se na analiziranoj parceli brzine razlikuju i na osnovu srednjih vrednosti rangova grupa zaključeno je da brzina opada sa smanjenjem prinosa, pa se pristupilo naknadnoj analizi razlike među grupama pomoću Man-Vitnijevog U testa. Brzine kretanja kombajna tokom žetve tritikala na analiziranoj parceli razlikuju se statistički značajno pri poređenju sve tri grupe, i to sa malim i srednjim uticajem prema Koenovom kriterijumu. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 35043.This paper analyzes the effect of triticale yield on the speed of the combine during harvest. Monitoring system for the site-specific yield is mounted to harvester with 6 meters wide header. After harvest, the yield is divided into three groups, as well as small, medium and large yield, and then using the Kruskal-Wallis H test analyzed the rate of speed for each group along the plot. It was found for analyzed field that the speeds different and based on the average value ranges group concluded that the speed decreases with increasing yield, and access the subsequent analysis of the differences between the groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. The speed of the combine during harvest triticale in the analyzed plot differ significantly when comparing the three groups, and small and medium impact to Cohen's criteria based on effect size

    Interactions of charged particles with double-layer graphene

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    Nowadays we are witnesses of a development of one promising branch of applied physics, called plasmonics. Especially interesting issue is plasmonics in quasi-two-dimensional (q2D) crystals deposited on various dielectric substrates. Here arise the main questions: how to increase the 2D plasmon propagation length and how to excite 2D plasmon most efficiently. We will focus on describing the interaction between electronic excitations in two graphene layers with phonons in aluminium oxide (Al2O3) slab on which the graphene layers are deposited. Special attention will be paid to explain the hybridization between 2D plasmons and surface (TO) phonons. Because of multiple intersections of 2D plasmons and TO phonons the 2D plasmon moves to lower energies which allows it to be excited by charged particles moving at subthreshold speeds, [1]. We will present the results for wake potential induced by a charged particle which moves parallel to the graphene/dielectric interface. It will be shown how various substrates modify the efficiency of particle/plasmon coupling. The electronic excitations in graphene are obtained by using plane waveab initio approach where we have addressed the problem of calculation of EELS spectra in the optical limit ( → 0) and how to avoid intersupercell Coulomb interaction [2].28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases - SPIG 2016, August 29 - September 2, 2016, Belgrad

    Subjective experience of architectural objects: A cross-cultural study

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    The purpose of the present study was to compare Serbian and Japanese participants in their subjective experience of Serbian and Japanese architectural objects. Subjective experience was operationalized through the ratings on the bipolar scales (e.g. pleasant-unpleasant). In the Preliminary study 1, a set of twelve rating scales was generated. In the Preliminary study 2 twelve Serbian and twelve Japanese architectural objects were specified. In the main experiment two groups of participants, twenty-one Serbian and twenty Japanese, rated twelve Serbian and twelve Japanese objects. A factor analysis extracted three dimensions of subjective experience: Beauty, Firmness and Fullness. Analysis of variance have shown that both Serbian and Japanese participants agreed that Japanese architectural objects looked more beautiful and firmer than Serbian objects. These finding is generally in line with perceptualist hypothesis that stimulus constraints are more effective than culture. However, interactions revealed some cultural differences that are consistent with culturalist hypothesis: compared to Serbian participants, Japanese participants rated Japanese architectural objects as more beautiful, whereas, compared to Japanese, Serbian participants rated Serbian objects as less fragile and emptier than Japanese objects. Generally, our study have shown that Serbian (Western) and Japanese (Eastern) participants show general similarity in their subjective experience of architectural objects

    Proliferacija naivnih i aktiviranih T limfocita u prisustvu tkivno specifičnih makrofaga

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    In this study the antigen-presenting ability of tissue specific macrophages isolated from bone marrow, spleen, peritoneal cavity and lungs was analyzed. Murine macrophages were isolated by a one-step adherence procedure (for 24 hours) and pretreated with mytomycin C. The antigen-presenting ability of the macrophages was tested in T cell proliferation assays. The ability of macrophages to support antigenspecific proliferation of T lymphoblasts was investigated when sheep red blood cell (SRBC)-specific T blasts were stimulated in vitro by antigen in the presence of different numbers of tissue specific macrophages. On the other hand, the abilities of macrophages to induce proliferation of naïve T cells were analyzed in allogeneic and syngeneic mixed leukocyte reactions (MLRs). It was demonstrated that tissue specific macrophages supported antigen specific proliferation of T lymphoblasts in vitro. They also induced the activation of allogeneic and syngeneic T cells. Increasing the number of macrophages co-cultured with T cells, led to a certain inhibitory effect on T cell proliferation.U ovom radu je ispitivana sposobnost mišjih makrofaga izolovanih iz kostne srži, slezine, peritonealne šupljine i alveola da prezentuju antigen i indukuju proliferaciju T limfocita. Makrofazi su izolovani adherencijom tokom 24-časovne kulture i pretretirani mitomicinom C. Da bi se ispitala sposobnost makrofaga da indukuju proliferaciju limfoblasta, T limfociti specifični za ovčje eritrocite izolovani iz limfnih čvorova imunizovanih miševa u in vitro uslovima, su restimulisani antigenom u prisustvu tkivnih makrofaga izolovanih iz različitih tkiva. Pored toga, sposobnost makrofaga da indukuju proliferaciju in vivo naivnih T limfocita ispitivana je u mešanoj kulturi tkivnih makrofaga i alogenih ili singenih limfocita. Dokazano je da tkivni makrofazi izolovani iz kostne srži, slezine, peritonealne šupljine i alveola mogu da potpomognu antigen-specifičnu proliferaciju T limfoblasta u in vitro uslovima, kao i da aktiviraju naivne alogene i singene T limfocite. Povećanje broja makrofaga dovelo je do smanjenja T limfocitne proliferacije

    Impact of triticale mass yield on harvest speed

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    U ovom radu analizirana je uticaj prinosa tritikala na brzinu kretanja kombajna tokom žetve. Sistem za merenje lokacijski specifičnog prinosa postavljen je na kombajn širine zahvata 6 metara. Nakon žetve prinos je podeljen u tri grupe, kao mali, srednji i velik prinos, i potom pomoću Kruskal-Volisovog H testa analizirana je brzina za svaku grupu prinosa duž parcele. Ustanovljeno je da se na analiziranoj parceli brzine razlikuju i na osnovu srednjih vrednosti rangova grupa zaključeno je da brzina opada sa smanjenjem prinosa, pa se pristupilo naknadnoj analizi razlike među grupama pomoću Man-Vitnijevog U testa. Brzine kretanja kombajna tokom žetve tritikala na analiziranoj parceli razlikuju se statistički značajno pri poređenju sve tri grupe, i to sa malim i srednjim uticajem prema Koenovom kriterijumu. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 35043.This paper analyzes the effect of triticale yield on the speed of the combine during harvest. Monitoring system for the site-specific yield is mounted to harvester with 6 meters wide header. After harvest, the yield is divided into three groups, as well as small, medium and large yield, and then using the Kruskal-Wallis H test analyzed the rate of speed for each group along the plot. It was found for analyzed field that the speeds different and based on the average value ranges group concluded that the speed decreases with increasing yield, and access the subsequent analysis of the differences between the groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. The speed of the combine during harvest triticale in the analyzed plot differ significantly when comparing the three groups, and small and medium impact to Cohen's criteria based on effect size

    Komunikasi Bencana: Aspek Sistem (Koordinasi, Informasi dan Kerjasama)

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    Many catastrophic and disaster events in Indonesia provides a lesson on the importance of disaster management. Institutionally BNPB as main role and became the main command of disaster management. In reality many problems still arise in disaster management, especially “KIKK”, communication, information, coordination and cooperation. In disaster management is needed right approach that is a systems approach, in which it helps the process from mitigation to post-disaster goes well, because implemented in integrated and synergistic in inter-agency and stakeholder

    Low reheating temperatures in monomial and binomial inflationary potentials

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    We investigate the allowed range of reheating temperature values in light of the Planck 2015 results and the recent joint analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data from the BICEP2/Keck Array and Planck experiments, using monomial and binomial inflationary potentials. While the well studied ϕ2\phi^2 inflationary potential is no longer favored by current CMB data, as well as ϕp\phi^p with p>2p>2, a ϕ1\phi^1 potential and canonical reheating (wre=0w_{re}=0) provide a good fit to the CMB measurements. In this last case, we find that the Planck 2015 68%68\% confidence limit upper bound on the spectral index, nsn_s, implies an upper bound on the reheating temperature of Tre6×1010GeVT_{re}\lesssim 6\times 10^{10}\,{\rm GeV}, and excludes instantaneous reheating. The low reheating temperatures allowed by this model open the possiblity that dark matter could be produced during the reheating period instead of when the Universe is radiation dominated, which could lead to very different predictions for the relic density and momentum distribution of WIMPs, sterile neutrinos, and axions. We also study binomial inflationary potentials and show the effects of a small departure from a ϕ1\phi^1 potential. We find that as a subdominant ϕ2\phi^2 term in the potential increases, first instantaneous reheating becomes allowed, and then the lowest possible reheating temperature of Tre=4MeVT_{re}=4\,{\rm MeV} is excluded by the Planck 2015 68%68\% confidence limit.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, v2: some references added and typos correcte

    Preferenca Trihodinida (Ciliata, Peritrichia) detektovanih na ribnjačkom šaranu prema pojedinim organima i neke morfološke implikacije

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    The present study describes the preference of Trichodinids for skin or gills of fish-pond carp. Differences in localization of trichodinids were analysed by the Mann-Whitney U and c2 tests. For histological examination gills were fixed in 4% formaldehyde and processed using standard techniques. Trichodinella epizootica and T. subtilis parasitised exclusively gills. The occurrence of Trichodina acuta was far more frequent on the skin and that preference appeared to be statistically significant. Trichodina nobilis was found on both skin and gills with a significant preference for skin Trichodina nigra was found on both target organs. Trichodinella epizootica damaged the gill epithelia and induced enforced mucous secretion.U ovom radu su izneti rezultati ispitivanja preference nekih trihodinida prema koži ili škrgama ribnjačkog šarana. Razlika u lokalizaciji analizirana je uz pomoć Mann-Whitney U i c2 testa. Za histološka ispitivanja škrge su fiksirane u 4% formaldehidu i dalje preparovane standardnim tehnikama. Trichodinella epizootica i T. subtilis parazitiraju isključivo na škrgama. Prisustvo vrste Trichodina acuta je statistički značajno češće na koži nego na škrgama. Trichodina nobilis je statistički značajno više zastupljena na koži nego na škrgama, dok je vrsta Trichodina nigra prisutna u sličnom procentu na oba organa. Utvrđeno je da vrsta Trichodinella epizootica oštećuje škržni epitel i uzrokuje pojačanu sekreciju mukusa

    Resonant Primordial Gravitational Waves Amplification

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    We propose a mechanism to evade the Lyth bound in models of inflation. We minimally extend the conventional single-field inflation model in general relativity (GR) to a theory with non-vanishing graviton mass in the very early universe. The modification primarily affects the tensor perturbation, while the scalar and vector perturbations are the same as the ones in GR with a single scalar field at least at the level of linear perturbation theory. During the reheating stage, the graviton mass oscillates coherently and leads to resonant amplification of the primordial tensor perturbation. After reheating the graviton mass vanishes and we recover GR.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; V2, remarks added and typos correcte