8,004 research outputs found

    Plasma turbulence at ion scales: a comparison between PIC and Eulerian hybrid-kinetic approaches

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    Kinetic-range turbulence in magnetized plasmas and, in particular, in the context of solar-wind turbulence has been extensively investigated over the past decades via numerical simulations. Among others, one of the widely adopted reduced plasma model is the so-called hybrid-kinetic model, where the ions are fully kinetic and the electrons are treated as a neutralizing (inertial or massless) fluid. Within the same model, different numerical methods and/or approaches to turbulence development have been employed. In the present work, we present a comparison between two-dimensional hybrid-kinetic simulations of plasma turbulence obtained with two complementary approaches spanning about two decades in wavenumber - from MHD inertial range to scales well below the ion gyroradius - with a state-of-the-art accuracy. One approach employs hybrid particle-in-cell (HPIC) simulations of freely-decaying Alfv\'enic turbulence, whereas the other consists of Eulerian hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell (HVM) simulations of turbulence continuously driven with partially-compressible large-scale fluctuations. Despite the completely different initialization and injection/drive at large scales, the same properties of turbulent fluctuations at kρi1k_\perp\rho_i\gtrsim1 are observed. The system indeed self-consistently "reprocesses" the turbulent fluctuations while they are cascading towards smaller and smaller scales, in a way which actually depends on the plasma beta parameter. Small-scale turbulence has been found to be mainly populated by kinetic Alfv\'en wave (KAW) fluctuations for β1\beta\geq1, whereas KAW fluctuations are only sub-dominant for low-β\beta.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Plasma Phys. (Collection: "The Vlasov equation: from space to laboratory plasma physics"

    Comparing persistence diagrams through complex vectors

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    The natural pseudo-distance of spaces endowed with filtering functions is precious for shape classification and retrieval; its optimal estimate coming from persistence diagrams is the bottleneck distance, which unfortunately suffers from combinatorial explosion. A possible algebraic representation of persistence diagrams is offered by complex polynomials; since far polynomials represent far persistence diagrams, a fast comparison of the coefficient vectors can reduce the size of the database to be classified by the bottleneck distance. This article explores experimentally three transformations from diagrams to polynomials and three distances between the complex vectors of coefficients.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Efeito da profundidade de colocação do tubo de rega gota-a-gota na uniformidade de rega e na eficiência do uso da água em tomate de indústria

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    RESUMO A influência da profundidade da colocação dos gotejadores na uniformidade de rega e na eficiência do uso da água foi avaliada, durante dois anos, num ensaio em “split-plot”, com quatro repetições, sendo o tratamento principal a profundidade de colocação do tubo de rega: à superfície do solo (P0), a 20 cm (PI) e a 40 cm (PII) e o secundário a cultivar: Brigade e H3044. Nos dois anos, o débito médio dos gotejadores foi semelhante nos diferentes tratamentos. Os coeficientes de uniformidade (CU) e de variação (CV) e a uniformidade de distribuição (UD), determinados após a colheita da cultura, não foram afectados pela profundidade de colocação do tubo, tendo variado respectivamente, entre 96,5 e 98,2%, 1,91 e 4,15% e 94,5 e 97,4%. A rega gota-a-gota subsuperficial, comparativamente com a superficial, contribuiu para o aumento da eficiência do uso da água (Produção comercial/ETa) em 14%, fundamentalmente devido a uma diminuição da ETa, na fase inicial da cultura

    Nonlinear evolution of the magnetized Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: from fluid to kinetic modeling

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    The nonlinear evolution of collisionless plasmas is typically a multi-scale process where the energy is injected at large, fluid scales and dissipated at small, kinetic scales. Accurately modelling the global evolution requires to take into account the main micro-scale physical processes of interest. This is why comparison of different plasma models is today an imperative task aiming at understanding cross-scale processes in plasmas. We report here the first comparative study of the evolution of a magnetized shear flow, through a variety of different plasma models by using magnetohydrodynamic, Hall-MHD, two-fluid, hybrid kinetic and full kinetic codes. Kinetic relaxation effects are discussed to emphasize the need for kinetic equilibriums to study the dynamics of collisionless plasmas in non trivial configurations. Discrepancies between models are studied both in the linear and in the nonlinear regime of the magnetized Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, to highlight the effects of small scale processes on the nonlinear evolution of collisionless plasmas. We illustrate how the evolution of a magnetized shear flow depends on the relative orientation of the fluid vorticity with respect to the magnetic field direction during the linear evolution when kinetic effects are taken into account. Even if we found that small scale processes differ between the different models, we show that the feedback from small, kinetic scales to large, fluid scales is negligable in the nonlinear regime. This study show that the kinetic modeling validates the use of a fluid approach at large scales, which encourages the development and use of fluid codes to study the nonlinear evolution of magnetized fluid flows, even in the colisionless regime

    Efeito do lodo de esgoto nos fluxos de gases na interface solo-atmosfera.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar o efeito da aplicação a longo prazo e continuada de lodo de esgoto da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto de Barueri, SP, no fluxo de gases na interface soloatmosfera sob condições de campo e em condições tropicais.bitstream/CNPMA/5827/1/comunicado_32.pd

    N2O emissions due to nitrogen fertilizer applications in two regions of sugarcane cultivation in Brazil.

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    Among the main greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O), N2O has the highest global warming potential. N2O emission is mainly connected to agricultural activities, increasing as nitrogen concentrations increase in the soil with nitrogen fertilizer application. We evaluated N2O emissions due to application of increasing doses of ammonium nitrate and urea in two sugarcane fields in the mid-southern region of Brazil: Piracicaba (São Paulo state) and Goianésia (Goiás state). In Piracicaba, N2O emissions exponentially increased with increasing N doses and were similar for urea and ammonium nitrate up to a dose of 107.9 kg ha-1 of N. From there on, emissions nexponentially increased for ammonium nitrate, whereas for urea they stabilized. In Goianésia, N2O emissions nwere lower, although the behavior was similar to that at the Piracicaba site. Ammonium nitrate emissions increased linearly with N dose and urea emissions were adjusted to a quadratic equation with a maximum amount of 113.9 kg N ha-1. This first effort to measure fertilizer induced emissions in Brazilian sugarcane production not only helps to elucidate the behavior of N2O emissions promoted by different N sources frequently used in Brazilian sugarcane fields but also can be useful for future Brazilian ethanol carbon footprint studies

    Draft Seagrass Bibliography Data Base

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    The following report describes in detail the elements of a literature search performed for the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), Department of Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM). The work was performed in accordance with the agreement between the District and Mote Marine Laboratory (MML), and comprises Task 3.0 (Literature Search) of the project entitled, Tampa Bay Water Quality Assessment- Determination of Environmental Requirements of Selected Populations

    Persistent topology for natural data analysis - A survey

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    Natural data offer a hard challenge to data analysis. One set of tools is being developed by several teams to face this difficult task: Persistent topology. After a brief introduction to this theory, some applications to the analysis and classification of cells, lesions, music pieces, gait, oil and gas reservoirs, cyclones, galaxies, bones, brain connections, languages, handwritten and gestured letters are shown

    Graphic-based concept retrieval

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    Two ways of expressing concepts in the context of image retrieval are presented. One, Keypics, is on the side of an image owner, who wants the image itself to be found on the Web; the second, Trittico, is on the side of the image searcher. Both are based on the paradigm of human intermediation for overcoming the semantic gap. Both require tools capable of qualitative analysis, and have been experimented by using persistent homology