237 research outputs found

    Combining single view recognition and multiple view stereo for architectural scenes

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.This paper describes a structure from motion and recognition paradigm for generating 3D models from 2D sets of images. In particular we consider the domain of architectural photographs. A model based approach is adopted with the architectural model built from a “Lego kit” of parameterised parts. The approach taken is different from traditional stereo or shape from X approaches in that identification of the parameterised components (such as windows, doors, buttresses etc) from one image is combined with parallax information in order to generate the 3D model. This model based approach has two main benefits: first, it allows the inference of shape and texture where the evidence from the images is weak; and second, it recovers not only geometry and texture but also an interpretation of the model, which can be used for automatic enhancement techniques such as the application of reflective textures to windowsDick, A.R., Torr, P.H.S., Ruffle, S.J., Cipolla, R

    Molecular Line Observations of Carbon-Chain-Producing Regions L1495B and L1521B

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    We present the first comprehensive study on physical and chemical properties of quiescent starless cores L1495B and L1521B, which are known to be rich in carbon-chain molecules like the cyanopolyyne peak of TMC-1 and L1521E. We have detected radio spectral lines of various carbon-chain molecules such as CCS, C3_{3}S, C4_{4}H, HC3_{3}N, and HC5_{5}N. On the other hand, the NH3_{3} lines are weak and the N2_{2}H+^{+} lines are not detected. According to our mapping observations of the HC3_{3}N, CCS, and C3_{3}S lines, the dense cores in L1495B and L1521B are compact with the radius of 0.063 and 0.044 pc, respectively, and have a simple elliptical structure. The distributions of CCS seem to be different from those of well-studied starless cores, L1498 and L1544, where the distribution of CCS shows a shell-like structure. Since the H13^{13}CO+^{+}, HN13^{13}C, and C34^{34}S lines are detected in L1495B and L1521B, the densities of these cores are high enough to excite the NH3_{3} and N2_{2}H+^{+} lines. Therefore, the abundances of NH3_{3} and N2_{2}H+^{+} relative to carbon-chain molecules are apparently deficient, as observed in L1521E. We found that longer carbon-chain molecules such as HC5_{5}N and C4_{4}H are more abundant in TMC-1 than L1495B and L1521B, while those of sulfur-bearing molecules such as C34^{34}S, CCS, and C3_{3}S are comparable. Both distributions and abundances of the observed molecules of L1495B and L1521B are quite similar to those of L1521E, strongly suggesting that L1495B and L1521B is in a very early stage of physical and chemical evolution.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Sequential and Spontaneous Star Formation Around the Mid-Infrared Halo HII Region KR 140

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    We use 2MASS and MSX infrared observations, along with new molecular line (CO) observations, to examine the distribution of young stellar objects (YSOs) in the molecular cloud surrounding the halo HII region KR 140 in order to determine if the ongoing star-formation activity in this region is dominated by sequential star formation within the photodissociation region (PDR) surrounding the HII region. We find that KR 140 has an extensive population of YSOs that have spontaneously formed due to processes not related to the expansion of the HII region. Much of the YSO population in the molecular cloud is concentrated along a dense filamentary molecular structure, traced by C18O, that has not been erased by the formation of the exciting O star. Some of the previously observed submillimetre clumps surrounding the HII region are shown to be sites of recent intermediate and low-mass star formation while other massive starless clumps clearly associated with the PDR may be the next sites of sequential star formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 8 pages, 10 figure

    Exact results for hydrogen recombination on dust grain surfaces

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    The recombination of hydrogen in the interstellar medium, taking place on surfaces of microscopic dust grains, is an essential process in the evolution of chemical complexity in interstellar clouds. The H_2 formation process has been studied theoretically, and in recent years also by laboratory experiments. The experimental results were analyzed using a rate equation model. The parameters of the surface, that are relevant to H_2 formation, were obtained and used in order to calculate the recombination rate under interstellar conditions. However, it turned out that due to the microscopic size of the dust grains and the low density of H atoms, the rate equations may not always apply. A master equation approach that provides a good description of the H_2 formation process was proposed. It takes into account both the discrete nature of the H atoms and the fluctuations in the number of atoms on a grain. In this paper we present a comprehensive analysis of the H_2 formation process, under steady state conditions, using an exact solution of the master equation. This solution provides an exact result for the hydrogen recombination rate and its dependence on the flux, the surface temperature and the grain size. The results are compared with those obtained from the rate equations. The relevant length scales in the problem are identified and the parameter space is divided into two domains. One domain, characterized by first order kinetics, exhibits high efficiency of H_2 formation. In the other domain, characterized by second order kinetics, the efficiency of H_2 formation is low. In each of these domains we identify the range of parameters in which, the rate equations do not account correctly for the recombination rate. and the master equation is needed.Comment: 23 pages + 8 figure

    Graph lesion-deficit mapping of fluid intelligence

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    The autonomic brain: multi-dimensional generative hierarchical modelling of the autonomic connectome

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    The autonomic nervous system governs the body's multifaceted internal adaptation to diverse changes in the external environment, a role more complex than is accessible to the methods — and data scales — hitherto used to illuminate its operation. Here we apply generative graphical modelling to large-scale multimodal neuroimaging data encompassing normal and abnormal states to derive a comprehensive hierarchical representation of the autonomic brain. We demonstrate that whereas conventional structural and functional maps identify regions jointly modulated by parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, only graphical analysis discriminates between them, revealing the cardinal roles of the autonomic system to be mediated by high-level distributed interactions. We provide a novel representation of the autonomic system — a multidimensional, generative network — that renders its richness tractable within future models of its function in health and disease

    The autonomic brain: Multi-dimensional generative hierarchical modelling of the autonomic connectome.

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    The autonomic nervous system governs the body's multifaceted internal adaptation to diverse changes in the external environment, a role more complex than is accessible to the methods-and data scales-hitherto used to illuminate its operation. Here we apply generative graphical modelling to large-scale multimodal neuroimaging data encompassing normal and abnormal states to derive a comprehensive hierarchical representation of the autonomic brain. We demonstrate that whereas conventional structural and functional maps identify regions jointly modulated by parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, only graphical analysis discriminates between them, revealing the cardinal roles of the autonomic system to be mediated by high-level distributed interactions. We provide a novel representation of the autonomic system-a multidimensional, generative network-that renders its richness tractable within future models of its function in health and disease

    Chemical Differentiation toward the Pipe Nebula Starless Cores

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    We used the new IRAM 30-m FTS backend to perform an unbiased ~15 GHz wide survey at 3 mm toward the Pipe Nebula young diffuse starless cores. We found an unexpectedly rich chemistry. We propose a new observational classification based on the 3 mm molecular line emission normalized by the core visual extinction (Av). Based on this classification, we report a clear differentiation in terms of chemical composition and of line emission properties, which served to define three molecular core groups. The "diffuse" cores, Av<~15, show poor chemistry with mainly simple species (e.g. CS and CCH). The "oxo-sulfurated" cores, Av~15--22, appear to be abundant in species like SO and SO2, but also in HCO, which seem to disappear at higher densities. Finally, the "deuterated" cores, Av>~22, show typical evolved chemistry prior to the onset of the star formation process, with nitrogenated and deuterated species, as well as carbon chain molecules. Based on these categories, one of the "diffuse" cores (Core 47) has the spectral line properties of the "oxo-sulfurated" ones, which suggests that it is a possible failed core.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 5 pages, 2 figure

    On the metallicity dependence of crystalline silicates in oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch stars and red supergiants

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    We investigate the occurrence of crystalline silicates in oxygen-rich evolved stars across a range of metallicities and mass-loss rates. It has been suggested that the crystalline silicate feature strength increases with increasing mass-loss rate, implying a correlation between lattice structure and wind density. To test this, we analyse Spitzer IRS and Infrared Space Observatory SWS spectra of 217 oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch stars and 98 red supergiants in the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and Galactic globular clusters. These encompass a range of spectral morphologies from the spectrally-rich which exhibit a wealth of crystalline and amorphous silicate features to 'naked' (dust-free) stars. We combine spectroscopic and photometric observations with the GRAMS grid of radiative transfer models to derive (dust) mass-loss rates and temperature. We then measure the strength of the crystalline silicate bands at 23, 28 and 33 microns. We detect crystalline silicates in stars with dust mass-loss rates which span over 3 dex, down to rates of ~10^-9 solar masses/year. Detections of crystalline silicates are more prevalent in higher mass-loss rate objects, though the highest mass-loss rate objects do not show the 23-micron feature, possibly due to the low temperature of the forsterite grains or it may indicate that the 23-micron band is going into absorption due to high column density. Furthermore, we detect a change in the crystalline silicate mineralogy with metallicity, with enstatite seen increasingly at low metallicity.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 24 pages, 16 figure
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