10,876 research outputs found

    Analysis of the advanced Nimbus power systems

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    Solar-conversion power-supply subsystem for Nimbus B, using pulse width modulated voltage regulato

    Financial Restructuring in Transition Economies

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    How neutral is the intergalactic medium surrounding the redshift z=7.085 quasar ULAS J1120+0641?

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    The quasar ULAS J1120+0641 at redshift z=7.085 has a highly ionised near zone which is smaller than those around quasars of similar luminosity at z~6. The spectrum also exhibits evidence for a damping wing extending redward of the systemic Lya redshift. We use radiative transfer simulations in a cosmological context to investigate the implications for the ionisation state of the inhomogeneous IGM surrounding this quasar. Our simulations show that the transmission profile is consistent with an IGM in the vicinity of the quasar with a volume averaged HI fraction of f_HI>0.1 and that ULAS J1120+0641 has been bright for 10^6--10^7 yr. The observed spectrum is also consistent with smaller IGM neutral fractions, f_HI ~ 10^-3--10-4, if a damped Lya system in an otherwise highly ionised IGM lies within 5 proper Mpc of the quasar. This is, however, predicted to occur in only ~5 per cent of our simulated sight-lines for a bright phase of 10^6--10^7 yr. Unless ULAS J1120+0641 grows during a previous optically obscured phase, the low age inferred for the quasar adds to the theoretical challenge of forming a 2x10^9 M_sol black hole at this high redshift.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRAS letter

    Measurements of μ→3e\mu\to 3e Decay with Polarised Muons as a Probe of New Physics

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    Working within the Standard Model effective field theory approach, we examine the possibility to test charged lepton flavour violating (cLFV) new physics (NP) by angular measurements of the outgoing electron and positrons in the polarised μ+→e+e+e−\mu^{+}\to e^{+}e^{+}e^{-} decay. This decay is planned to be studied with a sensitivity to the branching ratio of Bμ→3e∼10−15B_{\mu\to3e}\sim 10^{-15} by the Mu3e experiment at PSI. To illustrate the potential of these measurements, we consider a set of eight effective operators generating the decay at the tree level, including dimension-five dipole operators and dimension-six scalar and vector four-fermion operators of different chiralities. We show that if the polarised μ+→e+e+e−\mu^{+}\to e^{+}e^{+}e^{-} decay is observed and is induced by a single operator, data from three angular observables - two P-odd asymmetries and one T-odd asymmetry - can allow to discriminate between all considered operators with the exception of scalar and vector operators of opposite chirality. For these two types of operators, the P-odd asymmetry is maximal in magnitude; they can be distinguished, in principle, by measuring the helicities of the outgoing positrons. The observation of a non-zero T-odd asymmetry would indicate the presence in the decay rate of a dipole and vector operator interference term that is T (CP) violating.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Phase Transitions in Quantum Dots

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    We perform Hartree-Fock calculations to show that quantum dots (i.e. two dimensional systems of up to twenty interacting electrons in an external parabolic potential) undergo a gradual transition to a spin-polarized Wigner crystal with increasing magnetic field strength. The phase diagram and ground state energies have been determined. We tried to improve the ground state of the Wigner crystal by introducing a Jastrow ansatz for the wavefunction and performing a variational Monte Carlo calculation. The existence of so called magic numbers was also investigated. Finally, we also calculated the heat capacity associated with the rotational degree of freedom of deformed many-body states.Comment: 14 pages, 7 postscript figure

    Beyond deficiency:Potential benefits of increased intakesof vitamin K for bone and vascular health

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    Vitamin K is wellknown for its role in the synthesisof a number of blood coagulationfactors.During recent years vitaminK-dependent proteins werediscovered to be of vital importancefor bone and vascular health.Recommendations for dietary vitaminK intake have been made onthe basis of the hepatic requirementsfor the synthesis of bloodcoagulation factors.Accumulatingevidence suggests that the requirementsfor other functions thanblood coagulation may be higher.This paper is the result of a closedworkshop (Paris,November 2002)in which a number of Europeanvitamin K experts reviewed theavailable data and formulated theirstandpoint with respect to recommendeddietary vitamin K intakeand the use of vitamin K-containingsupplements

    The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. IX. Colors, Lensing and Stellar Masses of Early-type Galaxies

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    We present the current photometric dataset for the Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) Survey, including HST photometry from ACS, WFPC2, and NICMOS. These data have enabled the confirmation of an additional 15 grade `A' (certain) lens systems, bringing the number of SLACS grade `A' lenses to 85; including 13 grade `B' (likely) systems, SLACS has identified nearly 100 lenses and lens candidates. Approximately 80% of the grade `A' systems have elliptical morphologies while ~10% show spiral structure; the remaining lenses have lenticular morphologies. Spectroscopic redshifts for the lens and source are available for every system, making SLACS the largest homogeneous dataset of galaxy-scale lenses to date. We have developed a novel Bayesian stellar population analysis code to determine robust stellar masses with accurate error estimates. We apply this code to deep, high-resolution HST imaging and determine stellar masses with typical statistical errors of 0.1 dex; we find that these stellar masses are unbiased compared to estimates obtained using SDSS photometry, provided that informative priors are used. The stellar masses range from 10^10.5 to 10^11.8 M⊙_\odot and the typical stellar mass fraction within the Einstein radius is 0.4, assuming a Chabrier IMF. The ensemble properties of the SLACS lens galaxies, e.g. stellar masses and projected ellipticities, appear to be indistinguishable from other SDSS galaxies with similar stellar velocity dispersions. This further supports that SLACS lenses are representative of the overall population of massive early-type galaxies with M* >~ 10^11 M⊙_\odot, and are therefore an ideal dataset to investigate the kpc-scale distribution of luminous and dark matter in galaxies out to z ~ 0.5.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables, published in Ap

    A New Einstein Cross: A Highly Magnified, Intrinsically Faint Lyman-Alpha Emitter at z=2.7

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    We report the discovery of a new Einstein cross at redshift z_S = 2.701 based on Lyman-alpha emission in a cruciform configuration around an SDSS luminous red galaxy (z_L = 0.331). The system was targeted as a possible lens based on an anomalous emission line in the SDSS spectrum. Imaging and spectroscopy from the W. M. Keck Observatory confirm the lensing nature of this system. This is one of the widest-separation galaxy-scale lenses known, with an Einstein radius of ~1.84 arcsec. We present simple gravitational lens models for the system and compute the intrinsic properties of the lensed galaxy. The total mass of the lensing galaxy within the 8.8 +/- 0.1 kpc enclosed by the lensed images is (5.2 +/- 0.1) x 10^11 M_sun. The lensed galaxy is a low mass galaxy (0.2 L*) with a high equivalent-width Lyman-alpha line (EW_Lya_rest = 46 +/- 5 Angstroms). Follow-up studies of this lens system can probe the mass structure of the lensing galaxy, and can provide a unique view of an intrinsically faint, high-redshift, star-forming galaxy at high signal-to-noise ratio.Comment: ApJ Letters, in pres

    The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. VIII. The relation between environment and internal structure of early-type galaxies

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    We study the relation between the internal structure of early-type galaxies and their environment using 70 strong gravitational lenses from the Sloan ACS Lens Survey. The Sloan database is used to determine two measures of overdensity of galaxies around each lens: the projected number density of galaxies inside the tenth nearest neighbor (\Sigma_{10}) and within a cone of radius one h^{-1} Mpc (D_1). Our main results are: 1) The average overdensity is somewhat larger than unity, consistent with lenses preferring overdense environments as expected for massive early-type galaxies (12/70 lenses are in known groups/clusters). 2) The distribution of overdensities is indistinguishable from that of "twin" non-lens galaxies selected from SDSS to have the same redshift and stellar velocity dispersion \sigma_*. Thus, within our errors, lens galaxies are an unbiased population, and the SLACS results can be generalized to the overall population of early-type galaxies. 3) Typical contributions from external mass distribution are no more than a few per cent, reaching 10-20% (~0.05-0.10 external convergence) only in the most extreme overdensities. 4) No significant correlation between overdensity and slope of the mass density profile of the lens is found. 5) Satellite galaxies (those with a more luminous companion) have marginally steeper mass density profiles than central galaxies (those without). This result suggests that tidal stripping may affect the mass structure of early-type galaxies down to kpc scales probed by strong lensing, when they fall into larger structures [ABRIDGED].Comment: ApJ, in press; minor changes with respect to v
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